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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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- AL’s Games
I agree with Ron, I think Adam’s momentum is gone at this point. It’s just been too long – over a year now since the U.S. tour basically ended and IIHY fell off the pop charts. People naturally move on – especially from a new artist like Adam who doesn’t have a long line of hit singles and albums to firmly establish himself in the public consciousness. Adam can still get the momentum back with a monster hit lead single, but I fear it’s an uphill climb at this point.
I also don’t understand why Adam has been wasting time (in my view) with things like Project Runway guest judging and Majors/Minors in the past couple of months. Those appearances are pretty minor league compared to the sorts of TV gigs he has had in the past, and I don’t think they really help him at all.
Hopefully I will be proven wrong and the new single/album will be huge hits, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s not the case. The fact that we, a community composed of some of Adam’s most loyal fans, are having this type of discussion is itself a warning sign I think.
Good morning,
Ron, loved your posts last night and I can feel your frustration. You know me…Debbie Downer. But then I got to thinking of artists that you really don’t hear much about except when they show up on a red carpet. Bruno Mars, Katy Perry, BEP, KeSha, Pink, Nelly…They have their hits, then they fade if only temporarily. And I don’t think any of the ones I just mentioned have a hard core fan base like Adam. We are in it for the long haul (most of us, I think).
I saw an interview with Usher before Christmas and the interviewer asked him what he wanted for Christmas. Usher said “more fans”. I was surprised. So even though these peeps are well known, they are not like our BB IMO.
Now of course the Debbie in me is saying “Well, what if I don’t like Adam’s new music”. But I can also say…”maybe I will”!! Just have to wait. And I’m looking at this as a nice break to take care of real life things. I always have time to come here but I don’t feel as pressured (lol). I just love to read the posts and keep in touch with all of you!!!
Hi eywflyer…You really sound like me sometimes. But my mantra is to always look for the worst and if it’s a smidgen better, then I’m happy. Only one way to go but up.
Now eyw, is this the sixth monthly chat or fifth? Up top you have 6th.
luv you!
Luval, I count the Welcome thread as our first monthly chat, since it was started on May 6th and carried us through that month until the Moscow concert.
Believe me, I hope I’m wrong about the prospects for Adam going forward. But the past history of Idol’s second album performance is daunting, and IMO Adam made a huge mistake by missing the November release window. Just have to see what happens. I see no evidence at this point that a single is imminent, last night’s tweets from Adam did kinda feel like stringing along…
On a happier note, the site has passed 9,000 total comments now. Based on the rate of comments the past few months, sometime this month the 10,000th comment will be posted!
Thanks, eywflyer. I will be curious to see how the fall/holiday releases do for the artists. I really think the music business has changed soooo much in the past couple of years. The name doesn’t guarantee a hit anymore. Even for a Susan Boyle or an Adele. And don’t get me started on illegal downloading.
I think Adam should stay as visible as possible in any form of media. With the Rosie show, Ellen starting up again, other shows, he will have the opportunity to pick up fans, I think.
So I’ma keepin’ my fingers and other parts crossed!!
Dear luval, please don’t cramp up on us!
Ron and eywflyer, though I got a little nervous when I saw Adam’s google numbers dropping I was reassured that they came right back up over the next day. People still do care even if it is only the million or so folks that I believe make up his core fanbase. Before anyone asks, I have no hard evidence of that number could be way off.
The tv appearances are important even if they aren’t the huge ones we hope he gets when his music comes out. The more exposure Adam has the better. He is meeting more folks in the business and making friends in a lot of the right places.
Adam is also working with lots of big names in the music industry. They have put a good deal of time and money into this next album and I believe they put a lot of money into getting it out to the public.
Well, that’s my 2 cents. I really really really hope I’m right and that we will all have a good laugh when Adam is crazy successful with the next release.
cwm, thanks for the tweets. Hysterical!
Oh, one more thing since I seem to have this lovely platform all to myself.
I think Adam has the option to be major successful or successful on his own terms. What do I mean by that? Adam is Adam. He will make his own decisions and some of them may not be what the mainstream buyers are going to necessarily feel comfortable with.
An example of this is his ability with a swipe of the shaver and some extreme make up to go from the pretty approachable well spoken fellow on PR to a mystical creature that is appealing to a totally different demographic. Now, who is to say that one demographic will make him more successful than another or that his ability to “mix it up” is a detrement.
I guess we will see.
Love this whole page.
