- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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The Adam Lambert Connection ?
After your masterful performance of #TheShowMustGoOn, we can well understand why it was the penultimate song on the #QueenFamilySingalong … it was an absolute show stopper! Boom!
I think this is a very handsome pic of Neil
the Paramour Estate is something…
(It’s mostly a wedding venue)
PerpetuallyPerplexed1 (She/Her)
My daughter, a musician, met Adam Lambert twice on regular days in our neighborhood. I was with her one of those times & he’s the nicest, most down-to-earth person in addition to having that magical voice. He’s been an inspiration to my girl. #AdamLambert
RadarEcho (RadarLuv)@RadarEcho
Wow! @adamlambert
on @ABCNetwork
singing The Show Must Go On was outstanding #AdamLambert
I love seeing the comments.
Not bored at all.
Thank you so much for bringing them here
You’re welcome,mils
Luval you have a soft spot for Mr. Dimples ?
It is a good picture. I also am not bored with comments.
Mils I kind of agree about Adam’s performance, he was great but we have all seen him sing it better live.
haha glambotgram…more than a soft spot.
PHOTO|Adam with his band and team in Las Vegas:http://instagram.com/p/CV56lVYvkGH ?
Via Eric:”What a great run with @AdamLambert
and his team in Vegas! Grateful for the opportunity. Had a blast playing way too many notes
I agree too.
From Adam’s IG above.
Angel_nDisguise Green heart
thepocketqueen IG story: “S/O to @adamlambert
Amazing artist/performer and most of all PERSON…. Thank you for taking good care of your people. And even supporting our separate endeavors. Not many do that. You’re a class act.” – https://scontent-hou1-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/
n d@mesmoreyes
always gives the most standout performances! His voice is just insane! When you hear him sing or watch him perform it’s simply jaw dropping. He truly is in a very select group of iconic artists! For me, he is simply the best! #TSMGO #QueenFamilySingalong
Replying to
“How incredibly lucky Queen is to have had freddie and now Adam-I really don’t wanna hear anyone else singing Queen songs but Adam-nobody can give me music the way it’s made to be sung-Adam pointed that finger to freddie in heaven when he sang “my smile still stays on” touching.”
lol…Adam would have those shoes if they had 6 inch soles on them.
The Human Orlando ?️?
The best decision of legendary @QueenWillRock
(my icons since my youth in the 70s) will always be the collaboration with brilliant @adamlambert
– the gifted voice beyond words ???! Ready to carry on the legacy of Freddie ? and the genius music of Queen ??????? TSMGO!
Adam sure would wear those boots!!
Oh. And . Luval. Mr Dimples looks pretty cute in that pic!.
I took a chance once and called him Mr Dimples in a reply on his Instagram. He “liked” my reply lol.
People talking about 10yrs ago today, Adam sang with Queen for the first time TSMGO, WWRY & WATC at Belfast EMA’s
Glambert SylviaGreen @SylviavanM1
10 YEARS AGO.. THIS MAGICAL MOMENT…Blue heartBlue heart Adam’s Performance with QUEEN…Blue heart Belfast 2011 MTV EMA @adamlambert
#AdamLambert #glamberts credit to the owner
(this is still my favorite TSMGO.)
Little did we know that was the first of many leather coats, lol!
Manifesting so hard Adam as Fiyero on the film adaptation for Wicked alongside Ariana and Cynthia, omg
The Adam Lambert Connection@TALCvids
10 years later and this amazing powerhouse collaboration has gone from special occasions to full-blown, sold-out extravaganza arena & stadium world-wide tours (plus a UK #1 Album ‘Live Around the World’). The show must (and DOES) go on
Aww just listening to Roger Taylor and Pattie Boyd flooding praises for @adamlambert
Also Roger saying that it’s slightly annoying that Adam is so young that Brian and him could be his fathers.
Full podcast ep: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5cCEGK
ABC posted this today.
Adam Lambert Performs “The Show Must Go On” – The Queen Family Singalong
Finally the official video. Fans wondering why ABC didn’t have it on their youtube channel.
Debbie Hennessey – #WearADamnMask!!!
Can’t believe I hadn’t heard this til now but…amazing. @adamlambert
truly has one of the most incredible voices ever. #adamlambertvegas
Please let this be clear: I don’t like it when people bash other artists or talk dirty about programs Adam is on. And if you think Adam is being treated so poorly with all the opportunities he got this year please rethink what you are saying. Adam is doing fine, he’s happy!
#Glee’s Not-So-Guilty Pleasures: 10 Songs We Still Listen to Regularly
(Gloria with Adam)
? OFFICIAL VID: @adamlambert
, ‘The Show Must Go On’, #QueenFamilySingalong. ??? There’s a reason Brian May & Roger Taylor chose Adam to front #Queen for the last 10yrs…”I don’t know anybody who can outsing Adam Lambert…” ~ Roger Taylor ?
Suzy #Velvet
Replying to
The intensity and commitment that Adam puts in Every song he interpret it’s behind this world! He doesn’t simply release words from a song, he is the True Definition of a Unique Performer!
A picture a day (QAL from EMA’s)
INTERVIEW/Queen’s Brian May & Roger Taylor Remember Freddie Mercury On the Band’s 50th Bday” May & Taylor revived Queen w @adamlambert
: He is 1 of the greatest singers I’ve ever encountered” Taylor says. The voice is beautiful & his range is unsurpassed
OMG!!! Just meet @adamlambert
A picture a day
Live Nation is screwed after the Travis Scott debacle. Dozens of lawsuits already.
Shoshanna is avoiding giving out numbers.
How were the numbers for the live stream? Worth doing again if circumstances make sense?
shoshanna stone@shoshannastone
Replying to
We did it cos we felt like there were fans who were either to scared to or not able to travel. No other reason.
Adam posted scenes from Grimm
Swipe to see photo’s from Johnny’s bd party
These 8 Celebrities Went From Regular Star To Fashion Icon
Adam Lambert has also, however, become known for absolutely slaying in fashion at every event he goes to – surprise surprise.. is also one of the world’s best dressers.
KICKIN IN Kim@motheranimal1
Dancin’ in the vegetable oil isle in Toledo Ohio! Perfect since I’m still on a high from your EPIC performances in Las Vegas, Adam!
What a thrill to hear @adamlambert
song #SUPERPOWER over the local grocery store sound system
NEW VIDEO/ #clashofthecoverbands New Episode tomorrow on @eentertainment
Foo Fighters Cover Band Rocks Out “Best of You”
w judges @adamlambert
and @Meghan_Trainor
Watch Adam he’s really enjoying it! Sign of the hornsStar-struck
wow they’re good!
AL, thanks for posting TSMGO official video up top.
Credit to owner
From Adam’s IG
A picture a day
Robert Finn@robertfinnisme
Went on Netflix to check for the documentary on Anvil, ended up watching a doc on Queen/Adam Lambert.
It was very well done, btw. Highly recommended.