- Velvet
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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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Here is the link for the full interview. Will be up later. From what I see on Twitter he was on for about 30 seconds. LOL. Hope not a ton of people watched the whole show for that.
Oh well, aely, I tried watching the entire 2 hours with an horrible stream which completely stopped when Adam was on. Link to full interview doesn’t work for me currently here in the US, but perhaps later… good night for now… http://www.itv.com/daybreak/showbiz/adam-lambert-interview/
But this one on youtube works… how lovely… short but sweet… very short actually… so, hopefully the full interview will be available internationally or someone will record it on youtube again… we’ll see…
The interview will be on youtube in minutes but since I can’t sleep and others may not be able to view it (or just may come in handy in the future) here is how to change your IP address to a UK IP so you can watch it from any country.
Go to http://www.ukipvpn.com and in the box on the first page get the Host, User and password codes. (I just started using this site so I am not sure if or how often the codes change)
Go to your CONTROL PANEL and put VPN in the search bar.
The first screen will ask for Internet code- that is the HOST CODE
Hit Next
The second screen will ask for the User Code – which will be the 2nd code listed
Last is the password.
Click connect. It takes a minute then it will say you are connected and then put in http://www.itv.com/daybreak/ like you would normally do and it will prompt you to accept UK address and click yes. You are good to go.
To disconnect click on your internet icon in the right bottom corner of your computer and it will show you connected to VPN – Just click disconnect.
That is it. You can do this by country, just google free VPN and whatever country you want.
I do sometimes watch UK Netflix using this.
It is 3:30 interview and is cute but really nothing new. He doesn’t sing in the shower much anymore. Ha!
Adam Lambert on DayBreak 21/11/13
Can’t believe they only showed that tiny bit of interview….will have to hope a UK glambert puts the full episode onto youtube as it doesn’t seem to be available to those outside the UK…
full interview…
youtube version
Very nice Daybresk interview. Just the type of interview I love to send people to “show off” Adam.
Yep, good interview…but you’d think they could have managed to screen the full 3.5 minutes! Thank you UK Glambert.
Good Morning,
Welcome back, Ceddies
Sorry if this has already been posted.
Here’s a 2014 Adam calendar with each month a mlg poster.
Looks wonderful:
Posted this over on Glee thread too. Adam looking so handsome, with his mini-me. Love the colors they have on him, they suit him well.
Good morning!
Many thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday and merci beaucoup to Kradamour.
I shall consider the Daybreak interview my present. Also, the news that Adam and Demi will NOT be singing lead on “What Does the Fox Say?” Phew!!!!!
FYI, last night’s episode of Glee wasn’t horrible. The Lima storyline wasn’t bad. The choreo was messy, especially on the last number, but the BAM (Blaine and Sam) road trip to NYC was great.
Love Sam and Tyra Banks discussing his modeling prospects. Wouldn’t be at all surprised if Glee puts him in a fragrance ad on the side of a bus, with his “junk the size of a car”, as he would put it. Dream come true – for him and a lot of ladies.
Nice to hear that Glee will be back in February. A bit sad to learn that the show is moving to Tuesday night and losing it’s Idol lead-in. That would certainly have helped them, especially with Adam on the show. NVM, as aely says, 4 million viewers weekly for a nice chunk of the spring is great exposure for Adam.
Ron I ordered this calendar about a month ago. Just stumbled upon it on twitter can’t wait to get it. Thanks for posting that here. I probably should have done that.
Hi TLKC, I haven’t been here on ALL for a couple of days, so forgive the belated greetings, but better late than never, right? So I hope you had, are having, and will continue to have a fabulous extended Birthday celebration. From personal experience I know that the Toronto crowd does it right! Here’s to a great coming year filled with joy, health, friends, love, music, peace, and of course, many Adam concerts

Thanks rs!
Looking forward to a great day tomorrow with my Glam buddies and wish you all at ALL were here, too! Mils sweet invitation to all of us to come her house warmed my heart as well. I admit to being a bit curious about “the corner”. Think it must be a whole wing by now. 
Performance pics Make a Wish
TLKC, another belated Happy Birthday! Have a great one and many many more!!!
But all that takes a backseat to the more pressing question: Where the hell is Adam Lambert? His brilliantly flamboyant character Elliott “Starchild” Gilbert made a grand entrance two episodes ago and has yet to be seen again. The Glee gods giveth and cruelly taketh away.
Read more: http://www.rollingstone.com/movies/videos/glee-recap-movin-out-to-nyc-20131122#ixzz2lOO20UzO
Follow us: @rollingstone on Twitter | RollingStone on Facebook
Congrats asifclueless! You have joined the 4000 post club!
Lets ALL toast to that!
For Miami. You can just buy a ticket now. No room needed.
Good quality and great audio ..
2013-11-22 Adam Lambert – Daybreak – Full
Love … Unfathomable.
Adam is so humble.
Love what luval said.
Adam better than GaGa.
O-M-G … O-M-GOSH …Gah..gah..ga… sdfj,hugva’ceredfgh;lkjh !!!!
Thank You … Thank You .. Very Much… AL and ALL’ers for the TOAST!!!
Pretty chatty … eh?
AWWW….Adam’s puppet loves him!!!
Sauli and his Dad … awwwww …
Does anyone know how to order this? I am NOT on Twitter and don’t see any other contact info. Thanks.
Was just about to post about this when I saw that aely had done it.
Just to let you all know. I did it! it came on line late this morning. Unfortunately, I didn’t seem to be able to book on line and NO ONE at the Fontainbleau knew anything about it. Finally was able to change browsers from internet explorer to chrome and get it that way…in case anyone else has problems.
It includes dinner at one of 3 restaurants at 6pm, the 2 hr cocktail party the others get and access passes to the show for $179 per person (+ $11 svc fee each).
The duke and I will find a nearby hotel where we hopefully can use points to pay.
I will contact mlg and find out. I am sure that she can get the info for Tuke18 who is offering the calendar for $25 + shipping.
‘AL & little dutchess, try this:
Tuke18 email and calendar info
She is collecting via paypal
ETA – Edited by AL. Thanks jlurks! I removed her email address that was posted here since this is an open thread. The link now goes to the concert thread that is available for members only and has the info there.
Or anyone wanting a calendar but not on twitter, you can email me via the administrator link and I’ll send you the info.
little dutchess – So happy you and the Duke are going to see Adam at the Fontainebleau. I remember that you were so disappointed for the longest while that Adam didn’t come to Florida and now it seems to be one of his favorite places to perform. Enjoy!!
From twitter:
Found the answer –
LOL Home Planet http://www.thehomeplanet.org/2013/11/adam-engaged/
Have been panicking for the last 3 hours as haven’t been able to get this site up no matter how many times I tried….just tried agian, and Voila…..phew, can stop hyperventilating now!!!
Was the site down for everyone??
HKfan I had some trouble getting on earlier today.
I had trouble too for a few hours this afternoon
Thanks, sparkle. I just kept hoping something else would open because those hotel pkgs for just 2 people were running nearly $1000 (and no meet & greet). So I got lucky. Hate to miss out when he is so close!!
Adam Lambert – New Banner 2 on ‘Store” on Official Adam site! DL http://www.adamofficial.com/sites/alambert/files/banner_adamlambert_RN223302_640x306_alt1_v1.jpg … pic.twitter.com/3Tj89S3nF7
Thanks AL and jlursacto for the calendar info. I have just emailed her for details. You’re the best!
Lots more pics from the next episode of Glee
I’m actually not very keen on the pic of Adam with his puppet…
Not fond of the pic either, HK fan – part of it is his outfit (wine-colored jacket?) and the expression on his face with the puppet – reminds me of a 1960’s kids’ Saturday TV program.
Sorry there were problems with site access earlier today. My hosting company emailed me a notice this morning that they were experiencing a “denial of service” attack, which resulting in all websites hosted on the particular server (this site is physically located on a server shared with a number of other sites – I don’t even know what they are) becoming very slow or unreachable. I couldn’t reach ALL either so couldn’t post anything about it until now. Looks like things are back to normal – hopefully they will stay that way.
Thanks eywflyer for the update.
I love the picture with the puppet! I think the expression on his face is pretty darn cute!
Loved the Daybreak interview. Perfectly Adam.
little dutchess, congrats on tickets to the show! I’m really happy that you and the duke will get to attend.
Sure Fire Winners remix
I LOVE it!
and on devenlane’s blog
and put to video
Was about to turn in for the evening. For those of you that put seeing Elton John on your bucket list after seeing his performance at iHeart, he is performing in Philadelphia this Wednesday – 500 tickets available on Stubhub.
Sweet Rocketman – Starchild Dreams, ALL!
I need to see Elton, but will not be making it to Philly on Wednesday!
For those that may not have seen this Art 4 Life performance of Crazy (red pants), aely, here is lambosessed’s edited version.
aely says:
11/20/2013 at 9:21 pm
The song is over 7 minutes long and has over 25 layers of music and vocals in some parts. In one of the documentaries they said it is impossible to do it live like it is done on the album because of that.
A bit late here about the Bohemian Rhapsody discussion. In the Queen Extravaganza, there are 4 singers doing the show. 3 men, including Marc Martel and 1 woman. They take turns doing the different songs on the show, singly, in pairs, triples etc. All 4 do the full BoRhap and it’s pretty darn good. It takes all 4 to do one Adam.
sparkle says:
11/23/2013 at 1:48 am
Was about to turn in for the evening. For those of you that put seeing Elton John on your bucket list after seeing his performance at iHeart, he is performing in Philadelphia this Wednesday – 500 tickets available on Stubhub.
Sweet Rocketman – Starchild Dreams, ALL!
It’s definitely better to see Elton John in a concert outside of Vegas. Vegas shows are limited to 90 minutes or less. His regular concerts run 2 hrs and a bit and he’s awesome!! Doesn’t take an intermission. Just a few bows here and there.
Mils, did u see IL DIVO is doing a Best of Broadway tour next year? I already bought tickets for May 8th 2014!