- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
I don’t have buttons anymore either.
LOL. Except for the huge jar of them that my 98 year old grandmother had in her closet when she died a couple of years ago. It was one of those huge, and I mean huge old pickle jars. Probably 4 gallons. My sister and I picked over the buttons, kept a lot, and sold some at a resale shop. Rhinestones, ivory, mother of pearl, pearl, etc. I think everybody must know somebody with a big old jar of buttons!!
But I don’t have any here either kradamour.
soccermom, glad you’re still here.
Was just reading the newspaper, and had an Adam moment when I saw that he had the number 2 single sales this week local and national with the Trespassing Remixes.
Very very nice baby.
There was a very interesting article in the newspaper today about illegal music downloading on a sharp decline. I’ll look for a link and post it later. It was very positive!
(G’nite, peeps!)
Mils, you gotta thank ladynorth for the licorice. She sent them all the way from Finland. I only divided them up and sent them out to 3 of you peeps.
Yep CWM we are wonderful here, aren’t we?

Looks like Riff has been getting fashion advice from Adam, that jacket definitely has an Elmo feel to it…..
Looks as though Riff is wearing an Adam Lambert costume. So cute! And yes cwm, we are an awesome supportive group and we understand and reach out to each other over oceans. I treasure all the sweetness and light that comes from so many quarters of the world.
I still pinch myself over the fact that I have met so many of you for one reason only: Adam!
I didn’t know what you all meant by buttons last night – have figured it out now. They are there this morning.
I sincerely hope that everyone got through the night without serious weather trouble.
No buttons here either.
Ladynorth: Thank you so much for your licorice generosity!! I think I have enough of the intense stuff to last quite a while! I think one of those eeny teeny little drops is enough for a day or two!!!
Not sure if anyones seen this, great old picture of Adam and Scarlet Cherry
p.s I have buttons..
Hi peeps! I have not lost my buttons this go-round.
Wow HK fan – thanks for posting that old pic of Adam and Scarlet! It’s great. Actually, if you look at the “photostream” gallery on the right side of that flickr page, this person has a treasure trove of old, rare pics of Adam. Like this one I hadn’t seen before:
or this one:
or this one:
This is a really cute early pic of Adam and Cheeks; Adam has long blonde hair here:
(BTW, I have buttons.
Does anyone remember this kid’s name. He was also a contestant on Idol the same season. I liked him a lot, thought he had a good voice, and was hoping he would progress to the show. He was a little too emotional, though. Seems like his name was Nathaniel (something). Anyone remember?
ETA: Oops, forgot the link. Here it is:
Okay, my OCD got the best of me. Had to track down his name–Nathaniel Marshall.
Sample of him singing I Would Do Anything For Love (Meatloaf song):
This was during the time when I first discovered Adam and was trying to tell a couple of my friends about Adam. They both had Nathaniel in mind and kept saying that Adam was crying and was so silly and emotional. I thought Nathaniel was good unless his emotions got in the way of his voice which happened at times. But, he was definitely not in Adam Lambert’s league. NONE OF THEM WERE.
Adam looks so much younger, with longer hair.
ETA: Nathaniel Marshall – Season 8 Contestants – American Idol
Mils, you’re wellcome
I had fun choosing them, the salty ones. I chose the “easiest” types, that I can tolerate (I am not a lover of salty lico). Glad to hear that you could eat them! Did you get the one with Turkish pepper filling? I don’t know how Cher shared them. Can you buy Panda black licorice in U.S.? I am getting 9 (!) Adam DVDs in return, live performances from the past
Waiting with great excitement, big thanks to Cher.
Little Riff in elmo jacket was so cute
Johnny Labs just released a new remix of IIHY. Johnny Labs also did that great remix of Pop That Lock that’s on the remix EP.
And on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ltYrdvFzYI&t=5s
Lady North, thank you! My mother is a huge fan of licorice, and she has had many health problems lately and is looking at another surgery next week…the licorice was such a nice and cheery surprise for her! Especially with the fear and concern about the storm that was forthcoming, I loved being able to give her this distraction.
Many, many thanks for your thoughtfulness and generosity!
Ooooh, I loved the “new” old photos, have seen some but not all. It is amazing how many little gems are still out there to be discovered! Thank you, HKFan for posting!


Martina @stitch_84
Glampire chibi http://tmblr.co/Zwx0jvWGm-Ya
I have no buttons on Firefox but I have them on Internet Explorer. The last time this happened I installed the latest Adobe flash player and got them back, but I can’t believe I’d have to do that again. I’m blaming Sandy.
btw, here in Central NY after all the hype we got NOTHING! Hardly any wind, some rain but I’m sure we’ll get payback in snowfall.
Thanks Ladynorth, but no pepper filled licorice here. We do have Panda in some stores here, but, not the kind you sent. The Australian licorice is more common. It is very sweet and very soft.
