As October begins, Adam has just announced the official radio add date (October 8) for Trespassing, which is the title track and the third U.S. single from his album of the same name. A Trespassing EP with a radio edit and album remixes will also be available on October 16. After limited success for the first two singles from Trespassing, Adam likely needs this third single to be a hit in order to continue onward with the Trespassing era, at least here in the United States.

After an October 13th concert date in Australia, Adam will return to the U.S. for a pair of dates during the second half of the month, on October 17th at the Arizona State Fair in Phoenix, and on October 29th at the Texas Tango radio concert in Grand Prarie. Above we see a beautiful photo from @Alikat1323, taken at Adam’s September 25th benefit concert in support of marriage equality. Enjoy the chat!


2,239 Responses to October 2012 Chat

  1. Ceddies says:

    Think we’re the only ones awake??? Frown

    Nah, Ceddie (my cat) just woke me up for her snack, and it is only 4:13 a.m. here. I was so sleepy when I went to bed that I forgot to leave something out for her. The lights on my computer beckoned as I passed thru the kitchen. Came straight to ALL to “catch up” from earlier last evening. Can’t resist you guys. Resistance is futile, and all of that….

    ETA: Came straight to ALL (after handing out the snack to Ceddie of course).

  2. LadyNorth says:

    Hi Cher!

    Awake here (of course), just read your post… Is that a tv program or what, that weird food stuff of Finland? I have to say I am boring, I have never tasted any of those foods you wrote Grin But how about this? It’s the specialty of my home town, not even many Finns have dared to taste it. Sauli actually tasted it for the first time on the tutka road show last summer, I saw a video of that. It’s a blood sausage but it is damn good! But looks awful Wink You’re welcome to a culinary visit any time.

  3. Ceddies says:

    Oh, all this talk about Russell Brand made me think of the movie Rock of Ages. He was pretty-much one of the main characters in the movie. If I remember correctly, he and Alec Baldwin were co-owners/partners of some kind of the club where Tom Cruise (as the RockStar) and other famous rockers performed. I have never had much appreciation for Russell’s comedy, but I thought he did a decent job in Rock of Ages. His character and that of Baldwin were just a little “off center” anyway (in the movie). Well, maybe in real life too, who knows. IDK

    adamized, I hope you feel better soon!!!!

  4. cher says:

    I was reading Adam’s Voice of China thread over at MJs and someone asked who actually won the show and a poster answered
    CGWG Of course many of the Adam’s fans like me were obviously laughing and the poster got many likes. Then another poster asked “What’s CGWG?” which made me laugh again. Anyway the person who had answered that a CGWG won then posted the winner’s link below and GUESS WHAT??? Lo and behold!! A CGWG!!! No kidding. Still smiling….. Grin ROTFL Laugh

  5. cher says:

    Hi LadyNorth and Ceddies!

    LadyNorth, the program is called Bizarre Foods on the Travel Channel and stars Andrew Zimmern. He’s crazy, travels the world eating the weirdest foods possible. There’s nothing that he won’t try! Seems to like most of them too. I’ll try many things but I do draw the line somewhere. Here are the vids.
    Bizarre Foods Finland parts 1, 2 and 3. I would eat the sausage but I don’t remember if it was featured. I remember the blood pudding. Oh Mils they also featured real black licorice in one of the vids. And I mean real!!

  6. HK fan says:

    OT, did you hear of the boat accident in HK last night, 36 dead so far. its so shocking when these things happen so close to home.

  7. glambotgram says:

    Cher, CGWG LOL. I thought that exact same thing when I was watching Sunday, I was going to post it but I didn’t know what to call him. What was with all the people coming down with signs? It was hard to decipher. After watching some of the Japanese and Chinese programs, they sure do like tons of people on stage at the same time LOL

  8. dcglam says:

    A bullying story with a happy ending that is making the news…

    Off to work…. Have a good day, everyone! Big Smile

  9. TLKC says:

    I love that video of Nile talking abut working with Adam and Sam Sparro. A great collaboration and it sounds as though they will continue to be tight.

    If you listen past the Adam point you will hear them talk about the next step in music and one of them says that everything is cyclical and the next thing is rock. Interesting possibilities there for Adam.

    I just read that the lead singer of the Killers has been taking singing lessons. He specifically said that he is not interested in being operatic, per se, but he wants to be able to hit those notes and he talks about Bowie etc. A lot of singers are talking about 80’s and 90’s rock lately.

    It is a trending interest at the very least.

  10. Pax Romana says:

    Thanks Kradamour, Turquoisewaters, Nkd, Cher and AL for the welcome!
    Kradamour ~ the flowers in my avi are yellow ranunculus and taken when I visited The Flower Fields in Carlsbad, CA in 2011.
    Cher and Nkd ~ Adam Lambert and the AI8 held their concert on Aug 7 2009 in my neck of the woods. Stop by and I will show you around.
    Turquoisewaters ~ my username is misleading as to location…and not my intention. In college (abroad), I belonged to a student org called Pax Romana with focus on building a peaceful world. This vision is still appropriate in today’s events.

