- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Happy November!

What a gorgeous guy!
Thanks AL.
Great photo – thank you, AL –
(Still posting 10/31 news on October thread)
Probably after midnight (November 1st)
7h7 hours ago
31 NEW PRO PHOTOS @adamlambert arriving at @heidiklum Halloween party!
https://bsragency.cortexsystem.nl/public/events/aa-20181101-adam-lambert-is-a-striking-devil-as-he-heads-to-heidi-klum-s-annual-halloween-party-in-nyc?query=Adam+Lambert …
https://bsragency.cortexsystem.nl/public/events/aa-20181101-adam-lambert-attends-heidi-klum-s-annual-halloween-costume-party?query=Adam+Lambert …
4h4 hours ago
NEW PHOTO via lorenzodiazhair
instagram stories w @adamlambert
Killer Queen shoes
The Lambrits
4h4 hours ago
From marcsebastianf IG story
5h5 hours ago
I just some people asking what is he wearing. Adam is wearing the D & G suit he wore when he performed with Melissa at the G laad awards
6h6 hours ago
VIDEO @adamlambert on kylefarmery instagram stories ???
2h2 hours ago
Jordan Carroll’s (thejordancarroll) IG story: https://instagram.fhel5-1.fna.fbcdn.net/vp/4b4525b02a2523862cab603cb47f3c2b/5BDD6F6F/t50.12441-16/45266936_120079162315383_7876882994299588998_n.mp4 …
from Brian
Apparently they were up all night. There was an interesting video which was taken down. Can’t say more than that! Maybe it will be posted again.
15m15 minutes ago
vanessatherealmvp @adamlambert Thank you #HALLOWEEN
https://www.instagram.com/p/Bpo85frhBn5/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=imnluyu7y0om …
The Time of Their Lives
Posted by Melissa McEwan at Thursday, November 01, 2018
This is legitimately the most epic first dance by a couple at their wedding that I have ever seen. IT IS AMAZING. Newly-married husbands Noah and PJ surprised the delighted and very enthusiastic guests at their reception with an elaborate number that must have taken so much practice!
Wow Heidi Klum
Even the press groaned when he gave them the double middle fingers.
). CGESQ is here and the only time we could see it was at noon today. I guess that the people who want to see it work during the day because there were only SIX people in the whole large theater. So we basically had a private showing! But neither of us saw Adam’s cameo. Where was it? At one of the crazy parties?
Just had to check in to say that I just saw Bohemian Rhapsody and I loved it! (surprise surprise
rs, they say the cameo is in the second part of the movie. He plays a roadie loading up equipment. He’s wearing a red truckers cap and has a long hair wig on with a big mustache! Apparently 3 quick shots.
My theaters stopped showing any daytime movies because they would be empty. So first time is 7pm
23m23 minutes ago
Gelly Retweeted Gelly
The photos from b s r agency were deleted
https://twitter.com/14gelly/status/1057875036621758469 …
. In case you haven’t saved them
I uploaded them here
they added some more, 33 now https://imgur.com/a/efCBv3g
you can view or download the whole album
8m8 minutes ago
10 PHOTOS via Taylor Poore facebook https://www.facebook.com/taylor.poore/posts/10155873664843837 …
They are awesome!
“Fact-Checking the Queen Biopic, ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’”
Happy Halloween!
I rarely cry in public.
I went to see #BohemianRhapsody today.
I thought it looked ok, meh, perhaps some humour.
This is the best movie I have seen in a very very long time.
This movie is immense. Perfect. Moving. Funny. Real. Brave.
And left me crying.
Go see it.
“Adam Lambert Is Devilish at Heidi Klum’s 2018 Halloween Party!”
Lewis Glynn
Thanks to the cinematic masterpiece that is #BohemianRhapsody, it is amazing to see so many artists come out and talk about how @QueenWillRock inspired them
Without Queen, the music we enjoy just wouldn’t exist
We owe them everything
#InspiredByFreddie #InspiredByQueen
Who tops your list of 2018’s greatest rock drummers? http://bit.ly/BestRockDrummer2018 …
The Ellen show is playing all kinds of Queen music. Rami Malek is the guest today
2h2 hours ago
Some photos from the party are so creepy but I have to admit fun too lol. The theme was hospital and the whole place was like a hospital with beds , ICU, dead people, injured people, nurses , pills , doctors , a million medical devices , wow they totally transformed the place
4h4 hours ago
⚡️?⚡️ Adam went to this party: Hospital 849 – Sometimes New York City makes us crack up. Check yourself into an institution this Halloween; perhaps the Rifkin Psychiatric Hospital *cough* SECOND at Kimpton Hotel Eventi https://www.thirstymag.com/8-haunting-hotspots-in-nyc-to-celebrate-halloween-2018/ …
16m16 minutes ago
Adam Lambert is the winner of Most Stylish Men October 2018 https://news.bgfashion.net/article/15843/2/Adam-Lambert-is-the-winner-of-Most-Stylish-Men-October-2018 … via @fashionbg
12h12 hours ago
I finally saw #BohemainRhapsody last night!…and you know what….. I‘m still SPEECHLESS!!!! ?????❤️???