We got our herr whipped here real good! Very strong winds and high high waves on Lake Michigan. And it got brrr cold here too.
Dammit. Summer’s over. I hate that.
Well, after listening to the show from last night, and the funky into to TSP, I am wondering what they have in store for the next show? He did say that they are trying out some new songs. I’m hoping like crazy for Runnin’.
One more. We’ve talked about Glee a lot. As much as I would love to see Adam on Glee. I’m thinking it’s because I just want to see him on “something” good. But, I think he’d be better on Smash. He could reunite with Megan Hilty, and I think he’d be incredible on that show. Does anybody else agree?
I agree with Smash, mils! More of a “real” show if you know what I mean.
Adam is tooting his own horn. yay! He just tweeted this:
Adam Lambert @adamlambert
Nominate your favorites for People’s Choice Awards 2013! http://www.peopleschoice.com/pca/nominations
Have to cut & paste of course.
A Friendly Reminder
Thanks, twilightmagic8!
Got my buttons back. I did cave and installed Adobe Flash Player, then rebooted the computer!
Here’s “Trespassing” from the Monster Mash Bash 2012 at Six Flags Fiesta Texas (had not seen it posted yet).
A few versions…
Thanks for the welcome Kradamour and Mils. Two of my favorite posters to read. Kradamour for her lawyerly and French sophistication and Mils for her wonderful humor and midwestern flavor, since I am in Duluth, MN (originally St. Paul, MN also known as the Twin Cities or the “Cities” if you live in Duluth). I also love that this site has international posters, like HKfan and rs and Lady North! And then all our Canadian friends. Very interesting to get the different perspectives.
If we are doing a survey about the buttons, I checked and I have them in IE, Firefox, and Google Chrome, but I also have my flash player set to automatically update. So that might be the issue. (Of course I don’t know how to use any of the buttons yet.)Since I mentioned that a state soccer tournament kept me away for a few days from my daily lurking habit (actually multiple refreshes),I will update that my son’s team (he is the goalkeeper)won the third place trophy today. An exciting close to his senior year of high school! Now I can go back to my daily lurking!
BTW,my kids have long told me that Google Chrome is the best browser, so I tried it and indeed it is much faster – regardless of your internet provider.
Soccermom, did you know that I lived in Minneapolis a while back? Lived right between Lake Calhoun and Lake of the Isles, just off Lake and Hennepin. I worked in Golden Valley. I have said it many times, if my family weren’t here, I would still be in the Twin Cities somewhere. The quality of life is just wonderful there. And so much art. Art music theater festivals, just a joy of a place.
I’ll talk to my hubby about Chrome. He’s much more technical than I am.
How is everybody out east?
Awwww. Adam and XTina are tweeting each other! He must get a thrill over that! He’s such a fan.
Last comment before I go out to bag up more leaves – I agree that the show I would like to see Adam on is Smash. Smash seems more like a film than a TV show. But the demographic of that show might not be young enough for Adam to get what he needs. Whereas Glee may have a younger demo. But since Smash started shooting in July for a mid season return, they were still shooting in the infamous month of September when Adam referred to a new job….
Hi, welcome soccermom…I’m a ‘soccermum’ too well football really
……and rugby. Congratulations to your son.
I’ve heard that google chrome is much better, I’m just a bit of a dinosaur when it comes to technical things and like to stick to what I know, i.e Internet Explorer.
soccermom, I like your theory. And the Megan Hilty connection is major….
I did not know that Mils! My son (a different son than the soccer player)is a lawyer in Golden Valley. As Kradamour knows, lawyers in the family can come in handy. We have enjoyed Duluth, MN for the past 10 years, but I too miss the lifestyle in the “Cities”. Soon the hubby will reduce his hours to 60% (which as Mils knows, is possible as a healthcare provider) and we will be able to spend more time there again. All of our family is there except the soccer player son and next year he is off to college.
Soccermom, living Uptown was such a great place. We used to walk the lakes every single day in all seasons. We also walked over to Lake Harriet a lot. I even, one time, walked the MS walk from the Lake Harriet Bandshell all the way up Minnehaha Blvd across the river to Summitt Avenue up to the capitol. And back. It was a 15 mile walk. One of our favorite places was the Minnehaha Falls and the Lock and Dam. Hennepin Avenue was so much fun, so much to do. We also used to walk all the way up to The Walker and visit the spoon and cherry! Not to mention 4th of July on the bridge for fireworks!
Another fave was taking a day trip to Stillwater for the antique shops and to have a picnic at the River and watch the big steam boats and other boats go by, and see them raise and lower the bridge.
I love Adam and have been to many concerts,but I was very disappointed at Texas Tango. Most of my friends love Adam and will always go with me to a concert, or I will go alone. I have one friend who has never seen him live, and I knew if I could just get her to see him live she would like him too.
We flew there from California. I knew it wouldn’t be whole set because there other performers. Gavin McGraw was really good and he had a good amount of time on stage.
