Well, fall has arrived and it’s time for our October chat thread. This is the sixth monthly chat we’ve had on the site. Thought about using a Burning Man photo for this month, but decided to continue with the Adam getting awards theme with this photo of Adam and Leila at the 2nd annual PFLAG National LA Event.

Still hoping for a new single sometime soon, but maybe not this month. Enjoy the chat!


1,474 Responses to October 2011 Chat

  1. ultimathule says:

    And, nkd, Adam is nothing if not FYE – lol.

  2. nkd says:

    He didn’t get it! Wink

    Perez Hilton
    @adamlambert All good. I stand behind my critique and suggestions for Stacy. And behind my opinions of Adele! xoxo

    In response to Adam’s tweet

    adamlambert Adam Lambert
    @PerezHilton sucks when folks don’t check their facts first huh? Sorry.

  3. ultimathule says:

    Surprised Perez didn’t get it – that was a subtle, but devastating, comment.

  4. nkd says:

    Maybe Perez didn’t see Adam’s last tweet back to Stacy, where he talked about character.
    Perez does so much sh** to so many people, he probably doesn’t even remember what he did to Adam!
    I’m referring to the story he spread about Gaga’s b’day party.

  5. ultimathule says:

    “sucks when folks don’t check their facts first” – could be a reference to Perez’s nasty comments about the Gaga party. Adam is a very clever guy and, with his sophistication and use of language, could be subversive enough to appear to be saying something complimentary, but, in essence, undermining that very compliment. There’s a literary name for that which, of course, I can’t remember.
    A case in point – his interview with whatisname (red hair) about his performance with KISS (“Didya hear him sing? Great wasn’t it.” – smirk.) Adam’s a good guy, but no pushover from what I see. Like that.

  6. ultimathule says:

    Hmmmm – still early – think I’ll run over to Amazon and post a few more zingers on that mp3 download of MFB (changed the order of letters to something more appropriate).

  7. cher says:

    Back from the Josh Groban concert. So good to hear a live singer with no lipsynch/autotune. Great voice. Quite witty, interacted with the audience constantly. Was pleasantly surprised. He just finished a 2 and 1/2 month tour in Europe and wasn’t feeling very well, but still sounded very good. He even asked us if he could take a 15 minute break so he could go take some aspirin and finish the concert. Said he was getting a cold or something. He was sweating a lot! Frown
    He had a HUGE bodyguard!! Goodness me. About 7ft of giantdom. (Is that even a word? lol)
    Apparently he had asked people to text questions before the show and he called on a couple people who had and answered their questions from the stage. Then a guy came up from the audience and Josh brought him on stage. He proposed to his girlfriend who’s Josh’s french horn player and it was really cute. They kissed several times, kept hugging and Josh said “Get a room, will ya? After the show.” haha
    I have to say I was not a big fan, but I really enjoyed him and when he did “You Raise Me Up”, that alone was worth the price of admission. Smile
    Saw the Perez/Stacey/Adam twitter debacle. Pooh on Perez. How rude to say Stacey is too old!! Good for Adam to stand up for Stacey.

  8. ultimathule says:

    Glad you had a good time at the Groban concert, cher. He has a great set of pipes. Have his “Believe” from the Polar Express – love that song – and one or two others – something with Placido Domingo.

    There was another tweet from Adam about an hour ago in reply to another PH tweet about Adele and Boyle, with AL’s basically saying – hey – it’s over. PH is such an annoying (guess I can’t use the word, but it starts with a “p” and ends with a “k.”)

    The trolls are still over at Amazon pimping that mp3.

  9. luval says:

    Ultimathule…iso love Believe from Polar Express. Ever see the movie in IMAX?

    Adam doesn’t read here but I’m sure people are tweeting him about the hair. I hope they are “gentle”. I wouldn’t want his feelings hurt and wouldn’t want him keeping it that way just to spite us possibly entitled fans. We do love himno matter what!

    Adamized love your post from last night!

  10. adamized says:

    luval and Ultimathule I almost didn’t post my silly little plea in fear that he would see it. I really do think all kidding aside that part of Adam’s draw is his beauty. Playing with it once you are in the public eye can be dangerous. A good example are a few women (Linda Ronstat, Kirstie Alley, etc) who gained weight and found themselves plummetting in popularity. Both were very talented but their whole package included being very attractive. Thank goodness hair is a lot easier to grow than weight is to loose. And hopefully this style decision won’t last long.

