- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
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- AL’s Games
Live in Upper Marlboro – in fabled PG County. Once majority white, then majority black, now on its way to being majority Hispanic. Regular UN down here. Everyone looks down on PG – that’s why I like it here.
Miss Chaos – yes I think that this may be part of it. I think that Monte may have expected – or at least hoped – to be a part of the album process, and could be unhappy that Adam didn’t use him. I think Adam’s music may be going in a different direction than Monte’s. But who knows; just a guess.
My kids in Anne Arundel cancelled trip today to Erie, PA, to see another of my numerous progeny because of the weather. That’s where I went to see Adam in the beautiful Warner Theater last year. (First TCB and first dancing in the aisles, I think.) Daughter in Erie involved in saving the “old” city – interesting gal. She said Erie has an “Occupy” contingent – 6 or 7 people. Be fun to hang out with them and see what they’re against – hope they’re for something, too. lol
If one were to judge by the music Monte and TJ really like to play, Miss C, I would say, yes, Adam’s leaving them behind.
Agree about the separation of musical ways, Monte/TJ and Adam. Still, I can see that Monte could feel left behind, especially since when he and Adam met, I gather that Monte was the one with somewhat more connections and success, and he carried Adam a little bit.
That can hurt, no matter how sensible/inevitable.
Just caught up! No snow here either!
ultimathule…I still don’t see an avi by your name! Whaz up?
And did I forget to comment on Sauli’s abs in that pic? OOOOOHHHHh my! Those are some abs!!!! He is just getting hotter and hotter, and I adore what we’ve seen of his personality. So cute!
Avi – working on it. I’ve screwed up e-mails, passwords, etc., and made trouble for myself so many times, I’m approaching this with more caution than usual. Plus, it’ll take me a while to decide what it should be – personal or something else – got zillions of pics. I’m gonna need time on this one.
That “Looking Back” video of Adam and Monte that cwm posted earlier actually brought me to tears. I feel I can live without Tommy, but I will greatly miss Monte as I’m sure Adam will, too. However, I do realize that this is probably the right time in Adam’s career for him to move on. I have confidence in Adam’s judgement of character as well as his judgement of talent. No doubt “Monte #2” will be a huge winner and an asset to Adam and his career.
Just visited the Belgian Adam fansite.
Their members have made a total of 236 posts since its inception in July 2010.
For us that would be, what, about a day or two?
Yeah, cuz some of us talk a lot!
Yup. we do.
Okay, I’m all talked out. G’nite, nekkid!
G’nite peeps!
Sweet Adam dreams!
Good night Kradamour.
Good night all!
So….. I’m wondering if Adam is out partying right now and taking those pics that he promised us. I love Adam pics, but I love Adam music more!!!
Only 2 more days until November-ish! Will we make it?!?!
I just saw Foster the People perform their “Pumped up Kicks” on SNL. I hear this song all the time on my radio, and it has become such an ear worm. I love it!
dcglam, so glad you mentioned Foster the People on SNL tonight – we’re an hour behind you, so I was able to catch their second performance! I love them too – they have a very unique sound that I love!
ETA: They’re not a bad bunch of boys to look at, either
ETA Again: Kenny G in the house!
Yep, just saw that second performance as well, Texas. I agree that they are very cute and very clean cut looking for most bands nowadays. LOL, the lead singer looked as if he was actually wearing black dress pants. I can see why they have become pretty popular.
BTW, sorry about those Rangers. We were pulling for them as they seemed to be the Cinderella team who had never won the big one. Their day will come……
I guess Monte had more connections and success, but it certainly didn’t help Adam. Citizen Vein was a flop. What made Adam famous was Idol. What made Monte (as an individual) famous was not Madonna, but Adam. I don’t know with regard to the personal relationship, but as a professional one, Monte gained a lot more than Adam did.
What I gleaned from M’s wife’s tweets was that she felt Adam was no longer the guy on the couch talking to Monte about whatever. He had gone on to bigger and better things – and, yes, he had. That’s life. But, IMO, Adam recognized the value of Monte’s friendship and did all he could by bringing him into GNT. He’s a very loyal guy. No one and I repeat – no one – should try to make Adam’s life and career more difficult than it’s already been. And that includes Monte and his wife.
P.S. Love “Pumped Up Kicks” (actually I downloaded it before the teens) – but it may be treading onto “Rolling in the Deep” territory around here. Definitely an ear worm.
Thanks, dc. I don’t think I’ve been that disappointed since the AI8 Finale! The Rangers were sooooo close – only one strike away, twice. Guess it just wasn’t meant to be. Maybe next year.
Texas – After Gokey left, the winner was obvious. After that, wasn’t disappointed, just resigned. Knew what was coming. Checked that voting site and Adam never passed Kris. Remember the press room when the winner was announced and everyone was walking around looking stunned – including the gang from KISS – WTF was the attitude. Well, we know how that turned out.
After looking at that pic of Sauli, know now why Adam was walking around looking at him like he couldn’t believe his good luck.
Nice and early here. No snow. Have to chime in about Foster the People. Don’t like them at all! Hate the words to the song…the melody…sounds to me like a chant used by a cult to lure people in.
. One hit wonders as far as I’m concerned. Had to get this off my chest! No one will read this anyway.
