Well, fall has arrived and it’s time for our October chat thread. This is the sixth monthly chat we’ve had on the site. Thought about using a Burning Man photo for this month, but decided to continue with the Adam getting awards theme with this photo of Adam and Leila at the 2nd annual PFLAG National LA Event.

Still hoping for a new single sometime soon, but maybe not this month. Enjoy the chat!


1,474 Responses to October 2011 Chat

  1. TexasWannaHoldEm says:
  2. Oksana2000 says:

    I’m surprised that someone didn’t create mash-up of Adam and SuBo Mad World so far. Slackers. Frown

  3. ultimathule says:

    LOL – I thought that “pumpkin behind” was a baby and then I realized – OMG! – soooooo funny.

  4. luval says:

    Throwing in my 2 cents. Did not like the SuBo version of Mad World. To each his own!

    Loved TexasWannaHoldem’s video, though!!

    Oksana, Slackers haven’t woken up yet. I’m sure we’ll get something put together!

  5. luval says:

    How do you see the tweets that people are tweeting to Adam?

  6. ultimathule says:

    You’re so great, kradamour – took guts to say you’d like them to sing together, knowing what the response might be. Congrats!

  7. jlurksacto says:

    How do you see the tweets that people are tweeting to Adam?

    Try this:


  8. Oksana2000 says:

    luval,type http://www.twitter.com, and then at the very top in the Search Box type “@adamlambert” and then click on something that looks like a maginifying glass in that Search Box. This will show you every tweet that is send to Adam.

  9. luval says:

    jlurksacto…works! Am gonna bookmark this page. Geez everyone is having a glitter glam Halloween party in Adam’s honor. See, I knew we (and he I feel…except for the current hair/outfit mess) can’t give up the glam! It’s so much fun, different and you can do so much with it!

    And you too Oksana2000

  10. asifclueless says:

    I don’t know if this had been posted.

    Queen announce plans for new album of lost demos featuring Freddie Mercury


  11. k_in_cal says:

    nilerodgers Nile Rodgers
    @debohiolady I’m going to finish the song I started w Adam this weekend. I could only do so much last week because of prior commitments

    So do you think Adam is headed back to NY?

    Maybe he’s going to work and play in NYC. I believe Heidi is having 2 halloween parties. The first in Vegas and then off to New York for the second. So…it’s very possible Adam could be at Heidi’s NY party.

  12. k_in_cal says:

    Looks like Adele has had to cancel all her concerts and promo appearances for the rest of the year because she has to have throat surgery. She really needs to learn how to take care of herself otherwise her career will be very shortlived.

  13. Oksana2000 says:

    Maybe he’s going to work and play in NYC. I believe Heidi is having 2 halloween parties. The first in Vegas and then off to New York for the second. So…it’s very possible Adam could be at Heidi’s NY party.

    You mean Adam and Sauli will be in NYC over the weekend???? (I do not believe for one second that he would go to Halloween party without his beau)
    If not for the horrible weather predicted for Sunday I would expect some ninjas try to locate him.

  14. luval says:

    Wondering what they are going to be for Halloween…probably same ole thing. Vampire Adam and little Vampire Sauli. Like GN shows we kept thinking he would change it up but he really never did. I will probably be wrong!!

  15. ultimathule says:

    With that hairdo, still think Frankenstein is the most appropriate. Could put on those medgies and puff his hair up – seven feet tall.

  16. ultimathule says:

    Actually Frankenstein is the doctor – Adam would be his creation. He’d be spectacular.

  17. ultimathule says:

    Sauli could be the doctor.

  18. luval says:

    Or maybe Adam can be Sauli and Sauli can be Adam.

  19. ultimathule says:

    Like that, luval. Sauli come in on stilts with a black wig? I wanna see that!

  20. luval says:

    haha stilts ultimathule….guess that would be the way to do it.

  21. luval says:

    Or Rocky Horror ….Adam would be Frank n Furter (doubt he’d do it) and Sauli can be the pretty blonde creation.

  22. Oksana2000 says:

    With his new hairdo Adam can be Lurch of Adams family. And I can see Sauli dressed up as something feminine. Boys have to do something cohesive, possibilities are endless…

  23. Kradamour says:

    took guts to say you’d like them to sing together, knowing what the response might be. Congrats!

    (bows and chuckles in acknowledgement)

    The wonderful thing, ultimathule, is that we never have to worry about being flamed here, even if we suggest an Adam/subo duet! Rolls Eyes Our sandbox is a nice safe place…disagreements are only that, not opportunities to spew hate. I love when one of us puts something out there that makes me stop and think, even if I finish with “Nope. Absolutely not. I totally disagree. WTF?”.
    The mutual respect here is awesome.

  24. Kradamour says:


  25. Ron says:

    I see both Adam and Sauli in costumes from the French Court during the French Renaissance.

    Black brocade tail coat. White satin chemise with long lace cravat and lace cuffs. Black below the knee breeches with white above the knee stockings. Platform heeled shoes with a very, very large silver buckle. Black satin Top Hat with tails coming down the back and a fancy walking stick. Accessorize with a red jeweled cravat pin and jeweled rings. There you go, Adam!

    Powdered face, rouge, lipstick and a beauty mark optional but recommended. Smile

    Powdered wigs are NOT an option! LOL

    Sauli – gold brocade tail coat. He can put together the rest of it. LOL

    Now I’m off to watch the new show “Grimm” to cheer myself up. LOL What a day! Rolls Eyes

  26. nkd says:

    Daughtry singing NA at world series game.

