- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
OK, now I am COMPLETELY baffled! Can it be that even the staff on The Voice confuse Adam Lambert with Adam Levine????
How on earth can my Follow Friday tweet to our Adam be considered a “shout out to the Voice”? A show I hate, judges I can’t stand, and have never ever watched? LOLOL
That tweet has The Voice’s official logo on it…..
The whole internet has been slow for me since Sandy. MJ’s seems to be having problems. She did post that her site is managed by a server in Manhattan that was relying on a generator.
Even this site has been slow.
Heck, I’m even slow…
So I’m the cause of it huh, jlurksacto?
luval, for what? The whole internet or just MJ’s? LOL
Wow, go for it! Tell me where and I’ll be there for support! Fun times ahead!!!!
OMG, BRILLIANT identical gifs, TWO YEARS apart…..
Be careful I think it might be a scam. I will research on Twitter and come back.
haha I guess the whole f*****g internet. And hurricane Sandy too!

LOL jlurks! Yes, I should go for it, if nothing else, just for the pleasure of forcing Christina to listen to me croak out an attempt at singing “My Body.”

LOLOL Perfect choice!
aely, no worries! I thought the same thing, but why it was triggered by Adam’s name cracked me up. I would never go, as I said, hate the show, never watch it, can’t stand the judges….
Sandy still messing things up?
DAMN, there goes a LA party!
Okay, found tons of tweets to different people saying the same thing over the past few days. If you go to @voiceshoutout it asks you to follow a link but has zero tweets and zero followers. Scam. I don’t think I would click on the link. What jerks. But it is funny they got the wrong Adam. Screwed up their own scam.
Um…it kinda is…a glittery mini-adamphernalia box with a few special items that I like to keep close at hand…yes, pathetic…what can I say…

I belong to the “Can’t Stand the Voice” club. I don’t mind XFactor only because I love to listen to Simon. Last night he told Jason Brock he was “utterly horrendous”. Move up to 3:15.
Sorry I jumped in so fast. I had my wallet/identity stolen and over a year and unbelievable legal and otherwise fees later PLUS ruined credit – I tend to get protective quickly. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.
aely, I totally understand, and thank you for the warning. So sorry to hear about your nightmarish experience – I can’t imagine going through that. Strange that The Voice hasn’t at least stumbled across that scam – maybe they aren’t even looking. But I agree, I would be afraid to go to that website, who knows what evil lurks there – malware, virus, etc.
On Taub’s article, one comment is from TG at 11:54 p.m. This is interesting. How many of you remember the party with Gokey’s family where Danny asked Adam (surprise!) to autograph the “green pic.” And Danny’s cousin put pics from the party up on Facebook and Adam’s fans found them and gave her grief. Well, think TG is that cousin – tells the whole story about what happened and how they laughed about Adam. Hateful twit.
Has any one heard if anyone of us will be in Napa tomorrow.
Would be nice to have video’s, re-caps, anything. Wouldn’t be
great to have another cover similar to ,”Is This Love.’
OMG, Ellessay, I was just catching up on my lurking and read your explanation theory for Adam’s behavior with Taub. I really like how your brain works! So motivated to post. Excellent explanation with a lot of precedent. And invests our boy with even more integrity! Are we sure he wasn’t an Eagle Scout or something?
I am having a hard time stopping staring at Adam’s arms in the November Chat picture selection, among other things…
Luval, I’m just the opposite. I haven’t watched one episode of X-Factor as I can’t stand Simon. Rude, crude and egotistical just don’t thrill me. I watch the Voice during the blind auditions and then don’t usually watch after that. I will watch Idol this year despite the judges as I’ve watched since season one and hate to give up on it. It maybe painful however.
Agree with you, Soccermom – love that pic.
Ellessay, I also really like your thoughtful post about stealing thunder from the real performers at the show. It makes a lot of sense, in addition to the several other excellent reasons for Adam to have been reticent about a photo.
TBH, I wouldn’t ask ANYONE for a photo when they have hands full of anything, much less beer that could spill. And hands full of beer cups is NOT a pretty picture, IMHO.
(Ooh, lots of upper-case letters in this post!)
Good sleuthing, ulti!
I miss my buttons. I’ve done everything. No buttons.

