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I wasn’t able to read the comments. I hope they aren’t rude but supportive of Adam.
This pic of Sauli! Lawdy!
Every single comment is respectful, to the point and supportive of Adam. And most of them refer to the entitlement issue!
Ms. Lindsay responds:
Lindsay Taub
November 1, 2012 at 10:25 pm
Thank you all for all your comments. I appreciate hearing that most of you have had positive experiences meeting Adam Lambert. I’m sorry to hear that my experience came across as entitlement. Certainly not my intention. But I am entitled to my opinion and to share my feelings, whether it upsets his fans or is judged as unfair. The truth of the matter is that you weren’t there and what I left out above was the attitude that came along with the “find me later” – I was compelled to write about it because I found it personally insulting, it went against everything I had ever heard of him, and the interaction was disappointing. If that makes me an asshole with a sense of entitlement, so be it. We all have egos and insecurities and this one instance tapped into mine. I completely understand and am very sympathetic, as I said, to the challenges of being a well-known celebrity who gets hounded all the time and wants to enjoy a private night among friends which is why I rarely, if ever, go up to a celebrity when I see one. This time was driven by my – yes, selfish – desire to send a photo to a dear friend who’s a huge fan, and who yes, was disappointed to hear what happened. That said, I had every intention of finding Adam after the show to try again, as many of you suggested, but when the lights came up, he was already gone. I respect his talent, I respect his journey, I admire his using his platform to raise awareness and break down the shameful barriers and prejudice the GLBT community faces, I enjoy his music, and I do believe that perhaps I caught him at a bad time. I would be more than happy to go back on my words should a more positive experience replace the one I had. If you all would like to send me YOUR stories and photos of meeting Adam, I would be more than happy to share and post them for our readers.
Such BS
Lindsay Taub@lindsaytaub58
Wow @adamlambert has passionate fans who hate me right now. I am being skewered! Not my intention.
I shared my truth. It is what it is.
She isn’t famous, just entitled and full of herself.
The comments were all spot-on and articulate although often quite insulting to her. I just hope she reads them and learns something.
I finally read the comments in Explorer. I do wish that the name calling wasn’t included in some of the comments.
My biggest problem with the article is her comparing Adam’s reaction on down time with those others on work time.
Then she may have gotten a different response if she had been the fan, not a friend of a fan.
I thought the comments on that article were spot on. You could definitely feel the sense of entitlement coming through from her, and the ‘do you know who I am’ meme…
new Halloween pic
Okay, this is fun! At least I think it is. This is a less than 2 minute video of the street party I went to last night. I’m not in it but that’s besides the point.
I LOVE the music!!! Talk about a very quirky piece with very odd syncopation.
The video is “okay” but the music is the thing. I just posted it on Facebook and I keep playing it over and over in a loop. And frankly, it’s driving me crazy!!
In Lindsay’s post, she said she had every intention of finding him afterwards, but in her article she said just the opposite – dumb.
Where do I get a flight?
She took a photo of the back of his head. You mean to tell me she couldn’t keep an eye on this head?
Oh my goodness!! *gasp* (looks around, batting eyelashes like Bambi on speed!) *gasps again!* I just can’t believe this! *wipes brow with big grin!*…
oops – will try again!
Thanks AL – you give the best gifts ever – thank you so much!
So, just for research purposes, yes, I still do research, with my bifocal glasses properly perched on my nose, but just in the name of science, I forced myself to watch this once, or several times, ahem, just to determine whether the Halloween coat is the Sleepwalker coat.
The verdict is still out. The judge is reliving very glammy and exuberant times. The singer is gloriously fierce. The song is OTT fantastic. The performance is just—OMG. What can I say. It just puts me right into the corner with no relief in sight. Geebus. How did we ever survive seeing this live? And to think, this was just 3 days before my M&G in Hawaii…
Mils, I could watch/listen to that performance over and over again. Thanks for posting. And I still think we may hear that in SA.
Btw…the band in that video was amazing. Those were the days. Adam’s voice front and center.
My favorite song by Adam is Sleepwalker, I love love love that song. It is my opinion that that song should have been released as a single. I think it would have been a hit! At least they were playing his music on the radio back then! I just don’t get it! We hear the same 10 to 12 artists over and over and over. It doesn’t matter that they can’t sing & their songs get played right away. It just p’s me off big time!
