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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
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Looks like Manila too now. Adam’s a busy busy boy!
Manila Concert Scene @Manilaconcerts
Breaking News! Adam Lambert Live in Manila March 1 at Mall Of Asia Arena More information soon
Speaking of the possible Kiev gig on 3/18, did we know there is a Mall of Asia concert in Manila on March 1st?
Anyway, more on the tattoo:
Haha, well, I prefer the tattoo to a “mastache”…..
Pan? Oh, he’s a bad boy – known for his sexual powers – goat legs and other stuff.
Is the boy on a tour and just not telling us?
lol! Dadbert just coined the term RAMbert for the tattoo!!
More from Adam:
*sigh* Sooooo many entitled fans. Even still call him “adumb.” They need a “faceslap” button on Twitter for when one is totally ANNOYED.
ooh Manila…only 1 1/2 hour flight. Thats the big outdoor arena though isn’t it.
Still holding out for HK and Singapore..
There is a Taylor Swift hour or something on channel V at the moment (in the background), I’ve heard about 7 or 8 songs so far….they all sound the same, the lyrics, tempo, music, they’re all just blending into each other.
Do you mind if I play a little game?
I think we could use some divergence in between concerts and TV appearances and this, and tattoo’s, and that, and other concerts, and more tattoo’s, and Grammy’s, and tattoo’s, and other things here and there …
In between all those things, the game is called “Guess Who“.
You’ll know who they are but maybe not right away.
I’ll post both the before and after photos but I’ll start with the after photo first so that you’ll have to …
This might be the before and after and first and last time that I do this …
And with that … I’m off to sleep. Good night.
Have no idea Ron, looks like a kinda much older Patrick Dempsey (is that the name of Dr Mcdreamy?).
a review of Joburg that we haven’t seen.
new interview too
Thanks HK Fan. I never get tired of seeing how journalists are impressed with Adam, both with his voice and with his personality. That’s our boy.
People have talked a lot about how “gay” the South African shows were. I wonder how much he will tone it down for his upcoming Asian and European shows as well as for the Tour (whenever it happens). It will be interesting what he brings to the San Fransisco show.
London’s Daily Mail weighs in on Adam’s tattoo. Well, actually, the article is more about his sexuality than anything else. Grrr.
I like that the comments nicely counterbalance the article. Go Glamberts!
Hey Ron
Is it Davy Jones?
Ron, is it Robert Hayes??
Not sure Ron but he looks very familiar, I had a couple of guesses but they were wrong.
Glamberts wait to see new tattoo
Ron: Michael Douglas?
Yup. Robert Hayes. Airplane.
ETA: Any relation?
rs: I totally agree with your post. I appreciate the campiness of the shows from SA, but do feel strongly that they need to tone it down, or risk losing other international audiences.
He does appear to be building an international tour.
mils, I loved the campiness of the SA shows and I wish he could just perform whatever strikes his fancy. I didn’t say that he should tone down the show, I just wondered how much he would. I can’t wait for a proper tour, not individual concerts, where he will be able to let go like he did in the GNT shows when he was sure of his fans and that they would accept and love whatever he gave them.
Wow, not sure about this Kiev thing. The description says “40 tons of equipment, incredible staging and special effects.” Really? Doesn’t sound like an Adam show – would the label go all-out like that? Would Adam even?
ETA: When you click on the link for ticket sales, it brings up the same article in RUSSIAN. HIGHLY suspicious, remember those fake concert rumors for Moscow before the actual real one?
riskylady, 20th of March was first rumored to be St. Petersburg concert. I was thinking has it been changed to Kiev… Don’t know.
cwm, that Daily Mail article was annoying. I know many peeps from my twitter who wrote comments there.
Has anyone seen the article this is from? Adam saying BE is his favorite song
LadyNorth, that quote is from a South African interview that HK Fan posted earlier
I was glad to read it because BE is one of my favorites, especially when he sings it live. I love the lyrics. I think that all of us who have lived in foreign countries and/or have had relationships where we spoke different languages can especially relate to that song.
Readers poll 2012: Who is the best live act of the year?
Please cast some votes for Queen & Adam.
They are now in the lead, not by much though.
GRAMMY nominations will be announced Dec. 5 in Nashville. Who do you think will be the top GRAMMY voters’ choices?
Vote for Adam Here! ….. WhooooHooooo!!!
I’m just so excited that Adam is on the list, and that this is the official Grammy site!
Dec. 5th, will be here before we know it!
Gee, can’t believe it … up at the crack of noon!
Quelle night!
We have a winner! Prize to be determined at a later date.
Hi TexasWannaHoldEm!!
He and I share the name initials mils but other than that no relation.
Inexplicably, he misspells his last name!
It’s Robert Hays of “Airplane” fame now 65 years old.
A detailed explanation of the tattoo:
Okay. Now I get it.
Ron, that explanation of the tattoo makes me like it even more! Is it from the artist?
