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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
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So happy to be called a GLAMBERT !!
Echuca/Moama will never be the same after a visit from @adamlambert @IsaiahFirebrace ❤️❤️
So great to see all the news about the homevisits of Adam’s mentees.
Neva Atkinson
My grandson Jahleel presented the emu feather necklace to @adamlambert , and he loved it .
Who are these guys?
Xfactor preview
I really enjoyed this week’s shows on XFactor and am now enjoying the snippets that we’re seeing from the home visits. Adam had been an excellent judge and mentor. His critiques are spot on and he’s funny and charming, especially in his interaction with the other judges. He was really cracking me up this week with his comments and facial expressions. He’s done a great job picking the right songs to highlight Isaiah’s and Amalia’s voices and then coaching them to perform so well. He’s such a proud papa. I love both his contestants. They’re both sweet, humble kids who are incredibly talented. I hope they win the top two places. They deserve it and it would be quite a coup for Adam.
Love your post, mmm222 – the boy’s really superb at this in every way –
I wanted to give @adamlambert one of these . Maybe next time ?@IsaiahFirebrace
And he would have loved it – look at the pic below this one –
When you thought you were having a casual ‘Netflix and Chill’ Wednesday night but it’s 1am and you’re sipping French champagne with Adam Lambert at Crown!
Hey, luval, your 9:20 post question – the answer –
Wow….Garth Brooks on Jimmy Kimmel talking about Brian May & Freddie Mercury. ..outstanding
Looks closer to 24 than 34 –
From shotography’s IG story: – Sean Higgins with @adamlambert ‘Got to meet Adam Lambert last night: He’s so nice!’
Thanks to @14gelly
Adam Lambert at Crown Casino
15 Nov 2016 | Melbourne, Australia
Akoriginal Art & Craft
He looks like he’s havin a ball today in Echuca
i want adam to stay in australia forever it brings out the pretty
Gelly @14gelly 8m8 minutes ago
so sweet
https://scontent.fath2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/15094235_1644002725893074_8389507021687989877_n.jpg?oh=85ad489c7d199e1b8cbd7602d5612398&oe=58B8A1A9 …
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1644002725893074&set=g.408294066038711&type=1&theater …
Mel @Mel_Tea 3h3 hours ago
At one minute in Guy talks about Adam Lambert & his voice ??… https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10153894109496105&id=110032161104&__tn__=%2As …
Gelly @14gelly 4h4 hours ago
Adam’s new jacket is Kenzo
it has pink on it. What did say about pink Adam ?
Amalia…she’s 15???? It’s a beautiful pic
cocoo @cocooyau 6h6 hours ago
2 mins edit ???Nov 16, 17 2016 @adamlambert w @IsaiahFirebrace @amalia_foy https://vimeo.com/191927088 Src at details TY @katzolicious @14gelly
jamie Blake 3 videos Isaiah singing taken from an angle that you can see Adam all the time.X Factor is filming Adam https://www.facebook.com/jamie.blake.313924/posts/1784789591789075?pnref=story …
Adam’s hair looks very dark in some of these pictures. Longer too. Back to the Elvis look…at least temporarily.
This boy with Adam looks really young
He’s one of these, they all look youngish but they’re in a Casino so I’m guessing 20ish. Sauli looked young too but he was 24/25 or so when he met Adam I think.
Queen Fan Club @OIQFC 1h1 hour ago
It’s with great sadness that we have to tell you, that freddies wonderful Mother Jer has passed away at the age of 94.
Have enjoyed Adam’s XFactor stint so much! I thought the show was well done, a nice balance focusing on both the contestants and the judges even with such a short season. Wouldn’t have liked them to stretch it out a whole lot more, but a few more shows would have been nice without such brutal cuts.

Really like the judge/mentor role when we have this panel that really mentored (except Iggy, but she’s out of her element – but her judging wasn’t too bad IMHO).
We got to see more of Adam’s sweetness AND toughness, and how funny and charming he is. So very entertaining yet effective with his charges! If he’s following Simon maybe that’s a sign that he’ll use him more, like he does MelB.
Now, NEW MUSIC?!?!?!?! What’s next????
