- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
My sister and her family are marooned in Madrid. Guess they’ll be there for awhile as things look now.
Everyone going to the Dallas concert, please have a blast for the rest of us deprived ones.
Also those facing Hurricane Sandy, stay safe and be prepared. So used to being prepared down here. I have a Glambert friend named Sandy in NY that is bummed that the hurricane has her name.
Her consolation is the NY Cyndi Lauper and friends concert.
There are worse places to be marooned ulti! I hope they return home safely, soon.
I always thought there was padding on Adam’s tush at the Mardi Gras performance. It doesn’t move right to be all him.
Yes, nkd – there was talk of that, but then I saw that pic of him in a black bathing suit with his boyfriend – he had a big hat on – and it was not unimpressive in that shot.
Great new interview posted in DNA magazine – an Australian magazine targeted at gay men. Lots of good little tidbits in here.
Also that very cool Adam / Queen mashup of Trespassing / Another One Bites The Dust has been reposted on youtube. Yay! Hopefully this time they won’t take it down. But they might, unless he renames it something more obscure.
i never liked that codpiece he was wearing at the sydney Mardi Gras, although the rest of the outfit was perfect for the venue…hadn’t realised it was the Queen jacket he was wearing.
But love that photo under the (Japan) sydney one aely posted, so beautiful.
I just got back from a weekend on the beautiful Oregon coast with my three longtime best girlfriends. It was rainy and wet the whole weekend, so we just hunkered down indoors and drank wine and talked and drank some more wine and laughed. And talked some more. And in the process I “came out” to them as the obsessed Adam stan that I am. They previously had had no idea about it because I had pretty effectively hidden the extent of my Adam obsession from them. They’re all very smart, accomplished, professional women, and I had been afraid they would think that I had gone crazy and would think less of me. Well, to my pleasant surprise, they were genuinely delighted for me that I had found something I felt so passionate about and that obviously made me so happy. So yay! Feels good to have come clean with them and for them to respond so supportively. Phew! LOL And they loved my Phoenix airport story.
AND… I told them about meeting and hanging out with all of you wonderful people at Adam’s shows and how much fun we have together and how we instantly understand each other’s obsession, and I think they were a teeny bit jealous!
Sending best wishes to all of you on the East Coast – that you stay safe and avoid damage from the storm.
And to those of you going to the show in Dallas – HAVE A BLAST!!! We’ll be here thinking of ya!
Can’t wait to see what Adam wears and what kind of mood he might be in!
That was brave cwm…sounds like an AA meeting, hello, my name is cwm and I am an Adam Addict!!! Do your friends like him at all?? At least they took it well, my friends just roll their eyes and snigger..thank goodness for this place
I presume an ad in an Indonesian newspaper
Anonymous Adam Addicts
You can call this site an internet version of that
Is the core nature of the illness that a) you are addicted to Adam b) you are addicted to any artist like a teenager at the mature age of 29…? At first my friends laughed at my Adam addiction, after seeing him perform they changed their views about him. But they don’t share this deep interest in music (or any artist), so I can’t share my hobby with anyone. My guy is deeply interested in music, but he thinks sometimes I spend too much time in the internet…
Thanks for that interview cwm! Correct me if I am wrong, but I think Adam was in New York when he heard about his #1, not in UK? Do I know his schedule better than he knows himself
? But the interview was great!
Those pics from early 2010 were new to me! That outfit in Australia – pretty tight and hot pants, oh. I recognized Queenbert jacket too.
ulti = Congratulations on being the author of October’s 2,000th post! Not sure if you get a toaster or not!
Thanks for that interview cwm. I loved it. Adam seems to be at his most open and relaxed in the interviews for the gay publications. I especially loved this sentence
So much for everyone who is saying that the album has tanked because of poor radio play. and charting. He is obviously making good money off of it.
And I have had similar experiences when I have finally gotten up the nerve to tell friends or family about Adam. I usually preface it with “promise that you won’t laugh at me”. While most people have never heard of him, but agree that he has a good voice if I play his music for them (that is the extent of their interest), they all think it is great that I have found such a wonderful group of new friends from all over the world who share a passion with me. And of course when I tell them about meeting in London twice to go concerts (and travel), meeting those of you who have come here, going to concerts and visiting you in the US, as well as future plans to hook up in Toronto, etc, well, they may be a bit jealous. I have to admit that I am very selective about who I tell, though.
Okay, everybody be safe today, whether you are travelling to the Texas Show or hunkering down on the north eastern seaboard.
