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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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cwm, I just read your post – you were the perfect person to reply, having found yourself in a similar situation with a very different response. Beautifully crafted response to Ms. Entitled.

Adam on Toronto Santa Claus Parade!
cwm Read your post and was thrilled, with your ability to compose an extremely valid reply.
I went back & checked to see if it was still there, and it was.
I didn’t want to, but I needed to check and see.
After kradamour, brought of the subject of hits, it made me think.
I am sure that if anyone does read that article, whether a fan or celebrity, they will feel the same as most of us.
Ron, should re-post his wonderful reply again.
Do we know this?
So, now we have two more dates Nov 18th in Toronto and Dec 2nd in China.
Busy boy.
Betcha Santa is going to wonder about all the yellow and black at that parade? LOL. The new colors for XMas!
At Hennessy event in Shanghai on Dec 2
Sorry mils, I didn’t see that you had posted this.
Thank you Ron, Kradamour and cwm for your thoughts about that ridiculous blog. I’m not going to give her my hit.
Wondering if the Toronto event will be live or previously recorded. Johannesburg is on the 16th. How long is that flight?
Guess it can be done.
A Friendly Reminder
(keep these links and vote often)
(these are all write-ins … watch your spelling!)
Best Male Vocalist:
Best Pop Artist:
Best Album:
Favorite Song:
Favorite Music Video:
Favorite Fan Following:
A Time Saver hint: Push the back arrow, after each time you vote, so you can quickly continuously vote in that category.
It doesn’t take that long at all.
You don’t have to re-type, because a box pops up, with the last name you submitted. Makes it really fast.
Attention! ultimathule says:
10/31/2012 at 9:20 pm
AQD has suggestions on the PeoplesChoice awards – concentrate on Best Male Artist and Best Album – where he has the best chance of winning.
TeeHee. Maybe he’ll just be sleeping on a sleigh!!
Being pulled by festive unicorns covered in glitter!
Sorry, I couldn’t help myself!!
Thanks, everyone, for your positive feedback on my response to Lindsay Taub. I did feel like the circumstances I found myself in recently were not unlike her circumstances. But I had a very different response than she did, in terms of what I expected from Adam, what role I played in the interaction, and what I took away from the encounter, and I felt she needed to be held accountable for the conclusions she was jumping to and spouting off about.
I can’t even believe that she actually expected Adam to take his drinks to his friends in their seats, then come back out to the lobby and find her so that she could take his picture for her friend! And she says that she has respect for the private lives of celebrities. Yeah right. Hah.
And I agree with turquoisewaters that her overreaction to the comments she has gotten (calling them “hate”) is probably not unlike her overreaction to Adam’s perceived slight of her. There’s a big difference between “hate” and being held accountable for what you write about someone in a public forum. I’m sorry that turquoisewater‘s and Ron‘s posts never showed up.
Anyway, not worth perseverating over. Moving on!
In addition to the new appearances in Toronto and Shanghai that have popped up (yay!), there are these new treats…
Check out this beautiful spread in DNA magazine, now available for download (this are pics of the iPad edition):
And then there is this lovely treat: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-33j3mD7QeYs/UJPfS-z4F9I/AAAAAAAALxo/mLbEFVaSz5I/s1600/omg+his+face.jpg
Awww. Love him.
LAX to South Africa is about 20 hours of flight time. He must be pre recording that show.
I just found this! Scroll down to Adam Lambert
Brought this over:
Album of the Year
Pop Album
Song of the Year/Record of the Year/Pop Solo: Better Than I Knew Myself
Such fabulous pics, cwm – he’s such a glorious subject for the camera.
And the sweet expression on his face standing next to Roger – melting here.

twilightmagic8 – that list means that RCA has submitted Adam’s album and song for Grammy consideration, not that he has been officially nominated. The nominations haven’t come out yet.
With regard to the Shanghai gig, here is a promo reel for past Hennessy Artistry events, which gives us an idea of what to expect. Looks like a cool event!
Have we seen this gorgeous picture before?
Jamie-Lynn Smith@JSmith92
@CTV_Television For the Santa Claus parade are celebs going to be there or is it just video messages? Adam lambert for example xD
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26mCTV Television@CTV_Television
@jsmith92 Hey there, we’ll be getting a special video message from @adamlambert and other celebs for the Santa Claus Parade
Adam is just sending a video so it is doable.
Hi nkd!!
The Toronto Santa Claus Parade is broadcast ‘live’ and will be on November 18th.
I think it starts at 12:30pm.
Thanks for that clarification, aely. That’s good for Adam, actually, but I’m sorry for our Toronto friends that he won’t be there in person!
Awwww I’m sorry I burst your bubble kradamour!!
nvm. I see the “pre-recorded message” was just posted. Was my thought exactly.
Wonder what one would be paid for sending a video?
In her best Dr. Evil voice:
” One MILL-Yon dollars.”
I wasn’t clear in my wondering Ron. I meant Adam’s portion, would he be live or recorded, and aely posted the answer to that.
Unistar Top 20@unistartop20
Glamberts! Let`s make a special trend for @adamlambert !!! He is NUMBER 1 this week on our radio-chart with “Trespassing”
Congrats, Adam!
Well, Belarus and Russia love him….
I am so bored today. Yeah for this site….
OH! Well, that makes a big difference. A video? I’ve never attended this yearly parade and it looks like I won’t be watching it again this year.
You know that old saying: If it sounds too good to be true, it’s probably not true.
A video. Damn.
I think Adam’s best chances for a Grammy nom are for the album and pop album, and maybe, a big maybe for pop solo performance for BTIKM.
That can’t be the full list of submissions can it? There are only 9 pop album submissions on that list.
The Grammy noms were way in the back of my head, but now knowing that they will be announced in about a month, I’m getting jitters!
Apparently this is the last day to vote for Peoples’ Choice awards.
Thanks cwm, for that clarification.
December is usually when they come out. Wasn’t Adam in Paris then?
Best Halloween Costume
Adam Lambert is in the lead!
Grammy nom special will air Dec 5 with Taylor Swift and LL Cool J hosting.
!!! A Really Friendly Reminder !!!
(keep these links and vote often)
(these are all write-ins … watch your spelling!)
Best Male Vocalist:
Best Pop Artist:
Best Album:
Favorite Song:
Favorite Music Video:
Favorite Fan Following:
A Time Saver hint: Push the back arrow, after each time you vote, so you can quickly continuously vote in that category.
It doesn’t take that long at all.
You don’t have to re-type, because a box pops up, with the last name you submitted. Makes it really fast.
Attention! ultimathule says:
10/31/2012 at 9:20 pm
AQD has suggestions on the PeoplesChoice awards – concentrate on Best Male Artist and Best Album – where he has the best chance of winning.
luval, do you happen to know the actual deadline time?
twilightmagic8…saw it mentioned on Juneau & Xena’s blog…near the top. I think this voting is in phases. First was choosing the categories, next voting for the nominees (until today). Not sure what the next phase is. Guess we’ll know tomorrow.
eta: Actually, I”m thinking the next (and last) part of this is voting for the peeps who got nominated. This should be it.
There are photos here I haven’t seen before:
Yup, he was in Paris when the nom was announced two years ago. Concert was November 18, Thursday. I just happen to have the ticket stub here at my desk…