    This particular “do” places a lot of attention on his eyebrows and his pale coloring and distorts the symrtry of his lovely face.

    Sorry for the early morning diatribe.

    Have a good day everyone!

  11. adamized says:

    Ok, after this I really have to get ready for work. Go over to Chunkey’s and look at the “hairstercyl” replies to the hair intervention posting. There is a picture of Adam with real lego hair and one with a lego top. The irreverent humor makes me feel silly for my over the top concern.

  12. luval says:

    Adamized…your concern is NOT over the top!!!! It may seem shallow to dwell on the hair but it is a part of his whole package. Voice of course first, then the rest. A long time ago we discussed on Mj’s that if he were just an average looking guy, maybe short, no personality but a wonderful voice, we probably wouldn’t be following him unfortunately.

  13. glambotgram says:

    OMG the Lego hair and Lego top is too much LOL

  14. JOJOSIE says:

    Cher, so glad you enjoyed the Josh Groban concert. I’m a fan of his. I wasn’t sure how he’d be in concert as I have a DVD of one of his live performances and wasn’t too impressed. Love the CD’s of his and yes “You raise me up” is heart stoping. Adam really raised the bar as he has the amazing voice,gorgeous looks, great stage presence and dance moves.
    Oh, I forgot to mention he HAD great hair.

  15. luval says:

    Omg those comments on the hair are hilarious over at Chunkey’s. Adam just has to be hearing this stuff from twitter or wherever. As long as we can tell he’s growing it back things will be fine. I would hate to hear some of the “extremists” say they won’t buy his album because of the hair.

  16. ultimathule says:

    I’m trying very hard not to think about how much I hate the hair, but it’s not working. So damn annoying.

  17. nkd says:

    I went on about this hair a couple of weeks ago, now it’s just badderer! List of important stuff bb! Wink
    We need hair on the sides! Forrest Gump. Lego hair. This just won’t do! Wink

  18. nkd says:

    I could accept the hair for awhile, if I had a single to listen to!

  19. cher says:

    Jojosie, I expected Josh to be more boring but I think being on tour in Europe made him more audience interactive. He did mention doing smaller venues earlier this year and saying that he enjoyed the intimacy. My concert last night was in an arena though. He has definitely improved his people skills. He has his Grobanite following too. Smile
    I don’t like the current hair either. Hopefully Adam grows it back soon. Frown

  20. riskylady says:

    nkd says:
    10/27/2011 at 12:14 pm
    I could accept the hair for awhile, if I had a single to listen to!

    LOL ain’t that the truth!

  21. Miss Chaos says:

    I feel like a part of Adams draw is the visual. We like seeing him. We get lost in his attractiveness. The hair is part if this, as he shaves it away, does his attractiveness go away with it? I dont know. He and Sauli must have too much time on their hands to play with the shaver. I am sure they have other things to play with, OMG did I just say that!!!
    I dont understand this style, there isnt anyother popstars that I can think of with this silly style that he and Sauli are going with. I just dont get it. He doesnt need to wack off the hair to get attention. Silly man knows his Glambert fans love his longer hair, what is he thinking.

    Is Sauli having a bad influence on him, you know Adam cant shave the back of his head himself, the back was too perfect ya know? I have got to stop rambling about the hairdo. I would be nice to have a new song to ramble about.!

  22. luval says:

    Nkd…the hair overrules the single… Smile
    Do you think he’ll address the hair situation publically? Maybe this is what he was referring to when he was talking about not really knowing everything about him. That he is really a normal dorky guy that isn’t rock god-dish at all!

    And maybe he’s testing us to see if the hair matters. (it kinda does!). Part of why we love him. It seems as though he’s so comfortable in his relationship that he’s looking kind of shlumpy. The hair, the shoes, the whole outfit (from date night) didn’t work. Yes, I am shallow.

    Did ya see his tweet? He’s very excited for Halloween and will be posting pictures this weekend. So maybe the hair has something to do with Halloween…the bizarro Adam Lambert, the evil twin, the 180 degree Adam Lambert….eh, probably not.

  23. Ceddies says:

    And maybe he’s testing us to see if the hair matters.