Cool explanation of the tattoo, Ron. Where did you find it? Is that a fan’s interpretation or from the artist?
Also, this is an important tweet from the Russian fan group re: the supposed Kiev show:
This tweet backs up riskylady’s suspicions that this Kiev gig may well be bogus.
Thanks rs, I see that I had read that article but missed the end part
I like BE too a lot as a live version.
Ron thanks for that interesting explanation of the tattoo! Whatever you think of it, it’s clear that the guy who did it is a real artist. But I am not so fond of human/face figures in tats.
Adam is having fun in instagram. Have you seen this? Volcanic Pili Nuts. Do I even have to tell what pili means in Finnish
I am sure he knows too. Definitely a snack needed in the corner… 
I don’t dislike the tattoo nearly as much as I’ve been letting on.
It’s “okay”. Generally speaking, I’m just not a big fan of tattoo’s.
The interpretation is from a fan who, I suppose it’s obvious, is very knowledgeable about things that are mystical and the symbolism’s they can represent.
Ok, LadyNorth, I give! What exactly does “pili” mean in Finnish? From your comment and the giggling comments on instagram, clearly it’s rather naughty, but google translate is of no help. Please educate us!
Yes, luval….
I just arrived home from work and had this waiting for me on AL Google Alert:
Mr. Bieber meeting the Prime Minister of Canada:
LOVE the outfit!!!
Can’t wait to get one just like it.
Gather – Adam Lambert ‘MAMA’ Performance Accessible on Exclusive English Live Stream http://entertainment.gather.com/viewArticle.action?articleId=281474981782708 …
.@adamlambert on Teen Time (Hong Kong) Nov 29 at 9pm local/8am ET. Listen live info: https://twitter.com/mmyy9/status/273911957042638849 … WorldClock: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime
Ashley Dzerigian@ashleydzerigian
A year ago today, I auditioned for @adamlambert. This year has been the most exciting roller coaster of my life. Thank you for everything!
Is that a recent photo of Beiber? He looks 12! And how disrespectful that is to his Prime Minister! And to himself. I was recently sent a video of Pitbull at a rally for Obama and he was dressed in a suit! You really have to know how to dress for an occasion, or pay people to dress you. Very uncool. If he is trying to be grown up now, this is a major fail.
Found this website with a definition…
LOL, Al!
rs…that is a recent photo. Bieber was totally dissed by all the magazines for that stupid outfit. Even some of his fans were not impressed. And he tweeted laughing about it!
And Pitbull…you almost never see him in anything other than a suit. That’s his signature look. I really like it. A rapper with style, finally.
I tried translating it with two l’s. Gives much better results. http://translate.google.com/#fi/en/pilli Oh, I see AL was successful too.
re Bieber: Looks like a great outfit to play in a sand box. I’m sure that’s what he was going for.
Well, at least he wasn’t copying Adam fer once.
Things to do in HK when yer not performing:
Grow a beard.
Let yer ginger show.
Conduct massive amounts of research into paganism, Greek mythology, Norse mythology and astrological signs.
Research tattoo artists in the area.
Listen to XTina CD
Listen to Alicia Keyes CD
Get the tat.
Recover from the twitter-scape about the tat.
Recover from the hugeness and scabs and itch from the tat.
Take a break from manicures.
Eat pili nuts.
Book tons of dates for a non-tour.
Plot, plan coordinate more massive goodies for next shows.
Plot, plan and coordinate duets and musical numbers for Divas.
Plot, plan and coordinate musical number for the Beacon Theater.
Duck rain drops.
Watch American Horror Story. ( New episode tonight )
Eat sushi.
Have a twitter party ( please )
Skype sex with SauliIf anyone is interested in
pee-peepili nuts you can get them here.http://www.amazon.com/Volcanic-Pili-Nuts-Can-150grams/dp/B0054RM28M/ref=pd_sim_gro_1
mils you forgot visit Macao with band
I just now saw Adam’s promo finding the right mic on VH1. It is really clear at the end with his look of what the f***k. So cute…
Mail received!!! Thanks.
And for NJ peeps: MNET is channel 697 and it will air the MAMA 2012 3:00 am -9:00 am and from 1:00 PM -7 pm on Friday the 30th. (comcast)
Crazy day – spent it chasing nine- and ten-year olds on a school trip over the American Indian Museum in D.C. Three flights between floors – won’t have to run tonight. Might say, some of the visuals there put Adam’s tat in context.
And to tell the truth – have more pics than I can count with his pale, freckly, pillowy shoulders in view to fall back upon.
More publicity involved as well – excellent.
(Nice day – love being with kids that age.)
Checked that Gigwise on Wikipedia, twilight – it’s a U.K./London-based online music mag – 20th most popular. Can’t find out how long this contest will continue. There’s always an advantage in winning things, but do you think this is worthwhile? Or are they just looking for hits? Not sure.
P.S. I’ve been voting pretty steadily.