- Velvet
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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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Ha — I say we all put our heads together and submit a group poem. Then, we split the winnings (that no doubt we will receive) among all of us.
Perhaps our resident poet (looking at you adamized) would be willing to start us out…
Having so much fun over at Amazon – fans against the sleazebags! Love it.
Haha dcglam! I’d be glad to contribute a word or two but I am less than adequate at poetry writing. I barely string words together to write a decent post!
But anyway, this is funny. Kids lip synching to Adam and Kiss.
Do you think they’ve watched it a few times?!!!
OMG, nkd, that vid is absolutely hilarious. Have a bunch of young granddaughters who dance around like that. When they come to the house they put on one of Adam’s CD’s and jump around the room. They play the CD’s more than I do.
Anyhow – that was just great – thanks a bunch – love it.
nkd…That video is great. Every single word and scream is lip synched. Yup, they’ve probably watched it hundreds of times. Sheesh it’s been over 2 years ago since that finale. My does time fly.
Good morning! dcglam, love the idea of a group poem. They want something heartfelt so I’m not sure laces and eggplants should be the promenent theme. My guess there will be lots of submissions with wording like ” awaken my soul” “thought I was too old” “made me want to listen to music again”; etc, etc, There have been some really lovely poems posted on Juneau’s sight over the past couple of years. Hope the authors know about this contest.
Back after two days and was hoping against hope for news of the new album! sigh.
Photo of license plate caught me by surprise too. It is still visible on some sites.
Re the albums…adamized, totally agree that Adam should put out the title of his new album so that it can be identified as different from the other two! There is going to be much confusion from peeps who sorta kinda follow Adam but not really and heard of a November release date.
Have y’all seen this? Two cuties in one pic!
News is slow!
You were missed Kradamour!
This from thehomeplanet.org
Maybe it explains the link problem a couple of days ago.
Anyone who thinks Adam grocery shopping is not news has never googled him.
This from Vietnam (egads, look at Xtina!!!) where he is in very good company….
And this from Hungary, about the two fake albums (they’re mentioned by name). I can’t get Google to translate – can anyone help???
For what it’s worth, this is what I got from google translate for the Hungarian article posted by riskylady.
nvm – nkd beat me to it!
Adam is having a twitter party.
Single in November.
Album in spring, Feb/Mar?
One of my fave q & a!
And this one!
Thanks, nkd! nice to be noticed as missing! I was at a conference giving a presentation. Didn’t really have the nerve to announce “Well, now I think we will take a little break while I check to see if there is any breaking news about Adam Lambert.”
Who is the guy reading the Adam cover magazine?
LOVE twitter parties! but the last one was only a little bit ago. Wonder what this means to do another one so soon? Prob’ly that he is a little frustrated and wants to connect.
(ETA: just read the tweets. So nice to see a casual and matter-of-fact reference to Sauli.)
BUT if he had released his “real” album when he originally said he would, it would be out before the two pretenders.
ETA: just listened to Ed Rec CD samples on Amazon. Gotta say…”if you can’t say anything good, don’t say anything at all”.
Okay, silent.
Kradamour that was Johnny Depp.
So, is Lady Gaga merely out shopping?!?! LOL
Adam is so funny. February is not spring, so I’m assuming he it talking about March. I can wait as long as I have a great single to keep me occupied…..
Well eywfyer you were right. No single in October. I guess the boy needs to let his hair grow out before he can do all the rest of the fashion shoots. This is making me a bit cranky but I’ll get over it. BTW, I have finally moved into the 21st century and now have a smartphone with a texting plan. This means I can stan almost anytime/anywhere.
kradamour, your asking who Johnny Depp was reminded me of that old joke about Bobo. If you haven’t heard it and want to let me know.
Yeah, adamized! I came into the 21century with my ipod fall of 2009 and iphone January of this year!
Anyone here have a kindle or nook? Which is better? Gotta keep up with my Adam magazines and articles.
I’m sorry Kradamour, I didn’t realize some peeps wouldn’t know who that was!

You must not have a daughter that is Cap’n Jack crazy! And now crazy about everything Johnny Depp!
Daughters have Kindles and they love it! I don’t know anything about the Nook.
LOL…. luval, I received a kindle from my class last year as an end-of-the-year gift. They knew how much I love to read. Anyway, it is still sitting in the box that it came in. Nkd, I probably need your daughters to help set this up for me. Along with the kindle, I received a very nice gift card to Amazon. I figure my next purchase to Amazon will most likely be to preorder Adam’s album.
dcglam, my mom can operate her Kindle, and she just learned how to look at email! I know you can do it!
I’m sure I could, too, but I just haven’t devoted the time to it as of yet. I was told that it needs to be set up. I’m not at all concerned about the “operating” part.
