- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Happy Birthday, riskylady! Have a wonderful day! I’m looking forward to seeing you and riskyhubby in Prague and sharing our adventures there. I’ll be celebrating my birthday in Krakow just after that. Now that will be interesting.
And a very belated happy birthday to TLKC. I thought of you but RL got the best of me and reduced me to lurkerdom (is that even a word?)at the time.
Thank you, mmm222! I am so jealous about Kraków, would love to go there, but would have to change another flight and British Air would take my house!! Grrrrr.
Well, you can get knowledge about all things Polish from agathe.hb while we’re in Prague to add to your own research.
Happy Birthday, riskylady!! Wishing you lots of fun in your upcoming Adam adventures.
– I got French. Always wanted to be French. This is probably as close as I’ll get.
screenshot –
WORLD CLOCK: timeanddate.com/worldclock/fix…
I’ve missing saying Happy BD to so many, but will just pop in to add my best wishes for TLKC (sorry to be so very late – RL strikes again), and riskylady (hey, pretty much on time, for a change!) I look forward to both of your lively and informative posts – many thanks for being a big part of the fun on this lovely site.

tlkc belated Happy birthday may all your wishes come true
Feral @feraltwirler
LOL all those boys on the stage look the same and have hair sorta like Adam’s ROFL
Adam Lambert Help @AdamLambertHelp
Link direct Adam Lambert’s “Imagine” page (no singing but you can look his photo)
mmadamimadamm @mmadamimadamm
RT @Glittery_Viki: Eeeeee! Itunes has Adams album in the ‘appearing on Xfactor’ collection :’)
WOW! Nice!!! RT @bani_: nice
Inner nationality – I got American! Really?

I guess I have transformed over the years!
God bless America. I am thankful for a good life, great friends and family and this blog!!
Oh did I forget Adam Lambert?
Will Roger Taylor ever stop praising Adam Lambert? We doubt it!
Adam Lambert Help @AdamLambertHelp
Tokio Hotel tweeted in reply to Adam: @adamlambert Thank you Adam! twitter.com/tokiohotel/sta… They’re following Adam now
turquoise, tothebeat, thank you!!!
Hey – Happy Birthday, riskylady – wishing you a year filled with personal happiness and lots of goodies here at ALL. Right now Adam’s
album seems to be coming along like this
– but 2015 should be more like
– ready for the ride?!
Did Bill Kaulitz come out?
Well, he did say his stage name might have been Adam Bomb.
I’ve been away for a couple of days, catching up.
So, will XFactor be live here, on Sunday or Monday, or what?? I don’t have AXS TV, but I’m sure ninjas will post almost immediately. So, all will be well.
Article posted at mjs re music biz – worth reading –
Thanks firstimerob……another video that I haven’t seen before. Never knew Simon had said all those things till recently.
Happy belated birthday riskylady.
Guess I’m Brazilian now.
When Adam Met Queen: Magic Happened
probably seen before – but fun
Tracey @Ollie363
You have no idea how excited UK fans are to have not only QUEEN performing on a primetime show but Adam too! We’ve wanted this for so long!
Rude and discourteous Adam fans tweeting X Factor UK is the last thing the UK Adam fans want. It’s not helpful. Think about what you say!
luval, I’m laughing so hard after seeing your dot.
I took the quiz honey. That’s all!!

like this gif for some reason – think it’s the walk –
mils..you’ve got mail!
Cologne poster –
Happy Birthday riskylady!

