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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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Hi Krad, you got mail. The band had their heyday in the mid-70s. Freddy Mercury was 45 when he died of aides in 1991. His story is really quite interesting. His style and love for entertaining remind me a lot of someone else. Tragic that his life ended so early.
Thanks, adamized. So for me that would have been end college/early law school, my folk/medieval/renaissance period. Missed Queen entirely.
I guess they just do oldies now? Or are they still putting out new music? Never mind I’ll take my lazy self over to wikipedia and google! If Adam is going to sing Queen then I should know something about it. Bad fan here…
“Kradamour” and “bad fan” shouldn’t appear in the same sentence, paragraph or on the same page!
The one Queen song I hope isn’t even a passing consideration for Adam is “Crazy Little Thing Called Love”. Can’t imagine him doing that one.
Thought I heard a little rumor about Bowie maybe being at the EMA’s…
I would die to have Adam and Bowie sing “Under Pressure”.
By the way, are the EMA’s going to be streaming on the internet anywhere? I don’t get cable TV, and I’m dying to see whatever Adam does.
Ron, that is so sweet of you to say! I feel better now that I haven’t already educated myself on Queen. I promise that I will before Sunday!
And I’ll join you, Reese, in hope of a stream. No cable here. No TV here, for that matter. I’ll be amazed though if a stream doesn’t show up. Heck, I’d almost settle for a ricky underwater cellcast, if that is all we can get!
But I am hoping for much more!
I just got this off of twitter. Possible streams for the EMAs.
MTV EMAs RT @AhhhAdam 4 possible streams: 1) watchema.com 2) viva.tv/shows/2011_mtv… 3) mtvema.ca 4) myworldwebcams.com/events/mtv_ema…
I agree Ron about Adam not singing Crazy Little Thing Called Love. It would not be the best fit, but I love that song!
And of course Kradamour you didn’t get into Queen back in the day, you were busy being productive! Meanwhile they played constantly in my 8 track player in my Super Beetle! I was in high school when I got my first Queen tape “News of the World”.
I can’t even pick a favorite Q song, there are so many great ones. These are the Days of Our Lives is one that always makes me weepy. It’s beautiful.
But I have to say that I think Bohemian Rhapsody is one of the most brilliant rock songs ever!
Brian May said in an interview that Gaga will be performing with them for the tribute.
But that doesn’t mean Adam won’t be part of it too. Why so secretive? IDGI
What are we to make of these?
So, maybe Adam will perform with David Guetta? He hasn’t revealed who his guests will be.
I’m totally in love with this image, nekkid!
I know, why all the secrets? So GAGA is performing with Queen. So why cant they and Adam just say Adam is unless it is such an awsome performance, they want to surprise everyone. Kinda like they did on the AI Final. Adam just wouldnt be so secretive unless it is Epic.
I love Adam to death.
I understand that he is excited and wants to surprise us.
Too much hoopla and fanfare and secrecy too far in advance.
It has raised the bar to a ridiculous height.
Gotta trust that our boy can still leap over it.
But not comfortable with the risk.
(And frankly, I am getting tired.
Please imagine it as the skinny 17 yr old I once was!
I can’t understand the secrecy either. It just doesn’t make sense. All of these other “big” names have been announced but still nothing about Adam. As much as we revolve around him, I’m not sure he’s big enough outside of our fandom bubble to rate surprise level at an awards show. Not yet anyway!
But the image of him strutting out as Queen plays and letting that big voice take over the building just thrills me beyond words!
I’m with you all who are perplexed by the secrecy of Adam’s appearance at the EMA’s. It just makes no sense. I’d be willing to say he’s not performing with Queen. Gaga would have warranted more of a “surprise” than Adam would at this point in his career, so if her singing with them isn’t being held in secrecy, it seems safe to say they wouldn’t be hush-hush about Adam. Whatever it is, though, the EMA’s are also perpetuating by retweeting Adam’s taunting tweets. My only speculations are that maybe he’s presenting the award to Queen (although that really doesn’t seem likely, as they’ve worked with a trillion people over the years, so I’d think they’d get someone with whom they have been close to do that honor)or that he’s a part of a surprise act, like maybe a medley of Queen songs as part of the overall tribute. It’s also just possible that he’s majorly excited about something we won’t be as pumped about, like simply being a presenter. I mean, we want him to be up there showing the world what he can do, but he might be thrilled just to be asked to participate in any way. But then I go back and think they’d just have put him in the list of presenters if that’s what he was going to be doing, and to the opinion his management wouldn’t fly his butt all the way to London and then Ireland just to present an award. Also, would his friend wish him well with his “adventures,” followed by a “shhhhhh” for presenting an award, considering he’s done that before? I keep going back and forth and am sooo glad I’ll be really much too busy tomorrow to think about it because it’s frankly driving me a tad nutty!
I am skerd that anticipation and excitement may not match actual performance. Or that actual performance will be really nothing, like singing one line with horde of other performers.
That’s why I’m not saying anything on MJ’s. Better be safe than sorry..
Hear hear!
Just the thought…if he knew that he’ll be presented to the world, would he shave his hair like this??
I have thought this, too, Teri63.
(Oksana, he totally would.)
I’m with Teri63 and Oksana on this one, once I heard about Gaga performing I revised my expectations downward to pretty much nothing. Teri is right, it makes no sense at all to announce Gaga who is a much bigger current artist than Adam, but hold Adam back as a surprise.
My guess is that it will either be a “performance” as part of a large group where he sings a line or two in “We Are the World” style, or a standard award presentation (not the one being given to Queen). Either way, meh. If that’s the case, we’ll have to say that Adam did not handle this well in overselling the buildup with his mysterious tweets.
I hope that I’m wrong, but given what we know right now, the major performance or major presentation scenarios just don’t make sense.
