- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
haha I’m staring at Mr October and it’s hard to believe it’s the same person. But Adam has a way of turning his head or smiling just a smidgen and he looks like a completely different person. He’s a chameleon. From just a guy to Mr Fierce in the blink of an eye. So many looks. Love that about him!!!
And I don’t get the plaid shirt reference. So he has on a plaid shirt. So what??? Everyone probably owns a plaid shirt.
No hair change:
Whew, thanks jlurksacto.
Looks like the shaved side is growing out. Just a little flatter on top for a casual night out. God, I’m pathetic.
On ebay: Retired Adam Lambert Eye Of Horus Pendant from Pennyroyal- Benefits Trevor Proj
And infinity pendant:
All the talk on that adamtopia thread is about Adele and her hemorrhaged vocal cords. Yikes.
Haha! Been refreshing the previous page!
Whew! I’m glad the top hair is still there! I think I just prefer some hair around the ears. Yes, it’s pathetic. It’s his hair, but as my momma used to tell me, we’re the ones that have to look at it!
Well, I don’t live with him, so I suppose I don’t have to look at him, but I like looking!
I read about Adele’s cancelled tour today. That’s too bad. I do hope that she will recover and be ok.
haha have Glee on right now. I know mils is watching. A little story line about Emma’s “ginger” parents.
Still really can’t see Adam on this show. But ya never know.
Check his twitter – he’s toying with us…
Fan art:
Calgary, even he knows this is one of the best versions EVER! So curious. Is he just sitting around looking up old youtubes of himself? Or did he stumble upon this and decide to tweet this? I mean there are a bazillion songs/videos he could have chosen. Maybe it’s a hint that the new album will be much more of his voice like he’s been telling us. That boy is a mystery sometimes.
Some of you’ll remember Smeggingnuts who used to post on here ocassionaly, well she got married this last Saturday and posted some pictures on her twitter. Glad to see the boys getting out to a movie, wonder if they had dinner out first. Need more pictures and better ones. I’m getting bored and will take most any tidbit. I’m glad I can come here and find like minds, even if we’re all warped.
Smeggs pictures were great! I considered posting them here, but wasn’t sure.
I’ve had the wierdest feeling all day that something exciting is right around the corner. I really think we are getting close to something happening. Interesting that Adam changed his twitter avi to the RS picture a few days ago and now he is tweeting the acoustic WWFM during his promo tour. I hope I’m right. Joining luval in crossing “everything”.
Oh adamized…now you’re making me excited! I wondered about the RS avi too. Very random pic. He has so many to choose from, why this one? Is he just getting nostalgic?
Maybe he’s going to be on another magazine cover! Another European promo tour!
IKR? re the RS cover being recycled on his twitter. What is this about?
Gotta say, if Adam would take the time that he spends on his twitter avis and the time that he spends thinking about how to mess with us and USED THAT TIME PRODUCTIVELY TO PUT OUT A SINGLE we would all be better off. Just sayin’.
adamized, luval, I’ll cross a few things, too.
Or maybe we should all just sit in a circle in the lotus pose.
Patiently waiting.
Feeling the OM.
Calming the fears.
In, out, in, out…
K done, ready for my single now.
And I am NOT talking about a Wendy’s burger…
Another RS cover pic? Maybe they want to sell out another issue.
Gotta get to bed but ultimathule that to me is not out of the question. Another RS cover. I’ve been angry at them for a long time now but will certainly buy a few issues and maybe even subscribe again if this happens! I can see him with that space age haircut we saw on him last week on the cover.
Eh, all this talk will probably end up being nothing!
Hah Kradamour</strong. Wouldn't a single be a great thing to wake up to? Thank goodness Adam's hair grows quickly. We wouldn't want him looking too much like Neal when he does all his shoots and interviews and videos and….
I thought maybe an RS cover for when the album is ready to drop. The WWFM vid may be a reply to Ben Folds comments on The Sing-Off about WWFM performance by the girls.
I hope that hair isn’t for a photo shoot of any kind!!!
10/4/10 – the Glam Nation Tour continues with their Japan leg at the sold out Namba Hatch in Osaka. The big news on this night was the return of Broken Open to the setlist, for the first time since way back on June 15th in Milwaukee. Amazing to hear the total silence in the club for the end of this song. Wish that U.S. audiences would behave like that!
This is an absolutely beautiful acoustic performance of this song. Broken Open has always been one of my favorites, both the album and live versions. It’s very clear how intensely personal this song is to Adam.
Well, while we wait for our boy to do something, here is an older interview with Ke$ha that I thought was interesting. Wonder if Adam approached her for a song? Halfway serious question.
ETA: Thanks, eywflyer!
