- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Computer not working – using phone – won’t be able to post much – Tech coming over but think will need new one – back later
blakkrrox @blakkrrox
10h10 hours ago
Dear @adamlambert – I now routinely accept that you keep impossibly raising the bar w/your #spectacular vocals & visionary artistry, but HOW do you get even more handsome & stave off any ageing? You totally mesmerise us all ? #AdamLambert #VocalKing #InternationalLivingTreasure
ultimathule, good luck! I know how computer problems are.
a l e x
? @iamalexth
Nov 27
There’s something so magical, out of this world, almost spiritual about @adamlambert but at the same time, he’s so down to earth, it’s life changing and this is what makes me so attracted to his existence in every way possible, he’s the most beautiful thing in the universe
?️? @OZzeeGal
48m48 minutes ago
http://www.gaytimes.co.uk/news/94052/next-chapter-worlds-longest-running-lgbtq-publication/ …
http://www.gaytimes.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/adam-george-james.jpg …
ADAM LAMBERTVerified account @adamlambert
2h2 hours ago
Had the pleasure of interviewing @BoyGeorge back in October for @gaytimesmag
Susan @lillylane
15h15 hours ago
No matter what your age may be, this is how you feel after seeing Queen +Adam Lambert
Tracey @kinkykiedis
3h3 hours ago
Adam Lambert interviewed Boy George (buy here for £4.95 plus £2.00 for shipping in the UK) Not sure of international
Gay TimesVerified account @GayTimesMag
4h4 hours ago
Today we’re proud to relaunch Gay Times, in a move that will mark the most radical overhaul in our 33-year history.
We’re honoured to welcome @BoyGeorge back onto our pages, 30 years on from his first iconic Gay Times cover, this time interviewed by his friend @adamlambert
?? @ScorpioBert
15m15 minutes ago
Fans, out of the UK, who choose to buy Gaytimes can do so at http://Newstand.co.uk , choose next issue Dec. 17th. You can change country at the top of page under “Delivery and Currency” it costs 13.31 to the US http://www.newsstand.co.uk/103-Alternative-and-Gay-Magazines/476-Subscribe-to-GAY-TIMES-Magazine-Subscription.aspx# …
I love this pic for December too
these reviews have all been posted on the Liverpool thread.
Another review. Don’t think it’s a good one. Didn’t want to sign up when was told to “continue”
Helen Bovill takes the best photos IMO
This one could go up top too.
More great videos from Tracey kinkyiedis …
Posted @Liverpool Thread too.
Rick RobertsVerified account @Rick93Q
11m11 minutes ago
Today’s #stupidfact – Lobsters ? are cannibals . . . when they’re hungry and looking for food, they’ll happily eat another lobster.
Posted on Eber’s twitter Nov 13 > https://twitter.com/milestougeaux/status/930215425178181632 …
αℓєкѕ @aleks_kv
10h10 hours ago
Oh! The medal Adam wears was given to him by a fan, annadoresadam. This makes me so happy, that he cherishes a fan gift, such an important one, too
Photo by shellstar79
Tym Brennan @Andbren
19h19 hours ago
@nilerodgers Have you seen this cute Kids React To Disco Music? #priceless funkykids
2m2 minutes ago
PHOTO|@AdamLambert on Snapchat:”I’m just a dreamer, I dream my life away..”
Glamour and Grime @glamourandgrime
3h3 hours ago
In conversation with Adam Lambert for the accompanying interview, George speaks his upcoming Las Vegas residency show, releasing new music with Culture Club, finding inspiration to write music, his desired collaborations, his magnum opus, and… http://dlvr.it/Q3XLKt #GnG
Hard drive expired – out to buy a new one
New computers are always fun ?
Short Adam IG video
This is such a joyful picture. With all the crap going on in the world and in peoples’ lives I could look at this everyday.
It’s been posted already but….. Had to post again. I even showed this to none music people and asked what the first thing they thought of looking at it. And one said “full of joy”
Apparently Frank has been blinged
What’s this?
Somebody brought me some Jo Malone stuff once…didn’t like it!!
Somebody please explain that Twitter stuff to me. Tech dunce here.
He probably can’t even smell the candle…methinks he’s surrounded by other smoke whilst relaxing by candlelight. ..
That Twitter stuff is people impersonating Adam. I can’t believe some fall for it.
Pretty sure he has ways of communicating privately with friends, family, etc. such as email, texting, actual phone calls, etc. Duh.
INTERVIEW: Adam Lambert Interview with B oy G eorge. G4y St4r Mag (Click on picture to make it larger )
It was a magical Autumn It was the most incredible, crazy, bright, hot, explosive November!It was the most special November, when dreams came true! Therefore, remembering this we can dream more boldly, they have the property of becoming a reality.Thank you @adamlambert!
Lilybop @lilybop2010
2m2 minutes ago
? Boy George has a Las Vegas residency this summer, or next September, and invited Adam Lambert to guest. From their interview:
Lilybop @lilybop2010
2m2 minutes ago
Lilybop Retweeted Lilybop
? Adam and Boy George now have the same management: DMG.
The Associated PressVerified account @AP
7m7 minutes ago
BREAKING: U.S. Geological Survey reports 4.4 magnitude earthquake centered in Delaware.
Adam and Boy George don’t have the same management, DMG.
Boy George just signed with BMG, a major record label.
I felt this at my daughter’s house this afternoon.
I did not feel the earthquake! FYI!
I’ve not seen hardly any of this leg of the tour. My computer is having issues staying connected to wifi.
How many computers do you suppose we’ve burned through or up following Adam all these years? I know I’ve gone through two and may need the third one soon, not to mention the phones and tablets all in danger of spontaneous combustion!