Kradamour, what? It’s not in a little shrine?
cwm– Thank you for your very thoughtful, articulate response to Lindsay Taub. It was absolutely perfect! Her request for a photo was inappropriate under the circumstances. Her public denunciation of Adam for politely declining was petty and mean spirited to say the least. There is only one person who looks bad as a result of this incident and that is Lindsay Taub.
I happened to have the TV on today and I got such a wonderful surprise. Adam’s episode of PLL came on! The American series that we get here are usually a few seasons behind (if they aren’t shows that were flops in the States so that they could be bought very cheaply), so I couldn’t believe it when we got the show just a week after it was aired in the States. I watched the whole thing and it was just so nice seeing Adam on my TV screen, rather than something that I had specifically searched for on my computer. I don’t think that he is being played on the radio here, but then I don’t listen to the pop radio stations; I just have my Adam cd’s on continuous play in the car.
My P-r-e-c-i-o-u-s.
or Holy artifact?
Speaking of watching tv screen I got a wonderful gift today: Adam DVDs from the past, sent by Cher and jlurk. First “Santa” I knew but the other one was surprise
Thank you so much you wonderful people!
So I have spent a wonderful evening watching nostalgic older Adam stuff. The performances I have seen in youtube, but what a joy to watch it on big tv screen
And tons of tv shows and interviews post-Idol and FYE era, that I haven’t seen. He was such a talented boy then, but now he is beautiful talented grown up professional… This fandom is so generous! Sharing and delivering many kind of happiness.
I read the latest news. cwm, your response to that unpleasant blog was so diplomatic and honest, you were not at all insulting but made your point clear. Thank you!
Read on a comment on 24/7 that the Peoples Choice actual voting for the nominees starts November 15th.
eta: I hope Adam/Trespassing are nominees. Not sure if they’ve ever been in the past.
I love this.
I read that santa parade thing as that basically all those people they named would just be doing video Christmas greetings, no performances.
cwm, loved your response to ‘that’ article.
Talking of which, Fishbowl LA defending Adam
Is anyone having trouble getting on to MJ’s??
Happy Nov 2 evening!I gave up trying to catch up on posts. Zipping between OR and MN getting my place ready. Can’t wait to be in the dark, rainy, muddy, green NW with my angora goats, llama, chickens, dogs, cats… Yay! I love that part of the US. And cwm will be my neighbor!! HaHa, a Tucson conference colleague has a sil big Adam fan going to see him in Bali. Jealousssssss! I am loving my Adam Lambert ride with all of you
Life is good!!
Just tried to get on MJ’s…didn’t work.
Checking in for a quick comment on the Lindsey Taub blog post. I liked all of the support in most of the comments that I took the time to read, but I think everyone has missed the point.
This was not Adam’s concert. It would have been beyond rude of him to let people take pictures and fuss over him, when it was his friends’ moment for glory. He has done that before in the past when attending his friends’ concerts. I think that is why he slipped out before the lights came up also. He did not want to distract the audience from their appreciation of the performers.
I can imagine what it would be like to sing and play my heart out and afterwards see everyone flock to a celebrity in the audience rather than appreciating my performance. Can you imagine Lady Gaga showing up at a Adam concert? I wouldn’t like it if people were more interested in seeing her, getting her picture or autograph, than they were Adam’s.
Anyway, the fans have all thought of legitimate reasons why Adam wouldn’t take the time with Ms. Taub. I really think the reason had more to do with his being a good friend and a responsible adult, not wanting to cause a disruption at their concert. JMHO.
Must have been that last post, luval!
Very interesting events in the microcosm of super-fandom.
Even Fishbowl LA didn’t get it right. It was a Vintage Trouble show. Not Joss Stone. Maybe she was the warm up, or they were her warm up, whatever, Adam was there for Vintage Trouble.
I do like that Adam got the positive take on things though.
I also wonder if he even remotely knows or cares about this.