Wicked duet is posted up top. Has over 71,000 views
Then there’s Ariana Grande’s … over 536,000.
Adam is awake
Think we’ve seen all these but I’m only posted them because he posted them
1m1 minute ago
New video post from Adam Lambert Instagram. #AdamLambert #NYCHALLOWEEN
Rick Roberts
Verified account @Rick93Q
2m2 minutes ago
Today’s #stupidfact – Unfrosted @PopTartsUS have more calories than frosted ones . . . because they have a slightly thicker crust, which is just DENSE with calories. ?
? Demon issues. Adam Lambert’s ig story https://scontent-sjc3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/5e5e8c69acfadd0d5d558a822882b798/5BDDA399/t50.12441-16/45037892_176380836633577_8292593057061604695_n.mp4 …
55s55 seconds ago
New @adamlambert Instagram story. He’s so funny, who needs a mirror to put lipstick on. Not #AdamLambert that’s for sure ?
12m12 minutes ago
Tonight I watched @BoRhapMovie at the cinema and fell in live with @QueenWillRock and #FreddieMercury again. ? @adamlambert was the sexyest truck driver I have ever seen. ? The whole cast is awesome! ???
Loose-ifer ? @heidiklum vest and trousers: @dolcegabbana gloves: @majestyblack
Tucker Hayes instagram story with #AdamLambert
Adam’s costume was the best. Top 3 of all of the costumes we have seen him in imo.
Adam definitely has the sexiest tongue.
The little fork at the end does me in…
Critics be damned. We just got back from seeing Bohemian Rhapsody and I loved it! So did everyone in the theater. Not that many people there but quite a few young people (late teens, 20’s). It’s cold and rainy here. I can’t imagine people wanting to go out on a school or work night. Everyone stayed until all the credits were shown. I heard someone say “I loved it”.
Heading into the theater someone pointed out my Queen hoodie I was wearing. Of course told them about QAL in Vegas.
I saw Adam. A very quick shot. rs, if you plan on seeing the movie again his part was more near the beginning, not the second half. He’s an obvious trucker (not a roadie), with a red/white hat on. And he gives the “eye” to Freddie then heads into the men’s room. I didn’t notice Adam’s name in the credits.
Yup, Rami Malek is fantastic. The Brian guy is just like Brian! And the music was great, of course. I could tell the real Freddie voice from Marc Martel. I don’t understand some critics saying the movie didn’t touch on his being gay or his illness. Yes it did!
I really hope the movie does well. It cost 55 million to make. It should break even or make a little more.
Thanks, luval – hoping to see it with members of the tribe this weekend – reserved seats – love that now in theaters –
“Bohemian Rhapsody Deleted Scenes Explained”
Just lookin at the Sunday times (I know it’s Thursday now…) and in the Calendar section I saw an ad for the Patron of the Artists Awards on November 8th. They are honoring Harrison Ford, Lady Gaga and several others. There will be several performances including ADAM LAMBERT!
utimathule, that deleted scenes video answers so much! Yes, the editing had a bit to be desired. But only Queen fans would notice…I noticed right away and said “huh?” a couple of times.
Want to give a shout out to Lucy Boynton as Mary. Excellent. And Mike Myers small part is perfect!
magiclady, you are right about another event.
Here is shoshanna talking to a fan about it. Unless someone films it at the event we may not see it.
1h1 hour ago
MORE TO COME , We’ll have to wait and see
Oh luval, I remember that scene with the truck driver! I didn’t realize that it was Adam! I was so engrossed in the film that I wasn’t looking for him. I was more interested if they would show Freddie going in after him. Bad Glambert!
Cast of BoRhap coming on The View now
1m1 minute ago
☺️ miggyflavored: #tbt: an Adam Lambert sighting after the #bohemianrhapsody red carpet premiere the other day #queen