- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
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- AL’s Games
You are talking about Holy Grail, kiddo… *sigh*
dcglam, don’t say that, can you imagine how many medges, McQueen shirts, Garet Pugh coats and Galiano suits our Brussel Sprout could buy with 150K?
Kidding, kidding!!!
I think that if you are sued it means you made it. Who would sue a pauper??
Chuckle. Actually, I thought something along the same lines when I saw that Adam was being sued as a sole defendant. Usually when you file a lawsuit you add as many “pockets” as you can, hoping to include at least one deep one.
There’s a thread dedicated to the lawsuit at MJ’s. Many lawyers chiming in. I agree. I think it has no merit. They are just stomping their feet like petulant two year olds, in response to Adam’s team squashing the sale of the bastard CD on Amazon.
{{Whining}} But I wanna sell my fake bastard Cd and make money off of Adam’s name without his permission…..
Adam should copy-rite his name, if he hasn’t already. The only infringement I see is a**holes trying to make a buck off our BB.
So true, my dear, so true!
So much publicity just in time for Adam’s single release. Last time we had the AMAs. I’d rather have this…..
Did somebody ask for a list?
Things that excite
usme lately:1) The photo uptop the thread. The way it pops up when I open my bookmarked page here, and then have to scroll down screen, slowly and lovingly exposing each part of the very long, um, picture, yes, that’s it. The long picture. All of it. And that smirk. E—gadz.
2) It’s November.
3) Eber teasing us. Love the tweet. Like Young Frankenstein
“Where Wolf?” Adam was a werewolf for Hallowpeen. So, He answered “London.” He’s there. Oh. The possibilities. The clubs. The rehearsals. Bowie. George Michael.
Boy George. Bowie. Please Bowie.4) Neil teasing us. Next Friday will be even more awesome.
Doesn’t Neil know how combustible us Glambots are? Seriously. He saw hordes of us in action last year. He should know better. It’s just so…Neil.
5) EMTV. In my DVR on two stations.
6) Adam Lambert showing up when I search U-Verse. Love that.
7) Let the speculation begin. I’m going with long tall, high hair, dressed in all black, medges with zippers, shorter shirt to allow, well, here’s a term we haven’t used much lately, the GB reign in all it’s glory. Stayed mainly hidden in Canada. Maybe zebra pants to be showy in Europe. I predict no glitter or spikes or gloves. Sauli on the sidelines. Maybe a dancer or two. Monte and TJR???? Maybe. I hope both of them. Maybe Slash. Maybe a new tat.
8 ) The squeeee factor. So f**cking awesome.
9) Hearing tidbits of Adam music on XFactor. Love that. I just have a hunch he’ll be performing there.
10) Home planet. Killllls me. It is such a dork haven. They love everything I love. From musicals to Star Trek to Tim and Eric. Now, if only they would love Epic Meal Time…( my gross out and until now, private thing I just can’t stop watching, Canadian dudes making disgusting “feasts with a theme” each week. Teen boys and college guys loooooerve this. And, since that’s who I hang out with a lot, I get to share the grossness of it)
I’m seeing him in a beautiful sheer loose white shirt – tucked in tight black pants – silver belt – soft black leather heeled boots. Silver nail polish.
Loved your post milwlovesadam…Always do. I love Adam’s smirk so much.
Look what I found on my local radio website.
Was that Tokyo during promo tour?
I think that was Japan during the promo tour. Just after OZ, wearing the special pants from that DJ. Ha. If you can call those “pants.”
Why do I know this?
“””I’m seeing him in a beautiful sheer loose white shirt – tucked in tight black pants – silver belt – soft black leather heeled boots. Silver nail polish.”””
This^. Yummy…
Thanks for the list mils. Great as always!
I don’t know what to say about the lawsuit. Scumbags!
Adam singing anything Queen! Wouldn’t it just be the ultimate if he were THE singer for the tribute? I really think that it will be shared among many, but just imagine!
Why do we all?!!!
No one mentioned that the furry collared shirt that Sauli wore for Halloween was the one from Fantasy Springs with the sheer drapey sleeves. Why do we know that?
I love ultimathule’s description for attire for the EMAs!
Just no little tight Freddie shorts!