Agree with the “Monte not invited on album 2”. Thought this from day one. But that’s life. I’ll be anxious to see the new band whenever this may happen. Who knows, all the players may change.
morning luval .Of course we will read it! I am of two minds re FTP. First of all they are young and cute. Their music has a cool indie vibe and at the same time has some solid pop ear worms. OTH, most of their songs are very forgetable so I sort of agree that in regard to true hits there may only be a couple. My son reminded me recently that having a good lead voice has little to do with being a successful band now a days and that folks are actually attracted to different and sometimes even non-melodic voices.
Hmmm, where does that leave Adam? He really is his own niche. Waiting for the promised Halloween pics.
@saulikoskinen1 saulikoskinen
My love!! Happy halloween!!
Happy halloween!!
Last year on Mother’s Day
Adam called Sauli -MY GUY!!
This year on Halloween
Sauli called Adam -MY LOVE!!
Awww….YAY …!!!
They are Beavis and Butthead glammed up! I called it!

What a pair of gorgeous vampires!Bite me!..
adamlambert Adam Lambert
Happy Halloween http://say.ly/DwwViF
More Halloween photos from AQD
Thanks asifclueless! They look quite lovely.
asif, judging from the time when Adam tweeted his pic, boys must’ve just finish partying.It’s 6AM in LA for heaven sake!
When I was their age this was the time when we were going for morning scrambled eggs.Those were a days my friend..la la la ..
Looks like the whole crew had a party bus and were going from place to place. Great idea, methinks that he had much better time than going to Heidi’s party, however prestigious it might’ve been..
I love those two!!!
Adam’s hair looks ok from the front so as long as he doesn’t turn around. I know …. Why did I bring up the hair. Because I’m all about the hair!
If I’m correct Adam met Sauli on November 6, 2010. Time flies, doesn’t it? Boys should celebrate their anniversary, however with their frequent going out to fancy places, I wonder what different they should do?
OK,Adam, WHERE is the new SINGLE? Ha??
My pleasure, treasure adamized!!!
Oksana …Me and the boys are going to party all night long.
good morning! Gonna be incompetent here and try to get the pic to you in this convoluted way:
(deleted, dotted)
Sometimes the things that are the most amusing have a kernel of tragedy within…love this pic.
ETA: See nekkid’s post below for the url to the pic!
Sista Krads,
Lets see if this works.
Kradamour…click on the picture you want to copy, then right click, and select copy image url, then paste here.
Thanks …nkd.
I learn something new every day from here.
Hah! Knew I could trust you guys to make it work!
Hi cwm~~~wave~~~…Glad to see you’re back.
I’m extremely busy with work right now. A girl’s got to eat, too. Otherwise, I’d love to be here 24/7.
Just wanted to peek in a second. I’ll be back may be next week.
So, a little early…
A little off topic, but lol on MJ having Adams picture at the top of her Headlines thread for Oct 30, and nary a mention of Adam in the thread. I just thought that was so funny, someone else mentioned it in the thread, but ya know you dont what to go there HaHa
I don’t really think so. Monte played on several Madonna tours, yet he did not participate in her studio recordings. He had a great opportunity to tour with his friend, Adam, but if Madonna had called, he would have gone. Monte has his own career and has released his own music.
Yes, their music may be going in different directions which could cause a clash in the studio. Adam’s album has to be his own vision, not someone else’s.
I am sad at whatever has cropped up between Monte and Adam to cause tension in their friendship. Perhaps it’s because their relationship has evolved–Adam no longer needs Monte to guide him.
ETA: Not that Adam used Monte and tossed him aside to move up the career ladder. Hope it didn’t sound like that. It’s just that the conversation has changed, and their friendship may have evolved past the mentoring stage.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^But ya know, if Adam just would comment on this it would ease our minds, so we can go worry about the HAIR, ORRRRRR-ease our minds about where he is going with the hair, like he has done in the past, so we can worry about the Monte thingy! Or we all are going to look like the person in the computer picture posted above!!!!
Miss Chaos, I found it funny too, but it’s like an old trick. You want attention, bring Adam.
There is also Halloween costumes thread on MJ, with Adam&Sauli picture. I’m glad that new system allowed most of the people keep their old names, cause I know what kind of comment to expect from certain posters. And they call Adam predictable. Puhleeeze.
I just went over to take a peek. It seems that the pic was originally posted to go with Adam’s Majors and Minors appearance which, of course, has been changed. The M & M mention was removed earlier. I have a feeling the pic will soon follow.
It is funny, though!
I have that strange feeling that my comment on Halloween thread will be soon removed. Well, that’s life. *shrugs*
I just saw this, as I was waiting for some Adam headline news lol! And people saying Adam is a vampire every year is just so wrong! He is a werewolf for cripe sakes! And too funny that they think more pictures of Adam shopping at Whole Foods is the headline! It all just cracks me up. As long as they dont get downright nasty I can take it.
Anyone surprised about Durbins album being done in about 2 to 3 weeks? Did we want Adams done that fast? Could he? I am really curious about James’s album tho, the write up on it makes it sound awsome, and lol to David Cook writing a song on it.
How bout this–Adam announces his new single on 11/1/11!!!!!!
Your “plaid shirt” post is still there, Oksana. So funny. (I have a different name there now – think it’s my Disqus one.)
ultimathule, just wait for MJ coming with her pitchfork.My innocent comment will be removed as “mocking” one.
So far out of 27 comments 19 are about Adam. Nihil novi sub sole.
What is your name on MJs??
I want to remember this. Has a nice ring to it.
Oksana…. I am your 5th “like”.