- Velvet
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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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Even betterer!!!!!!!!
Hi peeps! I would be so thrilled if the GNL got a Grammy nomination. How fantabulus would that be????
nkd, the link you posted for Monte’s stuff didn’t work for me. Could you repost or share what it is all about?
Hmm, best long form music video. Does anyone remember what the competitors would be? I somehow recall another live concert video coming out last year.
Three categories? Beyond thrilled.
Yay, the Grammy’s. Another reason to watch. February?? Album of the year? holy cow!! I am so excited. I hope this is 100% true!!
Sorry about that! I was going back to twitter to get the link when I saw the tweet about the 3 categories!
This is what Monte tweeted:
I’ll let you each reach your own conclusions as to his intention.
ETA Here is one response on twitter.
Hi! Just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Heather and I’m brand new to the site!
It was recommended to me by Kradamour, who I met at Adam’s Ste. Agathe show!!!! Hope to get to know all of you wonderful Glamberts on here 
Remember…it’s just a submission for consideration for a nomination!
Hi glamberthaf28 ! Welcome! I remember you from Ste Agathe, I’m so glad you found us here!
Hi glamberthaf28. I was one of the gals with Kradamour shouting at you from across the “aisle”! I took you and your friend’s photo too! (with your permission of course). Welcome! Amazing concert! And did you catch Sauli walking inches by us?
Am gonna watch that youtube now.
eta…oh, nkd…a consideration. Oh well, better than no consideration!!!
Hi Heather! I remember you very well. I was standing immediately behind Kradamour and directly across from you. I remember being so excited for you and telling my friends back home about you. Loved that you got to experience it with us. Glad to have you here!
I have really not been following the Monte thing. Can someone explain it to me in a couple of sentences?
I don’t think anyone here mentioned this Canadian teen’s suicide. I wonder if Adam could have helped this wonderful kid? I saw him skate. So senseless. http://news.advocate.com/post/11580677515/jamie-hubley-15-commits-suicide-after-bullying
I’m not clear on the finer points of twitter, but it looks like Monte must have deleted that tweet with the link to the Adam Sandler YT. Is that possible?
calgary, yes it is possible that Monte may have deleted it. Too late though.
Calgary, that story of Jamie Hubley brought me to tears. It is so sad when teens feel that there is no other way.
Hi Heather,glamberthaf28, and welcome to the playground. I definitely remember you too, as I was standing right there across “Sauli’s walkway” with kradamour, nkd, adamized, luval, and Ron at Ste. Agathe when the conversations were going on about how you came to be there after all. I don’t know if you remember me, but I have shoulder length, BRIGHT red hair. Anyway, I hope you will stay with us here as we await Adam’s new gift to the world.
Aaah. Sweet memories. One year ago today. Hawaii. Waikiki Beach. Snorkeling at Hanauma Bay. The first concert at Blaisdell Hall. My Meet and Greet. ( Yup. That’s me at Honolulu #1 on the fansite, first pic) First in line at the correct door. All the other Glamberts at the wrong door. Goatie and I had some private Neil time. He congratulated us on being in the right place. It wasn’t too hard. We just went to the door that had an actual sign on saying Adam Lambert!!!
I can’t believe it was a year ago. What a fantastic experience we all shared. Two shows, a meet and greet, and Hawaii. I was in row 4, both nights, smack in the middle with Goatie. Leila about 5 feet behind me, unknown to us! Adam staring us down, those eyebeams so intense, so close we could practically reach out and touch him.
I truly hope to connect with and meet more of you next tour. The “Adam Trips” I took were so wonderful, it simply must happen again!
WOOT! Welcome, glamberthaf28! So glad to see you here!
I am going in a few minutes to the airport to pick up my soldier son WHO IS COMING HOME FROM A YEAR IN KOREA!!! So if my posts are rarer for a while I am not bored, offended, annoyed, or ill, I am just enjoying my son who will leave in a couple of weeks for his next assignment far away. (Mentioning that because we do keep pretty good tabs on each other! and the last time I was a little bit awol for awhile I got lovely emails and texts wondering if I was ok.)
Sweet Adam dreams, peeps!
Is it just me being a tech dummy, or is MJ’s confusing now? I need a pointer or two. I don’t understand why the oldest comments are first. And, why do I have to keep loading comments to find the newest? Is there a trick to this?
And, OT. How great was tonight’s XFactor? Who else is loving it?
And, one last thing. Grammy’s for GN Live? Woot! Let’s all keep our fingers toes and whatsis crossed for good luck!
One more:
Have a nice time kradamour!
And, to anyone who I have shared personal e-mail with: I deeply and humbly apologize for the spamming sent out today. I didn’t do it. I have a virus that is very persistent and popped back today, after we have spent time and money to clean up our computer. Please try to laugh it off, and don’t open it. So sorry.