Congrats on “coming out” to your friends, cwm. I am also “out”. It’s nice to be yourself, as Adam would say, and much easier, too.
Thanks for that interview, too. Adam is so sweet about Sauli and so frank and honest about everything else.
Have a great day everyone!
Finally back after two days off the internet.
I hear I need to buy some albums to finance Sauli’s sauna project. Seems like a worthy cause.
All of you going to the concert: Safe travels and enjoy!
Safe travels to all going to the concert. Looks like you will get a hot Glampire. Maybe he will dress up, just without the teeth.
just saw this on twitter, hopefully it will translate to some sales.
Atlantic City flooding
Wow, it looks like the storm is strengthening. Everyone in affected areas, my thoughts are with you. I hope you are stocked with supplies. From experience where most stores and restaurants are closed before and after the storm perhaps for days, it’s important to have things on hand.
I have to say with all of the tropical storms and hurricanes we have been through, we have never ever had it followed by snow. Stay safe, dry and warm.
Adam was definitely in NYC when the news of it charting #1 came in, as some of us saw him later that week in Wilkes Barre. Poor guy has been criss-crossing the globe so much, he forgets!
Bought a ticket to the Texas Tango “just in case.” Doesn’t look like I’m going
to make it so anyone is welcome to sit in my seat – Sec 101, Row P, Seat 13.
Have a good time all! ! ! ! ! !
Hey, guys, just a quickie update..
Cuckoo and Trespassing songs still in the iTunes Pop Top 200,
at #83 and #142 respectively. (Wouldn’t this be a good time for RCA to send Cuckoo to radio? Swift releases a single every week.)
Trespassing album moved up from #79 to #76 since yesterday in iTunes Pop Top 200. Gotta love those kids – they BUY stuff.
Also, mils, I remember you were searching for that V8 taste. Well, here’s one I threw together this a.m. and hubby and I both loved it: Two medium ripe tomatoes, two medium carrots, 4 6″ celery stalks, 2 jalapenos, 2 large red bell peppers, about 10 broccoli flowers (only 1 jalapeno if you don’t like spicy). Deee-licious! I juice for two, so can be cut in half. No cucumber – takes over the taste too much. Not exactly V8, but good anyway.
Hellloooooo! (lots of echos) Must have been the jalapenos Mary.
LOL, jlurks!
Wow, everybody has either gone to the corner to weather the storm (transparent excuse, people!) or gone to vote early!
Anyway, NEW UNF! foto of Sauli:
AND new Hollywood blog (use Google Translate).
Why thank you, my dear, sweet Adam.
We are still hanging in over here (Northern Virginia) with power, but not sure how much longer that will last. It seems the storm is speeding up, so we are expecting the worst part of it perhaps beginning early this evening. I’m hoping to be here for Texas Tango!!

Safety and well wishes go out to the rest of you ALL east coasters!!
Here’s the google translate of Sauli’s blog. Looks like more Halloween events for them.
Power better stay on at 8:25pm EDT!
My fingers are crossed as well, luval!
By the way, I’m reposting the schedule from last night. I’m thinking this is Texas time and that Adam will be on at 9:25pm EDT.
Texas Tango Info…
6-6:20 pm Forever the Sickest Kids
6:40-7:10 pm Phillip Phillips
7:30-8 pm Gavin DeGraw
8:25-9:05 pm Adam Lambert
9:30-10:30 pm Alanis Morissette
Livestream from AdamLambertLust: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/adamlambertlust
Thanks, dcglam. Forgot about the 1 hr time difference.
Some fans getting ready for tonight.
I’ll have a thread for the concert. We have a twitter list and live stream. Yay! Crossing our collective fingers that the East Coast will still have power to join in at that time.
To do in D/FW today
Love those Glampire photos, AL!
Adam will be in his glory tonight. Our Texas ALL friends are in for a real treat!
The storm has been getting progressively worse here in Maryland over the last 3 hours, with heavier rains and much stronger winds. Virtually everything is closed now, so most people are safe in their homes. Amazingly, I still have electricity. I’m not sure how long that will last, but probably not too much longer given the track record around here. I was also joining the group seeing Kris Allen in Annapolis tonight. I’m sad that it was cancelled, but they really had no choice with this storm. I’ll be away on January 14th, the make up date, so I’ll miss it altogether. At least it isn’t an Adam concert I’m missing, or I’d really be unhappy.