Dr. Brian May @DrBrianMay 9m9 minutes ago
Guess the Riff ! http://po.st/GuessTheRiff Have fun ! And you can order on Amazon right now. Bri
Yes my question too, riskylady “what’s next”?
Said this before. Glad to see he seems to be close to Mel B. Popular & well respected in the entertainment biz.
Brian’s first tweet:
Dr. Brian May @DrBrianMay 14m14 minutes ago
I’m still mostly hiding away. But I had to share this. Proud to announce: AIR GUITAR ANTHEMS is HERE !!! http://po.st/AirGuitarAnthemsAlbum … Bri
Those facebook videos are great. I think Isaiah sang ACIGC even better than on the show. Adam is so into his singers, always focused on them. He is so great as a judge and mentor. We always knew he would be.
riskylady… Agree totally with your above posting at…12:34

I was also thinking about Simon Cowell, and how mesmerizing Adam’s XFactor footage must be to him. Also, how many times he re-watches it?
He has to be in total AWE of how dedicated Adam is to his 2 young ones. His star shine’s brightly as a judge & he’s only 34 years old.
Also, Simon loves the ‘tongue & cheek’ humor, and Adam has given that in spades. Adam & Mel B are so entertaining together, that you’re just waiting for the banter back and forth between them.
Fitzy & Wippa @fitzyandwippa 27m27 minutes ago
Next week is MASSIVE! We’re chatting to @jtimberlake, @AdamLambert, @robbiewilliams & Jennifer Hawkins. BYEEEE! #fitzyandwippa
I know, twilight, those two are everything lol! Calling her gold outfit “Ferrero Roche” was both brilliant and hilarious, it was so true! And before that, the thing with Isaiah and her outfit, and then to top it off they show up in the same color!
They’re a hoot! UK XFactor in comparison downright stodgy and inferior talent. Judges just going through the motions.
Blue balls, so appropriately inappropriate!
ADAM LAMBERT DAILY @AdamL_Daily 6m6 minutes ago
VIDEO|@IsaiahFirebrace talks about @AdamLambert on @sunriseon7:”he’s an amazing singer and mentor” https://au.tv.yahoo.com/sunrise/video/watch/33252290/who-will-win-the-x-factor-grand-final/?cmp=st#page1 … #xfactorau
Adam “liked” this IG
and these
instagram.com/p/BM7LMwrhVub/ https://instagram.com/p/BM6uHZqgh7L/ http://instagram.com/harry_lambert
The actor in red in that photo shoot is a fantastic actor in Shameless. It’s one of my must see shows, and his character, Ian is gay and bipolar, and his new boyfriend is a Trans dude. It’s really great how they openly talk about their sex life. Lolol. They both had to figure things out because they are both tops.
Anyway, he is a terrific actor. He’s also on Gotham, which I don’t watch.
Re the boy in the casino pic looking young…pretty sure the gambling age in Oz is 18, so he could be really young!!..but going by my son, I’d say 21 or 22.
Hehe HK fan, I look at fotos of my 4 sons at 20 and they look like babies to me! Even the youngest is 48 now (he’s confirmed bachelor, so looks 35! No worries for him lol!)
Mia Stammer ✨ @MamaMiaMakeup
I think @Darmafall and I just became soulmates. We both just bonded over our insane obsession with @adamlambert ?❤️?
Just Sayin…
I believe the ‘real winner’ of XFactor Australia 2016 is …..
Adam Lambert!
Everyone in Australia make sure you vote for @IsaiahFirebrace TO win the XFACTOR this Sunday ❤️❤️
Like this pic – can almost see him thinking –
She is officially now a GLAMBERT!!! @IsaiahFirebrace @adamlambert ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I’m 9 because @adamlambert is 8 lollllll! Sure I’d have nice dream tonight ?? Src his snaps nov 18, 2016
Goofy as usual –
With the #xfactorau Grand Final just TWO DAYS AWAY, @amalia.music is busy rehearsing her showstopper song.
Can you guess what track she’s listening to on her @AudioflyHeadphones? ?
Kathy Katz @katzolicious
Adam snapchat still pic 11/18/16
(750 x 1334 pix