Woke up (never mind how late it is lol) to Adam tweets of lyrics (so much more articulate than “baby baby baby oh”…was it just a page or so ago that someone pointed out how large Adam’s vocabulary is? He speaks wonderfully well for a young man without formal education – or with, for that matter) followed by an intelligent “State of the Adam” discussion.
We posters each bring something different to that. In ewyflyer we have a master of statistics. Others are more intellectually heart-driven. Still others are more objectively analytical. And we all want Adam to be wonderfully successful, we are more than a bit angst-y over it, but we also define success in different ways. I just love when we spend a page or two working this out in our various ways.
Al Stewart played here on Friday. (Yes, that Al Stewart: Year of the Cat, Time Passages. For you young’uns, he had huge hits in the late 70’s, he sold out enormous venues.) Interesting interview. The interviewer was clearly surprised to know that AS was still touring and making original music. AS smiled a huge smile and said that is always the case, but his fans know where to find him, and he is making a very good living from his music and still having a great time after all these years, toured when he wanted to and stayed home when he didn’t. Said his lyrics were articulate and used big words and that wasn’t for everyone, and he didn’t care and wasn’t going to change what he loved in order to play bigger venues and be a bigger star for people who would appreciate less the things that he thought were important. That he loved his fans and loved making music for them and loved the interactions in the smaller venues so that he could connect.
I couldn’t help thinking about Adam. On the surface, can’t imagine two less similar styles. But when AS was talking about his fans, and his music, it could have been Adam talking.
So I don’t think we need to worry. Do we need to worry if we want arena superstardom for Adam? Probably, IMO.
But does Adam want that? We’ve had this discussion several times, and we have different opinions. I think that there is a part of Adam that does – but he is fundamentally a homebody, in a loving relationship, extremely close to his family and with a tight-knit circle of loyal friends – not a good match for arena superstardom.
Many of us have seen first-hand how much better/more personal the performance is in a smaller venue, and in Ste Agathe it was made very very plain that he had very much missed that contact with his fans. In his twitter parties, it has become clear that individual fans and their thoughts are important to Adam in a way that isn’t true for most stars, who are more focused on audience size and sales. It is also important to Adam that we know who he is, in a way that I don’t see in other artists – to virtually any interview question, Adam will reply thoughtfully and add that extra piece of honesty.
As to momentum lost…well, yes. No doubt about that. But Adam is staying visible and being charming on the little screen in a lot of living rooms and winning over (I hope) some peeps whose only knowledge of him is the AMA performance.
And why is Adam doing these relatively minor TV gigs? Well, I think because he wants to. He is a fan of Project Runway, loves fashion, and has said that he wants to be involved in fashion in some way in the future. Majors and Minors is right up Adam’s alley – kids breaking into entertainment – that is his background and he feels he has something to contribute.
As to the delays…aaargh. But Christmas isn’t what it used to be. Sales with gift cards after Christmas have taken a lot of retail numbers into the new year. It might not be a bad strategy at all to be one of few releases when lots and lots of peeps received itunes gift cards in their stockings, or cards for BestBuy/Target/WalMart/wherever to buy the hard album.
Adam’s management has been wonderfully supportive ever since Idol. No reason to believe that they would hang him out to dry at this point, when he potentially could put a lot of money into their coffers.
Adam’s tweets do trigger a little concern…because Adam is (I think) eager to get his album out there, and Adam’s concerns are ours lol…but I think that the tweets are Adam wanting to show off what he has created, to people he cares about, and not necessarily Adam worried about maintaining our connection/afraid we will move on.
Long post. I’m loquacious in the morning
Great post, karadamour! (as usual).
Adam tweeted something to singer Jessie J. about her song “Who You Are”. She is by far my favorite female singer, best female voice out today. IMO. Sad she isn’t a hitmaker. She had that one song …Money or something. lol forgot already. I don’t know what it takes. Luck mostly it seems.
I’ve been on the trip around the Sun afew more times than most of you and my advice is don’t waste precious energy on worry and negative thoughts. Save that energy for when and “if” anything happens that warrants it. Its a beautiful sunny Autumn day here and I am high on positive energy. Even if Adam doesn’t achieve the stardom we feel he deserves, his life has changed for the best and I’m sure he is thankful every day. Saying that I’m glad to hear any little tidbits from him and I also want more tweets from Sauli. Welcome to twitter Ron.
What I get from his tweets is that the songs are ready to go and it’s coming soon. I for one can’t wait.
The interest is still there. He just has to get his music out.
Two tablespoons of Pepto Bismol usually clears that right up for me.