Glad to hear that it’s all a piece of cake!
Haha I’ll probably get the kindle and never use it. I’m trying to catch up on my reading while we have this Adam down time but there always seems like something happens with him.
Thanks for letting me know who the guy in the glasses is.
His not-wife, on the other hand, I would recognize. Vanessa Paradis. An amazing amazing movie that she made a few years ago, “My Angel” is just haunting. She also has a lovely singing voice and some platinum albums.
From the Hollywood Reporter:
Adam Lambert’s Second Album Slated for First Quarter Release
I must be terrible old fashion cause I love real books. You know, paper, cover, smell of fresh print. Most likely I would get Kindle if I was still commuting to work on horrible NY subway, but fortunately I don’t have to do it anymore. Also, I have to admit, I like freebies. There is nothing better than public library, and I have an access to every borough in NYC.
I don’t think that public libraries will load book on my Kindle….
Now, Adam’s CD date. Didn’t he use word green when describing he CD debut? I understood that he was referrring to St.Patricks Day.
If his CD is really good it doesn’t matter when he sells it. If it stinks, Txgiving and Xmas sales won’t help him. Timing isn’t everything, if you have any doubts look at Adele.
Twitter party questions and answers…..
Adam Lambert Twitter Party Complete Q&A
Filed Under (twitter ) by Admin on Sunday, October 9, 2011
Posted at : Sunday, October 09, 2011
Adam Lambert Twitter Party Complete Transcript by ADAM LAMBERT FAN CLUB on FB! 10-9-11
1. @adamlambert: Twitter party!!
))) <333
some I have to buy. 

2. Q: @PiscesGirl18: What r u goin to be for Halloween
A: I dunno yet!
3: Q: @ExoticBeat: Yay ♥ What do microphones taste like?
A: sweat. Lol.
4. Q: @LaurieLovesAdam: Who’s funnier, you or Neil?
A: Neil
5: Q: @GLAMBERTROSE: could you say ‘Hello’ to me???plz!!!
A. hello!
6. Q: @baking4fun: hint about the photoshoot? Theme?
A. lots of themes. Lots of looks.
7. Q: @katush_a: Who’s your fave actor? (as for me I like Dohnny Depp =)) Do you like him?? )
A: I agree, Depp is one of the best. Also Downey Jr…
8: Q: none
Statement: Better questions please!!! Lol
9. Q: @BdwayDiva1: What (if anything) did you have for breakfast?
A: oatmeal w fresh peaches. So good!
10: Q: @hirotoshii: NY or LA?
11: Q: @SaxPlayingDuck: What is your favorite item in your wardrobe?
A: Rick Owens boots
12: Q: @t4miracles: Will you be doing a music video for your new single?
A: yes.
13: Q: none
Statement: Here’s the deal: there have been a couple of creative set backs on the first single. Mainly cuz I’m a perfectionist. Ha.
14: Q: none
Statement: Seems as though the single will explode in November. I’m sorry for the delay- but trust me, it’s worth it. The song HAS to be perfect!
15: Q: @YardenMD: (unavailable; deleted?)
A: hope yours was lovely. I’m not a practicing Jew – proud of my heritage though.
16: Q: @nieceyE: Is the album release timeline still the same?
A: as of now, album will be released in the spring. Feb/march?
17: Q: @Chris3Austin: OH! Wait, so you DO have your 1st single already picked out! Can we get the name of it at least? (longshot I know)
A: here’s the kicker: the single hasn’t been chosen. Narrowing it down…
18: Q: @_tinsku later: Are you in studio right now?
A: later today actually…
19: Q: @AmbyMT: Do you still listen to Goldfrapp??
A: still my fav playlist for relaxing.
20: Q: @luvGlam_Bostick: Is this album going to be mostly about the VOCALS or MUSIC?
A: both!
21: Q: @RakstarGlambert: Please tweet me happy birthday?
A: happy birthday!
22: Q: @Oshi4Real: Are you using an iphone, ipad, or laptop right now?
A: iphone
23: Q: @LaurieLovesAdam: Would you ever get a dog?
A: id LOVE a dog- but I know with all the up owing travel- the dog could get neglected.. So I'm gonna wait.
24: Q: @RadarEcho: will your name be on EVERY song as a writer for the new album?
A: not every song… But most.
25: Q: @SHEMBEREk: Where do you go to relax and escape the stress of daily life?
A: my house!
26: Q: @amyglambert101: why no more tight pants ?
A: huh? They're around… Don't worry.
27: Q: @MonroeMadness69: how much do u love your fans?
A: i love my fans sooo much. I wouldn't be making this album w/o u guys!
