- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
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- AL’s Games
I was actually just thinking that aely……or the 3 they think have the most star power?
Yep, that’s the truth. He is getting so much positive press and attention. Demi has to be saying wtf???
I don’t think Demi’s hurting, she guest hosted The View at Disney all last week, and she’s been on talk shows and is on Jimmy Kimmel tonight plus X~Factor. I think she’s promoting a book. And as I mentioned, in one View she said she doesn’t like being on camara because she has body image (weight) issues. She has enough clout to say something if she wasn’t happy. And, at the beginning Lea welcomed her as a close supportive friend, so maybe she’s not looking to get any big bumps out of Glee. Plus, she just released a new video, Neon. She doesn’t seem like a “fame ho” to me. She headlined one of Adam’s radio festivals last summer and was very sweet to him.
He looks delightfully evil in those VMA pics.
Nothing against Sauli – nice guy – but sooo glad Adam’s single now.
Okay. I was joking. Of course Demi is fine. I love her as a person, have tons of respect for her and think she has an amazing voice. I was poking fun that at the beginning there was lots of talk that she would take the spotlight from Adam.
Had no idea of all that stuff she’s done. Good for her. I don’t follow her at all.
Adam Lambert @adamlambert
@xtina beautiful performance last night. You were in perfect voice and you looked so fresh and elegant. Bravo!
Don’t watch DWTS tomorrow night if you don’t like “What Does the Fox say”. Ylvis will be guesting!
I must vent for just a moment. I cannot tolerate Adam Levine and his smugness. One of his team sang Queen and he announced that he’s ready to sing with Queen right now. How absurd he is. He aggravates me to the very core. Thanks for your patience.
apal…saw that too. On my twitter feed there are many tweets to Levine that pretty much say “how dare you say that”! (my words).
Yes, luval – was reading those (many) tweets to Levine. Find the guy unattractive in just about every way possible – particularly his ignorance about every type of music but his own.
LOL. aely, of course I knew you were joking. It is ironic that Demi is listed as a “special” guest star (someone posted on 24/7) while Adam is simply a “guest star.” I only meant to show how busy she has been. Wetpaint just mentioned that she missed the Fox number, too.
Re Adam Levine, the man is an idiot, but I wonder if he was throwing shade on Nate, who actually sang STL in Vegas while Levine was there. LOL, not that we should cut him any slack….
Sweet Cinnamon Spice and Everything Nice Dreams, ALL!
Early pole dancing! LOL
Wonder what happened. LoL
Oh, maybe this. http://www.salon.com/2013/11/25/katy_perry_offends_in_geisha_costume_at_ama_performance/
Yep! Adam rant!!!
Yep definitely related to the Katie Perry Geisha outfit backlash from the AMAs. That’s his girl he’s defending.
Oh my there is more. Someone else’s turn. I am to tired to cap it all. Interesting though.
Above is who he was responding to and below is a retweet
@OGwhiz: @adamlambert Adam,the majority of people are “followers”. Too lazy to be leaders. If only we could teach common sense. Rant away.
So is the haircut part of a Glee episode or is he shooting a new episode this morning?
several tweets along these lines appearing in response to Adam…
Here4Adam @AdamIsCute2 10m
Wish i could tweet intelligent to you @Adamlambert but Im only good at Flailing over you.
from MJ’s
@KalanaFalana I scripted the “Once upon a time…” intro & gave them a few ideas but it was basically all them. They’re FUNNY!
@KalanaFalana: @adamlambert Yes, they all worked their own puppets. Impressive, huh?
About Adam: @KalanaFalana EVERYONE at glee loves him. Like, can’t stop talking about how much they love him. He’s a great guy.
