- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
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- AL’s Games
Interesting, luval! His skin does look perfect! As someone who has less than perfect skin, I can see why he wanted to “fix” that. My only curiosity is why he waited so long. Wonder if it was Javi who encouraged him. That would be my guess.
With his gauge gone with photo effects, his skin could be smoothed out too.
Just saying.
I highly doubt he would miss much needed and scheduled promo and performances for a skin treatment or procedure.
Not to mention Halloween.
I’m sure his contracts and insurance for performing cover illness. Not likely missing events for optional procedures.
Someone said he photo shopped out the gauge so maybe he “smoothed” out the skin too but no matter, it looks great in close ups.
haha baby gaga, great minds….
11/5/19, 8:18 AM
VIDEO|@PrideOfBritain on Instagram:How fabulous to have @adamlambert here at #PrideofBritain instagram.com/p/B4fCOqZBr5u/ ?
The show will air tonight at 8pm on @ITV.
GELLY (@4Gelly)
11/5/19, 5:36 AM
VIDEO Cities Gives Back Live Concert #CitiesGivesBack
“I truly don’t understand how we got @adamlambert , I mean he’s one of the most popular AI of all time,he’s the frontman of Queen , he’ll be kicking of the show” “That’s a pretty big deal”
Ciarán Toner
To celebrate @BoRhapMovie
anniversary here is one of my rare promo items. A pair of 2018 aviator sunglasses housed in an embossed logo case with paper insert. Item comes in clear plastic logo bag. @OIQFC
#Queen #FreddieMercury
GELLY (@4Gelly)
11/4/19, 2:17 PM
No shoes for Overglow live
He looked gorgeous that day
AMA daily vote (be sure to move the metric line right to 30)
Lol luval!!!
“javicostapolo’s profile picture
Changing the world begins with the very personal process of changing yourself, the only place you can begin is where you are, and the only time you can begin is always now.
Gary Zukav (Author)”
Come on Quote! Haha
I don’t understand Adam’s reply to Javi’s posted quote.
The Overglow Live Session is phenomenal! What a beautiful song! I got my Velvet CD from Amazon and am going to listen to it in my car today. I have my best audio in the car too.
That photo of Adam that luval posted last night was definitely airbrushed. The gauge is gone and his skin is way too smooth for a real person. Any skin treatment significant enough to remove acne scars would require derm abrasion or a chemical peel that would leave the skin dark red for weeks. I can’t see Adam hiding out for that long when he can cover it up adequately with make up on stage.
Can’t see Adam’s response for some reason.
Tech fails abound lately…new phone…needing to update and re-set everything…
Here’s his response
Well, Javi understood and replied, “bbbb ??” so maybe an inside joke?
Don’t forget, Adam disappeared from OCT. 3rd (day after Kelly & Ryan) until the 22nd, when he posted live pics in Germany. Almost 3 weeks. He cancelled a taping on the 3rd and The Talk and Corden, and only posted pics from fotoshoots.
We think he was sick, but he also hid his face so maybe had a minor treatment in that time to smooth skin a little, cause it does look improved in most of the untouched radio and tv pics.
Not that perfect, but improved.
But, does he need to be any more perfect? (Rhetorical question
Can’t wait to see how the live show on Friday goes!
New interview just posted, Energy Radio Germany.
Site of that gorgeous acoustic WWFM back in the day.
I can’t imagine Adam retouching a photo and sending it out, it’s like people taking off half of their thighs or stomach before posting. He does look almost plastic in that photo though.
Maybe Adam teases Javi about his “quotes”.
So far my favorite live session is Closer to You, Overglow is really good too. Can’t wait to see/hear Stranger You Are.
I love Julie Andrews & just finished her latest book “Home Work”. I love this quote from her.What makes great singers.
“Dancers can look in a mirror, a writer can look at a page, painters can look at a canvas and see their work reflected back at them.