There was an intermission between each performer while they set up for the next act.
These are the things that were so disappointing. Not blaming, there could have been extenuating circumstances, just explaining.His equipment was set up. It took forever for Adam to come on stage. Way longer than anyone else.He probably could have done a few more songs if he had come out like the other performers did. It seemed like there was a lot of technical difficulties. I brought my friend to see this beautiful man perform and he was in his Halloween costume. His beautiful eyes were now yellow,his beautiful smile had fangs,his sexiness was hidden by the costume and his beautiful hair was now hidden under a wig and hat.I know it is close to Halloween, but I really wanted my friend to see the real Adam, and actually so did I. When he finished what felt like a very short performance, they all rushed of stage. I think the audience was surprised he was finished because they were clapping and yelling for more. My friend heard people saying what was that? This performance had a different feel to it, more than any other concert I have been to.
I guess if it were just I that went, it would be somewhat okay because I have seen him many times and will again, but it was not a concert to sway my friend.
I wrote this to see if anyone else that was there felt like this.
Remember I love Adam, I was just disappointed that my friend didn’t get to see the Adam we all usually see at concerts.
I did love the Glamnation costumes but not this one for performing.
Hello Soccermom! Welcome. You’re amazing. Bagging leaves and typing at the same time!
My buttons are back. Winds are normal here. Awfully wet though. Feel sorry for the kids who are all excited about Halloween tomorrow because the forecast is rain. They’ll probably still go out but it won’t be as much fun for them. I feel sorry for this kid because I’m most likely not going out this year.
After seeing Adam’s acting debut on PLL, I’m not all that sure that he’s ready for prime time just yet. It’s nothing that 2 years of study at the Actor’s Studio in NYC can’t fix.
I give him a 100% pass though. Film is not his medium, it was his first time, and I’m sure he learned a great deal from the experience. But, I think I could have played Adam Lambert better than he played himself.
I just read yesterday that the green light has been given for the movie version of “Wicked”. The original director left the project but a new one has been hired. I’m not familiar with his name. None of the roles have been cast yet.
Hi Ron. I wouldn’t hold out hope that any real singers will be cast in Wicked. Look how they have butchered almost all new musicals with non-singing actors. Except Chicago, which was utterly brilliant.
Now, if Robb Marshall is directing, maybe, just maybe he’ll cast real singers.
HK fan, a while ago you mentioned that you had not yet reached 1000 posts. Well, you can’t say that anymore!
Here’s to your first 1000 (and many more)!
Hi mils!
I know what you mean about casting non-singers. I think the most glaring example of that was Gerard Butler as the Phantom in “Phantom of The Opera”. He can’t sing at all!! All he did was bellow.
Love Johnny Depp but … “Sweeney Todd?” Love Helena Bonham Carter but she was even worse. She talked the songs.
They cast the stage shows with people who have glorious Broadway voices but don’t seem to think that that’s necessary for movies.
I’ve yet to hear Tom Cruise in “Rock Of Ages” but I’m willing to wait.
I am hopeful though for “Les Miserables” with Hugh Jackman and Anne Hathaway. They can SING!
Congratulations HK fan!!!
Always enjoyed your posts.
I love the Christmas chibi by the same artist (stitch84):
He is a Tommy stan, and has a very interesting site:
(oops, the original chibi pic was on the other thread, it was a glampire chibi)
A party for Tommy’s 31st:
glitterpatti, I was not there, but watched all the video’s. I felt it too, but was trying to make sense if it.
How sad for you, with all your love for Adam.
Of all times, for this to happen, when the one friend finally got to attend a performance with you.
There were extenuating circumstances, and some that could not have been prevented.
We don’t know all of it, but I felt the energy shift.
I too love Halloween, but to not recognize Adam, is a travesty at a concert.
Those eyes of his have to be seen. The magic behind them & their hypnotic power, is an absolute must!
No eye coverings should be in place, while performing.
I think for a Halloween Party, no problem, but not for a crowd performance. A costume yes, but don’t touch the eyes. The wig was all wrong, especially with the the eye coverings.
The wig was fun, but could have been ditched, as long as the Adam’s own eyes were in power play.
Maybe you could have your friend, watch some of the Queen concert’s. Or e-mail her a succession of different concert performances?
I feel your pain, and validate your feelings here.
HOLY S**T – Gorgeous!!!
Adam Lambert having technical sound difficulties at Texas Tango:
FYI: I moved this over to the Texas Tango thread.
Hi glitterpatti! I don’t know if you’ve read through the Texas Tango thread, but just wanted you to know that several of us from the blog were there. I agree with much of what you said, although I loved the costume, lol. Maybe we should talk about the concert over there …
riskylady, you know what…I like this. Spooky powerful.
The lighting seemed all wrong during the concert. Well, as far as the video’s go.
This is the best close up, that I have seen.
The stars were aligned, for this fabulous photo!!!
FYI: I moved this over to the Texas Tango thread.