- Velvet
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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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Calendar change! I love fall
So he DID go to a huge Halloween block party last night a the singer MeganTheeStallion’s house. He’s the Sea King.
VIDEO/ OMG @adamlambert
They went to @theestallion
Halloween party!
Adam and Oliver!
Charl story
Lots of pro photos
he painted blue the boots he crafted for Legendary !
and the vest he made for legendary!
His hair from the back omg! And so much detail on the crown and the shoulder pads!
18 HQ PHOTOS from tonight!
If you want to check all the details on Adam’s costume just open each photo on another tab to get the HQ
They are FAB!The colors! The details on his face!
A picture a day
VIDEO/ @adamlambert
as the King Of the Sea talks ”
I’m myself tonight, I’m an Aquarius. I like long walks on the beach, I like sea shells. I’m partial to lobster,
I don’t have crabs right now, what costume , I don’t like costumes, this is nightware”
He’s Mr . Glue Gun y’all! ILHSM
He added starfish on the vest, He painted both the vest and the boots again and he did SO MUCH work on the shoulder pads, his crown!!! The coat! The make up! I bet his costume is going to be discussed on the media
TMZ #Halloween2021
Megan Thee Stallion- hosted a huge event at Ysabel in West Hollywood … one of the more notable costumes from that party was Adam Lambert, who was all decked out as some sort of aquatic king.
Full video of The King of the Sea before getting in the limo
I didn’t understand the name of the actor that the paparazzi guy was referring to but it’s Kal Penn. I really like this guy! 60 minutes did a segment on him yesterday but no reference to his personal life.
(although I think Adam was unsure who he was, his comment was excellent)
Can someone please remind me of the Legendary outfit that was modified for this costume, er, nightwear?
I’ve been listening to Adam Lambert all day. Probably the only singer I prefer listening to live versions over studio, they are always better. He is so fucking amazing
This should ring a bell, mils
If I’m being honest I didn’t like the costume this year.Kinda of a mess.
20 Celebrities Who Went Huge On Halloween And 20 Celebrities Who Clearly Don’t Give A Crap
#31. Over-the-top, obsessed with Halloween: Adam Lambert That had to have taken HOURS
Alwyn Ribbon #LabanLeni2022
Watching the documentary about Queen and @adamlambert
. He really carved a different path for himself, I am so proud of him, he was one of the bravest persons in 2000s to compete on national tv and be as fabulous as him at the time sexuality was a big issue. Pleading face A Queer Icon.
Happy November, ALL!! Who else is looking forward to the Queen Family Singalong?
Queen night on Dancing With the Stars tonight ABC, 8pm EDT.
@adamlambert on IG! “#hottieween w my Pirate @OliverGliese”….arrrrrgh! ?? #KingOfTheSea #halloween2021#Halloween
Not a fan of the costume either, luval – too much “going on” – would have preferred him as the pirate –
Kelli Finglass@Kelli_Finglass
How excited are we for @QueenWillRock
night on #DWTS I’m in heaven! @DrBrianMay
(She’s head of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders)
I was a little disappointed in that Instagram too, Ulti. Thought it was unnecessary. Get a room.
The costume was a bit much IMHO. But. Seeing other party pics of other guests, not just Adam and his friends, he fit right in.
I’m sure he was in his element. Big costume for his favorite holiday.
Being invited to this party was a great invite and way to get his pics out there again.
A picture a day
Linda Ladden@4evrmomof4
The Show Must Go On: The Queen + Adam Lambert Story, a documentary about life after Freddie Mercury
The fun is not over! More @adamlambert
on TV this week!
We have #ClashOfTheCoverBands November 3 AND #QueenFamilySingAlong November 4!
Crappy singer back singing Queen on DWTS. Changing the channel! Buh-bye!
I think I’ll just play back Adam’s part on the sing a long. If the ad is any indication, it looks like it will be painful to watch. Love Darren Criss but he sounds way off.
Can’t say I am loving Clash of the Cover Bands, We are watching but it is rather dull. It needs something to amp up the production or make it more exciting. Although Adam is lovely to look upon as usual. LOL
The first thing I thought of when Adam said “I’m the King of the Sea” was the Cinderella play. In the song “Vanquishing of the 3 headed Sea Witch”, he calls himself the Prince vs “I’m the King of the Ocean”.