  27. nkd says:


    But I do like vikings. Hadn’t thought about that one. Smile

  28. nkd says:

    Haha Ron! You’ve really thought this out! Details! This makes me think you’ve played this one out before, or have plans for it! Smile

  29. luval says:

    Ooooo I like Vikings too. Wouldn’t it be funny if they went 180 degrees surprised us all and dressed up like cartoon characters? Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse or something kooky like that?

  30. nkd says:

    Donald and Mickey! LOL! LOL

  31. ultimathule says:

    Mutt and Jeff? (My turn to get blasted?) lol

  32. nkd says:

    Fred and Barney! (Flinstone and Rubble)

  33. nkd says:

    This is so darn cute! Looks like a miniature of his daddy!

  34. luval says:

    Beavis and Butthead.. Smile

  35. nkd says:

    luval says:
    10/28/2011 at 8:41 pm
    Beavis and Butthead..

    They have the hair for it! Grin

  36. Ron says:

    Adam might want to try this look for Halloween. Smile


    This was one of the costumes from last year’s street party in Toronto that luval and I will be going to this year. I’ve been going for the past 5 years and it’s one block from my apartment.

    People can have great imaginations!

  37. luval says:

    Love that chandelier!!! So creative! Like the Macy’s Thanksgiving day parade they start the next day working on the following year. Wish I could be so dedicated.

    I’m sticking with Beavis and Butthead. That’s my final answer. They were way before their time with the hair!

  38. Ron says:

    Haha luval, can you imagine waking up one day and wondering, “What should I be this year for Halloween? Oh, how about a chandelier?!” LOL Even has the “hat” where the chandelier would be bolted to the ceiling. Smile

  39. nkd says:

    Beavis and Butthead

    It’s perfect, but they wouldn’t have to do much dress up. T-shirt and shorts.
    Adam wouldn’t like that! Smile

  40. nkd says:

    I love that chandelier Ron! I don’t get into dressing up for Halloween, so I can’t imagine the time that would take. Too much! But wow, that’s impressive!

  41. luval says:

    Haha Ron…yes…wake up, look around your house (mansion), pick something and stick with it!!

    Butthead’s hair (dark hair) looks exactly like Adam at the Do Something Awards. Oh for that hair again.


  42. ultimathule says:

    B&B – perfect. Never happen unless Sauli takes over. I’ve seen the crazy getups he has worn and the insane skits that he’s put up on youTube – I think he’d go for it.

    Adam – big question mark there.

  43. Kradamour says:

    Vikings. Just Vikings. Smile

    Okay tonight I had my Adam moment! Was driving to hardware store and … suddenly I heard the intro to WWFM! and my initial shock (remember that I have only heard that song on the radio maybe three or four times total) was immediately replaced with sadness when I heard those opening notes that are Monte on the guitar. (shakes head) Such a shame about their friendship. Here is hoping that they will get past the present unpleasantness.
    AND on the way there is a big silver metal sculpture, probably 30 feet tall, very phallic, and just at the part in the song where we always did the blue glow sticks I turned the corner and there was the sculpture with a blue light shining on it reflected all the way up! Amazing! Smile

  44. luval says:

    Isn’t it great to still hear WWFM on the car radio? I get chills.

    Kradamour…I listened to Outlaws of Love on my ipod today and thought the exact same thing about Monte. I was picturing in my mind a new traveling band…hmmmmm….it was hard to do.

  45. Kradamour says:

    I was picturing in my mind a new traveling band…hmmmmm….it was hard to do.

    I know… Frown
    The three of them (including Tommy) at Ste Agathe were in such perfect sync with each other…so obviously delighted to be together performing again…makes me so sad to think that they might never be together again.

  46. ultimathule says:

    Krad – you do know that that’s not Monte on the FYE WWFM? Think the only guitar collaboration was Orianthi on SW.
    My take on Adam’s “band” is that, since Adam is a solo artist, the band is secondary. Not from a friendship point of view, but simply that of a fan of Adam’s voice and performances, I would actually have preferred Orianthi to Monte.
    There are many great guitar players out there, but only one Adam. I know he wanted a “Glamily” at one time – that may no longer be necessary. Next time he’ll need consummate professionals – along with the finest sound tech he can get.

  47. Kradamour says:

    Just realized that tomorrow the group Passion Pit is performing again in the same venue that Adam played here in Norfolk. I went to see them last year so that I could scope out the venue and decide where I wanted to be for Adam’s performance (it was GA). Found out I really like them, would love to go tomorrow but no one I know is interested. Bummer. They are a very fun high-energy band.

  48. Kradamour says:

    No, Ultimathule, I didn’t know! Thank you for the information.
    Re the rest of your post – I think you are correct. And they may have been thinking of that when performing in Ste Agathe, that it was likely the last time they would all be together on stage. They clearly all felt that the performance was something special.

    ETA: Too many fleur de lis on this page. I’ll be quiet for a while. Smile

  49. ultimathule says:

    NO – never too many fleur de lis (es?) Come back!

  50. ultimathule says:

    Krad – have the “Manners” Passion Pit album on iPod – really like it. Have never seen them live, but posters say they’re terrific. Too bad I’m not in your neighborhood!

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