- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
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- Trespassing
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- AL’s Games
foxeylady @Glambert2821 1h
Grrr….Just found out I’m paying the Fontainbleau $2000 to STAND OUTDOORS in the Miami humidity and watch Adam’s show next week
Yep. Fontainebleau got greedy. The demand is there. The cancellation deadline was early Friday and after the hour, they put the dinner/show package up on the website and changed the venue to a bigger one. No one holding rooms could cancel. Pfft. Outside??? It’s been raining like crazy here and after thanksgiving there’s projected rains as well! They’d better have cover. It’s awful to pay such high prices to get a GA admission with hundreds of others. Oh well, will see u there little dutchess and the duke!
Someone on twitter was saying that she cannot believe what people are tweeting to Fontainebleau..like what did we expect?
I told her she’d be pissed too for the prices people paid esp for VIP and early access to SEATED GA in a ballroom ($2000 per room) and who now have been told to just find standing room outside because they’ve sold/are still selling so many tickets that none of their indoor rooms fit the crowd. They have every right to complain and then some.
They should pay Adam a lot more for milking his fans. Uma Thurman’s new husband is the owner of the hotel I believe. Don’t know what they’re gonna do if it rains like this next week and we’re outside!
That’s pretty disgusting. Fontainbleau should provide dedicated seating at the front to all VIP ticketholders.
I get the “Saturday morning TV” angle of Adam’s puppet photo but it is still cute.
FYI, aely, the entire cast of WWRY sing Bohemian Rhapsody at the end. Can’t remember if Yvan Pedrault sang all the lead parts but that song is meant for a choir.
So far the only person I know of who has sung it all the way through (including the instruments) is that Canadian who was picked up for drunk driving and was trying to show that he had his full wits about him. Police video here:
On my way to meet luval and David Bowie (ya never know – he could show up…..)
its the 4th anniversary of FYE today…
4 Years Ago Today Adam Lambert Released His Debut Album ‘For Your Entertainment’ #HappyBirthdayForYourEntertainment pic.twitter.com/Sm2asX5soR
I don’t know how to get just the pic…..but this is one of my all time favourite pics of Adam
Lots of old pics going through twitter at the moment from the FYE era.
lol, TLKC – gonna send that hilarious vid to all my Queen fans – thanks so much!
And, yes, that Fontainbleau money grab is pretty obnoxious. Only good is that it shows such high demand for the boy.
Edge Publicity @EdgePublicity 17h
.@adamlambert was trending in the UK tonight during his big @GLEEonSKY debut! Over 2m views on ‘Marry The Night’ > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YaJ3FLqCEQk …
cute pic
Happy Birthday, FYE
TALCvids @TALCvids 2h
! RT @silviaglamspain: Adam has over 600K followers in his weibo account (like twitter in China)The last 100k since 10 november..Go Adam!!!!
Joaquin Sedillo @JOAQUINSEDILLO 23h
Show is edited for best overall performance – no need to read into their choices; or to be angry; or to assume there is an underlying agenda
Taylor. K @ELEC_BLUE 2h
Gawd crays were attacking again. Geez
(Anyone know what this is about?)
2014=NEW COLLABS WITH @davidguetta @Alesso @nickyromero @wyclef @nilerodgers @adamlambert +SOME UNANNOUNCED YET LEGENDS.JUST WAIT FOR @ultra
Can someone please fill me in on the Fountainbleu bruhaha?
Is the outdoor venue larger? Did the VIP’s get screwed out of something?
Are there M&G’s?
Will glam shoes be sinking into soggy sod?
Is this due to BIGGER sales than expected?
This was on twitter – reminder of “Suburban Decay” and why it wasn’t on FYE. But, from the description, would love to hear it.
Better bring the wellies, mils!
Oh ulti! I’m not going, and I don’t know what a wellie is!!
Are they rain boots?
I’m back! I couldn’t log into ALL since yesterday, but I just came home from an afternoon out and all is right with the world
Now to go and read what I missed.
Yes – Brit rain/mud/barn boots. LLBean has them if anyone is interested.
…..hands in Glambert fan card…
ulti, where have I been that I haven’t seen those Cantiello pieces??????
I remember seeing the one about Soaked. Years ago. Gawd, look at Cantiello’s face ” and why oh whhyyyyyy wasn’t I one of your one night stands?????”
The Quarterback @Hpeter04
Thank you @adamlambert this amazing album! I love it. Can’t wait to hear your third album!
New fan?
I saw those interviews years ago. They were wonderful and it is lovely to see them again. Thanks ulti
The phone number of the Fountainbleu is 305-538-2000. For anyone that wants information, ask to speak to the concierge. She was very helpful. They have the ability to have the concert indoors or outdoors depending on the weather. Since the concert is at night and in November, she said it has been really nice weather.
I forgot one thing. She said they have indoor facilities that are larger than the outdoor facilty if needed.
Looking for something to do while waiting for the next Adam appearance on TV or live? How about solving this week’s crossword featuring “Road Shows” that could take place in each of the three upcoming concert locations!?