☆ Starchild ☆ @VanityGlam_ 47m
This video montage of @adamlambert ‘s success over these past years brought a tear to my eye. So proud of you Adam. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RLTYIdwaWM&feature=youtube_gdata_player …
gorgeous pics in this article
where is everyone BTW???
close up of the Halloweenie pics
mmyy9 @mmyy9 1h
“Behind the Music: Adam Lambert” reairs in Japan on MTV Japan on Dec 24, 23:00 & Dec 26 26:00 http://www.mtvjapan.com/onair/program/1540/episode/2310 … via @sinadambert TY!
Hi Hkfan! I just popped in to speculate about the hair. Remember Adam’s tweet about double trouble? We have been thinking that this just meant the alter ego thing of Elliot and Starchild. But what if Elliot has a twin brother that the band members meet when they stop over to Elliot’s apartment. What if the twin is macho with natural ginger hair color and Melvin and he catches Rachel’s eye and vice versa. The only thing s they would have to be sure to film all the Elliot scenes with black hair first and then do all of his twin, possibly a couple of episodes in advance so Adam doesn’t have to keep changing hair color.
I have always wondered how he can get away with the constant color treatments but then I remember how fast his hair grows. In fact this may be a reason he goes so short sometimes and now with this more natural cinnamon color he can probably give his hair a break for awhile and let Melvin be natural too.
For example on the coloring hair damage thing, OMG why did Demi color her hair blue? It looks like blue straw. Her stylist should be fired. She should cut it in a short asymmetrical or something and start over. Gonna be tough to come back from that hair damage without cutting most of it off.
I don’t think his hair is an issue filming Glee as each episode takes place at a different time, and they seem to complete the episode filming within the week. People change their hair all the time!

You don’t need the same continuity as in filming a movie.
I wonder what music numbers they are doing.
Allie @Silliegirl 14m
@adamlambert Did you see this “eye jewelry”? http://abcnews.go.com/Health/eyeball-jewelry-piercing/story?id=21009263 …
Made me feel so queasy
Eeewwww, on that eyeball jewelry!
Susie Fierce @SusieFierce 24m
Hmmm. RT @NayaRivera: Last day of shooting Glee before thanksgiving break! Scene and number with the NY crew!
Adam has a spot in Entertainment Weekly on “The Bullseye” back page.
“Adam Lambert’s cover of “Marry The Night” hit the top 100, while Lady Gaga fails to get a post-Saturday Night Live sales bump – which proves that Adam Lambert is a better Lady Gaga than Lady Gaga”.
Yet the picture with this caption is of Gaga and not Adam.
Well, at least he was mentioned but I’m not sure that I like Adam being referred to in any kind of female context.
Maybe I’m being a little too sensitive, though.
Adam Lambert @adamlambert 57s
Sooo excited for my show in Miami at @Fontainebleau on Saturday, November 30! See you there? #BleauLive
Over the “Lord Gaga”-type mentions, too, Ron. Never agreed with them anyhow.
My only question is this:
How in the heck are we supposed to sit there eating turkey, and dressing, and sweet potatoes and pie while all we can think of is :
Let me get out of here and turn on my TV, ‘cuz Glee is fricking on right now. I’m missing Adam!!!
I mean really. Now, HE’S a feast. And I give thanks.
I actually think is a compliment. That he sings the song better than the original.
It would have been nice to have seen a photo of him though.
Funny, mils. You gotta get a tv installed in your attic or closet so you can sneak away at critical times like this.
Now, I know many of you don’t care for the fox song but in a few minutes the Fox guys…Ylvis are appearing on the finale of Dancing With the Stars. ABC. Should be a glitzy and glam show (not counting Ylvis)!.
eta: Amber from Glee (mercedes) is one of the finalists.
Wonder when they are touring
Checked Ellis out a while back – nice, loud, theater-type voice – but don’t find her music very exciting or interesting. Just me?
My tribe’s already been informed about Glee, mils – and, actually, some are looking forward to it – nice.
Ancient Sleepwalker
Beautiful Sauli & Nea
I know we have to move on but it saddens me that most likely we will never see Sleepwalker again sung live.
Gorgeous shot, luval.
Aww, Sauli looks great in that picture.
When are the results? Anyone know?