- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
The main photo for the thread will just be featured until the GLEE thread starts. It’s a way to get in the swing about Adam’s upcoming TV appearance – as if we are not already. This week should feature even more promo now that baseball is over. And Adam will be in Florida this weekend too!
Am I Adam???

Thanks for the wonderful photo choices, AL!
A little something for everyone!
That big swingin’ pic just makes me so happy. Thanks, AL – great selection.
So…it’s midnite and no pic of Adam yet?

Where are the ninjas???
Ohnevermind I forgot the time difference…
Loved that rococo poster for tonight but…um…not getting the relevance of the nursing mother at a gay bar. Must just be me.
Agree that Adam will be having a great time playing host! Have we determined yet whether he is in fact an owner?
My sister’s email after I sent her the soundcloud –
“Marry the Night…totally thrilling. His voice is out of this world!”
“He’s on a Nov. 7 episode of Glee correct?….will he sing this song? I can’t miss it!”
Ha, ulti!

It just takes one amazing listen…methinks that this episode could change lives.
Tens of thousands of them.
Miles Tougeaux @milestougeaux 7m
Old Lambert family Halloween Tradition: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XW370_ETZ4Y …
Was going to stay up to see the costume, but the time difference will do me in; I’ll catch photos tomorrow.
Loved Lyndsey Parker’s tweet at the end of the October thread:
G’nite, peeps!

Hi Krad, ulti and AL! I guess I’m Allison. Yea!
Sweet Halloween Party Dreams! Love to be a fly on the wall there!!!
Cheeks has his own wikipedia article!
Pretty interesting.
Not one picture of Adam from anyone at the party? Boooooo

I added the link to MTN from Gleethemusic soundcloud below the thread blurb above. 139,000 listens so far!
We still have a week to go before we see the TV version of that.
Thank you very much … AL for your hard work.

Those photos are great.
Love them.
Danielle as Medusa and he liked Rihanna’s pics? Hmmm – food for thought here.
Well, there’s Lord Shiva, but he’s pretty naked – so we can scratch that one out.
I agree!
Dang, no pictures yet.
We played Halloween grinches tonight and went to dinner and to a movie in order to avoid trick or treaters. It was great!
Happy Halloween, a little late.
Love the picture selection AL !!
MIKE FUREY @fureyyyy 4m
The Queen, etc http://instagram.com/p/gKQceERjMW/
The pic with the zip – lol – asif
Should add up how much time I spend waiting for him.
Krad could teach me French.
Yup … ulti … the zipper .. LOL
We would have thought they would pick the Genie.
Wow, in that pic “the Queen, etc” you posted Ulti, those people are dead ringers for Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie!
You know Adam is evading cameras, and also busy! Hope some ninja catches him soon, but the night is young still.
Btw, I don’t think Bootsy’s is a “gay bar” per se. I think it’s a trendy bar where gays are welcome…..someone correct me if I’m wrong.
Anyone get the pic with the hat and the pipe? Don’t get the references.
Think Jane Lynch tweeted earlier that she was working today – could Adam have been involved? But isn’t she in the HS part where he wouldn’t be?
This is like one-stop shopping for all my favorite recent pics. Thanks, AL!
“Be Happy”.
Ron: I really miss you around here and hope you are well.
ulti, I didn’t get it either…..or what it had to do with Marry the Night. but saying that, I do quite like the pic apart from the pipe.
I rushed home from work thinking I’d have all these costume pics to wade through…but not 1, zilch….how can that be?
Me as #Siouxsie & 55shadesofblue as Jason Schwartzman at @adamlambert’s Halloween bash at Boot http://instagram.com/p/gKUCQtFs6s/
Brandon Drahos @brandondrahos 18m
Yo! @adamlambert’s Halloween Bash is poppin tonight. SO dope!
Btw, AL, lovely pic choices! Thank you for ALL you do, including the crosswords!
Adam picture. What is he? Looks like a great time!
“@CirocLA: Got that Money shot!!! Pat on the back
Adam Lambert x Ciroc x Bootsy bellows! #halloween”
“@lyndseyparker: Siouxsie Sioux aka me and The Devil aka adamlambert @ Bootsy Bellows” http://t.co/P8pXUcqM0R
Just got home. Happy Halloween. Goodnight!
Finally …. Adam.
Looks like he’s the devil. We finally see him in red hair! Lol
Need a better pic!
Good night ALL.
Now .. for the night shift ninjas.
I can wait to see all the party photos tomorrow.
The devil! Of course!

And he still pulled clothes out of the closet, perfect for a costume!
Yeah … nkd. The horny devil.

Good, mystery solved.
Maybe he actually was leading peeps through the doors to hell in that vid after the Fashion week show.
can’t actually see this…but presume its a short vid from the party…..
a-lambertdotnet @alambertdotnet 4m
Wow, pretty packed!
At Adam Lambert’s Halloween Party!!!’
Pro… http://fb.me/27cG0Ukjw
His make-up looks better (clearer) in pic with Lyndsey.
Adam probably found that picture of the nursing baby with horns while looking for devil pics for costume ideas.