I know. 
Good Morning!
My 3 cents.
I’ll be brief cause , you know, I write with an accent..
This thread looks like Debbie Downer Convention..srsly..
Adam knows that everything depends on his next single(s), I’m pretty sure that he wants to sound current,to have big hit with demographic that is slightly younger than his current fanbase..(no offense to anyone here, I’m also 29 , but I’m not delusional). Of course there is no guarantee what will sell, but just listen to the radio these days..I wouldn’t be surprised if he will go for the colaboration with some rapper..
I wouldn’t use comparison with Cook (delaying his sophomore album)..Cook produced an album that had an oudated sound, and frankly, he is to me like Daughtry light, without half of Daughtry talent.. IMO, of course.
When comes to visibility, I think that Adam kept himself quite visible and I’m done comparing him with other Idols, cause that is really irrelevant in the bigger scheme of things. The small gigs like PR (and all the connections that he made that way) may be beneficial for him later , when he decides to do other things than singing.
Didn’t Marc Anthony just debuted his clothing line at Kohl’s?
Adam will not go on TV shows (Ellen, Leno etc) until he will have SOMETHING to promote. We should know that by now.I would love to see Adam on big gigs like Iheart Radio concert , but as much As I adore Adam he is not big enough right now.
I don’t think that Adam wants to play at every county fair and every Frog and Pet festival, just to keep his visibility.As history shows it didn’t do much good for other Idol alums. And frankly I don’t see Adam opening for anybody in the future. He will either go big, or go broke.Dude has balls of steel.
We are projecting our “wants” into his life. I have no idea what Adam wants. Maybe , as he said in IIHY, money , fame and fortune means nothing to him, once he found Sauli.Whenever we see him now he is radiating happiness. It seems to me, that he finally got what he wanted. He is financially secure, healthy, in loving relationship … and he can get into any club without waiting in line..
I know one thing though. He will never be boring…
Hi Oksana…I always thought he wouldn’t go on any show until he had something to promote, but I also thought he’d never do a Glam Nation show again either. He’s said that was the past. Yet that’s exactly what we got at Ste. Agathe. He was missing the stage and all that, but there it was…GN. I was so happy. So it wouldn’t surprise me if he were to go on one of these shows, sing something we all are familiar with (what else has he got? lol)…maybe Outlaws of Love, although I doubt it…and start to promote his 2nd album…”coming soon”. But I’m usually wrong and you’ll probably be correct!
btw, I’ve elected myself president of the Debbie Downer club.
. There are no dues. But you must be as cynical as possible about Adam. 
Hi Luval!
Ste.Agathe was not GN show at all. He sang many songs that we remember from GN, but these are simply songs from his album. Ste.Agathe had completely different vibe to me, we didn’t know what to expect next, his banter was very relaxed and , yes, his love for performing live was obvious. But this is what he was born to do, he is one lucky fella that does for living what he loves to do. Does Paul MacCartney have to perform cause he needs money? I doubt that very much..
And you didn’t start Debbie Downer trend, MEN did. The eternal pessimists, I would say… he he..
Loved this, Oksana.
And ITA.
I also agree that Ste Agathe was not GN. No costumes, no dances, no glam…it was (in Adam context) very organic. Foxtail and leather in the Canadian north. (Okay, a Canadian lake resort, but whatever!) And he sang the songs in his repertoire plus his best-known covers. I don’t see him singing other covers in the future, unless something amazing catches his fancy.
Maybe I am less likely to compare Adam to other Idol alums because I don’t know any of them. I have never heard David Cook except for the (Adam and Kris’) Central Park concert. Never heard any of the others, I think, except a Jennifer Hudson youtube that I looked up once.
(Do people still think of Idol when they think about Jennifer Hudson? If so, then Adam has a really long Idol linked road ahead of him!)
(Hmmm…haven’t tried Pepto Bismol for loquaciousness, Ron. Maybe I’ll give that a try next time
Did you say there were dancers at GNT? I guess I missed them.
Ah, luval, I forgot that you had never seen them! Yes, I believe that there were brief occasions when dancers may have quickly entered the stage, but only for a moment lol!
Kradamour, I was talking of never ending comparisons that take place at MJ. Adam,his sales or other numbers are constantly brought over into conversation. I hoped for season 10 to change all that, but we got Durbin and the whole crap started all over again. Now we gonna get Scotty and his sales, and why his numbers will be compared to Adam’s, God only knows but I can bet they will. Kris and Lee are out of equation even though they WON Idol cause their sales were rather non impressive.