We all see these things, then just move on. Sometimes, I see them, then think to myself, that I’m not going to post them, being too lost in the details. IMHO. But, hey, who am I kidding? I have to admit, I get a little private “thrill” when I spot a detail like that one!
Hey, where on the XFactor was Taylor? Which night? At what point in the show? Need to go check it out.
I just watched XFactor and it was during the guest performance number. The guy with the Pepsi song. About halfway or so maybe. Tonight’s show.
Thanks. GTG. Then to bed. Sweet Dreams.
Good night mils!
Love, love this Queen song. It will suit Adam so well. His vocals, moves and commands of the audience are matched in heaven.
Queen-I Want to Break Free (Live at Wembley)
Just found this New Orleans Voodoo edit from lambosessed: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=kZilezP5P10
asif: I love “I want to break free”, too. (And I own the DVD of this concert.) It seems to express so much. Here is the sensational-hilarious-touching music video for it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRdo7WXTVoM&ob=av2e
Somehow they don’t make music videos like this any more. Freddy and his band members had guts!
asif, how did I get from your Queen vid, then to Queen singing Bo Rap, to Adam’s audition, to this?
But gee, it’s fun!
I think Adam will be great on any Queen song that he sings, but I keep going back to Bohemian Rhapsody. He could absolutely bring the house down with this. Oh what dreams, might they come true?
Hopefully I should now have an avatar….
yeah it worked…incase any one was wondering, its a Bauhinia flower, the national flower of Hong Kong.
turquoisewaters, I remember that video, I love it! There are many great Queen songs, it’s been fun revisiting so many of them the past couple of days.
That’s beautiful HK fan! I love it!
Thanks nkd. My 17 year old is home sick, so I roped him in to help me, although had to ignore the eye rolling!! I’d tried a few months ago but couldn’t work it out. Thank good ness for teenagers..
Gotta love the tech support HK fan, but it comes with eyerolls!
Wow, I love that Voodoo vid! It makes me excited for what Adam and Sam came up with this time!
turquoisewaters, Thanks for the NO Voodoo. Lambosessed did an amazing job. I subscribed to her chanel. She is the master of editing and improving.
I’ll check out your sensational-hilarious-touching music video one
HK fan, your Bauhinia is gorgeous.
nkd,I’ll check out your vid too.
My internet is wonky and very slow right now.
Oh asif, my vid is the Rude Boy montage. It was just funny that I got there in three clicks!
I do love that vid though!
Well after listening to several of the Top 10, 20, or 50 Queen samples, I have to say that I was wrong. There are a few that I’m not particularly fond of–just like everyone else’s offerings. Except Adam’s, of course. So far, I like them all.
Just a fun poll to keep you busy.
Which Queen song do you MOST want Adam Lambert to sing on Sunday at the EMAs?
Another One Bites the Dust
Bicycle Race
Bohemian Rhapsody
Crazy Little Thing Called Love
Fat Bottomed Girls
I Want It All
I Want to Break Free
I Was Born to Love You
Killer Queen
Love of My Life
Somebody to Love
The Show Must Go On
These Are the Days of Our Lives
Under Pressure
We Are the Champions
We Will Rock you
Who Wants to Live Forever
You’re My Best Friend
Thanks, asif, for this poll. My two that I mentioned that I would like him to sing (The Show Must Go On and Who Wants To Live Forever) come in at third and fourth most wanted in the poll. Yay!
milwlovesadam, ..as always, love, love, love your LIST. Thanks!!!
turquoisewaters, hilarious music video of “I WANT TO BREAK FREE”
I completely forgot about it. Yes, I had seen it before, a while back. Good to watch it again..and..again. Funny.. Thanks!!!
nkd, Rude Boy montage is funny. kcinkcity did a lot of funny and sexy Adam videos. Thanks!!!
Ceddies, Pleasure, Treasure!!!
YAY .. \O/… You spot on.
I’ll go and check my choices.
Haven’t really got much to say, apart from that that Welsford guy is a real lowlife, and I’m very excited but nervous about sunday…
Just wanted to see lots of my flowers on here..the novelty of having an avatar hasn’t worn off yet!!