But singers can only hear & feel what they are doing. After training, technique, use of breath and placement of sound it boils down to an emotional response to music and lyrics and the way they touch one’s heart and soul”.
Reminds me of someone.
Pride of Britain@PrideOfBritain
The wonderful @adamlambert has an army of fans here on twitter desperate to see him. So this is for you all! Watch Adam present a very special award tonight at 8pm on @ITV @DailyMirror #prideofbritain
Recording of Adam giving out award. (about 5-ish minutes)
He is PERFECT!❤ Good Morning ❤
Cute written Q & A: “He has no shame.” LOL.
➡️ Adam Lambert Interview –
SM ASH H ITS – Nov 2019
This is the Full Interview
Ahhh, memories – wild and crazy Adam, TOH tour, Fever, tank top
Love Julie Andrews too, her beautiful free-flowing voice reminds me so much of Adam’s. Love that quote, luval.
Here’s another quote from her first memoir, Home. I think he feels the same love of singing.
Downtown Pittsburgh @DowntownPitt
JUST ANNOUNCED: @adamlambert will be headlining the @comcast Main Stage at #LUN2019 ???
Get the details:
Ha. That Pittsburgh show brings back memories of when I went to the Pride show in downtown Pittsburgh a few years ago. I think ultimathule went too but we didn’t know each other were there.

Fond memories of standing behind the garbage cans and this kid throwing up in one of them.
Ha – remember that, luval – with one of my girls – had trouble navigating Pittsburgh – Ms. Garmin saved me – remember some of the other performers – Sharon Needles – Joe McElderry – more, too – we ended up hanging onto crowd controller fence – his performance shortish, but fun –
Liked sitting by hotel restaurant windows watching the costumed crowd stroll by – good times –
Wow, this GORGEOUS closeup!
Skin looking good!
Those quotes from Julie Andrews are incredible. Both could have been said by Adam.
I Love Julie Andrews. One of my all time favorite movies is Victor/Victoria
glambotgram, I love Victor/Victoria. Just watched it the other day after recording it from TCM.
“Adam Lambert joins Pittsburgh’s Light Up Night this holiday season”
Odd choice of picture –
Really old pic
Interesting choice of event….
Via @swr3
“Whether @adamlambert
believes in ghosts, what it’s like to be the lead singer of Queen, NEW EP #Velvet and why he was only accompanied by a pair of underpants in a Berlin club”
Adam says When the full album is out, both sides A and B, we are going to have the album as VINYL too! Yes!!!
Yay good news, Adam has signed the CD’s!
Remember the previous era ?
GaGa cancels show due to bronchitis & sinus infection
Another odd pic –
Dr. Brian May
Them Girls ! The amazingy talented and very naughty kingsdaughterss kicked ass at my place this week. Track done ! It is SO up and energetic it will grab you and bring you joy in your darkest hour !!! More is needed… https://instagram.com/p/B4kYpzFl929/
Adam Lambert mit Queen und Ghostbusters im Plattenbau
Light Up Night Plans Unveiled, Adam Lambert To Headline Main Stage Show
Cute short post interview interview
Adam and The Talk
Glad to see Talk date…at last!!
Lol about the old pics. Cuz he hasn’t done anything since….
NEW PHOTO!!! FROM @swr3online ig
…pic from interview @adamlambert done in Germany ..❤❤❤❤
#AdamLambert #VELVETsideA #newmusic #era4
His eyes look sooooo tired in that pic
At the end of the interview Adam was asked to “draw a window” and this is his window (to the soul) – creative spirit that he is!
Video capture and edit by me…
Wow – that’s just terrific, AL – perfect capture – thanks so much!
I do love that “window”, AL
Remember 2012
This is a picture Adam Lambert drew in 2012 for NRJ Radio in Berlin. It even has KitKatKlub on the hat brim, I cleaned it up a little for Printing , if you’d like to keep it. I printed mine on Canvas paper, and framed it. It looks great. https://imgur.com/wbt7fBJ
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