I hope you had a great day, and may the year ahead bring much joy.
mils, check channel 1106 for AXS.
According to their website that’s where it should be on your service.
If not, maybe you can watch it on demand on the uverse website.
The results show is on in the US on Monday.
It’ll probably be on youtube by then though.
nkd, I think it’s HD. I don’t pay for HD. Thanks though.
I’m having the best time binge watching Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee. So so so funny.
Will be interested to see if any of the livestreams work. I don’t get AXS tv on my cable system Time Warner.
It is HD mils. Oh well.
ulti, HK fan, nkd, thanks!
risky, happy b-day!!!!
Just watched the Bob Einstein episode , just so hilarious.
Even his lashes are lush –
Wow, that @Ollie363 really overreacted. ONE Adam fan asked XFactor to put up a pic of Adam instead of the cover of Queen Forever.
She immediately replied with this:
@Ollie363: @cordaleme You’re American aren’t you? Queen are British. Adam is not well-known over here. There’s no disrespect! You don’t get it do you?!
@Ollie363: Dear Americans et al. QUEEN are British. Adam is not well-known over here. There’s no disrespect if they don’t show his pic or say his name!
(Queen are British? Well, knock me over with a feather!)
Another claimed they’re only on XFactor to promo their album (not the multimillion dollar tour with the AMERICAN Frontman LOL).
lol – wherever he goes, controversy follows –
I didn’t read it that way in the article that was posted, according to the translation anyway. He skirted the subject, which is his right.
He does pull a guy into the elevator in the video though!
mils,luval LOL. I had the same thoughts re: Brazilian.
Sitting at Baltimore airport getting ready to board a 4 hour late plane.
mils, thanks!
We love that Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee too!! It’s hubby’s fave show/series. Really so offbeat and hilarious.
Went to see Seinfeld do standup last year and he can still make you laugh your ass off for over an hour and a half!!
The first thing I noticed in the X-Factor promo was the lack of Adam’s picture, but his name is listed, s’all good.
It’ll be interesting to see the response that he gets.
Safe flight glambotgram!
nkd, I just couldn’t get through that Tokio Hotel video. Boring!! For sure no one can accuse Adam of copying Kaulitz now – he’s positively made himself ugly, and the over abundance of piercings! He’s like that kid in the Zits comic strip, Jeremy’s friend, with all the hardware hanging off him.
But I did read his open letter. He doesn’t really come out. He mainly rambles about “why are people interested who’s in my bed? What does it matter one way or the other?”
I think Adam was being kind to tweet their song and vid. They need all the help they can get, have lost their huge status after so many years without music. Only 379k followers on Twitter and hardly any retweets when their fans promo them (I follow a few who are also Glamberts). The album doesn’t seem to get much notice anywhere, even in Germany, their home.
I think it’s all a matter of knowing how to tread in international manners and language. I do believe that Americans can be pushy, and I do believe that some of Adam’s fans, as we have discussed and witnessed personally, can be a tad entitled and assertive.
I just hope that there aren’t fan wars over the pond.
I fully expect most of the ones that we have seen and observed, will be front and center in the UK.
All I would hope for is respect and courtesy. However, I do not expect it to occur with them.
I just want good vids.
I just want great shows.
I just want Adam to get huge exposure.
I just want Adam to gain new fans.
I just want to hear about how Queen fans will fall into the glitz. Just like we witnessed here at shows. Queen die hards, Freddie can’t be replaced skeptics falling hard for Adam’s talents.
I just want a win-win scenario.
Is this going to be a live performance – or is it filmed beforehand and inserted in the program like they do at Idol sometimes? Never watched X-Factor anywhere.
Yeah, I didn’t really care that Ad’s pic wasn’t there either cause his name is. Just why did she assume the fan was American. I notice that many Brits have no idea of Adam’s WW fan base or his intl tours or sales.
And if she wants rude, she should read some fellow Brits comments to Adam or on his YouTubes, Facebook, etc.
ETA: She lives in NJ, but says she’s not American. Could be – foreign name: Eriskay Cavan.
“@cordaleme: @Ollie363 You think I’m American? See how wrong one can be? .They could have put a pic of Adam up there. That’s all.”
Doesn’t seem enough to start a fan war – any more than the ongoing one on YouTube, Twitter, etc. with the remaining diehard Freddie/Queen purists. Hope they’ll be won over too, but if they aren’t don’t really give a hoot at this point. Adam’s ahead in the game, and if they do new music, which they seem to want, even more so.
Yes, risky, there are rude fans everywhere. I just hope for no fan wars.
The anonymity of the internet leads to many rude spews of garbage.
I’m so very grateful for this blog. I’ve said it so many times, but it is so true.
Glad to hear that you and risky hubby like Cars too. This new season is laugh out loud funny.
“Adam’s ahead in the game” – so true – love that, dear risky!