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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
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Will this be the 2016 #xfactorau winner’s single? Davey Woder is owning this performance of his original audition track ‘Coming Home’.
Mark Stoodley @markystoods
@adamlambert nice plug for marriage equality
idolthreat @idolthreat
Adam Lambert uses Davey’s romantic song to advocate for marriage equality, because it’s 2016 and our leaders are backwards #xfactorau
Mark ?⚪️??? @WorldOfMarkyD
“I hope Australia let’s people like us get married one day” – @adamlambert
Adrian Cropley, ABC @acropley
Well done @adamlambert thanks for the plug for #equality
Katie Purvis @katiemelb
.@adamlambert on Davey: ‘I hope to be in love like that one day – and I hope Australia lets people like us get married one day.’ #xfactorau
What a GREAT GREAT GREAT ending!!!!!
Adam’s dancing all over the stage – sooooo happy for him –
Hahaha @adamlambert (far left) with @IsaiahFirebrace face on, dancing as Isaiah sings his winner’s single #XFactorAU
Jan // Mr. GhostTown @swissglambert86
I am a mess
Jan // Mr. GhostTown @swissglambert86
@adamlambert congrats on a fabulous job as a judge/mentor on #XFactorau and congrats to ur boy @IsaiahFirebrace 4 winning! Will miss u 2?
You are The Light! @LucyGT
@adamlambert @IsaiahFirebrace Such a happy moment ??❣️sooo emotional ?Congratulations to you both?‼️
unsteady @CrazyGlambert17
adam was so fucking happy this world finally had it moment of the real happiness
So happy for @isaiahfirebrace_official and his amazing mentor @adamlambert Winners of @thexfactorau 2016. Congratulations! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ISAIAH ❤️
Suzy #POR @inloveml
What a Beautiful & More than Deserved Birthday Gift @IsaiahFirebrace ??????
Congrats @adamlambert ??? What a MENTOR ??????
lynne @pflynne
Congratulations @adamlambert you do everything with all your heart. Can’t wait for what’s next! What a year for you (and us)! ❤️
I am crying with emotion for your victory @IsaiahFirebrace you were deserving, @adamlambert you are our pride congratulations
Sonia Surija @Sonia_Rose1
@thexfactorau more photos @IsaiahFirebrace @adamlambert
Luke Easton @3ku1
So I know it’s @IsaiahFirebrace moment. But a little part of me can’t help but think that makes up for 2009 Idol Finalie. ALOT #xfactorau
@adamlambert ? very handsome ? #xfactorau ✨ @thexfactorau ✨
Happy man –
That is so fantastic for Adam and Isaiah! They both deserved it soooooo much. I can’t wait for the vimeo to be posted. The link that I had to watch the first episodes has locked me out.
Анастасия @stecha_ova
You are the champions my friends!!!!!!!! So beatiful @IsaiahFirebrace and best mentor and man on this planet @adamlambert !!!!! #xfactorau
Isaiah Official –
It’s just the beginning!!! You’ll have a wonderful furture❤️@amalia_foy And @adamlambert is an amazing mentor?
@thexfactorau Woohoo a huge congrats @IsaiahFirebrace & @adamlambert fab mentor ?
shoshanna stone @shoshannastone
Congrats @IsaiahFirebrace and your mentor/Judge @adamlambert for winning @thexfactorau ????
Here’s your first look at the album cover for @IsaiahFirebrace’s debut self-titled album, out December 9! #xfactorau
Adam Lambert & Mel B – Facebook LIVE (X-Factor AU) 21.11.2016
screenshots –
Congrats to the winner of @thexfactorau @IsaiahFirebrace !!!!
Terrific picture –
Till a vimeo comes in –
Beejay @Beejayville
The good vibes that always emanate from @adamlambert should be bottled and given to children at birth. Make for a better world. #genuine
happy birthday @IsaiahFirebrace, you’re the winner of #XFactorAU 2016 !!!!
a star is born ???
i’ll be buying your debut single shortly !!!
Hahaha – look at Davey – and Mel taking a selfie –
Brock Jays snapchat photo @adamlambert
Gelly @14gelly
BTS Great video anastasiyah #xfactorau @adamlambert @GuySebastian @IGGYAZALEA @OfficialMelB
So great to wake up and see the news Isaiah won! Will catch up after I dig out of the huge snow storm we had last night.
I tried so hard this morning to just get the link to watch the show without seeing the results, impossible,
oh well.
Congrats Adam and Isaiah.
Gelly @14gelly 12m12 minutes ago
Hahhh – Wearing a suit doesn’t stop Adam from gyrating on the judges’ table https://youtu.be/8czCI-PbRxk via Tiffany Wong
Adam is DADDY
? @GlamDianee 2h2 hours ago
Adam with Tom J Williams and Brock Jays ? party night ??
Fun!…youtube version
X Factor Australia FB live Q&A with Mel B and Adam Lambert 11/21/16 https://youtu.be/MoufjbW6H8Y via kathy katz
Gelly @14gelly 19m19 minutes ago
Adam Lambert BTS taking a group photo at X Factor Australia https://youtu.be/-hSZLAouPUk via @YouTube
DL https://scontent-ord1-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/15101716_402144146783792_5928633728522780672_n.jpg …
TALCvids @TALCvids 2h2 hours ago
X Factor switch up: Adam Lambert to replace Louis Walsh following Oz victory? http://shr.gs/EOqabRk < SPECULATION Adam set for big future
Walsh is a judge on the current XFactor UK. They are always rotating judges so this wouldn't surprise me if true. But everywhere but here!
Lee Cherry @leecherry 2h2 hours ago Los Angeles, CA
This is my wife, Scarlett. Today is her birthday. Happy Birthday!!! This photo was taken by our… https://www.instagram.com/p/BNE6OjohsCs/
#XFactorAU @thexfactorau 12h12 hours ago
Before the first live show @AdamLambert, @OfficialMelB & @GuySebastian predicted the 2016 #xfactorau winner. Have their predictions changed?
Adam Lambert Pics @adamlambert_pic 6m6 minutes ago
.@adamlambert and @amalia_foy in Herald Sun – November 18, 2016 [Australia]
http://www.imagebam.com/image/ae8c38516064024 …
I haven’t watched this
Bulsara @Bulsara_76 47m47 minutes ago
A short film by Craig Bingham. Hope you like it. @QueenWillRock @OIQFC @QueenExtrava @RealGaryMullen @BecMini
I am so thrilled that Isaiah won! He certainly deserved it and this opportunity will make a huge difference in his and his family’s lives. Also, Adam deserves a lot of credit for his excellent mentoring which helped to give Isaiah the confidence he needed to win. I’m also happy for Davey. I suspect that he was happier with second place than he would have been with first place. He’ll be able to do what he wants with his music now, recording and/or performing live. Guy had the right instinct in sticking with Davey. I wish Amalia had come in third, but it really doesn’t matter. With that beautiful voice, she’ll do just fine. I’m really going to miss seeing Adam each on TV each week, especially since we have no idea he has in store for us next.
.@IsaiahFirebrace singing his winners single on #xfactorau with his proud mentor @adamlambert watching ??
Adam is so gracious in greeting people
MonicA @TheSun_TheStars
Isaiah – It’s Gotta Be You (Official Audio)? youtube.com/watch?v=LPh-8s…
Not available here –
No one can pull off the sharp dressed man look as well as this American beauty! ? ??
Full results show
Beejay @Beejayville 11h11 hours ago
The good vibes that always emanate from @adamlambert should be bottled and given to children at birth. Make for a better world. #genuine
Just watched the vimeo. Wow. This show is really classy. What the heck was Tove Lo wearing? Awful. Noticed Iggy wearing ADam’s necklace gift. Wonder if he gave the other judges something? Wouldn’t be surprised.
#TVWEEKmag @TVWEEKmag 17m17 minutes ago
.@adamlambert gave Isaiah some great advice after he won #XFactorAU. Read our full interview with Isaiah here: http://oak.ctx.ly/r/59c7e