It’s a huge travesty! Sleepwalker could have been a fabulous hit…..Why not?
It is so darn frustrating, like you said, “The same songs over & over again.”
There is some kind of big payola going on! It is all so obvious!
Adam has always intimated about backdoor politics on radio – did so again recently.
I knew I wanted a closer look at those pants
ETA paulanation just posted part of a really good recap on the Texas Tango thread.
Might be the Halloween coat, but shoulda been a single. That’s my verdict.
Radio pisses me off every single day. Every morning I listen to several stations on my drive to wherever I am working. Our local I Heart Radio station just picked up Elvis Duran, and I hate to admit it, but, I find his show to be quite entertaining. The songs they play are predictable. Any time during the day of any day, I only hear maybe 5 different songs. So, on other stations, it’s also soooo predictable. Even my classic rock station has become a bore. I’m just sick of so many of the classics. I really do like a lot of new music, especially indie stuff, Mumford is awesome, for instance. But, pop radio is so controlled. So limited.
When we were growing up, we had Dick Clark, we had Casey Casem, we had radio that played EVERYTHING. Then we went to the store and bought singles or albums based on what we heard played first. Now, the kids only hear the same songs over and over. Of course they listen to it and buy it, it’s all they know.
I just don’t understand it.
glambot, nice “pants.”
It does look like the Sleepwalker coat.
Made the news in Argentina
Coat he wore for Halloweenie and on Halloween
And one more time…the coat at Texas Tango is the Sleepwalker coat!
Those pants are so awesome! He wore those in NY on Fashion Police.
Love love them!
I don’t get worked up about things unless it’s something that I think I should get worked up about.
Others have wisely moved on but I’ve been sitting on and stewing over this Lindsey Taub blog article, her comment, and other follow up comments since 7:00.
So, the lid blew off and I commented.
It’s currently “awaiting moderation”. It’ll probably await and await and never see the light of day.
So here’s what I had to say. I put some thought into this but it’s really not all that good.
I posted as (and sometimes use) “Seyah”.
Get it?
I love your comment Ron. I hope it gets posted.
Ron. She is already removing posts. 10+ so far. And now there is someone else “claiming” to be there and he was rude to them too. So, it looks like she is leaving the anti Adam posts to equal the supportive ones. I wish I didn’t read this but it is good and important that fans have his back.
My post didn’t get posted nkd
But, this one did that was after mine:
“I feel really bad for you Lindsay. You have commited the ultimate sin! You have insulted Adam Lambert. Heaven help you. His fans are the most insane (passionate)dilusional people I have ever come into contact with. They will defend him to the end, no matter what he does. All I will say is that I was there too and encountered the same RUDE Adam. I didnt go up to him, I didnt ask him for a picture. All I did was say hi to him as he walked a foot away from me. His attitude was appalling. To all those people who werent there, have never met Adam on his “own time” (whatever that means for a celebrity)you have no idea what you are talking about”.
Yeah, right.
Hi aely!
I know!
I have to step away from it, aely.
This is why I only come here and 24/7 and no where else because I don’t want mean spirited strangers on the internet to give me a stroke and cause my death when I’m only 29!!
So now we have didn’t-take-a-picture-with-me gate? I hope your comment goes through, Ron, it makes a lot of sense. That lady seems to consider herself extremely important. I am starting to wish he had accidentally spilled one of those beers on her.
It would be totally different if there weren’t pictures on twitter from that night that he took with fans.
I’ve been imagining him walking back to his seat with a beer in each hand, sometimes a beer is filled to the rim of the glass. Sort of difficult to stop, lean over, and take pictures without spilling.
And the “my friend is a fan”, that probably did it right there!
I honestly doubt that the blog is widely read.
Withya, Ron – just sashayed over there again – lol.
Would it surprise you to know that I knew that you’d get it?
Yes nkd and without a doubt, in that setting, they were plastic glasses where just a slight squeeze would spill onto the floor.
Perfect opportunity to stop and be photographed or hand one over to someone else to be photographed.
Good night.
Oh, just a moment …
Dear cher, what is Double Down Casino?!
I’d like to play with you.
I should just leave the sentence hanging like that.
To be clear, I’d like to play the game with you but I don’t know how to play and you’d probably beat me.
Now I’m really off to bed.
Ugh. My reply to Ron was triplicated. Is that a word? lol
Oh sorries Ron. Just ignore that. Wrong button press.