  11. TLKC says:

    FYI, re: the number of pre-drop adds. Adam tweeted us to start requesting BTIKM quite a long time before it went to adds. This time around, he timed his request to a week before the drop.

    Better timing imho. Requesting 6 weeks before it drops may get a radio station’s attention but, when they experience no appreciable increase in requests when they start playing it, they think it’s flatlining.

    We would be better off not requesting if we aren’t going to behave like real listeners. Also, better to request in your own region and pay a little attention to the radio station by listening in a bit and following the DJ’s on Twitter etc.

    Most of the requesting is ignored because it is so obviously fan-based; not actual radio-listeners.

    I am buying Trespassing in iTunes the day after PLL. That will be seen as a reaction to seeing it on the show. Sneaky but …..

  12. rs says:

    HK Fan, I just read about the Ferry accident. How terrible! And don’t these things always happen on holidays when people are out and just want to celebrate? I saw that they are investigating and have arrested crew members of the two ferries. I hope that they find out who is responsible

  13. TLKC says:

    HK Fan, I am so sorry to hear. This is major tragedy. I hope they figure out what went wrong and fix it.

    ETA: I just went to my local newspaper to check out this story and it sounds as though there was nothing wrong with the ferry or the boat. The operators were reckless. It must have been a nightmare to be a passenger on either boat.

  14. HK fan says:

    rumours are that the ferry was going too fast and hit the hire party boat. The ferry didn’t sink, but the private boat did. So I think all the casualties must be from that one.

    What I don’t understand is the reports of hypothermia….the air temperature is still around 30c here, and the water temp is still very swimable, nowhere near freezing. How do you get hypothermia in those temperatures?

    Around HK harbour the waterways are so busy, I suppose we’re lucky that accidents, especially ones like this extremely rare.

    Do we knoe yet whether Adam has landed back in LA or somewhere else, maybe he’s met up with Sauli for a few days somewhere.

  15. HK fan says:

    Bless Finland, they do love them some Adam

    #Trespassing on #RadioVoice in Finland already 2nd time today! And in #RadioNova earlier!!! FINLAND LOVES TRESPASSING AND @adamlambert !!!!

  16. LadyNorth says:

    Hi Hk fan!

    Yes it always feels so personal when something happens near. I remember in the 90’s a terrible ferry accident here. A ferry/boat was traveling from Sweden to Estonia, 1000 passengers, and it sunk in a storm. Over 850 died. It was so awful.

    No news about Adam’s destination… Bali would be great, around that time zone Smile? But I think Sauli is very busy here, they have some work-related visits to certain shows with Katri. My guesses are LA or Finland (or London for Queenbert planning) for Adam. Good to hear Trespassing is on the radio here Smile But so was NCOE too. He doesn’t have to do promo here but I hope for a concert…

    Cher thanks for the food vids, I watched them with interest. I have to appreciate the guy, he has found some real rarities (very expensive ones I guess). I love fish (except the long thin one he ate with the head), especially smoked ones. And I have eaten reindeer and moose (very good). Do you want me to send you real salty liquorice for tasting?

  17. jlurksacto says:

    You now are a member of the 1000 Post Club

    Almost missed this AL – thanks. My verbosity is only exceeded by my
    BS. DVDs to 110 addresses and only two returns – D Bowie and forgotten
    condo number.

  18. JOJOSIE says:

    Cher Thanks for posting those videos. I don’t think I’ve ever watched that show. Sauli has said he missed the salty licorice and says it’s hard or impossible to find here. I love licorice and anise but maybe it would be too intense. I’d like to try it anyway. Maybe I should tweet Sauli and tell him to bring some back for me(j/k) There must be a way to order some.

  19. JOJOSIE says:

    I just googled salty licorice and lots of places came up. Didn’t see any that specifically said Finish but lots of Dutch,German and Swedish. I think I may have to order some soon. Big Smile

  20. mieps says:

    Yumm, I don’t know about Finnish, but I loooove the Dutch licorice. Well, I should, since I’m from there Wink
    A quick google search showed me the Finnish is called salmiak as well, so I’m pretty sure it’ll be close in taste.
    I get mine at Dutch stores, which I’m unfortunately not close to. I would imagine ‘generic’ European stores may have licorice, and there may be stores online that ship orders out.

    I haven’t met many people that were not Dutch who like it. I’d be curious to know what you guys think.

    The Dutch licorice varies greatly in taste, from sweet to triple salt, soft to hard, so even if you don’t like a particular one, you may like another. Next time I’m meeting up with people from here I’ll bring a variety for tasting!