My first thought after hearing Ben’s comment was that he more than likely has never heard or seen WWFM performed live by Adam. He probably just heard the song on the radio.
Hey, maybe the girls piqued his interest enough to check out Adam’s vid. If not, someone needs to tweet him directly and instruct him to do so. Just sayin’……..
ITA that Adam tweeting the acoustic WWFM is in response to the Sing Off and Ben Folds’ comments. However, this time around at least the judge knew the song, saying he had heard it a “million times.”
And , in the twitter-verse, maybe there a couple dozen or so people who haven’t heard the acoustic WWFM yet. Whichever way you slice it, he’ll no doubt sell a few more copies of the single.
nkd, yes, I was away at Glee. Such an excellent episode. Amazing vocals and dancing, and good plot development tonight.
Love that show!
Then, it was Chopped time. Talk about two things I love food/cooking and high drama!! LOL.
BTW: Chopped refers to a show on the Food Network, not Adam’s hair.
BTW #2: Home Planet is killing me. Now they are comparing Adam to Neil because that newest pic looks so much like Neil. Hilarious. Negative Adam. Happy Neil. World’s colliding.
Hi, mils! I totally love the Home Planet – the court jesters of Adam fandom.
While we’re waiting on Adam to do something, I’m getting in trouble on Youtube. This is not the best fan montage video, but it included No Pants picture at 1:50, and the guy he is standing beside is Jonny Cota. That’s as exciting as it gets, except for a couple of shirtless pics!
Kradamour, you didn’t include a link in your post for the Kesha interview, so I went hunting. Didn’t find it, but found other stuff!
riskylady, loved your link to the Tom Ford picture/magazine cover.
Hmmm. Tit for Tat. Wonder if OUT will have anything to say too.
BTW: The cover of Adam on Details is one of my top 10 for him.
And, Tom Ford’s movie, A Single Man is a masterpiece of a man in pain. Beautifully and sensitively done. Has anyone else seen it?
Uh, oh. Thanks, nekkid. I just added the link to my post.
I love this!
FYE on UK MTV Live sessions.
And Fever
I love watching these and noticing the little variances in the early performances.
mils, I haven’t seen that movie, A Single Man, but will def have to watch it!
The WWFM that Adam tweeted was similar to the one on the Sing Off in that it was almost hymn like. IMO. Hopefully like someone said Ben Folds will hear this version.
I remember our discussions about Ben Folds in that he would have been an excellent judge on Idol. Guess he wasn’t nutty enough.
RE: the resemblance. Have, as I’ve mentioned, seen “whiffs” of Neil in Adam, but have never seen the reverse. Unless I’ve missed some pics.
Did it – in a nice way (with great difficulty I might add).
Thank you, Mils, about the GQ link. I also loved A Single Man, very moving.
OT – – The missing satellite? Know where it went:
Remember when Adam performed on Finland’s X-Factor and Katri interviewed him? We didn’t know who Katri was at the time.
Katri and Sauli after this meeting.
And this one after the kiss that was in the paper!
There is a whole series of Tutka vids listed…after Paris, after Bora Bora, after LA trip.
Forgot to mention from yesterday…10/4/10. Osaka Japan were were discussing Adam’s ripped pants and freckled thighs.
Wow, Adam must be thrilled to be featured along with one of his very favorite idols……
LOL…. High five to you my dear riskylady!!
I would have done it myself, but I am not on Twitter (or Facebook). I am kept pretty busy as it is with work e-mails, personal e-mails, and Adam blogs.
Please know how much we appreciate your taking one for the team!
Thanks for the reminder Luval. I try to remember every day to vote. I hope Adam has a really good CD cover this time. I didn’t mind his last one but it wasn’t great and may have lost him a few sales from non fans. James may not sell much but his Album cover is very good, he’s getting lots of good reviews on it over at MJ’s. I really want Adam to have something special this time around. Lee takes such good pictures of his gorgeous friend so I hope we get a jaw-dropper, in a good way, not what the ……???? like on FYE.
Oh those Japan shows! The ripped pants, the peach, the rose. The Silent Broken Open and Soaked. The fans.
The rose….who has a gif or clip or pic of the rose?
Memories: (while I watch x-factor)
Tokyo rose!
Just think, in the next weeks, we have Australia, NZ, and then Europe!!!
This from Sydney!
And more concert anniversaries to look forward to! Oslo!
mils sent me looking for gifs. I could really get carried away with these things!
Steve Jobs died – knew it was coming, but still a shock.
nkd – Don’t forget Hawaii! My only GNT show!
ultimathule ITA. What an amazing life he led and what an impact he has had on the world.
Yes, Steve Jobs had an incredible vision and made it happen. He changed the way we do things. How did I ever survive without my iPhone?
He is gone too soon.