I did it to all my FB friends unintentionally.
Oooh. Lookie here. Awesome for Angelina!
Hi gang! Home recovering from dental implant surgery yesterday…argghhhh. I noticed a mention about the Grammy moms…did Adam officially receive a nomination? And for what? So happy to have you all to keep me entertained……as usual!
This is so sad, to use the word HATE. The truth from her, is not what it is!
This is taking it to a different level. She should just let it fade out, because proclaiming she is a victim of hate, is all wrong!
Adam is nothing but love, and acceptance.
Her counter reply is making me ill at heart, for Adam.
She is back stepping here, and won’t be getting any respect, that is for sure.
Journalist who bring in their own insecurities, into their printed writing, will fall flat to the readers & colleagues.
They will see right through here on this!
I am wondering where this will all go, because as I see it right now, she is digging her own grave, to save face.
I am sure that other L.A. writers, are shaking their heads at her failed attempt at, and actually purging herself.
Now I am thinking, and maybe wrong, that she may be writing these comments of her defense herself. The professional ethics, and slandering of Adam is abusive.
When I first read the comments, they were done with clarity & concern, and not hateful. I thought they were all valid, in their points of view, and written with insightful opinions.
Now she is back peddling, and lying, and being the victim.
The fact that she may be writing her own reply comments, is vindictive, to Adam & his fans. As of right now, I certainly wouldn’t put it past her.
She really doesn’t want our opinions in the real picture.
I am sure she wished, she wouldn’t of written about Adam, in the first place. I wished we could all read the reply’s she is deleting.
Ron’s, comment was perfecting composed, and masterfully written as usual. It’s a shame she is screening them, to validate her victom-hood!
How can you go over her head, as far as her abusive writing skills, and using the word HATE!
Like I mentioned, she is digging herself in even deeper.
She could never be a Adam fan, and it shows!!!
This ia a case of unequal right’s, and a blatant violation to Adam’s rights.
“It ain’t that deep,” as Adam would say.
But, I guess he’s the one with the thicker skin.
I’ll try to get back, to some sleep. I woke up, with this on my mind, and had to come here to vent a wee bit.
Thanks for listening, you’re doing it perfectly.
I love this place!
(I have never smoked)

I still can’t get over the word hate, she chose to use!
I decided to post a reply to Lindsay Taub’s blogpost as well. Ron, I’m sorry to see that your post might not have gone through. I don’t see it there this morning. I do see my post and it doesn’t appear to be in moderation anymore. Can you all see it as well? It’s posted as CWM and has my avi next to it. This is what I said. (Long, I know! Surprise, surprise, eh?)
cwm, I loved your response to Lindsay and her article. It had to be the best one of the whole bunch: articulate, respectful, and so perfect! I loved your example of how you approached him in RL in a respectful and not entitled manner while showing her selfish (my words) misinterpretation of the events and and lack of giving him the benefit of the doubt. Well done! I vote you our official spokesperson.
eta cwm, I read your post in the comment section of the article (it was the last one) and now see it here. You must have posted it while I was writing my response. I never saw Ron’s very good comment. Sorry it wasn’t printed. Don’t understand why.
Your comment over there was awesome, cwm. Saw it this morning.
cwm: I hope she’ll leave your post. Very well stated! Mine got deleted, even though I thought it was very respectful. Something along the lines of Adam having a long track record of being friendly and kind to all, and one incident of being nice instead of super-duper nice (if we choose to believe her account) not changing that. I agree with twilightmagic she should not have used words like hate and skewered, they clearly don’t reflect the tone of the majority of the comments and make you wonder if she was similarly misrepresenting the original incident.
That post was terrific, cwm – just perfect – thanks so much.
Loved that “airnewzealand” vid, jlurksacto – comments were funny, too.
Re this Lindsey person – I am late to the party, but here is my take on it:

I have never heard of her blog. Not that I am the yardstick, my any means, but through Adam fandom I have come across a buttload of blogs, many of them written by one person as a way to make a tenuous living. For that, she needs hits to attract advertising.
Adam Lambert? Guaranteed hits.
Diss him and bring on the glamtsunami? Ooooh, LOTS more hits, because we all know that the link will be posted in a hundred places and that his fans (US!) will sharpen our pens and post and post and post to defend our guy.
(shakes head)
(moves on)
cwm, I love your response comment.
I agree with Kradamour, it may be time to move on.