It’s possible that Adam and his management felt that they had to do this regardless of how minor an appearance it would be, in order to avoid the leaked “Adam snubs Queen” story that would inevitably appear otherwise. It’s also possible that Adam is STILL RECORDING THE FRIGGIN’ ALBUM and will be working with some London-based producer, so he has another reason to fly over there anyway.
Like what????
I can hardly believe that his possible performance would be kept as such big secret. Doesn’t make sense. It’s not like Elvis coming out from hiding and anouncing “I’m alive”!!
Eywflyer, Adam didn’t oversell anything. His fans did the job.
Oksana, Adam had to know that his core fans are starved for new material/performances and would immediately jump all over mysterious/tantalizing tweets. Especially when known Adam-adjacents are chiming in too. If this trip is for something relatively minor, it would have been better for him either to say exactly what the deal was right up front, or at the least tweet clarification when it became clear that the fans were running wild with this. We know how closely Adam watches things on Twitter, he had to know pretty quickly what was happening.
LOL! IKR?! I’m just so completely baffled by this one. And wouldn’t you know this is the damn weekend when we gain an hour on the clock? I usually love this time change, but I don’t want to have to endure any extra time on Sunday!
He knew, for sure, because it was after he started getting bombarded with fan tweets that he posted the “Question, questions…” tweet, going on to tell us to trust that it would be worth tuning in for. I have no doubt that whatever he’s doing is huge in his mind. It’s just that we want so badly for him to be heard and loved by the rest of the world as much as we do that our dreams for him sometimes exceed realism.
eywflyer, I don’t know what to think anymore. I know that he likes to push buttons, but this is the one button he shouldn’t push. He is not his brother Neil after all.Neil likes to make fun of crazy Glamberts.
Would he fly to London for one recording session? I doubt.If it’s really nothing, what would people who purchased that spanish channel just to watch Adam, think?
On the other hand when I see bidding on EBay for Advocate magazine I begin to believe that fans “would do anything for love”.
True, true. I have seen it too many times already.
I think that Teri63 hit the nail on the head. In Adam’s mind being just part of the tribute is a big thing. For fans nothing short of singing Freddie part with Queen would be satisfactory.
No wonder they call us delusional.
This Post Ho is going to the kitchen to make chicken soup…
I definitely think Adam fans tend to be overly optimistic at times, and, yes, some of them are scarily delusional, but this time I don’t think the dream was outside the realm of possibility. I mean, Adam has already performed with Queen and both remaining members have praised his talents and expressed a desire to work with him at some time. Gaga being announced as the performer at the EMAs was really disappointing, but really not so surprising since she’s the much bigger international star. I’m just resetting my expectations here — trying to think like Adam must be right now that it’s just really, truly an honor to be asked to do ANYTHING considering how hard he worked to break into the mainstream and how there are many, many well-known artists out there not being whisked off to Europe this weekend to take part in the awards show. Despite being disappointed that he’s not singing with Queen again, I’m really encouraged that he seems to be gaining a lot of respect and has maintained visibility in the business.
I really don’t think that Gaga singing with Queen eliminates Adam singing with them. As a tribute it will probably be several of their songs with multiple performers. I guess we’ll just have to wait.
I wish we could get a copy of or audio from Brian May’s interview. He could have been asked about Gaga and just confirmed that she will perform with them, and didn’t elaborate on any others.
Yes, nkd, it would be interesting to hear the Brian May interview to hear the context in which he announced that Gaga would be joining them on stage. Sunday just won’t come soon enough!
I don’t want to hear gaga performing with Queen. I want a guy to sing a Freddie song and there’s only one that could do it justice.
eta: I agree with nkd that tributes usually have several singers covering the songs so I don’t think Adam is eliminated. So I’m changing my tune for just a minute to say that they will end with We Are the Champions with Adam singing lead. I’ll be Debbie Downer soon enough, though.
I don’t want to hear gaga performing with Queen. I want a guy to sing a Freddie song and there’s only one that could do it justice.
sorry for the blockquote fail. Thought I had it somewhat downpat. Guess not.
Gaga with Queen? The gal can sing, but as a replacement for Freddie? That’s nuts. Like her music, got lots of it, but can’t stand watching the woman.
I have no clue as to what’s going on either – maybe he’s going to sing one of Freddie’s unpublished songs – didn’t they say there were a couple.
If it’s not a biggie, at least the brouhaha is pretty much confined to Adam’s fans and not hyped to a larger audience. But that is problematic in another way.
Pass the xanax – with a beer chaser.
What did I tell ya about Neil? Lookie, lookie ..
Ok, I got it…Gaga will sing Radio Gaga with Queen because she’s, ya know…Gaga.
Just listen to the first song…the presence, the voice…pretend it’s Adam at Wembley….
I could seriously dislike Neil. Jerk.
But guys, I am thinking about something, going to check, BRB
Nevermind, it was an idea, but didnt pan out.
Is Brian may on twitter? The Glamberts just might send him a tweet or two.
I had another thought. Maybe they’ve been rehearsing with Gaga for a bit. Adam just arrived yesterday, right? So they are still tweaking the show with how and where Adam will fit in is still being worked out. When was the Brian May interview? The show has to be at least 2-3 hrs, the tribute just a minor part.
And what about Bieber? Is he going to sing with Queen? Yikes.
Krad, you are exaggerating with these thousand tweets to Brian. Methinks no more than 800 to 900…
Bieber, the artist of the Century. Compares himself to Beatles. Yeah, right..
Oksana…youthinks very conservatively.
So I read this morning that a paternity suit has been filed against the Biebs. Guess we shouldn’t call him the fetus any longer…
The alleged mother is 20, btw.
At least this paternity suit proves that he is not gay. Not that it matters, but speculations, speculations…