G’nite kradamour. I’m so glad you have the blessing of this time with your son (and the rest of the family I’m sure).
mils, yes, MJ’s is a little strange now. You can change the order of the comments to suit yourself, though, once you open up an article.
ceddies, how would i do that?
mils, if you want to (for example) read the most recent article about The X Factor, The Top 17, click on that title. When it opens up, scrolls down thru the article. When you get to the line that says “Showing 40 of 390 Comments”, look out to the right. There are four choices. Just make sure yours says “Sort by newest first”.
Hope I’m understanding your question. If not, hey, it’s late baby–and I’m sleepy!
Adam had to speak out to protect his brand. He had to spread the word that this second-rate collection of tracks was not his SONY/RCA release due in early 2012. Welsford, et al., were attempting to confuse fans into thinking BFM was that album. IMO, Pittman should have spoken out and made clear that this was a Citizen Vein “album” from years ago and not Adam’s projected release. As far as I can tell, he did not.
Knowing how loyal Adam is to his friends – as attested to by Monte in the GNT vid – it’s hard not to believe that Adam was hurt by Monte’s non-actions. IMO, his “unfriending” of MP was evidence of that.
I might also say that knowing this “album” was being released now only because of Adam’s success should have been a source of embarrassment to Monte rather than something to brag about. If it wasn’t good enough to release then, it certainly hasn’t improved with age.
Monte may have gained a few bucks from this release, but it can’t compensate for what he’s lost.
Nicely stated ultimathule.
Hey, did anybody find it amusing that Stacey, after announcing she’s a Glambert on twitter, was wearing the feathers tonight? Glam indeed.
Hi Mils, I did enjoy XFactor tonight. I really like several of the contestants and all 3 groups! Good stuff. Did you see the blind gossip article on MJs that most peeps think refers to Stacey? Whoops!! 3 past marriages? Something like that.
Welcome glamberthaf28!! I was standing a few rows in front of Krad and that group so I never got to see you, but definitely hope to meet you on Adam’s next tour. We had loads of fun in St Agathe!
Ultimathule..yep, it’s sad to see the parting of Adam and Monte so publicly. I know Monte will feel the consequences of this rogue album on his own career. Mainly Glamberts contributed to his album projects and attended his concerts. A few remain loyal to him, but the majority won’t. I spoke to him twice after 2 different concerts and he’s a really nice guy. He has a fairly large family to provide for, so I guess any income at this point gets priority.
The Advocate says they’ll order another batch of mags if 10,000 people sign this petition.
Thanks ceddies. Cher, did you see my apology? Looks like we need to see the Geeks Squad again…….
Yes I did mils. It’s no bother. I spam you enough. You ought to be used to it.

Hi Ron… good to see you tweeting away. So happy to see you over there!!
I do love Adam interviews!
Hi Cher! Nice to see you too! I’m so
Everyone on Twitter already knows! 
stupidnaive when it comes to Twitter! I saw your post here about The Advocate and thought I’d be the first one to spread the news!Welcome to the asylum glamberthaf28!
Actually, I’m sure you’ll find this a comfortable, safe haven with interesting, fun people! While we didn’t speak to one another at the concert in Ste.-Agathe, I was standing almost directly across from you. Every time I looked over at you, you were grinning from ear to ear. Your excitement to be seeing Adam for the first time was palpable and I couldn’t help but smile myself and be very happy for you! Please don’t be a stranger.
Hi nkd!
I hope the baby grand-mama has been and is well! Thank you for that post. I’m glad to know that Adam adores me.
Hello to Glamberthaf28 and welcome to this lovely site.. I love coming here even though I don’t post all the time. Everyone is always so friendly and positive, none of the crap that is so often seen on other sites.
Its such a shame about Monte and Adam, they have been friends for so long. Wasn’t there a bit of trouble brewing last year though with Lisa, maybe things started souring between them them, and the BFM things was the last straw.
Thanks for the brief scenario of the situation. Didn’t mean to sound so clueless. When Monte had his house parties or whatever they were called, I remember his’s wife’s whining about “whatever happened to friendships” or something to that effect. Thought it was all smoothed over but apparently not.
Melanie is the most talented on xfactor imo but she won’t win. She doesn’t have the whole package.
Glamberthaf28 welcome to our playground.
I am also loving X-Factor.
Did anyone else feel like some contestants were set-up to fail by their judges. The soulful singing of Melanie and Drew alone on the stage compared to the train wreck of a production of Simone Battle and Tiah Tolliver seems ridiculous to me. Rachel was just ok tonight and I love Drew’s voice but that song was just a beat too slow.
but overall I love the show.
Yes, Cher, I do think Stacey is who the article was referring to. It’s interesting how she has such a storied past, but still needed this show for a boost. She’s recorded and been in theater.
What I’m liking a lot about the show is that it seems so well planned out. It doesn’t have the, for lack of a better word, ” Hysteria” or spontaneity of Idol. And, everybody is honest, but nicer. And color me cuckoo, but, I just loooerve me some Simon. And Paula is spot-on target and doing so well. IMHO.
glamberthaf28: welcome!
kradamour: Enjoy your son. I am one of those who would wonder when you don’t post for a while. cwm???
