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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
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- AL’s Games
GREAT choice of pic, ewyflyer!
And many thanks for this thread!
Very nice picture! Happy October everybody!
mils, you’re Adam!
For October, I just re-visited Sandman. Unbelievable.
And, VH1, Rock and Roll Picture Show, just caught the finale, of Plant/Zeppelin/WLL. As amazing as Zep was, all I could think of was Adam. He absolutely OWNS that now.
Niiiiice promo by Jim Cantiello of Adam’s new single (and album).
“The King is back!”
Happy October everyone! Thanks ewyflyer for another wonderful picture and thread.
I don’t know which makes me more excited… having new music or having new interviews…
I’m still hopeful that we will get a single this month. Come on ewyflyer it’s way too early to predict it won’t be. Do you know something we don’t know????
Love the picture ewyflyer.
Just turned my calendar……
Watched the Heidi interviews again. Adam is so intelligent. I enjoy sending them to friends and getting their reactions. He uses words that I really don’t use in ordinary conversation but he’s taught me to integrate them.
” ensue, narcissistic, fiend, word vomit, brain fart
I used to use psycho babble but now I’m switching to word vomit.
Thanks for that link, riskylady!
I thought it was interesting that so much time was devoted to Adam, at the top of the program, given that (unlike the other artists discussed) there is no title, no drop date, no single yet, no…!
Brilliant ideal luval. Only one sister actually saw Adam on PR and she had to admit he looked adorable.
I love that he and Heidi looked so comfy together. It reminded me a bit of the Lisa Page interview where she was touching him throughout and looking at the camera. Heidi’s style was very similiar. Heidi definitely looked like she had fallen under his spell.
Wow! – couldn’t have chosen a better picture for this thread – perfect.
I’m trying to figure out to put in “shaman on a ship to the moon” in my regular conversation at work (in a hospital) lol.
Actually some of these med students we get could fit that description.
Great picture of Adam and his mom. Both are so gorgeous.
I would love to watch the video of Jim Cantielli promo for Adam but it says can’t be watched in my area. Hopefully it will be put on utube.
Happy October everyone. Fingers crossed along with all of you that we will be hearing the new single soon. SO excited.
I say this all the time…I know you guys already saw AQD, but for those who aren’t signed up…someone posted they received their Charity Water signed photo yesterday! So hopefully everyone will get theirs. (nkd) It’s from 19 Entertainment.
Kradamour, I was surprised too. Makes me
thinkHOPE there is buzz in the industry that we may not be aware of!!!!A lot of people tweeted Adam a happy October-ISH, reminding him that WE ARE WAITING……
loveroftalent: Found this link which supposedly is viewable outside the US:
@riskylady..Thank you, thank you…it works. Now am going to watch.
Just watched…It really seems that alot of people are excited to hear his first single. There always seems to be alot of anticipation in regards to Adam. I think because they know he is pretty amazing and what he is capable of, and also there are the ones that hope that Adam does not succeed. Adam knows all this and I don’t know how he can stand the pressure. I certainly couldn’t.
I just want Adam to do so well, that the haters will finally be silenced. Go Adam Go…I know you can do it.
The haters will NEVER be silenced. They will always find something negative to say, we have one example on MJ. Right?Yeah..
I just learn to ignore them, or laugh at them.I do not expect people to share my likes and dislakes, I’m simply stanning Adam for my own pleasure..
Have a nice weekend, my friends..
loveroftalent, so glad it worked! I always have my doubts about those things.
I agree, I don’t know how he can stand the pressure either – it worries me, and the longer he waits, seems like the more pressure. I just can’t forget the other time he was under a lot of pressure (TPTCBN – the pressure that can’t be named lol). Hopefully, he’s learned more about how to deal with it, and he has Sauli to soften it..
@Oksana…Yes I guess that’s true about the haters never being silenced. And yes she is a great example of one. She does always find something negative to say about Adam. I do try to ignore it and sometimes I do laugh at some of her ridiculous posts. It’s too bad that some fans of Adams let the trolls get to them and ends up being put in moderation.
Just had to post this. Read the surprising comments in reply to MTV’s question. Bet they were disappointed in not getting the shitstorm of negatives!
Thanks for posting that, riskylady. Lately most comments on any Adam “situation” like Galliano, the dj in LAX, have been articulate, sincere, not over the top, polite, not BSC…just regular Adam fans putting in writing what they feel. Love all his fans.
Great comments at the above site that riskylady posted.
Oh, right…charity water photo! Damn, had completely forgotten. sigh. I almost don’t care anymore. Right. Until it is here and I squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! but hopes definitely staying reined in.
too funny!
I have to say my Adam Jr. is really starting to look like Adam Junior or the II, when I compare him to today’s Adam.
Maybe Adam can go as Idol Adam on Halloween…ya know, emo hair….
(5 “Adam’s” in 2 sentences).
Kradamour…can’t wait until I see your post…CHARITY WATER PICTURE HAS ARRIVED!!!!!!
There is definitely something to be said for having a fan base of largely mature and well spoken individuals.
It’s funny you mention that mils (hope I can call you that, being a newbie here)about Zeppelin’s WLL. I got in my car the other day and the radio came on playing WLL. I started singing along and immediatley realized it wasn’t Adam and it seemed so “meh” to me, I had to switch to one of my Ipod versions (first one I found was Milwaukee concert) You’re right, he totally owns that song now!
Happy Autumn everyone, it’s my favorite time of year, although I have to travel couple states north to enjoy it!
Awesome October picture, both look so happy and proud.
Okay, I def lol’d at that! the tone as much as the words.
But truer words were never spoken…
missdfyed, I may have missed this if you posted the information, but are you by any chance from Mississippi? Just the “miss” on the first of your name here as well as saying that you have to travel a couple of states north to enjoy autumn. I’m here in Eastern North Central Mississippi and would love to find another one of our own from my area. I usually try to travel a little north each year to enjoy the Fall leaves–at least into Eastern Tennessee (that is, if I can’t get up to Virginia). We usually get some beautiful yellows and oranges (and a few reds) in our trees, but just not the sheer numbers of vibrant colored trees.
I also want to say Happy October to everyone. I welcome October more than any other month I guess. I love the Fall weather; and, true to nature, today is a beautiful sunshiney, breezy, coolish day. Beautiful. I’m going outside in a little while to enjoy the remainder of this perfect day. I was so thankful to have my favorite Adam calendar picture be placed on October. It was a great feeling to flip that thing over this month.
Also, eywflyer, thanks for choosing such a beautiful pic for our thread. They both look so, so happy. Goes without saying again, but I will–“Thank you for this blog.”
Hope every one of you are having a good weekend!
Ceddies, no, not from your neck of the woods, I’m down in SW FL. We go to the Blue Ridge area of GA for our fall get-away. It’s the northwest corner of GA, on the border of Tenn. and NC is right there also I believe. Beautiful mountain country, only about 1 1/2 hrs drive north of Atlanta.
Ceddies, I would love to take you to one of our fall festivals around here. You would certainly shine brighter than any of the scenery!
I would love to show Adam around. He can wear his beautiful jackets and scarfs. No one would recognize him. Everyone wears medges while they’re picking apples.
Thanks riskylady for that video of Jim C talking about Adam, I hadn’t been able to view it before either.
Really hope the new single comes out this month as that means a new video (hopefully), and chat show appearances…
we don’t really have autumn here, we do have 4 seasons weather wise,the temperatures definitely dropped, (averaging a high of about 25-26c now during the day) but don’t get all the autumn colours much. Most of the trees here stay green all year.
Jim C definitely has a bit of a man crush on Adam. Who can blame him. Here is an old video from the Carnegie Hall jingle ball where Adam did not get to sing but did get to meet Taylor Swift.
missdfyed, I love this area. I’m thinking you’re talking around Rising Fawn, GA. I’ve spent a lot of time going thru that area on my way to Chattanooga, Knoxville, or Blacksburg. At any rate, it’s all beautiful up in that area in the Fall. Sorry we aren’t in the same vicinity.
luval, I would love to be able to go to a Fall Festival in your area with you. That would be so much fun. I’m definitely bright when out in the sun (as you well know).
