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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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Oksana – lovetheusa1776
Glad I took four years of Latin in Catholic High School, Oksana. Not that I remember much – lol.
Ultimathule, I never took Latin, but I remember few popular sayings (must be my european upbringing). I had no problem with meaning of your UltimaThule name as well..
Now I cannot decide what to do with my favourite poster on MJ,with name ending with 621.
Hell, I just answered her.
OOh – gotta go see
“balls of steel” – lovin’ it
Those pics with Riff – 621 having second thoughts?
Sent the boys Halloween pic out to the family – 19-year-old (male) just e-mailed back “wooooooooah those are some great vampires.”
She annoys me to no end.Shows up on EVERY Adam thread or post about Adam and makes nasty comments.Miserable Kristard. Do I go to S8 Winner threads? No.Do I comment about S8 Winner? No.
Sorry to vent out.
Miss Chaos, you mention James new CD coming out. There is the PR release out and yes it’s OTT, but why not is to reb up interest. I had to leave Twitter earlier today as the James hate by Adam Fans was just ticking me off. I follow mostly Adam fans and political folks and most times I enjoy twitter as it moves fast and you sometimes learn things there first. But again it can be evil. I come here because folks are very accepting, humorous and quite liberal with views here. I love Adam but I don’t think everyone is a threat to him and I definitely do not mock or make fun of or hope people fail. No he’s not Adam and never will be but he’s James and I hope he has some success. Like Adam, James has talent and is a real role model to kids and parents of children who share his neurological impairments. I guess I just want the world to be nicer.
That’s OK, Oksana – we all wind up there occasionally. Me, too.
The problem with the JD PR release is that it’s so over the top as to be laughable. Even when Adam occasionally gets that type of praise, I roll my eyes. Who can live up to that stuff? I like James’s voice, but as the season went on lost interest. And from what I can see, James brought the tweets pretty much on himself by his silly comments. Yes, he has “problems” – are they an excuse? Got me.
Well, it’ll all come out in the wash. Think his album should get a nice boost coming off Idol and hope it sells well.
JOJOSIE, I don’t follow Twitter, and Durbin even less. What was said about him? I don’t believe that trashing James will make Adam more successful,it is utterly stupid POV.
Don’t know what the twitter trashing is all about, but have a suspicion James’s supremely ignorant comment about Adam’s betraying his fans may have come back to haunt him (I felt like giving him a quick kick in the butt), considering some of the music James is putting out.
Old Adam Halloween pic….
Thanks, dcglam – great pic. He looks gorgeous. Have that other one – just him – in that outfit. Pretty boy.
Wow, dcglam — that’s really Adam? He looks so beautiful! I’d love to see him do something really outrageous like that again and watch people freak out. *evil laugh*
ultimathule — you have a picture of just Adam in that costume? Can you post it? I haven’t ever seen this costume before and I love it. And here I thought I’d seen everything that was out there about Adam…
ultimathule,there is nothing left of our discussion on MJ except 621 nasty remark. I made a post about weather, seems to be a safe subject..
Sorry ladies and gents have been crazy busy this past week with work! Thank you for all the warm welcomes!!! I do remember most of you from the Ste. Agathe show!!! Glad that we can keep in touch! And how about those Halloween pics from this morning! Sauli and Adam make an amazing vampire couple!!! Tommy is looking pretty gorgeous too! Can’t wait, in 2 more days November is here and that means (hopefully) NEW SINGLE!!!
The scarcity of printed copies of November The Advocate issue created a monster.I saw advertisement for buying new copies for $20 each.
I guess it is worth to buyer that much cuz they sell them on EBay for $60.
I might be crazy,but not THAT crazy.
cwm – in that costume it’s pretty much a head shot, but found it fascinating as he really looked like a beautiful girl – I’ll try to track it down.
Oksana – there’s nothing left? I thought it a rather benign thread compared to older ones. Hmmm – maybe there’re some people more equal than others – lol.