This is the sad part of all this brouhaha. If only we could just be mad at/about the bastards who are putting out this album at this time it would be better. But when we feel that Monte is/has been involved and disloyal and maybe even ungrateful we/I feel a bigger loss. I came to feel a connection to the whole package…loved my Adam but also the friendly feel and warmth from the whole band. BUT never thought after so many years that something would come between Adam and Monte. Money does cause problems always. It’s like individuals in families who lie and cheat to get a buck or two when a family member dies or who manipulate things behind the scenes so that the manipulator gets it all or more and the hell with the rest of the family .And so the riffs widen and eventually family members no longer speak to each other, etc. You get my drift. This happens quite a bit.
This has been bothering me from the get go.It’s not Adam’s fault; he is probably sad too about the loss of someone he thought was a good friend! I only wish Monte had handled himself better so that the current scenario we’re seeing played out didn’t have to happen.And of course, if the “producers” of these sham albums had done things differently by being honest that these were early Citizen
Vein tracks instead of trying to latch onto Adam’s coattails and try to ruin the debut of Adam’s sophomore album, they would make money and most of this would not have become the issue it has.
So true, Little Dutchess. And unfortunately Monte has short-term needs to support his family, which can definitely cloud one’s vision.
Like many others, I would have leapt at the chance to buy a well mixed and produced Citizen Vein CD that had Adam’s blessing. Everyone would have benefited, including the fans.
Son is taking a shower so I’m here for a peek lol)
Well – I’m just going to have to start watching X-Factor – the enthusiasm here is contagious. I’m in Maryland/Greater D.C. area. What night is it on? Could look it up but just easier to ask – lol.
Maybe, just maybe, the whole Lisa brouhaha started because of the planned BFM release. GN had ended, Monte was planning or maybe already recording his album, and I have a hunch he did some recording at Melsford’s studios (maybe why he thanked him in the album notes). So, maybe Adam already had gotten wind of it. There are rumors of a big argument in Russia between Adam and Monte, too. It’s just very sad, and naming their album after Adam, and the website AdamLambertAlbum.com is just plain beyond insulting and disrespectful (IMHO).
ETA: Welcome Glamberthaf28!
Kradamour, enjoy every minute with your son. I know what’s going on so I won’t bug you finding out where you are!
Maybe you can sneak on while he’s sleeping!
Hi Ron! I am well, thank you!
My daughter(the baby mama) is officially older than me today! That’s just not right!
I am enjoying X-Factor, but not totally invested in it or any contestant just yet.
Did y’all see pictures from last night? Just to get ya drooling!
nkd, I just saw those photos over at Just Jared. On twitter loved a comment that Sauli has gone from cute to totally hot. I actually think he’s prettier than Adam in these pictures. These guys have a one year anniversary soon, wonder if (how) they’ll celebrate.
Jojosie, Sauli is just adorable!
Ultimathule, XFactor’s schedule is a bit messed up right now
ITA though.
due to the World Series showing on Fox at this time. Here is the revised schedule from MJs. I’m pretty miffed at Simon for letting two good singers Jazzlyn Little and Tora Woloshin go in favor of Simone and Tiah. What was he thinking? Well, Simone is a very attractive girl and it seems Simon has a huge crush on her..she looks exactly like his old girlfriend Sinitta. She’s like the dark Brittney Spears, good to look at but can’t sing that well. MJ has it right about Simone, but I can’t repeat what she posted.
This was Jazzlyn’s audition doing Mary J Blige
This was Tora’s
Tuesday, Oct. 25 (8:00-10:30 PM) Finalists Revealed (Special Tuesday Airing)
Wednesday, Nov. 2 (8:00-10:00 PM) LIVE Performance Show
Thursday, Nov. 3 (8:00-9:00 PM) LIVE Results Show
Wednesday, Nov. 9 (8:00-10:00 PM) LIVE Performance Show
Thursday, Nov. 10 (8:00-9:00 PM) LIVE Results Show
Wednesday, Nov. 16 (8:00-10:00 PM) LIVE Performance Show
Thursday, Nov. 17 (8:00-9:00 PM) LIVE Results Show
Tuesday, Nov. 22 (8:00-10:00 PM) LIVE Performance Show (Special Tuesday Airing)
Wednesday, Nov. 23 (8:00-9:30 PM) LIVE Results Show (Special Wednesday Airing)
Wednesday, Nov. 30 (8:00-9:30 PM) LIVE Performance Show
Thursday, Dec. 1 (8:00-9:00 PM) LIVE Results Show
Wednesday, Dec. 7 (8:00-9:30 PM) LIVE Performance Show
Thursday, Dec. 8 (8:00-9:00 PM) LIVE Results Show
Wednesday, Dec. 14 (8:00-9:30 PM) LIVE Performance Show
Thursday, Dec. 15 (8:00-9:00 PM) LIVE Results Show
Wednesday, Dec. 21 (8:00-9:30 PM) LIVE Season Finale, Part 1
Thursday, Dec. 22 (8:00-10:00 PM) LIVE Season Finale, Part 2
negativeneilNeil Lambert
Exciting Things: I have a youtube show. Episode 1: Occupy LA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbCWdrfRz80