- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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- AL’s Games
Adam Lambert @adamlambert 18m
Wow! So thought provoking. (Via @Upworthy) http://www.upworthy.com/loneliness-illustrated-so-beautifully-you-will-need-to-tell-someone?g=2 …
Ray Flores @bumpthekoala
“@adamlambert: Wow! So thought provoking. (Via @Upworthy) upworthy.com/loneliness-ill…” thanks for the RT Adam!
cute – new header?
Interesting responses to this one. Been up before, but bigger.
Pics everywhere in hotel
lol – remember this old pic
awww…such great fans
Donna @Ala4afam 2m
\o/ MT @simplysandee Adam has the best fandom !! Bc of some amazing Glamberts I’m going to see @adamlambert for the first time EVER!!!!
Closer stage
Get the swag
Ad in Dallas Observer for New Year’s appearance
DIE CRONUTS DIE @chunkeymonkey81 14m
“@asiladam: Guys, did you all see this from earlier?? http://ln.is/24.media.tumblr.com/Yzj3 …” OMG he’s gonna throw his back out 0_o
The top pics with Adam and Leto – perfect for JCS.
Ulti, thanks for all the great pics and articles you found and posted here this evening. Almost feel bad about not trying harder to get to Miami but hated the “games” the Fontainbleau played with all those so called great package deals. Then it was too late by the time they just offered tickets with no room.
Yes – feel bad, too. Thanksgiving and big family here – couldn’t go.
But looking forward to the ustream, pics, and recaps of the Real Adam on stage. Especially the Cinnamon Mop – who’s gonna send the first photo – really looking forward to that.
Guess Adam’s arrived –
IntenseForwardMotion @ALAlwayz 1h
@sandyzzzen The fire alarm went off at Fountainebleau!
Diddo ultimathule Excited about seeing Adam as ADAM via live stream or vids or whatever we are lucky enough to get!
Also, like Mils, I have been working with a “baby Glambert”. She was here for Thanksgiving and I played MTN for her On my IPad. She was mesmerized. When it was done she said
a Glambert in Training! 
“Mo A-dom”. My 20 mo. Old Great Grandaughter is truly
Darn it! I typed such a long post before this and had it accidentally erased! Ugh. Am typing in the dark trying not to disturb my roommates and it’s very hard. Don’t want to start all over.
Let me skip some stuff then.

We are at the Fontainebleau. Adam’s pics and adverts r everywhere. Special registration area for BeauLive events. We are being treated very well. Two staffers said the Glamberts are the best behaved fans and they wish we could come all the time. Said that we’re very pleasant, happy and not demanding. Hotel is beautiful, Glamberts all over. Easy to spot! Had dinner for riskylady’s birthday at Scarpetta, pricey but very good. Saw pizzas being delivered to the hotel so might have to do that later today
Adam’s plane came in from LA about 1005pm and his limo got here about 1045pm EST. Heard he has a lot of luggage. Wonder where he’s headed to next. We were sitting in a lobby area waiting to catch a glimpse of him and his mean manager was there waiting for him, kept staring at us over and over again -not nicely I might add- and when the limo pulled up and Adam stepped out (My nephew saw him..said he was wearing a beanie cap over his hair and dark glasses) his manager made him get back in and jumped in as well and made the driver take them to another entrance further down the driveway. There were only about 6 of us, sitting quietly. We weren’t going to harass him as the manager obviously thought, just wanted to wave hi or whatever. Bummer.
Anyway, we were there chatting for another 30 minutes or so and then Ashley came from their part of the hotel and went down into a taxi,then the manager and another guy came down too, stared at us again, talked to the taxi driver and jumped in beside Ashley and the taxi went forward to the other entrance we suppose as the other guy that had come down with the manager came back from outside and started waving to someone up the stairs to our right *we assume it was Adam* to go back the other way. Then he went up there too. Figured Adam and Ashley went to get something to eat and then probably hit a club later on. I guess Adam’s manager thinks fans need to be avoided. He wasn’t even nice nor friendly. Well, we’re here to have a good time so we will. It’s very breezy and a bit cool for an outdoor concert Will see what happens tonight. Ciao for now. Gotta get some shuteye.
Gee sorry about that Cher. Do you mean the grey haired guy Rob? Never a smile on his face True dat. Seemed nice to me, though. Maybe Adam wasn’t in the mood for chit chat or autographs. Is he “pulling away” from his fans a bit? Who knows.