From belle‘s translation at atop …
The second dance is about …
Thanks for the info glitterpatti!
Here are some photos from the FontaineBleau Live website.
Outdoor concert featuring the other Adam (June 2012)
and indoor concert with Pitbull (Sept. 2011)
For the Robin Thicke/Pharrell outdoor concert in Sept. 2013, there were 1500 guests in attendance.
The motorcycle pics
Moved some posts that were Glee-related to that thread. I could move all Glee posts there but realize that it’s not easy to not talk about Glee in the monthly threads. If you do post pictures here, please at least post them in the Glee thread as well. Thanks!
OMG! You go out for a few hours and Starchild gets an apartment and Sauli makes it to the Finale of DOI! I’m gonna stay off here more often. JK! But isn’t it great being part of this fandom?
Spent the morning at the David Bowie Exhibit and had lunch with luval. Bumped into my sister while we were there. Her second time. Hee hee! Also met two friends, one of whom has seen it 7 times. (I don’t find that at all strange.)
My friend told us that the AGO’s Board was deeply divided over the exhibit but it has been a huge success. Also a bottleneck. The average London visitor took 1 hour, 30 minutes. In Toronto, the average viewing time is 3 hours.
BTW, the exhibit will make it’s only US stop in Chicago next Fall before heading to Paris and the Netherlands. Hope all you Glamberts in the middle of the country get to see it. The man and the show are amazing on their own merits but Bowie’s impact on Adam makes the whole thing that much more interesting.
Hi AL! You took the words out of my mouth. I actually posted the last comment on the Glee thread by accident. Get’s a bit confusing sometimes.
Maybe we could treat each Glee episode the way we do a concert and leave the main monthly thread for pre-show flailing just the way we do concerts. I don’t know though – the next episode is coming up right before Miami.
NVM, so much Adam you don’t know where to put him – not really a problem.
Adam just congratulated Sauli on twitter:
Lambert @adamlambert 3m
Congratulations @saulikoskinen1 for making to the finals!!!! Proud of you.
ETA: @cheerfulvampire not so cheerful
OMG! Chunkey is at it again:
So glad to see here that Sauli made the finals. I watched the other skater’s performances and it seemed like they got better scores than Sauli.
Didn’t watch the others so can’t say. A fan who watches the show and votes will be at the party tonight so I’ll ask her. Viewer’s votes = one whole judge so maybe that is part of it. (Viewers can only vote once and there is only a short window of about 10 minutes while the show is on.)
I think you can vote on the show even if you don’t live in Finland but it’s complicated as the time you can vote is very limited. I’d like to find out how so I could vote next week. On another blog last week several of the posters commented that Sauli has a cute butt. I happen to agree. I think he and Nea are so well matched physically and personality wise that they are very popular with the viewers. His Father gave an interview after attending last weeks show and said how proud he is of Sauli and that he is surprised at how well he is performing as he really did dislike skating as a youth. Adam has already liked Sauli’s win and pictures on Instagram after all they are still good friends. Adam really looks younger on Glee I think its because he’s without the facial hair.
Wowza. Big discussion over there about the changes at the Fountainebleau.
It’s amazing to me, still, that the original pricing would have made a Miami show more expensive for me than going to London to see Queenbert would have been.
Hi Jo!! How was your visit with Mieps?
Hi Mils, mieps here.
Ron let me know you asked the question above, and I’m not Jojosie, but I certainly loved spending time with Jojosie and her husband. (Also, she introduced me to Kohl’s, and my house (read car) is a lot fuller now!) An amazing lady!! As were you!
Right now I’m at Ron’s, crashing TLKC‘s birthday party. Perfect timing, no? It’s been great to meet the Toronto glamberts (some again, and some for the first time).
This of course means my first US adventure is over and I can’t begin to tell you how much I enjoyed meeting everyone. I kept a journal, and will convert that into a blog soonish – and will let you all know where you can read that.
Looking forward to the west coast and everything in the middle up to the Mississippi! Hope to see many of you next year.
Tomorrow is the 22nd anniversary of Freddie’s death.
Still makes me sad.
Mils, she stayed two nights with us and we really enjoyed having her. I took her to Kohls and we did some bargain shopping. She e-mailed me she’d stopped at another one later and got some even better bargains. The weather wasn’t great when she left but she got a sunny day at the Bridges of Madison County. I was going to e-mail her this weekend and see if she missed the bad weather and inquire where she now. My dh enjoyed her visit as much as I did. Interesting lady.
Hi Mieps. you just answered my guestions. Glad your there and have fun.
Oh, Mieps, you told me you were going to Toronto! I’m so glad you are there, and with everyone.
LOL about Kohl’s. It was founded here, and corporate headquarters are here, blah blah blah. I do nearly all my shopping there.
Travel well, it was such a delight to meet you. Looking forward to your blog. Give all those Toronto fans a hug for me.
Just went to PayPal and ordered my Adam calendar. I was really hoping someone would do one this year. It’s even better that it’s pictures are done by my dear Adam friend Mlg.