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Anyone else see Prince on SNL?

Crackin me up with sunglasses for his third eye!
He was performing with 3RDEYEGIRL, his current backing band.
Ron, thank you for sharing your costume picture. Love it! Hope you all had a fun night!
1 hour ago
About last night…. Thanks for the amazing time @adamlambert @ferras @mdmolinari
Group pic –
new/old pic
Lots of pics –
Scissorhands –
Totally OT, but this rock version of Beethoven’s Ode to Joy put a smile on my face when I woke up and found it in my mailbox this morning with the heading, “only for real music lovers”. I know that people here like all kinds of music, so enjoy, if you will:
IG vid #3
I Put a Spell on You vids on youtube
aliaut’s IG vid —the end of the song
therizol’s IG vid—the first one
dray4ever’s IG vid
2 vids combined
One minute long of combined IG videos
luval glad your calendar arrived safely, I got mine last week. I agree it turned out wonderful.
Just a reminder if anyone else wants to order one the instructions are on the QAL planning thread.
Thanks for the reminder about the calendar…had forgotten all about it.
Gaaah. Adam and the blues are just meant to be.
What I wouldn’t give to just hear him riffing with Buddy Guy or Gary Clark or Derek Trucks.
Eargasms galore.
Now I’m off to watch and listen to Prince’s epic performance on SNL. Alas, I crashed before it came on. All that cool fresh air and work outdoors yesterday did me in. Thanks to my DVR, all is well…
Glambot, is it too late for me to get a calendar?
mils it is not too late at all. The calendar runs from Dec 2014 to Jan 2016. It takes about 2 weeks to get it after ordering.
Or this
How do I order Glambot?
XFactor? Nice!! If true.
I’m still thinking he’ll perform on Idol too, especially with him being a guest judge.
Even it’s a live remote feed from the tour.
45 second QAL black & white promo. Hadn’t seen it. Doesn’t even show them…very cool video.
Would love a remote feed from the tour. Only thing is that the tour ends in mid February and Idol ends in May. Don’t think they have any live acts on for weeks after Idol begins.
If the X Factor is true, of all the songs, which one should they do?
I think I’m leaning towards “Somebody To Love” with Adam holding that note … for 25 seconds.
We actually get the British X-Factor here. If the rumour is true I will have to start recording the show since I haven’t been watching it.
Ron…that’s a great question. Probably will end up being We Will Rock You or We Are the Champions. Unless…Queen wants to promote something from their album release in November. Love Kills? Probably not. People might think Adam is on the album.
Can’t wait!
So this week…Tuesday is the Classic Rock Awards! Maybe we’ll get some youtubes.
mils all the instructions are in a post on the planning thread
Prince looked great on SNL. (didn’t care for the 3rd eye lol).
Wish I knew how to create those vids. I think the #3 one should be first. It has the first line if the song. Would sound more cohesive IMHO.
luval, I thought he looked and sounded good but don’t like that Afro on him. I made the mistake of watching the whole dismal show hoping for a second appearance.
riskylady, thanks for telling me no second song. Wonder why not? Am still watching. Up to news now. Michael Slezak really hates this season. He’s right.
Then I’ll watch The Blacklist. Just watched AHS….WOW!
Always catching up on Sundays with shows I taped during the week.
eta: Could not watch one more minute of SNL….
Yikes…Mad World on X-Factor
LOLOL this goes back to his comment on the video I posted at 5:41 yesterday.
@SusanWesterfeld: Idk who did this, but…hahahahaha!
Mad World? Or just “mad” and not in a good way….
No wonder they’re releasing guest artist names, rumored QAL also.
Okay, so.
Prince performed one great set for 8 minutes. Not two separate sets, as has been tradition on SNL since 1975.
Why? Because he’s Mr. F-ing Prince. That’s why.
Has anybody seen the hilarious sketch skewering Swifty? I was laughing out loud. Out loud.
Glambert’s waiting for Era 3:
Is that you luval?!
I didn’t mean that QAL would perform the same week that his judging airs. Just that I would like to see them perform when the live shows start.
How did you guess, ron?
That Swifty SNL sketch was funny ! I heard the song in my car this morning and changed the station Honestly I had no idea it was her. So poppy. I have seen her on Ellen recently and somewhere else promoting her album. And I realize I really like her as a person but don’t care for her music. Good for her that it’s a hit.
Great video, rs – presume it’s Croatia as I linked to the cellist – Ana Rucner (parents/brother also string players) who is from that country. Beautiful woman, too. Thanks for putting this up.
Ron, you looked divine for Halloween – your elegant form and striking costume a real home run. Congrats, dear boy!
Thanks so much
That’s very sweet of you! It was a fun night.
Terrance put up a colored pic of the b&w group photo –
Was just giving this a look-see.
LOL. At 1:08, you can see me in front rising back up and shaking my frizzy hair. ‘Ya see, I went weak in the knees as he started saying and looked right at me ” any repeat customers? ” and I realized it would be Dragon Attack.
I went down to nearly the floor on that. Thanks for that front bar to hold on to for dear life!!!
Holy Hotness!!!
2 hours ago
Had so much fun at my baebee’s Halloween party…love you @adamlambert
Great DA vid, mils – think the boy was teasing you-all quite a bit – lol
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert
@MDMOLINARI @Caradelevingne @KendallJenner
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert
Halloween w @HelloJonte @SarahHudsonuvs @ferras http://instagram.com/p/u6jtbMONJU/
2 minutes ago
Cuttin up w Riff Cherry
What a terrific pic –