    Hi, luval. I’ve kept quiet about the hair because we know he’s gonna do it his way. (Heck, you can look at my hair and know that some of us are just like that). LOL. I think he’s testing us, ?maybe trying to weed out a few of his 29ers who usually don’t go for the shavings, tattoos, etc. He should know, though, by now that we’re loyal. I will love him no matter what transpires, although I do like his hair better when styled otherwise. And, I think that’s the way most of us on here feel.

  24. PlanetFierce says:

    I love reading everyone’s take on Adam’s overreach with the hair clipper. Head shaving is just another way of body mutilation as far as I am concerned. I disagree that there isn’t anyone else out there in pop music that does this, but on the other hand, why shouldn’t he lead the pack instead of follow? It’s VERY edgy and Adam LOVES edgy, plus he has Sauli to support and encourage him. That being said, we know he lurks and he loves his Glamberts, but he needs to pull in younger fans and he needs to do what he needs to do…. I don’t think for one minute he wants any of us to be gone, so we may have to deal here one way or the other. I am all in regardless, but I still hope it’s short lived. But be careful what we complain about or ask for because the next time it could be a completely shaved head…just sayin’, he is a wild child after all and we don’t know yet how far he will go.

  25. asifclueless says:

    Adam Lambert
    And please tweet me your costumes too! I’d love to see you all feeling creative. Dress up is the BEST expression (besides music of course)

    Adam Lambert
    So excited for my favorite holiday! Halloween!!!! I will def be posting pictures this weekend


  26. luval says:

    hi glamberthaf28 if you are lurking here!

    I (and others) would love to hear how you came upon Adam. If you click on the “chat treads” up top you’ll see a link for Glamberts and recaps. Here is where many of us have put our experiences hearing about him for the first time and the journeys we’ve taken because of him. Many are similar stories, after all he came from American Idol, but each person has a little different spin on it.

    So check it out! And for anyone else that hasn’t posted there, go over and tell us your story!!

  27. ultimathule says:

    I’m annoyed that I’m annoyed.

    And I don’t care what he does to himself as long as it’s beautiful.

    If he loves us, he shouldn’t mutilate himself just for the hell of it.

    Hope he saw those restaurant pics – if those don’t shock him into reality, don’t know what will.

  28. ultimathule says:

    Navigating at the constantly evolving MJ’s is a hoot. And what’s with the number of postings and approvals.
    Two days ago the numbers for me were about 50 posts and 48 likes, yesterday about 90 posts and 1 like, today 48 posts and 101 likes. Is it according to the thread your in or does it reflect other websites run by disqus that one posts on? Got me.

  29. luval says:

    ultimathule…I share your concern but I think the pictures were somewhat fine (except the sloppy boots and tee and the fact that Sauli outshined him imo) until that one from the back in the car. That put most people over the edge!

    The sides were newly shaved right to the scalp. There was no fuzz. lol. And I’ve said before, that he can’t keep it so short for too long because that ginger just pops up and he has to dye it so close to his scalp. He apparently didn’t want a smidgen of ginger hair so he went bald!

    mj’s is a mess imo. Should have left well enough alone.

  30. nkd says:

    No matter what he does with his hair/head, I will always love him. Even if he shaved it all off! I’ll just listen! Let’s hope he wears hats! Wink

    We are a shallow bunch! Haha! We just like our pretty!!!

  31. luval says:

    nkd..haha ITA!! Shallow shallow shallow…I will embrace this fault!

    Pretty pretty pretty…my little pretty…where is that from? Wizard of Oz or something?

  32. Miss Chaos says:

    Wicked Witch of the West-Wizard of Oz~~~~~~~~~HeeHeeHee-I have all the old Madam Alexander Dolls from the Wizard of Oz-just a usless piece of info!!!!!!!!!

  33. dcglam says:

    You guys are so funny about this hair thing. I’m not a big fan of the current hair style either, but we all know that Adam is Adam and gets bored easily. This “boredom” is partially responsible for making each one of his concerts so unique and special. I never ever worry about his hair styles because they change so quickly. I personally don’t think he is thinking about us when he styles his hair. For the time being, this style makes “him” happy (and maybe Sauli – haha).

  34. Ceddies says:

    That being said, we know he lurks and he loves his Glamberts, but he needs to pull in younger fans and he needs to do what he needs to do….

    Hi Planet, Thanks. I guess this is where I really was trying to go instead of saying he may want us 29ers gone, he just wants to add more younger fans; and, if we fall by the wayside, we just fall if we can’t come along for the ride that he is taking us on.