And one of the lyrics is “wearing blue to match my sparkling eyes”.
Although I didn’t care for the outfit, the light blue reminded me of this.
Clash seems to be very contestant focused and way less about the judges and their egos and fighting and ribbing each other.
I am watching it. It’s not my favorite show. It will be interesting to see how it evolves.
Yes, I think that Sing-a-Long will be painful.
Clash should be amped up. Am trying to think what they could do. It’s been renewed so I guy E & the advertisers are happy. But that doesn’t mean they’ll have the same judges.
Someone should ask Shoshanna.
20 Celebrities Who Went Huge On Halloween, And 20 Celebrities Who Clearly Don’t Give A Crap
31. Over-the-top obsessed with Halloween: Adam Lambert
That had to have taken HOURS.
Maybe Adam is hinting he’ll be in Cinderella next year on Broadway lol. That costume just seemed so random & came out of nowhere.
David Rothkopf Retweeted
Peter Marks@petermarksdrama
Audience attendance drops to 77.5 percent of capacity on Broadway for the week ending Oct. 31. This is not trending well. Some producers had acknowledged that they would have to absorb money-losing weeks in the early restart but how long this is sustainable:
I agree mils Clash is very contestant focused and I like that aspect of it. It just needs some oomph. Lol
Maybe it’s just so nice and clean and honest it’s lacking oomph.
But I really don’t like The Voice and Idol anymore because there is no focus on the contestants anymore.
DWTS Queen night was un-listenable. I turned it off.
I’m really hoping the Queen singalong is OK.
I just remember Nate Reuss at IHeart and how much he absolutely sucked. And even Gaga onstage with Adam and Queen was just not good.
Lol mils, agree about Reuss and Gaga on Queen. Re Gaga, there is no “woo-woo” in Queen ever. I like the contestant focus on Clash too, it’s pretty enjoyable to me. If it got renewed, must be doing reasonably well, and there really are a LOT of cover acts out there (to be fair though, I never go to one
Queen Family Singalong TV Special
AngelnnDisguise @AngelnnDisguise
NOV 4: TV SPECIAL – TIME: 8:00pm-9:00pm ET CLOCK: timeanddate.com/worldclock/fix… WATCH: @glambertparty1 (via @glambertparty) Check local listings to confirm TV time – ⚠️ Please don’t mention/add ⚠️ any names, tags, @, or # ⚠️ to this message/info! TY!
Haha. I never saw cover bands on purpose. They seemed to have been time fillers before bigger acts came on stage. Although they did need to be booked and paid.
The best one was covering U2 at Summerfest. We were saving front row center for Peter Frampton at least 10 years ago and several daytime acts took stage. Who knows, maybe it was this U2 cover band from the show. They sounded pretty much like the real deal.
PattiHum @PattiHum
I don’t know if anyone has mentioned, but I found the Venetian Theatre staff to be so very very nice. The guys checking in vaccine cards, so patient. Very organized, many ushers inside. Would not mind seeing Adam play there again!
A picture a day (concert photo)
NEW VIDEO/ @adamlambert INTERVIEW FOR #QueenFamilySingalong
Adam talks about his performance “The Show Must Go On” on the special, what Queen means to him and his career,on what makes Queen music timeless and more!
Almost Queen: A tribute to QUEEN
More Info
Sat • Jan 15, 2022 • 8:00 PM
The Fillmore Silver Spring, Silver Spring, MD
Adam and Oliver, Sutan,Xtravagram
NEW PHOTO/ @adamlambert and Oliver
xtravagram stories tonight!
NEW VIDEO/ xtravagram stories
@adamlambert with Sutan “Good times @adamlambert @sutanamrull
Adam looks so cute! ?
And more…
VIDEO/Charl on his stories
@adamlambert w Oliver singing Happy Birthday to wickednando ” Thank you for a wonderful dinner Charl! Adam and Oliver much love! ”
Adam and Oliver celebrating Halloween with Friends, October 31 2021
So Clash tonight
Queen Sing a Long tomorrow night.
Lots of Adam in my DVR.
Low expectations for the sing a long.
Who the hell is Jojo Siwa and why is she getting so much attention these days? 15 minutes? Up yet?
mils,she’s 18 years old but has been around a long time. She was on Dance Moms years ago, been a star on instagram for years. She came out as lesbian this past January.