To lighten the mood, I’m recommending our favourite friendly blog.
Just dropping in from lurkdom to comment on how the rollout for the new Adam era is starting. I think his new management is using some stratagies that we find unconventional but they are dealing with a different kind of entity. I think their goal is to show what a talented and multi-faceted person Adam is to people outside his main fan base.
Project Runway- Both here and on MJ’s as well as commenters on various articles expressed they had never watched the show but would to see Adam. So there is a demographic that does watch the show who may now say, “Hey that guy is great looking, he knows fashion, and oozes charisma. I think I’ll check him out on youtube.” This has to be a good thing.
Majors and Minors- This is a completely different set of peeps. Not only tweens and early teens but their parents as well may get their memories jogged that that idol guy is still around. They may all google him to find out what he’s been up to. I’m sure that this is a group that can be very supportive if you can stay on their radar.
I also think that coverage of Adam’s philanthropic activities and support of LGBT issues show that he is not an intellectual lightweight concerned only with his own personal gratification but has a world view and empathy for those less fortunate than himself. Besides the voice, this is what draws me to him.
To sum up, I think that all these things are meant to keep Adam in the public eye and re-introduce him to different segments of the population who could support him in the future.
Thanks for that Oksana2000! Advisement….don’t move the page up. x-ish rating. Or should I say “move the page up”.
There is visibility in these “minor” TV appearances that can only help Adam leading up to the onslaught of promo for the new music. My daughter, who does not follow Adam, mentioned that she had seen him on PR. He left a very good impression.
@apal123…I was thinking the same thing about the promotions he has been doing. Especially the Majors and Minors. I think this is great promo for him.
@Oksana2000…The comparisons have already started with Adam and Scotty. Adam is brought into almost every conversation on the blog for some reason.
And this to me is so utterly ridiculous, but I know it does happen. These two guys have nothing in common that can be compared, in my opinion. One was an AI winner, one was not. One is into the country music genre, the other is not. I could go on and on. I just don’t get it!
@dcglam…I don’t get it either. I think Scotty is going to do really well. He’s a popular winner of AI. He’s young and cute in a way. I am just not into county music.
Something I find interesting though is my sister who listens to country music only, loves Adam. It was her that told me to watch American idol and check Adam out.
She likes Scottie and wanted him to win, but does not go on and on about him like she does Adam.
Because Adam was the last successful person coming from Idol before Scotty. I know that in some eyes he is a total failure (you know, didn’t sell 1 mill albums), but Scotty has to be compared to somebody. Not Kris, obviously not Lee, Cookie just flopped, Archie as well, and no one in sound mind will use Daughtry sales as a measuring stick…
OMG, well, they don’t call me “risky”lady for nothing, so I’ll throw in my 2 cents (that’s all I have left after all the concerts, Tshirts, pendants, DVDs, CDs, etc. etc.)
I’m afraid I’m on the optimistic side too, for all the reasons you guys wisely enumerated. And don’t forget, he’ll be on that other critically-approved fashion show starting in November, too.
Cantiello’s video led me to believe there’s industry buzz, probably because they’ve been taking notice of the collaborators Adam’s been working with. I mean, Rico Love??? Benny Blanco?? Pharell Williams?? Surprising to me, at least. And why do I think he might want to pick up a collab with that girl Sab-bion (@SabiSoundz). Young, interesting, fresh sound, fresh new face. He seemed very interested – must know of her from Rico Love.
Anyway, I loved the lyrics he tweeted, very interesting. And, coordinating a worldwide drop is no piece of cake I imagine.
But my main point: I think Adam’s fanbase is a little different in that it isn’t just his music, I think many many fans love Adam the person with all his story, and that keeps them interested and staying up-to-date. The gossip blogs don’t exactly ignore him, either, so there’s frequent stuff online.
Btw, Sunfest, the Palm Beach, FL music festival, has Adam listed as a possible act for their next festival in March! ETA: Mentioned in a newspaper article asking readers who they would like to see.
LOL, riskylady, but I know what you mean!!
Yes, people are eager and waiting…..
Kradamour says
I totally agree. Love the opinions and the fun links and the ultimate support for our BB.
You will see Adam everywhere when his new album is released or perhaps even when his single is released.I just wish he would have put it out before Christmas.You don,t see singers,actors etc.as guests on shows unless there premoting something these days.Their just not booked.After the release he will be on so many shows we won’t be able to keep up.