Wonder if there will be new music.
Sauli and partner all in white – pretty
AquariusGirl @Aquarius_Girl2 1h
Dude said of all the big artists who have played FountainbleauLive, @adamlambert is the only one who sold out the VIP pkg in 13 mins. OFC.
SUNUS @CaptainSunus 14m
@adamlambert Let the SUN Pour Coffee in your Heart’s Cup THIS MORNING #miami and a little gift 4 your eyes —> pic.twitter.com/zlzDo6i2dY
Hey…guess who I just watched…….
The one and only Nile Rodgers and Chic. We managed to get 3rd row from the front, they were great, a rel disco dance party, he’s a cutie. And the girls voices, amazing, loved the bass player too. And what a venue, looking out at the sun going down over the skyline of HK.
We followed that with The 1975’s who were pretty good, and who couldn’t get over the size of the crowd, don’t think they normally play to that many people.
Followed by Franz Ferdinand, who really rocked the place out..
Thats a shame Cher, maybe its not Adams manager, but a handler from the venue who doesn’t know that Adam likes to meet his fans. Maybe they want him not to meet fans casually as so many have paid for a eet n greet.
lol – somebody’s got it bad
Maddox Mystery @botdfstudios
This is it. Somebody finally found a way to express my exact feelings for @adamlambert. Thank you tumblr! pic.twitter.com/HxhWSxNSls
Dolls as header image
Shosh intimates that more photos may be coming from the Lee Cherry shoot.
oh no no no no no!!!!! I want to chalk it all up to a 6 hour flight, navigating through Miami airport (not the easiest), being hungry, tired and whatever. I am unwilling to think Adam would ever not want to see his fans. Maybe the idea of its being at the hotel;maybe Rob figured if there’s 6 now, more might come out of the woodwork and it’s harder to get out of there as easily as perhaps at an airport. I dunno.
Miami Herald’s pick of the week
Wow – the hotel’s chandeliers!
Just see it as getting it all together before going on in a few hours – probably needs a good disco nap. Wants to put on a great SHOW for his fans.
AquariusGirl @Aquarius_Girl2 1h
Omg! My roomies just rode the elevator with Tommy & Brian!!
Stage from the boardwalk
I just saw this tweet that Justin Hawkins sent to Adam a couple of days ago. Must have made Adam so happy. Remember, Justin wrote Music Again
Safora Glambert @saforaglambert
Just unbutton some of buttons on your shirt! PLZ pic.twitter.com/rCqHByu9dl
@adamlambert Hope we see Chestbert tonight! XD I really miss it!
So does that mean people on the boardwalk can see or hear the show for free? But I guess since it’s outside anyone can hear it for free depending where you are.
I know what you’re thinking luval.
Run! It’s still not too late to hop on a plane.
You know me so well, Ron.
Ron, We all know what she was thinking because we were thinking the same thing!
Hi sparkle!
I think that we’ve got a plan in motion going.
Meet you all on the boardwalk in Miami in a little while.
If only!
(I’m watching “2012” on the History channel)
Hi Ron! This is when we need some type of magical transporter beam or vehicle to get us there in time for the show. I had to check the flights from our local airline to see if there was some fabulous last minute deal- you never know, right? Oh well, it will be great watching it with ALL of you!
My History channel has on “Sniper: Inside the Crosshairs” on now!
Last flight for me today would get in at 8pm. Sold out for return tomorrow. Oh well, it’s the principle of the thing. You know…my rant about Fontainbleau ticket and room packages.
sparkle…you and I are always of the same mind!
Love that Justin Hawkins tweet – takes one to know one.
Oh to be Samantha on “Bewitched” right now!
(I’m afraid that I might be better suited as “Aunt Clara” though. Lord knows where I’d end up).
Whatta sweetheart
CuckooBert @AdamazingCuckoo 2m
@adamlambert you’re so cute! Your supporting vid for Sauli was shown in Finland on tv! I love u <3
Head looks pointy – lol
luval – I really appreciate the compliment but it is soooo easy to be of the same mind when it comes to AFL!!!
Request Adam Lambert @RequestAdam 17m
HUNGARY: @AdamLambert received 6 nominations at Hungarian Music Daily Awards 2013 (cont) http://tl.gd/n_1rsitgl via @GlambertHU
Setup for tonight
Sauli gifs