28: Q: @scclarke90: have you worked with max martin
A: yes. He produced WWFM and If I Had You.
29: @beccs_ILY_nz: What's living on a bus like?
A: a bit difficult. But sorta fun like camp. Or a big teenage sleepover.
30: Q: @NoAngelPF: Do you get to keep any of the cool clothes/jewelry from your photo shoots?
A: some of it…
31: Q: @HausOfViktoria: are you gonna give any pre-album interviews to promote it?
A: of course.
32: Q: @AdamRocksBerlin: I like Sia's new song 'Titanium'! Do you like the version with David Guetta?
A: yes! It a great song!!!
33: Q: @RuxyRuxyy: Lady Gaga or Pink:
A: both.
34: Q: @GlitzNtheGlam: @adamlambert are you a virgin?
A: hahahahahaha hell no.
35: Q: @vic_lefthand: do you feel more like your sun or moon sign right now?
A: depends on the activity.
36: Q: @VH1: Thanks @adamlambert for the #PopUpVideo shoutout! The #Glamberts want us to POP one of your vids! What do you think??
A: yes please!!!!
37: @RosscoFromMosco: what is the best, most fierce guyliner you would recommend For My Entertainment dude???
A: smolder by MAC
38: Q: none
Statement: musical highlight of Burning Man: amidst all the generic dubstep and trance… Daft Punk's Da Funk came on. I was FINALLY inspired to dance!
39: Q: none
Statement: I've been very inspired by french acts on Ed Banger records lately. Electro/disco/funk. Feels so good.
40: Q: @alexanderenrico: Do you think any of recent artists are just being phonies to boost album/single sales or are they just as real and genuine??
A: entertainment industry is full of smoke and mirrors. Lots of fake shit going down. Makes Authenticity very refreshing.
41: Q: @RadioChloe: Best Hangover Remedy?
A: bloody Mary!
42: Q: @fionamama2: fav installation or theme camp at BRC this year?
A: wooden Ouroboros structure. Sauli and I tagged it one early morning. Also loved the River Stix installation.
43: Q: @Glam_Nails: btw what is ur favorite lady gaga song?
A: fav gaga song is bad romance.
44: Q: @Pusishvr_Ninja: How sweet is it to play dress up for those photo shoots?
A: Sooooo much fun!
45: Q: @SexualTicTacToe: What was your idea for your Album photo shoot centered around? Please reply and make a Glambert happy xx
A: looks had to do w different songs that will be on the album.
46: RT by @adamlambert: RT @negativeneil: @adamlambert get Ed Rec Vol. 1, 2, and 3 on iTunes. Good sampler of all their artists.
Regarding this Tweet from @adamlambert: I've been very inspired by french acts on Ed Banger records lately. Electro/disco/funk. Feels so good.
I totally agree, Oksana! I love to visit the community library whenever I can. It is so much fun and such a treat for me!
dcglam,the beauty of NYC library system is that I can check online what they have and put request for the book to delivered to my branch. I get notification in my e-mail and voila’! Just the borough of Queens has 46 branches, and then is Brooklyn system and Manhattan-Bronx system. Whatever book I’m looking for I can always find it SOMEWHERE..
And it is free.
Well, not really free, I have to pay City taxes, on the top of State and Fed.
I have a tablet computer with a kindle app…but I don’t think I will ever use it. Never say never but I do love a book. And I don’t think it is good for us to spend our lives looking at screens.
OTOH, if I did a lot of traveling alone and didn’t want to carry multiple books on a trip, I would think about it.
Kindles do seem to come in very handy on airplanes. This is where I personally have seen the most use out of them. I’m perfectly fine with a “real” book in my hands. Having said all of this, I’m sure I will eventually get around to opening my Kindle box……
Nkd,thanks for translating that Hungarian article. Hmmmm, seems like they’re saying those two albums can placate impatient fans waiting for 2012 real album. At least they mention 2012.
I agree with Oksana – when Adam said green, I immediately figured March, St. Pat’s Day, etc. And November is fine with me for single – Happy Birthday to meeee in November lol.
LOVED that Shirley Halperin article, love hearing RCA execs talk about Adam and that they are still excited about him. YAY!
Wow, this has been Twitter Sunday for Adam! Now he’s on about the fanfic and Tommy Joe. I have a feeling Sauli is away somewhere, causing Adam to be bored. Now he’s seeing the ugly side of some fans, sadly.
Adam is doing Twitter party Part 2.
Don’t tell me that he doesn’t know about shippers, tinhatters and other BSC fans. He reads fanfiction, right?
Loved this. And Adam retweeted it:
Yup. What I’ve been saying.
Love that he got Tommy involved in the fanfic issue! and that Tommy responded so well.
