- Velvet
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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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- AL’s Games
And they have an extra hour tonight. Wish they’d hurry up, though. I”m getting tired. I should have taken a disco nap.
Not sure I can hold it together to post tonight with words like doofus and gazoinga flying around. Truly laughing out loud here!!
Dislike auctions – silent or otherwise.
Silent auctions are just the worst. Sometimes I go around the tables and just put in super low bids trying to just get some action started, and more often than not I end up being the only bidder on some cheesy theme-filled basket full of crapola I would never buy in a million years!!
glambot, I just said “crapola.”
Me too, my sides hurt!
mils LOL
I hope these people give him some feedback tonight and don’t just sit there.
glambot, me too.
But, I’m hoping for some new Glamberts to be spawned.
Looking at the twitter list, there some major heavy-hitters there. Deep pockets.
Wish I was there.
Do you guys all notice the older and generous benefactors with young hot ladies??? LOL. Soooo typical. But, at least they are donating $$$$$.
This is one time that I don’t think he will recognize his front row, LOL
milslol I was just going to post “lots of may/december romances there.
Maybe not all so young, just rich enough for a lot of work
I’m now relying on you guys to post the goods. Leaving my desk top and only using iphone. Thanks!
Adam doesn’t like to button the top one.
Holy Eyebeams http://static.ow.ly/photos/original/3BMDE.jpg
Hope all those geezers took their Viagra, Cialis, and glaucoma and high blood pressure medication, ‘cuz they are gonna need it all after their young ladies get an earful and eyeball full of our guy.
Just sayin’.
So we add geezers to the list. Mils, you are on fire!
Triple Treasure!!!
Mils … You crack me up!!!
You’re on a roll.
It’s so much fun tonight. I was going to go to bed early tonight, but it’s not gonna happen.
I raked and bagged 10 bags of leaves today.
Exhausted but Adam
arousedwoke me up.asif, I’m too sore from raking, pruning, bagging, and sweeping too even think of laying down.
I’m listening to music, have a boatload of tabs open, a belly full of Chinese food ( no cooking for this one after raking all afternoon, no way ), and a little frozen yogurt too. I figure I’ll see what happens tonight, get an extra hour of sleep and hit the treadmill tomorrow.
There’s mint chip and Moose Tracks in the fridge. Help yourselves. But keep yer paws off the Chinese. Not sharing.
the girl who said earlier that she almost massaged Adam, said in another tweet that she wished she was a male therapist. Guess he wanted a guy, Go Figure.
Me thinks that Mils also had some Saki!!!

Come on Adam, you should have been on stage by now, Its 11:15 in Miami right about now!!!!
Mils … I have Thai food.
Everybody can help yourselves, too.

Adam loves Thai food.
I don’t know how good my Thai food is, but it’s authentic.

Is anybody keeping track of how much money they are pledging there??? It’s at least a half mil so far.
(( Note to self. Get me a rich geezer somehow…))….
After the dinner and auction and performance, there is a 1930’s lingerie fashion show by A’s friend Traver Rains, he’s in a pic with Adam and a girl in black lace dress.
The geezers are gathering
Oooh. Adam has had his very own Fiji fantasy!! But, LOL, I doubt his is the kind they just auctioned off!!
Oh lawdy, so, after the show the old coots will be buying lingerie for their hot little thangz?
I just don’t think there’s enough Viagra in Miami to handle this.
mils lol They need to auction off some little blue pills. They would break the bank.
Tomorrow morning:
Young hot thang: Good morning lover!
Geezer: I feel 25 years younger. I don’t know what happened last night.
Young hot thang: ( With a grin and a twinkle in her eye )
Oh, I don’t know. I just don’t know. ( remembering those eye beams and that voice ).
Old geezer: Well. I’ll tell ‘ya little missy, whatever it was, we gotta bring that Lambert fella back here again. He sure was good for our charity. He seemed to have quite the effect on the ladies too. And some of the fellas too!!
Pops a couple more little blue pills.
And the Beauties …
Cropped one
Here we go …
So. He’s in the suit.
Need vidz.
He’s on stage now!
Well, helllloooo madness!
I just remembered why I never post links here…I am always at least a step if not two behind, lol.
Take if off … Babe … Take it all off.
Hi, mils. I’ve been lurking all evening and keeping up with the anticipation. Hoping for vids with you.
LOLOL. The last time he wore a shirt under a tight vest his pits ripped and shredded.
(( memories of GN ))
Here’s a teaser of @adamlambert
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