  35. Oksana2000 says:

    Now I know why Adam changed his hairdo…Guess who is copying him..LOL

  36. dcglam says:

    LOL….. OMG — too funny, Oksana!!! Smile

  37. Ceddies says:

    Oh, no, Oksana. Beebs has Adam’s Ste. Agathe hair!!!!! The Adam hairstyle is very becoming to Bieber too, though, I have to admit. I didn’t like the “then” hairstyle that they showed in that article.

  38. Ceddies says:

    I wonder if Adam has seen the copycat hairdo? Copying is the best form of flattery, they say.

  39. Oksana2000 says:

    So the next step for Biebs will be shaving his sides?? If it happens I’ll die laughing..

  40. luval says:

    Many artists besides Bieber are coping Adam’s former hair. Adam Levine, the lead singer of the Script, Chris Cofer’s character on Glee. Jared Leto……to name a few.

  41. HK fan says:

    mmmm hair, I actually liked his hair last week when it was really short on the sides but longer on the top (like Beibers!!!), i don’t mind it shaved. but not completely, a number 1 at least, but must admit that back view in the car was really bad…

    (and I like the new layout at MJ’S as I’ve finally been able to log on, as have many others it seems.)

  42. Miss Chaos says:

    OMG the Beibs is copying Adam ROTFL, this copying hairstyle is too funny! But I must say that why arent Adams younger fans Glamberts too, is there a age limit to be a Glambert and if so what is it, and what are younger Glamberts called??? Do we have a name for them? Are they Berts? Or just Glams, or is there a name? I hate that Adam must think all his fans that are Glamberts are old. (Shut up Ms Chaos)!!!!!

  43. glambotgram says:

    I think all fans are Glamberts it is just that there are a lot more of us 29 year old Glamberts than say 20 year old ones.

  44. dcglam says:

    I love Singapore’s “definition” of a Glambert….

    “We are Glamberts, fans of Adam Lambert, from the small, little island city-state of Singapore. Coming from all walks of life and varying ages, we come together to celebrate, to idolise the multi-talented, very handsome, very unique performer and entertainer that is Adam Lambert!

    Our Mission
    To enjoy all that Adam has to bring to the world and to celebrate his talents, his joy, his success! To be the focal point for all Singapore fans of Adam. To offer a venue to meet, to talk, to share all that is great of Adam. To offer an outlet to vent, to cry, to laugh, to love as inspired by Adam.”

  45. Oksana2000 says:

    I think all fans are Glamberts it is just that there are a lot more of us 29 year old Glamberts than say 20 year old ones.

    glambotgram, depending on a country.Outside of US Glamberts are definitely younger.

  46. k_in_cal says:

    Adam’s hair is starting to look like Kid n Play hair. lol

  47. luval says:
  48. k_in_cal says:

    Thanks luval. I guess I should have thought to include a link.

  49. k_in_cal says:

    Maybe Adam is going to be “Kid” for halloween!

    eta…and Sauli will be “Play” Smile

  50. milwlovesadam says:

    A new list from me, Mils:

    1) I do not like the hair, I do not. I do not like it here. I do not like it there. I do not like it anywhere.

    2) I think Adam marches to his own drummer. He does what he wants when he feels like it. Is it boredom? I don’t know. I think he’s headstrong and probably impulsive. Then, he gets to over-thinking some things in reaction to earlier impulsivity. IMHO.

    3) I also think he’s easily swayed. We’ve all heard him in interviews where he states something, then someone gives an opposite view, and he says ” Oh, Okay.” So, somebody at a photo shoot could say to him, we’ll put you in a Michelin Man outfit, and he says, “oh Okay.” Or, let’s shave your hair so that you look like one of the Dumb and Dumber guys, you be Lloyd, here, I’ll just put this bowl on your head first. “Oh. Okay.”

    4) Being in the news for bad fashion? Being in the news leaving a club with bad hair? Being in the news with your boyfriend? Being in the news when your hair is being copied by a fetus and a fellow out gay on prime TV? Being in teh news over a twitter war with Perez and a top X Factor contestant? It’s all just win-win.

    5) Everybody join hands, toes, fingers and whatsis.

    Now. Everybody recite after me ” Grow. Grow. Please grow. Grow. Adam. Grow your hair. Let it hang in the trees. Let it shine in the breeze. Let it be a home for the bees….shining, gleaming, freeing, waxin, flaxin…HAIR”

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