- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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Should be landing now
♐ @adamgasm1982 1h1 hour ago
Adam should land back on home/LA terra firma in ’bout an hour & a bit & I’ll be off in the land of nod.
Iggy did not show
“Adam Lambert, sported long, baggy, black shorts paired with a black printed T-Shirt…” http://dailym.ai/2gzTYHf #xfactorau wrap party
7 yrs ago 2day the Most Anticipated Album of the Year was released @adamlambert TY #ForYourEntertainment ❤️???⭐️??
PattiHum @PattiHum 11m11 minutes ago
Adam has landed
May take a while to get home –
This is adorable!! Birthday card for FYE!
From July…Adam purging his closet
And maybe gave this rick Owens coat to Sutan?
I like 99% of creativesharka’s stuff. Love the FYE card
Adam Lambert Pics @adamlambert_pic 59m59 minutes ago
16 watermarked pictures of @adamlambert – Departs Sydney after stint on X Factor – November 23, 2016: http://www.imagebam.com/gallery/vyouo6gx02neu6wr71rxucet6qt0wcwr …
The New Music Buzz @TheNewMusicBuzz 9m9 minutes ago
.@Queen and @adamlambert : Trailer For ‘Live in Japan’ DVD, Blu-Ray Just Released – The New Music Buzz http://www.thenewmusicbuzz.com/1/post/2016/11/queen-and-adam-lambert-trailer-for-live-in-japan-dvd-blu-ray-just-released.html …
♐ @adamgasm1982 28m28 minutes ago
2016-11-22 The X Factor Australia 2016 after party w/ Adam Lambert, Guy Sebastian, Mel B & more https://youtu.be/5qMOOXzEwz4 via adamlambert_pic
The X Factor Australia 2016 after party – November 21, 2016 [adamlambert_pic] 8 images
Happy Thanksgiving !

25th anniversary of Freddie Mercury’s death
Dr. Brian May @DrBrianMay 10h10 hours ago
Remembering Freddie today. Bri https://www.instagram.com/p/BNLXx2fDwkj/
Dr. Brian May @DrBrianMay 11h11 hours ago
Compiling ! @kerryjaneellis1
Dr. Brian May @DrBrianMay 11h11 hours ago
And in 3-D …. Bri https://www.instagram.com/p/BNLWN7djVaB/
Your Dad probably needs one of these for Christmas !!! ( or your son !) Bri
Solving all your Christmas gift problems ! Racing up the charts !! Bri
Gelly @14gelly 4h4 hours ago
Chynna Taylor answering questions. Many answers were about @adamlambert Since the whole video is more than (cont) http://tl.gd/n_1spatoa
AdamLambertIndonesia @AdamLambert_INA 11h11 hours ago
Adam Lambert leaving at Sydney airport…and his beloved hat box!
http://www.imagebam.com/gallery/vyouo6gx02neu6wr71rxucet6qt0wcwr …
Happy Turkey Day!!
Does anybody know if the Tokyo DVD is available? How to order it? Will it work on USA machines?
Im so late to the party, listened to Isiah’s Halo on my phone, but just listened on my big computer with good speakers turned up to 11.
OMG. What a voice, such nuance, such expression. He’s so cute, such international appeal. Wish him much success.
Wonder what Adam thinks of his pool?
Today, I am thankful for not having to cook. Holiday at a relative’s house. Just bringing a hostess gift. Whew!!
Thankful for health, children, home and safety. Thankful to doctors, thankful to work, thankful for friends and music.
It has gotten me through a lot this fall.
Funny,not just our guy, but have always been drawn to great talent and great voices. Can’t go a day without something beautiful to listen to or look at. It drives some people I know crazy, wondering how I can listen to the same thing so many times, but it’s like breathing to me. I simply need it every single day.
Last night, Pirates of Penzance was on TV, I just fricking loooove that musical, looooove Kevin Kline’s performance and beauty and the physicality of the role of the Pirate King, With Cat Like Tread, Gah. Hail Poetry, Gah again.
Then got lost in You Tube, and discovered Tim Curry as the Pirate King.Cannot believe that I never knew he did that. OMG. Fantastic!!!!!
Then, Midnight Radio, so many stars, then Michael C Hall, which led me to Cabaret. Horrors, just lost in my faves.
This morning, a little Isle of Wight, WWTLF, our guy, and now Isiah.
See what happens when you don’t have to cook or work???
Treadmill beckons, I just may boot up The Monster Ball, and sweat it out to Gaga.