I had immersed myself in Queen songs listening to each one imagining Adam singing it. Then the reality hit that Brian May might have(I believe it) asked him personally to be part of this tribute, and what a huge honor that must be for Adam, then Bohemian Rhapsody came on. “Is this the real life, is this just fantasy”, I now find myself in a puddle of tears, as if this were my own son realizing a bigger part of his dream. Maybe beyond what he could have imagined. OMG, what if Bowie is there? Gosh oh gee, I do hope this is happening! I’m such a proud momma! Just so damn proud of our BB. He puts such good kharma out into the world, he deserves some back.
With that, good night y’all!
adamized and luval will be up shortly! LOL
Ok-could some kind 29 year old please tell me how to get an avatar! I am feeling left out about now without one! For so long I didn’t even know what everyone was talking about-only heard of the movie!! Thanks XO
Hope these links will help fans overseas get to watch EMA either online or livestream.
Is it Sunday yet?
Looked back in and see help is needed!
cocoglam, look at the right hand side menu on the site under Important Info. There is the link to gravatar.com. You need to sign up there. Use your same email that you use for this site, make a username and password, then you need to upload a picture. It lets you crop it to fit and all before you save it. Good luck!
I know! This worse than waiting for your birthday when your a kid! And we get surprises too!
Now goodnight!
I Want to Break Free
The song is largely known for its music video for which all the band members dressed in women’s clothes, a concept proposed by Roger Taylor, which parodied the long-running British soap opera Coronation Street. Mercury also wore women’s outfits in many live performances of the song. The second part of the video included a composition rehearsed and performed with the Royal Ballet and choreographed by Wayne Eagling. Whereas the parody was acclaimed in the UK, it was considered controversial in the US and banned by MTV and other stations.
Queen and Axl Rose perform ‘We Will Rock You’ live.
Taken from ‘The Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert’. 2009
Axl Rose had his signature dance moves.
Good morning! Haha nkd you knew I’d be up early with Adamized to follow! Heard WWFM on my way to work. What a great way to start the day. Talking about Queen songs I love These AreThe Days of Our Life. I believe Freddie wrote it knowing he didn’t have much time left in this life. And to think today with medication he (and others) could have lived a relatively long and normal life with his disease.
Friends have asked me had I known far enough about Adam singing in Ireland, would I have gone. Of course! If I could have gotten a ticket.
Yes I did, and you so graciously complied! Beautiful.
A few friends of mine have already assumed I won’t be in town this weekend. I wonder why they think that?
Is the broomstick still available Ron? I’m so excited for Sunday! Added the Spanish Mas package to my directtv last night and the customer service rep said I was the third person who had requested it from her since her shift started.
Cost $7.99 more per month and have to figure out what to tell the hubby to justify me getting several Spanish language stations
but don’t speak Spanish. I kinda spun a story already and he looked skeptical, but didn’t say anything. Unfortunately the channel is a bit fuzzy and a technician is coming out Saturday between noon and 4pmEst to fix it but I have to be at work!! Hope he calls my cell on the way there so my hubby can go home quickly to meet him. Live about 2 miles away from work. Aww. The things we ADAM LAMBERT fans do for our bb!!
Morning Peeps! Cher, hope your channel comes in nice and clear. I haven’t been able to test my cable yet since I had company last night and my son insists on sleeping on the couch in the family room though there are three perfectly good beds upstairs.
I just watched the I Want to Break Free video and absolutely loved it. I think I will spend some time today (off from work) and view more Queen stuff. Really am unfamiliar with the videos. How create and forward thinking they were.
nkd, you captured my feelings perfectly regarding the pride and happiness I feel for Adam.
Kradamour thank you for your words of wisdom and calm. I agree that this is a small anoyance in the scheme of things and if anything will make it even more clear to the general public that BFM is not Adam’s new album.
HKfan– love your avi!
Good morning, peeps!
HKFan, LOVE your avi! It goes really well with the avi of my rapsista asif, makes the page beautiful.
Dunno, adamized, I doubt that the general public will even know anything about the lawsuit. It’s hardly page one news. But the fringe fandom will probably know about the suit and that BFM is the bastard album, and it’s all good!
I’ve enjoyed reading about all these Queen songs I never heard of! I know Bohemian Rhapsody, but that’s all. I did hear about Queen when I was younger, but I didn’t know who their lead singer was or anything else much about them. What years were they popular?
ETA: “Fat Bottomed Girls”?!?!?!?