    Let me know if you’d like to receive a sampling. I could send you a couple of different ones. I should be able to get some at the end of October.

  21. nkd says:

    Adam calls in to Ryan Seacrest show regarding this story

    Whitney story comes at about 9:00, Adam call about 13:30

    Ryan actually plays a clip of Trespassing! On the air!

  22. LadyNorth says:

    Big licorice conversation Grin

    We have both licorice and salty licorice, they are different thing but there are also mixtures. The first one is made of the root of the licorice plant. Salty licorice (salmiac) gets it salty taste from ammonium chloride. I guess it’s the same stuff in Netherlands, because we also have many different kinds of mixtures with different kinds of textures and sweetnesses… I like licorice but not very much the salty one.

  23. LadyNorth says:

    nkd, I was just listening to that phone call. I wonder from where Adam was calling… The girl was talking to him just like that, she was not at all “Oh my god that’s Adam” (she didn’t recognize him at first).

    I am going to watch U.S. X-factor now. It’s more drama and entertainment than music but well, maybe I can have a look Smile 13-year old girl last time was amazing.

  24. nkd says:

    KTU New York tweeted Adam’s appearance on The Voice China

    103.5 KTU ‏@1035KTU
    Hey #Glamberts! WATCH: @adamlambert Make a Surprise Cameo on The Voice in China! … RT RT

  25. nkd says:

    I hope Adam is in LA or where ever working on his video for Trespassing and films it before he takes off again for New Zealand and Australia.
    A 70’s vibe perhaps? Bright colors, bell bottoms?
    Flower child hippie or prince of disco?

  26. cher says:

    Do you want me to send you real salty liquorice for tasting?

    LadyNorth I’m not a real fan of liquorice, but I’ll try it if you send it. My close friend loves it. If you do send some, please send some extra pieces and I’ll share with Jojosie and mils by mail. If it’s not too expensive for you. jlurksacto, u want some? mieps you can send some to Mils and jojosie too. They are true liquorice aficionados. I found some cherry beer here but doesn’t taste as good as the one in Amsterdam. Not that I’m an expert at all. Just took a big sip and gave the rest away. ROTFL

    hkfan Hadn’t heard about the boat accident today. Am going to read about it online now. Soooo sad. Cry

  27. cher says:

    glambotgram That CGWG was too funny. Did u see some of our peeps laughing about it in posts afterwards? They had thought the poster was kidding. Laugh

  28. cher says:

    Cher and Nkd ~ Adam Lambert and the AI8 held their concert on Aug 7 2009 in my neck of the woods. Stop by and I will show you around.

    Pax Romana Found your neck of the woods! Several of our posters here went to that concert too. I may pop up to that state for a quick weekend later this year to visit cgesq who’s been having some treatment but is doing well under the circumstances right now. Positivity and Glambertism are great for the inner soul. Heh Keep posting! Am being a postho today. Snicker

  29. Oksana2000 says:

    Totally OT, but I just spent 5 minutes on MJs reading entertainment news and came to sad conclusion that there is no song that P2 will not murder (covered “Crazy”) and there is no escape from Khardashians (will be co-hosting XFactor).
    Other than that nihil novi sub sole.
    BTW in my homecountry we have something called “blood sausage” and it’s really good. It is best when fried with onions and then eaten with mustard.Delicious!!(that’s for Cher..)

  30. nkd says:

    Diesel Black Gold ‏@DieselBlackGold
    Love @adamlambert’s rockstar style. He’s wearing our LUIZIP leather jacket – looks awesome!

    Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert
    @DieselBlackGold thank u! I love the jacket!

  31. nkd says:

    He’s so adorable and sweet!

    Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert
    @RyanSeacrest hey man! Thanks for connecting me with Whitney Kropp! What an inspiring young lady! She will “shine when she wants to shine!”

    Ryan Seacrest ‏@RyanSeacrest
    @adamlambert no thank u for taking the time…she could barely believe it haha

  32. rs says:

    Oksana, I agree that P2’s “Crazy” was terrible. I love that song and I liked some of the stuff he did on Idol, but this was just awful.

    On another note, I was looking at the Adam in China thread on that blog yesterday and there wasn’t a single negative comment! Even the haters couldn’t fault him on anything, so I guess they just stayed silent.

    And I loved Adam’s call in to Ryan’s radio show. Whitney got so excited when she realised who she was talking to, and he got a lot of love from everyone on the show. It was so funny when Kid Rock said that he couldn’t compete with Adam Lambert, and then Ryan’s cohost said “Nobody can, nobody can!” Truer words were never spoke.