This is a bit more Kelly Clarkson talking about Adam in a UK interview:
(Starts at 10:38)
Thanks for the Kelly Clarkson interview, turquoisewaters. I agree with her about Adam. Adam is (obviously) my favorite male artist, and P!nk is my favorite female artist. I get what she’s saying about Adam being her “male P!nk.”
Claude Kelly answered a question on his blog about working with Adam.
(it’s about a third of the way down the page) (There’s a question about David Cook and “Four Letter Word” there too, at the bottom of the page)
I like the sound of “kick ass”!
I have been off the computer for a bit and I come here reading about all the frustrations, anxieties, and hopes concerning the new album. (I guess we worry ourselves silly here because we love him so much and want him to succeed so bad.) I believe in the end, nothing will be as important as the quality of the songs itself, which of course right now is the big unknown. Outlaws of Love was a very positive indication for me. Even my somewhat Adam-saturated daughter loves it. So I am on team hopeful.
I think if Adam read this thread, he would say: Aaw, your concern and dedication is so sweet. Now get a life.
But he must know there is a lot at stake for his career.
lovemyadam, are you new posting here or am I just unaware? If you are new here, welcome! If you’ve been posting, I’m sorry I missed it!
Thanks for the Kelly Clarkson interview link turquoisewaters. I love her! I like how she talked about Adam, very nice!
Yes, welcome lovemyadam! Hi nkd!
Hi lovemyadam!
Wow. We had a beautiful warm fall day here and spent my day outdoors. Came in to find that Adam tweeted a lot, and everybody here is in a lather.
I went to Homeplanet before I came here, just knowing they’d be all over a certain lyric. Woot! I was right! Added my two cents a few minutes ago.
I’m very optimistic and anxious about the new CD. I can wait. Really I can. I just want it to be worth the wait, well received, and sell millions of copies and singles.
I agree with Ron to some degree, however, he is on TV and has been, a lot more than any other Idol. You just need to know where to look. But, between the E special, BTM, PR and such, he’s still had a lot of exposure. Maybe not all for music, but, still exposed.
And, he’s enormously popular on twitter, and in polls galore.
And, let’s not forget that on an international level, he is covered all over the world on talent shows.
I’m soooo excited to hear Adam lyrics! I’m in the minority, I think, but, while personally disappointed because I’m impatient, I’m actually glad he’s waiting until early next year to release his album. The greater the distance from his time on Idol, the better, IMO, to weaken his link to the show. I mean, thank the stars for Idol since it brought Adam to us, but, at the same time, there are a lot of anti-Idol people who automatically judge him unfavorably because he’s a product of that show. I’m hoping that the time passage will have allowed some of those people to “forget” that link and perhaps actually listen to him anew as an artist rather than automatically discount him as just another Idol product. Also, it seems there are several former Idols (Daughtry, Kelly, and James Durbin, just to name a few)releasing albums in the fall/winter 2011 months. I think that avoiding that Idol market saturation is a really wise idea.
Hi, Teri63 – thank you for posting that thoughtful point about the release of the other Idols’ albums in the fall and the advantages of more distance from Idol for Adam.
There are a lot of elements in this soup!
Welcome to the sandbox, lovemyadam!
Oh wow – I’m working ahead on the international recaps and came across the return of Broken Open to the setlist. I had forgotten that it ever came back again after its last appearance in Milwaukee. This one was beautiful – total silence in the hall for Adam’s last notes.
Let’s see how long it takes for someone here to know exactly which show I’m talking about
Would that be Osaka, Japan for that Broken Open performance?
Or maybe Nagoya?
Nkd, you are correct! Time for someone to know the answer – 8 minutes
I have that performance of Broken Open saved on my ipod. It’s beautiful!
Ya know, eywflyer, I could have answered quicker if I had seen your post a few minutes earlier!
“Broken Open”is the one song on the album that I believe will last – it is eerie and hauntingly beautiful. (I am speaking of the album version only.)
One critic noted that it took courage (paraphrasing) to end the album with that song.
Why is it that listening to one performance of Broken Open leads to Enter Sandman, several performances of Fever, Sleepwalker and …?!!
In addition to what Teri63 mentioned about November, also: Susan Boyle’s new album comes out, plus the AMA’s happen. Good for Adam to distance his album from those two associations too, IMO.
In honor of Kelly Clarkson’s two sweet mentions of Adam (remember, she thought he won Idol), this beautiful song of hers and also the first Adam fan compilation I ever saw (and soooo appropriate because we all are…….addicted.