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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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I don’t really get why he’s been in HK for a week with nothing to do, he doesn’t seem to have been doing any press, although I think he has something lined up for tomorrow afternoon. He should have got Sauli over, it wouldn’t have been that expensive, he’s already got the hotel room…….
Yes, luval – that waterbearer does have an uncanny resemblance – like it.
I’m in the minority but I really like the tattoo! To me it’s edgy, dangerous, mysterious and technically beautiful. But I’ve always had a soft spot for anything hell’s angel-ish.
Just don’t touch the hair!!!!
this is the site where I found that Adam-ish water bearer
Wow, my sentiments exactly!
I am not a fan of tats, never have been and never will be. However, I am a very open minded person, tats included. My daughter-in-law has a very little butterfly tat on the small of her back that is only noticeable when she is wearing a bathing suit. I actually love it. I am also very open minded to the fact that this new tat is very symbolic to Adam for a number of reasons. That gives it meaning and makes it special to him. I totally get that.
I am seeing these tattoos of Adam becoming gradually larger and more ‘in your face’ as time goes on. So…. How much is Sauli influencing him in this direction?
Haha, gotta wonder — I think lots.
Unfortunately, I think this is still just the beginning.
Just hope he doesn’t wind up like the other Adam.
Or Sauli, for that matter.
Some look like walking/talking billboards.
Or escapees from National Geographic.
Well, I’m on the “it’s not such a disaster” side of things. It’s his body, he can do what he wants with it.
I just want his body to sing, dance, act, perform, entertain, have fabulous hair, be in gorgeous clothing and be happy.
Oh. And he can do all of that in my house any time he wants! Muwhahahaha!
Mils RE:your future tatoo, how small and discreet can you really have a picture of the leather laces?
Adam’s tat, my first impression was “oh no”
I agree we really won’t see it that much and as mils said,there are much more interesting things to look at.
I agree, his body his choice.
It is very detailed and very well done artistically, but I really think it is quite ugly. Maybe it will be better in color(if it indeed does have color)
What, no talk of the facial hair?
Johnny and Terrence are on their way to Hong Kong, according to Terrence’s tweet.
Yes, all agreed – he can do whatever he wants with his bod whether we like it or not.
No problemo.
However, his hair ?
(( clears throat )) Glambot, please reference my post about No Shave November earlier today. And ginger sideburns.

As somebody said earlier, he’s a young guy who lives in a hot climate and shows skin. He is surrounded by people literally covered in tats.
I would like to see it up close on him. Now, if my kids did this, I would pitch a fit. But, it’s a done deal folks. We’ll get used to it.
I just wonder how much it hurt to cover an area that big. And the healing process is gonna be mighty scabby and itchy.
Poor baby. He’s gonna need a tat attendant to care for him.
That about sums it up. And strictly his business. I don’t mind tattoos, but was hoping for something “prettier”. I kind of liked this: https://twitter.com/CindyM421/status/273306363688542208/photo/1
On the other hand I am not the biggest fan of men in tank tops anyway. Just like shorts, tank tops belong on the beach IMHO.
Inhale – exhale – let it go – wait how it looks “in concert”.
luval: I love that you love it.
Aaahh yes mils you did mention facial hair. That is probably the real reason he didn’t want a picture. Didn’t want another melvingate lol
My sons have tats and the larger ones have been completed with color in stages. We may get updates on this new tat from time to time.
“strictly his business” when he puts it up on an instagram? Not quite. IMO, he’s revving up the troops to keep us entertained (and himself, no doubt) during this lull.
He’s an impulsive guy – said so many times – last interview, too. Part of his charm, actually.
Love talking about him in all his multiple, shifting manifestations. Even if I don’t like what he does.
LOL. Well, what upset me on twitter was people who don’t like the tattoo addressing their opinions (some not so nice) directly to Adam. Just rude. Nice that we discuss our opinions and we all have them, i.e. I HATE anything shaved on his head, and don’t like most facial hair either, but I just would never tweet him about it. Not his parent, relative, boyfriend, or even friend and this isn’t his music. Even his music – if I didn’t like, just wouldn’t buy it or follow him.
Seems like some people feel that everything he shares with us is an invitation to them to express opinions, no matter how negative. His skin is probably a LOT thicker than mine LOL.
I really think he might just complete that arm as he has said before, and leave it at that. He doesn’t seem the type for chest/back/all that stuff.
ultimathule: with “strictly his business” I meant he has the right to get a tattoo when he wants to. He will have to deal with people’s reactions. And since he’s kinda famous, there will be more reactions.
I like the oofta and the infinity symbol best. Come to think of it, infinity works great for a math teacher. Maybe I should get it tattooed on my forehead, right between the Pythagorean Theorem and the Unit Circle. 
I do hope that people show some courtesy and restraint if they don’t like it. Say something nice or nothing at all. I have been shown many a tattoo by my students, and I always try hard to compliment at least some aspect of it.
So I don’t think I will be ordering a pendant of this tattoo anytime soon.
More funny comments over at Home Planet. A great pic, too.
And, yes, riskylady – twitter is the devil. If we’ve got something negative to say about his latest fashion choice, we keep it close to the vest here – like that. Keeping the boy out of it.
So…I went away, and did other things, and came back.