Maybe I could upgrade to a zipper…
G’nite, peeps! Son’s birthday tomorrow, going out of town to meet him for a birthday lunch with family at an Ethiopian restaurant with no silverware!

Ah, so presh…… Adam doing the bride’s makeup at the wedding:
Another wedding pic:
And another:
dcglam love his face in that second picture as if thinking “what is this woman talking about” LOL
So now we add make-up-artist to his list of jobs. A man of many talents,
LOL about that second pic, glambotgram!
CWM..well done, perfectly written comment. She’s just looking for hits on her little known site. Hopefully we’ll all ignore her now.

riskylady Sounded too good to be true, so apparently is not. Too bad jlurks! No partay in LA.
I like The Voice. They have some good singers but I can’t figure out how these judges choose finalists over others. Are their ears working? I love me some Blake Shelton though.
It’s like Brittney sending Diamond off last night on Xfactor in favor of two other tween girls. One is very good, but the other is so-so. Her loss.
I like X factor. I do not like the Voice at all. I am definitely done with Idol. I was ok until they signed Minaj. No way I can watch her every week.
I saw on twitter that people will be videoing tonight. Haven’t seen anything about a livestream.
I think we should have a little fun and guess what Adam is thinking in that second picture.
I’m not watching either of them anymore. I watched, or I should say,. I skimmed through the first couple of episodes of each, then….yawn and meh. Maybe I’m just jaded. Honestly, Adam “broke” those shows for me.
I’ll end up watching Idol. Although I just cannot stand Nikki Minaj. And I’ve never been a fan of Mariah. Keith Urban is cute, and if I did like country music, I’d like his best. I’ve seen him on shows like Leno, and he’s tolerable country, with a more rock flavor. He’s from OZ and went Nashville in order to be properly promoted and labeled here, so he went country. But in OZ he’s a rock star.
I do still like to watch Simon and his snerk, but even that can’t get me watching XFactor.
“This mint is really minty.”
“I hope my makeup job on the bride photos well.”
“Aww. Geez. Okay. I thought I had a day off from cameras.”
“I hope my fans like these pics after they’re leaked.”
“My suit doesn’t fit right.”
“If all I have to drink is water all day, I’ll be bored soon.”
“Where the f*ck is Sauli?”
“I need another mint or a piece of gum.”
” How am I going to work Runnin’ into my shows?”
“All dressed up and not a piece of leather in sight.”
“How much longer do I have to listen to this girl?”
“Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.”
“Oops. I just swallowed my gum.”
“When can I get married?”
“I’m so excited for Halloween. I’m so excited for Halloween. I am sooooo excited for Halloween. Adam. Keep it under control. You are a 30 year old man, for heaven’s sake! Let’s see. Hat. Contacts. Tight pants. Walking stick. Makeup. Wig. Sleepwalker coat. Glasses. Boots. Gloves. Sauli’s costume. Now what about mama’s costume? Hmmmm…”
I really like that third picture. Sitting around a campfire after a wedding. Love it. He’s wearing those famous boots that had a flapping sole. Remember? He must have had them repaired. And he’s all in leather. Looking very contemplative, prolly missing Sauli. With a whole bottle of wine….
Post Ho: Adam was a makeup artist of sorts. He did all his friend’s makeup for prom. And he worked at a department store in the makeup area as a guy who did make-overs. I remember Eber saying that the makeup line wanted to hire him full time and promote him as a makeup expert, but Adam didn’t want the job.
LOL. He wanted to do something else.
Hello again from the South Jersey inland. Quite fortunate indeed, just the inconveniences of losing electric power for 3 days and a few down trees in my neighborhood. Thank you for all your concerns, thoughts and prayers as I peruse thru your old posts.
The devastation on the Jersey shores is unfathomable. I have sweet summer memories of going down the shores…Long Beach Island, Seaside Heights, Wildwood, Point Pleasant, Belmar etc. I was just in Atlantic City Boardwalk last July with my sister visiting from Sydney, Australia. My heart goes out to my fellow Eastcoasters who are impacted significantly and are facing challenging days ahead.