And this was a much more lively twitter party than the one earlier today, when he even asked for better questions!
Oksana, I don’t think that reading the occasional fanfic would bring those vocab words onto Adam’s horizon.
And I agree that Sauli must be off somewhere. I really appreciate and admire that he is working hard to make his own life in LA and not just clinging to Adam or expecting Adam to create a life for him.
This last twitter slap down was more about the Adommy shippers and some of the cray that has come from it. There are some really nasty things being thrown about on twitter at the cray and from the cray. Nasty things being said about Tommy, Sauli, Monte and even Adam. It’s sad. Too much time on their hands, and a lot of delusion. Fanfic is only part of it.
I have my sister’s old Kindle. I rarely use it except when traveling. I am constantly hitting the next page button by accident. Definitely enjoy reading/holding a real book a whole lot more.
My friend has the nook and enjoys it. There used to be a preference for Kindle since the nook was hard to read in day light. Don’t think that’s the case any longer.
Night all.
About the Kindle vs. book discussion: I have a Kindle and I love it.
My mother owned a used bookstore when I was growing up and I could read my choice as long as I returned it in resellable condition.
A sister and my two sons work in libraries. I have collected books since I was a kid and have my own personal library.
But my Kindle travels well, so I don’t have to worry about my book getting torn up. I tend to buy hardbounds that are hard to take with me. I don’t have to worry about losing my place in the book, and can highlight/underline to my heart’s content without damaging the book.
The biggest advantage is being able to adjust the print size as needed. I quit taking the newspaper because I couldn’t read the print, but now I get it delivered daily on my kindle.
Also, there are plenty of free books out there–I’ve only paid for one (Jaycee Dugard’s) and it was a reduced price for the kindle. Our library system has just started loaning books for the Nook and Kindle too.
I still love my books, though. My kindle won’t replace that feeling of holding a book and turning the pages, but I find I am reading more because of it.
When I went to Amazon to see what was going on with the fake new albums, I saw where they were selling Sleepwalker as an imported single, using the Octoberly picture. Sigh…I really think they should have released this one in the US. Even Leno said he thought it would be a hit.
Lots of info to process from Adam today. Single delayed some more which is not a surprise, if they don’t decide soon it will have to be delayed further until after the holidays. Reading Adam’s tweets and the comments from RCA it does sound like there is some “creative tension” shall we say. It probably is good that they are pushing the album back to “spring” – no one buys anything in January anyway.
It seems almost useless to speculate anymore, we have had so many hints and teases and delays already.
I don’t know if that’s true anymore. I’ve bought the grandkids iTunes gift cards for Christmas, and they don’t waste much time waiting to buy for their iPods. I just can’t wait for the new music. New music means more TV appearances too–singing and interviews. I’m READY!
Last time I followed album sales (Nov 2009 into early 2010 when FYE was new), the numbers plummeted across the board once January began. Maybe things have changed now, I don’t know. I just know that a lot of people, many of whom aren’t exactly Adam fans, are going to be watching those first week numbers closely. The album needs to sell at least 100K the first week.
On a happier note – popup video for Adam on VH1 would be fun! Hopefully the lead single video will go to #1 on the countdown as WWFM and IIHY did. Not surprised in the least at Adam’s response to the NY or LA question, I never could see him living in NYC – too laid back.
If the album comes out in March, we could reasonably expect the tour to begin no earlier than July I think. There was 6 1/2 months from release to tour for FYE, but part of that delay was likely due to the AMA fallout. Should be a quicker turnaround this time, but there will still be promo to do. More likely that the tour would begin in August and run through the fall.
Ellessay – I bought that Sleepwalker CD with the October picture simply because I wanted that picture on a CD – money no object when it comes to Adam – lol. It also has “Aftermath – Live at GlamNation.”
Even though we’re awash in complete ignorance (myself more awash than most), there seems to be a growing consensus (for what it’s worth) that Adam had a midstream correction in his album from his middle-of-the-road success with WWFM/IIHY to a more edgy/current sound. If that’s at all true – great – I’m for anything that’ll mean a bigger hit in the current radio scene. Also I’m pretty much over FYE (with the exception of “Broken Open” which is in the more electronic Brian Eno vein and can be listened to late at night when feeling particularly “mellow”). The other track that consistently boggles my mind (and ears) is CLYG – yeah, lotsa production, but the vocals leave me on the floor.
Why the success of this second album (and, actually of Adam, in general) has become so important in my life is a subject that I’ve never really dealt with. To tell the truth, probably really don’t care – it’s just there – and, like so many others, resigned to it. May as well enjoy the ride – lol.
10/10/10 – the Glam Nation Tour plays before its largest crowd during the international leg at the Mall of Asia Concert Grounds in Manila, Philippines: