Another month has arrived, and we are all anxiously awaiting the lead single from Adam’s upcoming new album. Will the new single be released this month? Will Adam perform at the American Music Awards once again? I think that Adam’s recent appearance on the cover of The Advocate signals that things are about to start happening again.

Hopefully our long wait is almost over. Enjoy the chat!

UPDATE: 11/7/11 11 PM – Photos and videos still coming in from last night’s epic performance of Queen with Adam on lead vocals at the EMAs!

Set of 65 HD pics from

“The Show Must Go On” (Official MTV video – excellent audio):

Audio with still photos:


3,293 Responses to November 2011 Chat

  1. Oksana2000 says:

    Krad, Adam gets about 2000 tweets daily. Brian is not THAT hawt! Smile

  2. nkd says:

    shoshannastone shoshanna stone
    Can’t wait for Adam Lambert’s London visit next week! We will be keeping him buuussssssyyyyyyyy!

    @kinkykiedis kinkybert
    @shoshannastone Does he have some TV shows scheduled here? I really hope so, we miss him so much. OMG I can’t wait for the Adam UK Storm!

    shoshannastone shoshanna stone
    @kinkykiedis it’s too early for that- there isn’t a single to perform yet. Next visit!

  3. JOJOSIE says: I hope this takes you to the video I’d like you to watch. I know it’s all about Adam but indulge the senior person here. This is Taylor Hicks in season 5 when Queen was mentoring and he sang Crazy Little Think Called Love, a song that I had no idea was by Queen. You’ll see why cute, crazy, lovable Taylor was a fan favorite and how mean Simon was. Taylor was one of those who I think was ahead in votes every single week. I can’t help but wonder how great it would have been if Queen had mentored season eight. Adam would have blown the competition away.

  4. JOJOSIE says:

    I just checked and the above doesn’t work. If you go to U=Tube it’s under Idol Rewind_ top 8 by Taylor Connection. You’ll see why this is a Queen song that Adam probably wouldn’t do.

  5. Kradamour says:

    So we have over 400 posts in less than four days about…nothing.
    Or something.
    Or whatever.

  6. Kradamour says:
  7. nkd says:

    I told you Kradamour, some of us talk a lot! And nothing has happened yet! Grin

  8. jlurksacto says:

    Off to the post office to mail my extra Adam Lambert Advocate mags to @GlamMonsterr @P0NDWATER @UOwnMyHeartAdam <3

  9. ultimathule says:

    I’m almost at the point now where if he shows up I’ll be happy.

  10. luval says:

    ultimathule…I hope they’ll show a shot of him and Sauli in the audience. Smile

  11. cwm says:

    I join the rest of you in being perplexed about the EMAs, but looking forward to the mystery being solved on Sunday. Although I’m excited for Adam because he’s obviously excited for it, I’m trying to keep my expectations in check; I hope other fans are too.

    I had pretty much figured that Neil’s 2:00pm PST 11/11/11 tweet was bogus. I mean, what big Adam-related reveal would happen at 5:00pm Eastern on a Friday evening?

  12. ultimathule says:

    lol,luval – if we’re lucky.

  13. Oksana2000 says:

    You do realize that on Sunday is our bois first anniversary?
    (I mean if Adam would forget his fans surely will remind him!)
    Are we assuming that Sauli is in London?

  14. cwm says:

    The plot thickens on the lawsuit situation. THR just published a report that provides the details:

    MJ just posted a thread about it.

    Once again, may I repeat… Scumbags.

  15. dcglam says:

    Well, he did say he would do more than just show up……

    adamlambert Adam Lambert
    @Silliegirl oh I’m going to be there and more. Wink

    However, who knows what the “more” represents…… Confused:

  16. Oksana2000 says:

    Maybe more means that he is proposing to Sauli? (Ducks)

    I know, I’m silly, but let’s have some fun.. Grin

  17. ultimathule says:

    Good idea, Oksana. Feeling silly, anyhow.

  18. HK fan says:

    mmmm, I don’t know what to think any more. I’m with the group that doesn’t want to hear Gaga sing with Queen (I just don’t think Queen songs would sound the same with a female voice). Maybe Bowie has finally got the message that Adam wants to work with him and is coming out of hiding, or maybe he’s going to sing one of his own songs but not a new one…I guess we’ll find out sun ( or monday here)..

    I wish that Welsford guy would just disappear, I hope Adams lawyers can see a way round this one..

  19. milwlovesadam says:


    3 whole pages since last night. Glad to see we haven’t changed much!

    Gaga will more than likely sing Radio Gaga. Her name is from that song. It is well known in the Gaga-sphere how she got her name.

    Women singing a Freddie song? Why the heck not? She’ll kill it. I love Gaga. Forget the crazy outfits. That chick can sing like almost nobody else. Check out her acoustic songs on You Tube, with Howard Stern or on other shows in England. Hair and Edge of Glory live and stripped back are out of this world amazing. IMHO.

    Who remembers the Freddie Mercury tribute many years ago? With Elton John and George Michaels and many others. It was phenomenal. And the ballet tribute, I think it was called Dance for Life. So fantastic.

    I’m a huge Queen fan. Have live DVD’s. Wembley is a staple view around here. Weaned my boys on it. They cut their musical teeth on Queen and others.

    Somebody posted upthread that it’s so sad to think that if Freddie had gotten sick nowadays, he’d live a much longer life. It’s so true. I see HIV+ and Aids patients frequently at my work, and they are living for so long now, with good and healthy quality of life.

    I think Adam will sing with Queen. He may even get a chance to sing with Gaga. He may be part of an ensemble. He may be part of a group that talks about gay issues. Nothing will surprise me.

    I’m just happy he’s part of the show.

  20. nkd says:

    According to tweets, Sauli is there with Adam.
    Adam had an evening out with Damon Baker and Luke Abby in London tonight. A fashion photographer and a set and props designer.

  21. jlurksacto says:

    adamgasmaussieadmirer of talent
    @HARVIIKILLS R u. Going to EMA’s? was his BF Sauli with him?? Hes cute blonde Its Sunday 10.45am here the Timezone things a killer —

    @HARVIIKILLSHarvii GaGa!
    @adamgasmaussie yeah his Boyf was Smile, Na, I was gonna go & where are you from? X

  22. nkd says:

    @damonbaker Damon Baker
    Dinner and drinks with the fab fierce @adamlambert and our bitches!! X db

    @Luke_Abby Luke Abby
    Great evening out in London with @damonbaker and @adamlambert who is such a sweetie! New york next week! Bring it on America!

  23. ultimathule says:

    Agree on Gaga’s voice, but her live performances – Alejandro – Jo Calderone – bad. “Edge of Glory” is one of my fav songs – but her live performance was just bad, too. Hair performance was good. But, even so, there’s just about nothing she’s done live that would incite me to buy her music – it’s all the studio work that I enjoy.

  24. luval says:

    So Adam’s still in London? What about rehearsals?

    I’m beginning to agree with eywflyer’s post pg 8 @ 2:46pm. A big bruhaha about nothing. Hope I’m wrong.

    Still don’t want a woman’s voice on a male icon’s song. Bowie, Freddie, Bruce. That’s just me.

  25. nkd says:

    Adam could easily get to Belfast tomorrow for rehearsals. It’s an hour and 15 to 30 minute flight from London. It probably takes him that long to get to work at some studios in LA!
    Or there could be rehearsals going on in London, and then on to Belfast for staging and sound.
    This is adding to my insanity issues! Wink

  26. luval says:

    ok, my expectations are low. Nowhere else to go but up. Not holding my breath, though. I’ll just let it play out and hope to be wow’ed.

  27. nkd says:

    Pink singing Bohemian Rhapsody. I think it’s really good, of course Pink doesn’t have the range of Freddie or Adam. Her band is really awesome, which is what makes it work. But I like it!

  28. nkd says:

    And if anyone has ever doubted Katy Perry’s vocal abilities, this won’t sway you in her favor! Katy singing Don’t Stop Me Now.

  29. cwm says:

    Information on the MTV site about the timing of the EMAs on Sunday and live streaming:

  30. Ceddies says:

    Didn’t Adam sort of get a late start in the UK? Is it possible that he may be receiving an award for his work? We’ve been round and round on here so much that I don’t remember if this has been discussed. Someone please refresh my memory if it has been discussed.

  31. Kradamour says:

    Re the lawsuit.
    Without seeing the contracts that form the basis of the suit, it is impossible to know how valid the claims are.
    Even if valid, though, these are claims that should have been made ages ago for several good legal reasons.

  32. luval says:

    Geez, the line up for this show on Sunday. I can’t take it anymore. Wake me up when it’s all over.

    Boy, talk about pulling the wool over our eyes with these so called singers. That was the absolute worse Katy Perry I have ever heard. Thanks nkd! Pink was ok and yup, loved her band too.

  33. Teri63 says:

    Someone please refresh my memory if it has been discussed.

    I don’t know whether or not it’s been discussed, but I read the award nominations on the EMA site today, and Adam’s name was not among any of them. Sadly, all the usual suspects are up for the awards.

  34. turquoisewaters says:

    …recalculating… as my husband’s GPS would say.
    “Adam performs with Queen” is quickly turning into “Adam is excited about his new jacket”. I do feel a bit like a fool for reading so much into the tweets, but that does not mean I am giving up hope. Just glad I did not make any grand announcements yet to anybody.

  35. nkd says:

    This better all be worth it Adam if I have to sit through all of these same acts again. 2 1/2 hours plus an hour of pre-show.

  36. Kradamour says:

    Here is the Martindale profile of the attorney who filed the suit against Adam:

  37. nkd says:

    Sooooo…is it too late to clear the slate and let go of our expectations so as not to be disappointed? Wink
    Adam is in the UK and will be attending the EMAs and more.
    Watch and trust it will be worth it.

  38. milwlovesadam says:

    I’m planning on letting my DVR do my work for me nkd. As usual. I’ll wait until the show is at least half way over, then skim for the appearance of BB. If not there yet, I delete the waste of saved space in DVR. And begin anew. Skimming through commercials and crappy appearances and speeches. Bieber-delete. Kanye-delete- Chris Brown-delete. I’ll keep Bruno if he shows up. And Gaga. Oh, and Adam!!

  39. milwlovesadam says:

    Is anyone else’s head spinning from this lawsuit business? I’m not a lawyer, but, this whole thing just reeks.

  40. Ceddies says:

    Okay, thanks Teri63. I had not seen that list. Well, so much for that. So alrighty then, I’m thru speculating. It will be what it will be. Guess we just gotta wait, huh? I’m game for the approximately 48 hour wait. Nite guys…

    Oh yeah, HKfan, I really, really like your new avi. Yours too asifclueless.

  41. Kradamour says:

    Notice how I am just posting about the legal issues? That I have not said anything for a while about Sunday? Totally ignoring that. I have moved on.
    I will lurk to the side in the event that something worthwhile comes up.
    Just gonna focus on the lawsuit for a while.
    Moved on.

  42. nkd says:

    Kradamour what does that profile show us? I see some names and a map. Is there something more?

  43. cwm says:

    Adam is in the UK and will be attending the EMAs and more.
    Watch and trust it will be worth it.

    I think that sounds like a great perspective, nkd. Smile

    “Adam performs with Queen” is quickly turning into “Adam is excited about his new jacket”.

    LOL It’s probably a good thing if this is where the fandom has set their expectations, turquoisewaters!

  44. nkd says:

    mils, what’s your secret to selectively delete? My dvr ain’t that smart, and I have a feeling we have the same set-up with u-verse. Wink

  45. ultimathule says:

    Agree, luval. Feeling deflated, but partly my own fault for getting hopes up with so little info.

  46. adamized says:

    Evening everyone. I think we all have a mindmeld going on. Over the past days I have been elated, worried, and at times skeptical that our fan expectations could ever equal whatever is about to happen. Funny, I even thought to myself..maybe BB is going to get engaged. Not sure why he would have to attend the EMA’s to do that unless he wanted to announce it on the Red Carpet.

    Yes, the lawsuit is getting stinkier and stinkier. Hope it get resolved quickly.

    Guess we just need to believe that things will be ok and go with the flow.

    Night everyone.

  47. cwm says:

    Even if valid, though, these are claims that should have been made ages ago for several good legal reasons.

    kradamour – does the delay of 2-3 years invalidate or weaken the claims in any way?

  48. luval says:

    kradamour…haha I noticed your “not posting” about Sunday. Good for you.

    For some reason, however, I cannot move on. I’m just a little bit angry. That may be a harsh word. Adam has to know what’s going on in twitter world and every other world about him supposedly singing with Queen. Why doesn’t he just address this in his own thoughtful way if it’s not true? It’s like a commercial. “watch this show and you may get something more”. “Watch this show so the sponsors will be happy”.

  49. Kradamour says:

    Kradamour what does that profile show us? I see some names and a map. Is there something more?

    That’s just it, nekkid. There isn’t anything. No client reviews, no peer reviews, nothing. He went to good schools back in the 70s, but apparently practices alone, not with a firm. Kind of an odd choice for a lawsuit against Adam, who has access to his label’s legal team (presumably). Can’t really find out much about him.
    He was once president of a company called Cdo Inc. back in 1988, defunct now. It’s all just odd.

  50. Kradamour says:

    cwm…without giving a legal treatise ( Smile ), here are the time frame issues.
    Generally, one has an obligation to mitigate one’s damages. Waiting so long to file the suit allowed the damages to increase exponentially.
    “He who seeks equity must do equity”. Kinda complicated…but there are two types of legal action: law and equity. Law is generally money damages. Equity is generally other stuff (injunctions, etc.). Here, at least part of the remedy is in the form of injunctive relief. Waiting so long, allowing the damages to increase, is in effect unfair/not behaving equitably.
    The statute of limitations for a written contract is going to be more than 2 – 3 years I believe. I don’t know the statue of limitations in California, but a written contract generally has a shelf life longer than that.
    Hope this helped. Smile

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