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Oksana Oh I definitely agree about fans outside of the US.
LMAO Mils the hair or lack of hair is at least keeping us entertained. Crossing all available whatzits.
And, one more thing, I simply adore Homeplanet. It cracks me up. And, I just cannot understand the changes at MJ’s. Either I’m a complete dolt, or I need a serious tutorial. I hope she dumbs it back down. For people like me.
I’m not gonna say anything anymore about new do. It could be worse.
I’m going with the “it’s for halloween” excuse. Maybe he’s going to be Frankenstein’s monster (since I think he said no vampire this year)???? I think the hair would work for that.
mils, I’m with you re HomePlanet and new comment system on MJ.
HomePlanet is absolutely hysterical…
I used three different browsers (IE,Firefox and GoogleChrome) and with each one I was getting different results when it comes to comment section.I gave up. Nested comments do not work on Adam’s threads cause each one averages 200 posts.
I’m all for the changes, but I want improvement , not a mess.
Not a fan of the “new” MJ’s either. It appears she’s taking a poll regarding the changes.
Ha — Looking forward to Adam’s Halloween pics this weekend!
I especially love how he wants to see ours…… 8O
“And please tweet me your costumes too! I’d love to see you all feeling creative. Dress up is the BEST expression (besides music of course)”
Whew. Stopped in for a minute and it is still about the hair! as it should be, IMHO. Gag.
Hate.the.hair. (or lack of same)
What really made me realize how much I hate it was the photo of Adam with Sauli and Sauli looked incredibly hot and Adam didn’t. He even looked a little pudgy in the baggier clothes and the photo angle gave him a little bit of a double chin; he looked older and not in a good way. There are very few bad photos of Adam and this one is clearly a fluke! but it did make quite an impression on me.
Re Glamberts…at least in the US, I think that glambert definitely refers mostly to us 29 yr. olds. I don’t see a younger fan being willing to adopt what is a fairly dorky nickname. And I think that when Adam uses the word he primarily means us, too.
here we go!
Okay luval I’ll play…
And someone should tweet this to Adam:
I looked at the pics again on 24/7. He really didn’t look too bad to me except of course the hair. But the clothes were so ill-fitting. Had he worn a black tee (the one with the scoop neck) it would have made a big difference I think. I really miss his long legged sleek medges wearing look with high hair,a couple of chains.
Sauli looked so hot but he’s been out surfing. His new blog is out if anyone wants me to bring it over. Adam is in the deep dark studio working.
I really am surprised that Adam hasn’t addressed his hair by tweet, even chastising us for being so upset. Even saying something like “calm down, it ain’t that deep”. Remember the bruhaha about the goatee? He tweeted that we can relax, that he shaved it. I want to hear something from him, no matter that we may not like what he says.
I agree, luval. Seems odd for him to be silent on the issue. Maybe his tiff with Perez was enough for a while…
OT…of our happy band, is anyone dressing up this year in addition to Ron?
Kradamour…As of right now I will be going to Toronto to visit Ron, TLKC, and most of the Toronto group for Halloween. Should be great fun. As far as what I’ll wear…French maid/dominatrix with a touch of street walker. Hope I can pull it off! So Ron (with his aristocrat fop look), and I should be a scream! Come and join us!
OMG, luval, I would love to! and my costume would fit in with you perfectly…I made my wedding dress from a 1804 French pattern, it is silk velvet with a little train, “directoire” style with an empire waist and little sleeves tied with silk cords…the Empress Josephine wore one almost exactly like it in a famous painting. I wear it with a glittery tiara and long white gloves and appropriate little tied ballet flats like hers. Very fun and a great way to recycle a wedding gown instead of having it languish in an attic!
Alas, no way that I could join you this year. Too much going on here. But I’ll be eager to see pics!
I can totally imagine your costume on you. It will be fantastic.
Kradamour…I love what you just described! Maybe next year?
Am watching project runway finale. Josh, one of the contestants has that shaved up look. Maybe on Adam, the problem was the lightning bolt situation. So stark…a line of black hair against white scalp. Gah, I can’t stop talking about the hair!
HAPPY HALLOWEEN (well, this was 3 years ago).
Going to recycle the mask and top hat but the rest will be different this year.
Wish you could join us, Kradamour!
Can’t wait to see you Monday, luval!!
Adam Thriller:
Nice Ron! ! !
Everytime I think about the Little Door pics, I go back and refresh my palate with these, taken just two days earlier:
and I repeat my mantra: There will be redemption. There will be redemption. There will be….
Just a matter of time, please, Universe!
thank you, riskylady.
That was like gentle bleach to wash out my eyes.
Think I’ll go to bed now with your pictures in my mind!
Sweet Adam dreams, peeps!
Yup, riskylady…he will not turn 30 yrs old with this hair style…or 31 or 32 or 33…….I can wait.
Hi jlurksacto!!
Thanks for the video! Clever.
Nice video jlurksacto. The part of it with Adam putting on the hat on stage was in Syracuse. He threw the hat back in the audience…of course the owner of it didn’t catch it. There was a little bit of a scuffle but she got it back!
The Thriller video is the work of kcinkcity who I met in Des Moines. I recognised her immediately as the gal that Monte jumped off the stage to greet at one of the shows, that’s what you get from watching so many Glamnation videos. Idol time is the Devil’s playground and old saying goes, so to keep from being idol while waiting for Adam to produce some new music, I went on line and ordered a set of 4 People Mag. crossword puzzle books from Amazon.com. While there I pre ordered Jame’s new album. He’s faced a lot of adversity in his life and was able to still keep his goal in sight so I hope he has some success. So far he’s gotten 31/2 out of 5 rating and a great endorsement from a couple guys in Judas Priest. I noticed Adam tends to support female singers more and Pia and Hailey are the only idols from season 10 he follows. He also follows Crystal and Kelly. Like I said too much idol time waiting at least I didn’t mention his h..r.