I can’t see that pic dcglam posted but if its the one of Adam dressed as a female pirate with Alisan Porter, Adamquotedaily has it posted and the side profile one of him on his own in the same outfit…..beautiful profile!
ok so i’m new to the site, i was wondering, how do you guys get profile pictures on here. when i go to my edit profile, it doesn’t have a spot for profile picture where you can choose your own so i’m kinda lost! if you guys could help me out that would be great!
HK fan….. Is this the one???
cwm – found the pic in my photo file – tried copy/paste, but won’t let me. Can e-mail it. Or is there another way I should try?
Yes – that’s the one – isn’t he gorgeous?
I am going to copy and paste a great set of directions by our very own nkd:
dcglam, yep that one. Hadn’t seen it before, someone on 24/7 was asking about it today as well. He really does look beautiful in it.
dcglam thanks. I’ll check it out and hopefully it will work!
Hi glamberthaf28! Love your avi! It’s bootiful!
Some others here could take your lead and make avis for themselves! (not so subtle hint!)
This is a very sad situation when I start getting quoted for tech advice!

Thanks dcglam, HK fan, and ultimathule for that pirate pic. Wow, that is amazing! He looks absolutely gorgeous.
thanks nkd i love learning new things on the computer, i’m a tech geek haha! how have you been since Ste. Agathe…been looking all over for you guys! I’m glad I found you guys here! That concert was amazing…I still can’t believe I was actually there. And as I was telling Kradamour I converted my mom into an Adam fan and she’s going to come to at least one concert with me next year
Hope you’re doing well!
Here’s one I hadn’t seen. It’s captioned “Hobo Camp.” Yikes!
At MJ’s, I’m signed in from Disqus. Keep getting these changing notices about Top Whatever. Started out Top 50 – then went to Top Nothing – then to Top 100 – now back to nothingburger level again. Have no clue – anybody here? Thx
Wow, Adam has the coolest friends EVER! But as my mom always said: “You have to be a good friend to have good friends”. Guess we know what that says about Adam.
ok so Adam’s pic that he just tweeted, GORGEOUS! I love his photography skills
No maybe we can get some more pics from last night 
Would love to see a full-length pic of Adam’s outfit – that high encrusted collar – is that a shirt? or is it long? looks very intriguing. Wanna know.
Is anyone else keeping up with Majors & Minors? I’ve been recording and watching later. These kids are really talented. Is Adam next week, or in two?
I think it just means you’re a top poster, that is the number of comments you’ve posted, so if you’re top 1 it means at that time you’ve posted more comments than anyone else..
glamberthaf28: nice avi! Is that from the Jonathan Ross interview?
I wish that there was a way to click on the avi to make it larger; some of these avi pics are so wonderful but so tiny!
Got e-mail from AmazonUK offering “BFM” and “PS” albums this morning.
glamberthaf28, we are glad you found us too! It’s great that your mom has become a fan. I don’t see how anybody can resist this guy!
I put Mr No Pants back as my avi for Halloween. Was that a Halloween party or just some random dress up party? Or not dress party!

Hah, nkd, this gives a whole new meaning to kradamour‘s lament that I have reposted below:
Naughty Ceddies!
Ooh la la!
Tomorrow is the first day of November-ish, PlanetFierce.
At lease we have a new monthly chat thread to look forward to, with a new photo at the top.
Crumbs, crumbs…
More cute pics from Terrance’s birthday bash…..
I know, I know……. We want MUSIC!!!!
Luval arrived in Toronto safe and sound. I met her at the hotel where she’s staying a couple of hours ago. SO good to see her again!! Getting dressed now to go back to the hotel by 6:30. We’re going to be a merry band of 7 this evening including tlkc, KKD and Jennifer. Jennifer doesn’t post here but she’s become quite well known among the Adam fandom. She has a tattoo of Adam on her right shoulder and her photo was included in the montage that ended the E! Hollywood special.
Happy Halloween everyone.
Everybody’s so funny – crumbs, crumbs – I CAN’T TAKE IT! – OMG – It’s like waiting for Godot. Hope the ending’s different – lol.