- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Here’s a bunch of Buzzfeed-like quizzes –
I got German.
Hmmm ..
I like sausages.

Does that make me an Asian German?
I’ll take it, chérie!

I don’t know you as well as many others here do, but I have to say that our first encounter at Ste Agathe did give off a very French vibe! So perhaps these little quizzes have a smidgen of truth at their core…
And I will add my belated birthday wishes to the long list of fellow ALLers who have wished you the same!
For those who are concerned about fan wars when QAL performs in the UK, there have and will always be fan wars on th Internet. It is part of life and goes with the anonymity and can’t be helped, as much as we hate it. But as far as the live shows are concerned, if the 2012 concerts that I attended are anything to go by, there will be scepticism at first but soon, very soon Adam will win them over, and there will be unbridled joy at seeing their guys again. They will know every song at the first note, sing every word, and the energy will be incredible. English Queen fans are amazing, and this show is bigger and more polished than the first one was. I can’t bring myself to say “better” because there was something so special about Hammersmith. I just hope that the mainline Press will do a better job of covering this tour than they did in the US. Somehow, I think they will.
Hi risky! Hope you had a wonderful birthday! You have the same birthday as my daughter so you must be very special but we really never got a chance to talk at Toronto I.
Sweet Queen and Adam Lambert on X-factor Dreams, ALL!!
Thank you, asif and Krad!
LOL Asian-German
Reminds me, I just loved this post by Axxxel:
Covers all the bases very nicely! Including hormones!
Thanks, Sparkle!
rs, I just wish you could come with us to Wembley! Agree about Hammersmith though, we were very fortunate to see those shows! It was so evident that Adam really poured himself into those performances, almost superhuman glory notes each night. The energy was HUGE between him and the audience, in those smaller venues – the air literally crackled.
Still love the big shows too, because of the bigger wave of response – they all seem so pleased and happy.
Where’s that pic of him in the London phonebooth?
Hah – here it is –
ShowMustGoOn @ALAlwayz
Adam now following diablocody
Anyone know who this is – guess I’ll look him up –
it’s a her –
risky, if I wasn’t so concerned about leaving my father for more than a week or so (and of course the winter weather) I would be going to Milan so that I could see cher, Cracow, so that I could see cwm, and Wembly, in addition to Prague with you, riskyhubby, mmm222, adamized, LadyNorth, and agathe.hb!
Streams http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sim0d7
So are Queen fans called little Queenies? Was thinking about that line in “Now I’m Here” where Adam sings “go, go, go little Queenie”. Chuck Berry & also the Rolling Stones had a song called Little Queenie where they sing that same line.
Has it always been in Now I’m Here or did Adam come up with it? So many questions. Both songs have the same vibe so it fits right in.
World clock. 3:00pm EST (my time)
Don’t go to 24/7 much (I forget about it), but this is funny
4 oclock in the morning for me……well, I ain’t staying up for that….
I really liked that ‘when Adam met Queen magic happened ‘vimeo that was posted earlier. It really had some great pics in it.
Really, really hoping that we won’t get WWRY or WATC tonight. I’ll gladly settle for anything else.
I’m thinking that’s what were gonna get, HK fan!
It is 10:00pm my time. I will probably just be getting home from a 7:00 movie when the show starts. Maybe I will be able to see a stream here if it isn’t a regular TV station. The show won’t be on here till next weekend. And I agree, WWRY and WATC are the classics, unless they decide to so Love Kills, in order to promote the new album. That would be lovely, but it probably highlights Adam’s voice too much.
And can someone tell me which episode it is. Is it 30? They are broadcasting the show often here and there are different episodes. I want to make sure I get the right one.
ETA. Just looked at one of my Internet TV sites and it will be episode 30. It will be on my TV on Thursday in the wee hours of the morning. But I will surely see the important bits much before then
Was thinking Love Kills to promote the new album too.
Here’s a link with several possible streams, rs
luval, here is a vid of Now I’m Here with lyrics
“Go,Go Little Queenie” is indeed there at 4:15. It is the last line of the song!
Haha, luval, Thanks for the streams. I deleted my request when I noticed that you had posted the link just a short while ago on this very page.
wonder who’s?
Ok! So Queen borrowed it from Chuck Berry! After all, Queen are Queenies.
I like this tweet.
WOW…New photo!
the hair! the coat! the shirt! the collar!
Could this be the cover shoot?? Cover for what?
@riskylady at your service… I wanted to write something else than hormones but was afraid it may get censored !! LOL…
Hi there!
Wondering which stream to catch tonight, they give so many possibilities… 10 pm, that’s convenient for me, just before bed time
I noticed we have X factor UK on tv, but 4 weeks behind, so I hope some of the streams work for me.
Happy belated birthday riskylady
Let’s raise a glass for that in Prague 
I hope everyone had tasty and warm Thanksgiving. There are so many things to be grateful for, even though I feel very sad about all the violent actions and situations around the world.
I think Chuck Berry called his guitar Little Queenie just like BB King has Lucille.
LadyNorth, for sure! More than one glass, too!! Excited about our trip and meeting again!
And, your stories about London too!
Yes risky, definitely more than one
My London trip is coming closer, soon it’s Christmas and after that it’s soon around the corner!
LOL forgot I came to post this delightful pic, new to me. Makes me so happy to see the absolute joy Adam, Brian and Roger get from performing together!
Supposedly updated livestreams. Don’t seem to work for me.
Adam’s exuberance is so contagious, makes me think those Forum purists haven’t seen/have refused to see any performances. How long can they hold out? We know a few are crumbling little by little….
And skfhrucnxjfjvhfjd!!! He’s kept the look, darker hair check, barely there scruff check, hair on sides check!!!!!! YUM!
Hi riskylady Another weekend birthday…The duke and I hope it was another good one! Brought us back to last year at this time when we were watching Adam at the Fontainbleau! That was a big birthday weekend for you as I recall. Good times! Good friends!
Hi little dutchess! Right, that was a lovely birthday too with great ALL friends.
Almost had forgotten – just saw in the Herald last week they had Tegan and Sarah this year. Not the turnout Adam gave them. Missing you guys! Hope you are doing well! Still considering Wembley?
Nick Gardner @thenickgardner
Can’t wait for my boy @adamlambert to kill it on X Factor tonight. Watch out Britain.
22 minutes ago
Oh look who’s arrived at the #XFactor studio… Anyone looking forward to seeing Queen and Adam Lambert perform live?!
Adam started following Diablo Cody. She’s a screenwriter, producer & director.
Edge Publicity @EdgePublicity
Half an hour to go! @QueenWillRock + @adamlambert live on @TheXFactor Results – 8pm on ITV