Music. Much power in it. Much joy. So much to be Thankful for.
Nice post, mils!
bani @bani_ 21m21 minutes ago
bani Retweeted うびうび
At the DVD releasing event, the guy who was in charge of filming the QAL tour talked about why they use Tokyo footage but not the others.
A little “shade” on Syney’s audience. Maybe answers your question, mils. And so far don’t know of any way to buy it outside of Japan. A shame since if they want to make money, people all over the world will buy it.
Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate!
Mils– I loved your Thanksgiving post. It’s a good day to reflect on all the blessings in our lives. We’re still on baby watch here in Berkeley. Maybe Thanksgiving dinner will bring on labor. (Wishful thinking here!)
Lee Cherry @leecherry 2m2 minutes ago Los Angeles, CA
This is me, my wife Scarlett, and my son, Riff. The gratitude and thanks I have for them is… https://www.instagram.com/p/BNNPBJdhUin/
Happy thanksgiving to everyone here, I just sat down, been going at it all day. I think I am more stuffed than the turkey was. Hope every one had a great day.
Adam just snapped a pic of Sweet potatoe casserole.
Adam Lambert Pics @adamlambert_pic 2m2 minutes ago
.@adamlambert on snapchat “Adams SWEET Potato Casserole”
750 x 1334px http://www.imagebam.com/image/e9dda3516591521 …
Are those cinnamon sticks on top? Thought chocolate chips too but I think raisins.
Thanks luval
Thanks luval
Maybe they think it caters too much to the Japanese taste so they don’t distribute it outside….(I haven’t seen the videp yet). So the VR movie is taken in Barcelona. Hope there will be another QAL product but shot in the Amerikas… Just wishful thinking…
Happy thanksgiving x
I know I asked before but haven’t got it..can someone tell me the link the the 3 televised songs from the IOW festival. i have just been over to that thread but can’t find it, although the official WWTLF is amazing.
HK fan…I watch the three songs from the MTV live show I recorded on my DVR. Don’t think they’re in any one spot. Just have to watched them separately on youtube.
Someone on twitter says Adam’s sweet potato dish looks like an ugly football with mouse turds on it.
Probably tastes good, though.
Thanks luval…thought there was a link to the televised songs…..I’ll just have to go back to the IOW thread and watch those
People love mannequin challenge. So does Adam. Adam’s IG instagram.com/p/BNN4NF0BLZp/
Anybody ever seen these pics before??? HAIR! CHEST!! Gahhhh!
amlamla Periscoped the presentation of the Japanese DVD. Not perfect, but great sound and good vid. Worth a view.
Raisins, for sure.
One of the Aya girls
Gelly @14gelly 1h1 hour ago
cat.strat how Adam manages to slay despite everyone being disgustingly sweaty is beyond me”
https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/15056783_1736310473356977_339699546240057344_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTM5MTIzMDA3MDk3ODY4NTkxNQ%3D%3D.2 …
Adam Lambert Pics @adamlambert_pic 2h2 hours ago
.@adamlambert deleted this from his instagram “Thanksgiving Mannequin Vibes” https://scontent-arn2-1.cdninstagram.com/t50.2886-16/15201866_1525034647523299_6293067583398608896_n.mp4 …
youtube of screening
New to me
Gelly @14gelly 34m34 minutes ago
Adam’s pool final touches, 2 clips combined https://youtu.be/XBF_ckdpetM via @YouTube
Kιℓℓεr Quεεn
I’ve never seen this picture of Adam’s foot ?
Look at those feet oh my goodness they are so pale
Adam only parts on xfactor finale
Finale #XFactorAU Episode 19 @adamlambert parts 18:30 *new edit with SloMo and reactions Nov 22, 2016 FULL 18:30 https://vimeo.com/192954071
Riding his bike
ADAM LAMBERT DAILY @AdamL_Daily 19m19 minutes ago
VIDEO|@AdamLambert on #snapchat
on youtube
Here’s another lovely note by Natalie from X-Factor AU. – Seems a lot of contestants appreciated all Adam brought to the show!
Well this is cute. Adam snap chat filter with a little girl at his Thanksgiving party (I think ). Last one is hilarious (face swap)
Gelly @14gelly 9m9 minutes ago
D/L https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/15035673_682322481935710_5796175897732055040_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTM5MjAzMDY1MjA5MzgwMDUyMA%3D%3D.2 …
His eye make up is after idol Adam. Fanboy “#glambert”