Re: Lindsay Taub comments by CWM and Ellesay~ different perspectives, thoughtfully crafted and articulated very well.
Both sides added value to the Adam Lambert conversation.
Re: XFactor, The Voice ~ I continue to watch both as I love how the lyrics are interpreted by the contestants and the takes and interaction by the coaches/ judges. I am also looking forward to American Idols’ new season.
Tonight, I am attending the finals of our local American idols
Contest sponsored by our Hospital Foundation. Adam Lambert wannabe~ of course not…AFL is one of a kind!
Please pardon if I misspelled some words…rushing out to meet friends for lunch.
Pax Romana, it’s good to hear that you are safe and well. It will take some time for the area to recover from such devastation.
Has anyone heard from cgesq?
Didn’t Eber say that Adam got $20 each for doing the girls’ prom makeup?
I love those pictures from the wedding! Adam was such a good sport wearing that suit with those baggy pants, and brown shoes.
For some reason I thought Adam was the only performer tonight:
Wasn’t Ryan Star on the first season of Idol?
Possible good news for Washington, DC area peeps…
Hopefully, they are referring to playing Trespassing on radio for the first time in DC! This station still plays WWFM fairly regularly. Now to find time for listening to the radio all afternoon and evening….. hmmm.
Who is going tonight?
Luval, did you like my list? I never stop having fun here!!
mils, I LOVED YOUR LIST! Now I’m trying to think of things to add to them!
“shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up” lol
“I’m hungry. Hope they have something leafy green here”
I don’t understand what Adam means in this tweet last night.
LOL…. Love your new list, mils!
Maybe Color Purple refers to Terrance and his nomination for an Ovation award in LA for his role in The Color Purple?
Is there any news? Is the award ceremony soon?
ETA: Thanks!!
So, Alannis has to follow Adam again. Poor girl.
Just looked it up. Monday, November 12th for the Ovation awards.
I just asked cher about her an hour ago. She said that she is fine except for no power. She hadn’t heard if it came back on yet. She doesn’t have a basement, so no flooding.
Whoo! Two days away and missed a lot apparently. First I want to apologize to Oksana for mixing her up with glambotgram, who also deserves love and concern but not quite as much in the last few days because she lives in Michigan and not in storm-swept NYC. Oksana, I hope you are OK!
Secondly, I have to tell you that my two biggest disappointments today are that Adam will not be in the Toronto Santa Claus parade and that risky lady will not be performing with him on The Voice. The thought that I won’t be able to point at the TV and say that I have met both of them is too, too hard to bear.
I have to tell you yesterday was the biggest work day of my year: a convention at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. I had just spent 45 minutes on the phone with UPS pleading for an express parcel delivery (to no avail) and dealing with a costly course cancellation, when Ron called and told me the parade news. LOL! It sounded so wonderful and I needed to hear something nice at that moment. What can I say? The rumour gave me a little bit of joy in a bad moment and I needed it. By the time I heard otherwise, I had made it to the end of the day and figured out on my own that Adam on a Christmas float was too crazy to be true.
Love that picture of Sauli as “Little Bird” so much nkd.
Looking forward to tonight’s concert. is there a DH/dinner?
luval thanks for looking up the award. Maybe Adam was out with Terrance and tweeted.
Or, maybe, they were rehearsing for the international leg of the tour. I just loved him on GN. He added so much spice to that stage with his sexaaaay dancing bod.
Maybe Terrance is performing at the award ceremony. Would love to see video.
I don’t know about anybody who got into the concert tonight. I had tried, but of course no luck. Wonder if you have to be connected in some way. Wonder if any SPGs got in. But really I just hope there is somebody who will share good video.