  33. cher says:

    BTW in my homecountry we have something called “blood sausage” and it’s really good. It is best when fried with onions and then eaten with mustard.Delicious!!(that’s for Cher

    Oksana2000 funnily enough , earlier this morning Agathehb told me come over there for some of that blood sausage and roasted pork with buckwheat?. LadyNorth She told me it’s an easy and pretty ferry ride over to Finland from there so…..when is it warm over there? I’m kinda thin blooded y’know. Then again…ferry? Hmmm…not a good word today. Eek!
    Maybe a broomstick..Ron‘s style would be safer. ROTFL My native foods can be challenging for non natives too. Shock

  34. dcglam says:

    Totally OT, but I just spent 5 minutes on MJs reading entertainment news and came to sad conclusion that there is no song that P2 will not murder (covered “Crazy”)

    Well, you certainly piqued my interest, Oksana! Off I went for a little listen.
    NO, JUST NO!!
    We all know who the master of “Crazy” covers is….. Drool Snicker

  35. dcglam says:

    cher…. It’s good to hear that cgesq is doing well with her treatment. I’ve been thinking about her and waiting to hear from her. Thank you for checking in with us on her behalf. Heart

  36. Oksana2000 says:

    Cher, when is it warm over there? In summer.Late fall and winter is quite nasty, however it is warmer than in Finland.
    No bloody sausage and roasted pork with buckwheat is worth freezing your a**… Grin
    I hate buckwheat. It is one of two dishes that I can’t stand and even smell gives me nausea… Frown

  37. glambotgram says:

    cher I didn’t see the post, I don’t go there Smile but I am so glad you brought that over, too funny.

    nkd I have been reading about Whitney since last week, the story was sent out through our school e-mail and is big in the papers here. Adam was wonderful, I was so happy to hear her say she was an Adam fan, and that she couldn’t believe it was him.
    One of the funniest things (to me) in the interview is her saying she was NOT really a Kid Rock fan with him there, LOL. He is big stuff around here and I think Ryan just assumed since she was from MI, that she would love him.

    I have never liked licorice, but you guys are making me want to try it Big Smile

    Welcome Pax Romana good to have you here.

  38. luval says:

    Hello Pax Romana…you are kinda sorta close to me. Just a few hours away. Nice to have a new poster…ex-lurker…like most of us were.

  39. Oksana2000 says:

    dcglam and rs: I think that P2 had an incredible luck with his coronation song, but I’m really curious how his first album will do. I didn’t watch Idol that much this season, but I each time P2 sang a well known song he made it totally unrecognizable.
    And all of them sounded the same.

  40. Oksana2000 says:

    Hi Pax Romana, welcome .. Smile

  41. rs says:

    I think that there was one P2 song on Idol that I liked, and everybody said that it wasn’t his usual style. Don’t remember what it was now. That shows what a great impression he made on me. lol

  42. dcglam says:

    I think that P2 had an incredible luck with his coronation song, but I’m really curious how his first album will do.

    Interesting article with an Adam mention! It seems as though P2 was just at the right place at the right time…

  43. luval says:

    True Confession…I have never ever listened all the way through a P2 song. Even as a contestant, I would leave the room. Nothing against the guy but I only have ears for one. Smile

  44. dcglam says:

    luval…. You and I must share a pair of ears!! Listening to Music

  45. glambotgram says:

    luval Me either, I do not like his voice, at all.

    ETA, dcglam me too!

  46. Oksana2000 says:

    Luval, True Confession..I don’t watch AI, XFactor, Voice and other Judges Competition show anymore. I can’t find anyone too interesting, and it’s so repetitious right now. An overkill. I watched 3 seasons before Adam just for Simon Cowell…

  47. luval says:

    Oh no…True Confessions evening….yikes. Smile

  48. Oksana2000 says:

    Holy moly, Mumford&Sons sold 600,000 in the first week. Aren’t they playing kind music P2 is doing?
    Maybe I’ll give them first listen….

  49. jlurksacto says:

    jlurksacto, u want some?

    That salty licorice sounds interesting and worth try.
    P2 on “Crazy,” not so much. But the quitar player is GOOD.

  50. milwlovesadam says:

    Welcome Pax Romana. Looking forward to your posts. I’m hoping you inspire more lurkers to come out and play.

    That Diesel jacket on Adam was positively delicious. He looked like a model in it. I loved it with the creepers. I think they liked the way he looked in it too!

    I never could make it all the way through a PP song either.

    Loved Adam with that radio show piece. Loved that Seacrest played Trespassing. I do think that girl was hinting that she has a gay friend who is inspired by Adam.

    I’m temping at a facility pretty far from home today, and listened to TSP all the way through for the first time in a long time ( bad fan). I’m still just cuckoo for Runnin’. And, I do think TSP is the right single now.

    Niles had such nice things to say about Adam. It was a joy to listen to that.

    cgesq: sending wishes for better health and a return here!!

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