Yes, Jim C. has a man crush. So sweet how he sheepishly looked at Adam. Seemed odd to see Adam with the emo haircut. I loved it, though. I’m trying to remember when the last time was he wore it that way. Maybe European promo tour? Certainly not GN. Half emo maybe.
I remember when Adam reviewed Taylor Swift at that award show when he was the fashion host. Called her “glamazon”. I don’t think she liked that.
Has anyone seen pictures of Adam’s hair since the other day?
Hi luval and Ceddies! Nope, I have not seen hide nor hair of any recent Adam pics with his new do. Maybe it was all a bad dream….
I loved the emo hair as well but I guess at some point BB decided it was over done.
Heading off to go read for awhile. Sweet dreams.
I always felt that Jim C. had a man crush on Kris. I think he really likes Adam but it seemed to me that Jim is always nervous around him for some reason.
PS. I want to see emo hair again so badly. Love him in all his styles but emo hair does something to me, especially when is gets messy and flops around.
He’s killing me!!!!!!!!
Is he just teasing us? Our consolation for not getting a single soon? Or preparing us for an announcement? Yes! PLEASE!!!!! (begging emoticon here)
Thank God I know CPR! You’ll be fine, nkd. I feel a pulse.
He’s teasing and … I’m not happy. If he was leaking lyrics because the CD (and if we’d all known for weeks the release date) is going to drop next week, that’s one thing. But to toss out lyrics to songs we don’t know when we’re going to hear, is something else.
Forever fan here but I also feel as though I’m being strung along.
That’s just me, though.
Hi Ron!
He’s already told us it’s going to be next year for the album, I can accept that if I have to. I guess we’ll just wait!
I think this is Adam’s way of throwing us all a bone, especially after all of his “October” tweets today. I see what you are saying, Ron. To me, these lyrics are pretty meaningless in isolation. Are they all from the same song or from different songs???
I want the whole thing!!!
Hi nkd and dcglam! Happy to see you both!
My real frustration is this … I can’t help but feel that all that Adam did in the past to move his career forward … Oprah, Ellen, Leno, everything, etc. … all of that momentum is gone! The wind is out of the sail. People that did care about Adam, potential fans, don’t even think about him anymore.
Ron…… I feel that all of that momentum will begin to return as soon as his new single is released. I’m also hoping that there will be more singles released from this new album than from FYE to help keep him in the spotlight for a longer period of time. I was one of those advocates for releasing Sleepwalker as a single to help tide us over for a while longer. I was sorry that didn’t happen.
In my heart I truly believe that Adam will be fine.
ETA: How is that new grandbaby doing, NKD?
dcglam, thanks for asking, the grandbaby is GRAND! I am home now. We had to leave her, and that was very hard to do.

My little minute long vids have become my new source of entertainment!
I also think the momentum will pick up again during and after the single release, and then really take off as the album gets ready to drop. For those that forgot him, they will hopefully be reminded, and for those new to Adam, hold on!
nkd, it’s very touching to read your posts about your grand-daughter and sense, at the same time, the love you feel for her! It comes through loud and clear!
Nana N—–e and, not to be forgotten, Aunt Calli!
Very happy for you and your family.
Thank you Ron.
Yes, Aunt Calli is very excited also. She was able to get there on Friday to see her. BTW, my grandbaby is absolutely perfect!
I’m exhausted. G’night!
Ron, I’m confident that Adam’s momentum will pick right up again once his single is released and promo starts.
I love that Adam is tweeting out random lyrics. It’s fun! I’d rather be teased and strung along than get nothing at all. It helps with the wait for sure.
These are some of my favorites of the responses to Adam’s lyric tweets:
LOL Adam’s fans just crack me up sometimes.