All of you in Texas, have a wonderful night at the Texas Tango. I can’t wait to see the videos, not to mention Adam’s attire. I sure hope he doesn’t try to sing with those fangs in!
Everyone going to Texas Tango have fun! Dinner would be 3.30 am for me, I am not glampire enough to stay up for that
But it’s great to see all the funny (scary) glampirebert pics!
Wishing for survival for those who are on Sandy’s way. Just read some news with photos from NY, really scary! But some peeps were SURFING…
Hi my fellow east coasters! Power still on here as well (knock on wood) and I am hoping that we will keep it all night long and certainly at least through “dinner”. The only benefit I see from missing our mini get together tonight will be if we get to see the live stream.
Early this afternoon a tree fell and crushed a house on my street. Luckily no one was hurt but how awful for the family. I didn’t know it happened until I started getting text messages from friends asking if it was my house.
I’m more worried about my sister and her family on the Jersey shore and my son in Philly. Trying not to be too much of a mother hen and am only checking in sporadically.
Ok everyone, please stay safe and you peeps going to TT, have a great time!
Adamized and other of the East Coast fans and even the not fans!
I hope you and your families are all save and warm. It seems that this storm is going to live up to it’s expectations and hype. I am hoping that your power holds, for a lot of reasons, but also because “dinner” would be a great diversion this evening. Keeping you all in our thoughts from here on the West Coast.
The doors have opened on the haunted happenings at the Texas “Fango”. So all you Glamwitches and warlocks get on your broomsticks and fly on over to the new thread – if you dare! bwahhahhh!!!
My sister and family were supposed to leave Spain today, but couldn’t get a flight until 11/3. Her son is a very experienced traveler so that’s made it somewhat easier.
Electricity still on here (cross my fingers) in southern Maryland (close to D.C.). Water in basement – keep slopping it up – hope that’s the worst of it.
Have fun at the Texas Tango, you-all – hope I’m still on the grid tonight to catch it all.
Wow. Everybody stay safe!!
Adam had a twitter party before the show. Tonight should be wild with costumes and fun.
Stay safe everyone, it sounds really bad. We get quite a few typhoons here, which are bad enough, but they rarely get to official hurricane level.
Enjoy the concert all those that are going.
Adam has just started following Ryan Murphy on twitter…..wonder if that means anything?
HK, I am hoping for an Adam song being covered on Glee. An actual guest appearance would be beyond my ability to cope!
A song cover would be great…..I’ve never actually seen him as a good fit for Glee, (not that I watch it that much), just don’t know how they would fit him in.
Cher, I got a special delivery today. I didn’t know that Panda was Finnish licorice. I’ve had some of it before, but not the kind you sent!
I’m going to try the salty kind and let you know if I survive.
ETA: So far….the verdict is : Delicious! The teensy little drops, very good. The larger pieces covered in a dusting of sweet/salty, very good. The little discs, very intense black licorice. Love it!!
Wow. But, you do really need to be a lover of black licorice. And I am. But, those little tastes are enough for a day. I could never say that about chocolate though!
Thanks Cher!!
Gawd, I love this fandom. Such generous people!
Who is Ryan Murphy?

Krads, the creator of Glee, writer, producer as well. He also does/did Nip/Tuck and American Horror Story.
Kradamour, Ryan Murphy is the creator of Glee and other shows.
I want to add my best wishes for all our east coast peeps. I hope you all will be alright with no major damage done.
haha, mils…you are quick! Am over in the Texas Tango thread. Lamberlust has been testing the livestream. I think…I think I spy SPG in front row. LOL!!!
Longtime lurker here catching up on the last few days (son’s high school varsity team was in the State tournament). I just want to say how relieved I am that there was a discussion about trying to keep political candidates out of this blog. A few days ago I almost registered to comment for the first time because of the way the comments were going and it was starting to be a place I didn’t want to come – partly because I don’t want to blog comment about those subjects, but also because I do not think some of my opinions would be received well. Not coming to this blog anymore though would make me sad, since I not only enjoy keeping up with Adam, but also some of the personalities of frequent posters to this blog. You all are very entertaining…except when political candidate stuff is introduced.
So glad you came back, Soccermom!
Welcome to the sandbox, which as you know is generally a very happy place! There was a full moon, and vampires (not glampires) were roaming, I think, which must have had an effect.
At the moment, I think you will find us on the Texas Tango page:
Come play!

I miss my buttons!

On a refresh, it said that the page was unavailable…and then when the site came back, my buttons were gone!
I am bereft!