Well, jojosie, there is really not much h..r left to mention!
Always loved that impromptu dance Adam did with the bowler hat in Syracuse – he picked up the Bob Fosse style immediately – I was enthralled that he did that with such ease and grace – the man is master of go-with-the-moment.
Look at this gorgeous pic
And then this, which is not aawwwwfuuulll, but…
The hair at the temples has been shaved back, which is what I think makes it look dorky! Whataya think?
Who is this Furey, that Adam was posing with in the first pic? I feel like an old 29 today!
I always loved that too!
Yes, nkd – there is such a difference between the two photos. Concur that it’s the shaving at the temples. And in New York he had that gorgeous coat on as well – so much more smashing than his construction site getup.
I look at the tweets going to Adam every day at some point, and I haven’t really seen any asking about his hair. So maybe he doesn’t realise so many dislike it. I quite like it, apart from that back view.
Hi HK fan. I was starting to think the same thing…no tweets to Adam about the hair. Maybe peeps are afraid.
Even the TMZ photogs didn’t notice.
And I think it the shaved hairline/temple will not look good growing out. He might have to keep this hair forever.
(quick! bite your tongue!)
Nah, he could just have some lego hair molded to fit his head and cover it while it grows.
Bitter much? Overinvested much? Not me!
JCPenney has some cute Nicole Miller boots in black suede with a big zipper and a wedge. On sale, too. Ankle boots so they are actually practical for our warmer weather but still have that Ste Agathe medges vibe…tempting…
MMMM (trembling lips)..Maybe other people are not concerned about his hair as much as we do? Maybe this is the NEW thing in hairland?? I’m pretty sure that TMZ would go after him like a pack of wolfs if it wasn’t something current.And Fashion Police would trash him.

Or maybe people are not tweeting their dislike, cause they know that it will change soon? And knowing Mr.Stubborn if you tell him that YOU don’t like it, it only makes him happy that he pushed the button.(Facial hair, anyone?)
I would like to be a fly on that brain of his…
I love how Adam keep in touch with his fans thru Twitter.I don’t know what other celebs are doing, but with him I have that feeling that he really talks to us, wants to know what we are thinking/doing/feeling. It could be just fans manipulation, but what do I care? Did you notice that this is the first time , when he said that he is going to post his Halloween pics instead waiting for some “friends” to leak them out? Smart boy..
Maybe he’ll keep the top black and let the sides grow in red – two-tone hair.
I posted this on AQD awhile back – since his hair does look Frankenstein-like, he could go as the good doctor and Sauli could go as the Bride (he already has the dress).
I’m now listening to SuBo version of Mad World.
I really wanted to dislike it, but I found it strangely touching. IMO SuBo is channelig a little frightened girl that she really is… .Peace.
Still, nobody can touch Adam version. Nobody.
I’m today a Post Ho, as Krad would say.
What is your collective opinion on Adam going to Heidi Klum’s Halloween party? Will he go and work on his social/biz networking, or stay with his friends in LA and have a blast? Didn’t he throw party himself last year?
If I remember the party from last year it really looked boring. Just people standing around talking. Where were the dance, music lights, atmosphere, etc, etc. I think he should go to Heidi’s.
eta…because he said he’d be tweeting out pictures, I think he’ll stay with his friends.
OMG, Oksana, thank you for that SuBo link…I haven’t heard anything by her since the beginning, no interest really – but loved this. So fragile and sweet…
And don’t hate me for this, but I would love her to sing Mad World with Adam on some television show. I can totally see it – the contrast but also there is something at the very core of each of them that could connect over this song, I think. And we know that Adam would be kind to her and put her at ease. I am thinking of his duet with Alisan Porter (uh oh suddenly I am thinking that perhaps it was not Alisan. If not someone will set the record straight in about 10 minutes or less…lol…)
chuckle. We all say that in these down times when we find ourselves alone here!
Subo’s MW makes me sleepy. Sorta like elevator music.
Hi everyone – long time no see!
Just checking in and have to put my two cents in about the hair: BOO, two thumbs down, almost want to throw tomatoes at it. Kradamour, I agree with you regarding the recent pics of Adam and Sauli out for dinner; those are the first pics of Adam that I can remember thinking that his companion was more beautiful than he. Looking forward to the inevitable change.
Oksana, I really enjoyed the Subo Mad World – if I had heard it without knowing who was singing, I would have never thought it was her! By far my favorite of anything I’ve heard her sing.
Oksana2000 I just sent you a message on the fan site.
This combination is what I have been waiting and hoping for since day one. YESSSSSSSS!
So do you think Adam is headed back to NY?
No! Just no! No no no no no!
I could never hate you Kradamour, but still NO!
OMG – Adam and SuBo together? SNL maybe.
Hey, ceddies – maybe start a tweet storm with the hashtag #twotonehair.
I don’t know if you all saw this. Adam is retweeting Halloween costume pics. This one left me ROFLMAO!
lmb61 Linda Marie
by adamlambert
@adamlambert Happy Halloween! twitpic.com/76tp2l

(running for safety)
(finding a cave to hide in)
No need to hide Kradamour. I’m/we’re not really the violent type!