The tattoo still looks like it is vomiting, no way around it.I’m thinking that was a very expensive tattoo; no matter how I feel about it, the workmanship is pretty amazing.
But when he is older it will still be a blob of blurry ink.
Oops I promised not to say anything else.
So never mind.
Haha in honor of the variety of reactions to Adam’s tattoo, chunkeymonkey posted on Twitter this hilarious collection of truly unfortunate tattoos. Even if you don’t like Adam’s tattoo, you can be thankful it isn’t one of these! Oh my.
krad: Would you have preferred this? http://www.ratemyink.com/?action=ssp&pid=56042 I know, close call.
Haha cwm, I see we think alike. Could always be worse. Although I do like the “Have you seen this cat” one. Some of these are really tragic OMG.
Haha! It isn’t the first time, nor will it be the last.
OMG, the “have you seen this cat” one is so ridiculous. I think that has to be my favorite, too. Although many others run a close second. The portraits of the children are SO BAD. And the guy riding the dragon (the last one) looks like a 3rd grader drew it. OMG so funny.
Hey turquoisewaters! You have your original avi back! I just noticed.
cwm: Yup. I missed it. Plus maybe you should not have other people’s boyfriends on your avatar.
Well, at least he went to a really good artist. And, he may end up adding color to the whole thing. I actually like the duality of the face. I spy an upside down dolphin or goat in the beard on the feminine side too. I’m actually curious about all the symbolism in it and how Adam will explain it. I studied mythology in college. I took a couple of classes as my English credits.
Hmmmm. Adam just started following Glee and Jane Lynch.
Whatever happened to the days when a guy might get an elaborate tattoo on his arm that was … MOM?

What is that over done, over sized, hideous thing that Adam has defiled his upper arm with?!
After reading here, I understand now the meaning(s) behind it but they weren’t obvious at all to me when I first saw it.
I had two concurrent thoughts. “Father North” blowing cold wind out of his mouth from the North Pole and something evil. Horns coming out of the head?
Maybe the symbolism’s aren’t supposed to be obvious and you’re not supposed to “get it” and it’s a mystery to be figured out. I don’t know. Whatever it is, it’s lost on me.
No one bumping into Adam in a tank top is going to immediately think, “That’s obviously water so Adam must be born under the sign of Aquarius. Oh, and his moon must be rising in Pisces and the ram is the sign of Pisces so that explains the horns”.

Just to be clear, I don’t like it.

I don’t even like the “key” though so … don’t go by me.
But, turquoise, I have Sauli’s boyfriend in mine…
Hi Ron! Did you see Babs today on Katie?
mils: Plus maybe you should not have other people’s boyfriends sprawled on stairs on your avatar.

Ron, you may be right about Father North.
Hello Gorgeous
That was a repeat. Yes, I saw it. but not when it first aired. I chanced upon it a couple of weeks ago on YouTube.
Thanks luval. See? I knew I wasn’t imagining things.
Yup, Ron and luval, he probably has some Norse mythology going on in there too.
Overall, I can appreciate what he was going for, I just am not a “full sleeve” fan.
LOL turquoise, if I knew how to work it, I could change my avatar. I do think it is about time.
Your post cracked me up, Ron – “defiled” “hideous thing” – read my mind, for sure. Every time I look at it, I hate it even more. (Have always disliked the key, too.)
Good for a laugh, though –
Fav Home Planet post – “from a distance it’s going to look like a big ass birthmark”
For once I’ll be happy with the layers.
Skin is skin even if it’s tatted.
I like my brussel sprout peeled. Thank you. And roasted. And dancy. And sweaty. And laced up. With high hair. And killer boots. And tight pants.
GTG. Need to catch up with Nucky Thompson.
It’s funny that Adam is watching American Horror Story over there. I have been keeping up with it even though it started out much scarier than last year. It is simply an excellent show. I smell more Emmy noms for it this year. The acting, the staging, makeup, everything.
Hoping that’ll make up for it, mils – possible.
And hoping the hair is still high when we see him next.
It’s a coupla days to go.
Please cast some votes for Queen & Adam, because The Killers are ahead of them…go figure?
mils: Never change it. I’d really miss your avi.
Ah yes, the famous Mae West quote, “Peel me a
grapebrussel sprout”.Hand on hip, “I used to be Snow White … but I drifted”.
Funny the oldest one here rather likes the tat. Okay, as much as I’d like any tattoo. It really is artistic and full of symbolism’s. Speaking of Babs on TV my husband didn’t even recognise her. The gals had a lot of botox and work done on her face I think. If I was rich and famous I’d probably do the same thing. If I was just rich I’d become one of the special Glamberts and appear at every concert front row. Maybe it’s a good thing I’m not rich.
Ron I luuuuuuuuurve Mae West…she owned female sexuality before most women even knew there was such a thing! That fabulous white fur coat…
Thank you for adding something positive to the discussion of the
hot messvomiting Norsemantattoo…I hope he doesn’t add much yellow to it or when he is older it will look like scrambled eggs past their prime…Not gonna talk about it. Nope. I promised.

G’nite peeps!
My fav’s – “Is that a pistol in your pocket . . . .
“I feel like a million … but just one at a time”.
Just for laughs, more Hollywood quotes (not Mae West) from a famous Academy Award winning producer and studio head …
“This is the best pie I’ve ever had in my whole mouth”.
“I don’t think anyone should write their autobiography until after they’re dead”.
“I will admit that I may not always be right, but I’m never wrong”.
“A verbal contract isn’t worth the paper that it’s written on”.
“I read part of it all the way through”.
“Include me out”.
“I never liked you and I always will”.
“Too caustic?! To hell with the costs, we’ll make the picture anyway”.
“That’s the trouble with directors. Always biting the hand that lays the golden egg”.

Think he also said close to his death:
“It wasn’t worth it.”
Probably my favorite quote of all time.