- Velvet
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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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- AL’s Games
Sasha’s close call accident and Adam’s twitter party from AQD.
(In case, for international fans and non-twitters.)
Love that vid, asif. Downloaded already. Just two beautiful boys.
Snagged an Alexandra Burke CD from Amazon (coming from the UK) – eight bucks plus shipping – can listen to her other
tracks there, too. Some good stuff.
Well, I laughed when I saw Sutan’s tweet, they all have done this from time to time. I don’t think he’s all that “dark” either. Sorry. I loved getting to know him, as much as we ever could, on Ru Paul. I found him to be honest and somewhat cynical, sometimes snarky, but, I liked what I saw. I still stand by the concept that Adam and his friends are a package deal.
As far as interpreting who is in the band still? All we know is that TJR is still in. Monte is probably out. No word yet on Cam or Isaac, as far as I know ( or anybody else).
As far as dancers? Who knows anything? Sasha and Brooke could still be in. Terrance is Adam’s Boo. I’m going with him still on Adam’s tour.
As far as a duet. I still like Gaga. I still like the idea of the sequel to her and Beyonce’s videos having Adam in it. But, I love Jessie J. I discovered her on SNL, and instantly thought of Adam. And, she is so talented, with a great voice. I think she has written many songs for top 40 lately and has only been performing more recently.
ultimathule, I did the same re Alexandra’s CD. Went and watched her vids from XFactor…what a beautiful young woman, inside and out. Loved her audition vid.
“Broken Heels” is my ringtone now…
So why isn’t she released here??? I can’t get that song out of my head…!
I’ll be glad to see TJR on tour again. Wonder if there will even be dancers this time? A lot of acts perform without dancers, and Adam was even criticized for having them for GN. Guess it depends on the vibe of the album, but I don’t see dancers as essential to a tour. Just a thought. (and guys, we never actually saw them, anyway!
Per Rolling Stone, and the listeners in the UK, and Adam himself, the new album has a lof of funk, electronic, maybe dubstep and uptempo music, music Adam wants his fans to dance and have fun with. So I’m betting there will be dancers on the tour. Hoping for backup singers, at least a couple, and the band of course. But for this type of music, he may need different musicians – or not – who knows? Don’t think we’ll be seeing Monte, though. It all will depend on budget. Should be fun!
If TJR’s not there, I won’t miss him. I’ve seen too much of his idiot followers on Twitter, and he doesn’t seem to make a very big effort to quash them. They are extremely nasty to Adam and Sauli – Sauli especially being the most innocent party in all this.
mils The problem (at this point in time) with a Gaga collab is that she’s the big kahuna and there’s a chance he would defer to her. She’s the type to take over the joint anyhow. IMO would be better for him to make his collab with someone exciting and at his level of fame. They could make it together without anyone thinking Adam’s glomming onto Gaga to make it. JMHO
And, for pete’s sake, hope he fixes the darn sound issues next tour. Even with Queen he was grabbing onto his ears too much – and pretty sure he made a pumping sign to side of the stage mid-song.
Read somewhere (Moscow?) that these sound problems are the one thing that can elicit rather colorful language and that he hired Beyonce’s sound man and paid him big bucks.
And, it is disconcerting – showed the TSMGO vid to my daughter and she mentioned it as noticeable.
Be interesting to have someone knowledgeable about sound issues and feedback speak to it.
Thanks, Kradamour, for Burke’s audition vid – that was just great – a classy gal. Looking forward to my CD!
The fandom is being rather creative while waiting for music. Some of our favorite looks!
And then there’s this!
That outfit – lol! Everything we hate in one pic.
Speaking of Adam’s new hat, a couple of new pics of Adam and Sauli from the Rolling Stone AMA afterparty have popped up, here:
And this is fun and very sweet – the finale of Big Brother Finland when Sauli found out that he had won. What a sweetheart he is. And he seems so young here!
Just saw this rather hot picture on twitter. Its old but I hadn’t seen it before.
11/28/10 – the Glam Nation Tour continues down the home stretch, performing under the world’s largest rotating disco ball at the sold out ABC in Glasgow UK:
Remember to get your Top 16 votes in by Wednesday!
Loved that weird “worst of” Adam photoshop!!! Too bad that one photo couldn’t show both the hat and the fail haircut…
Glad you are liking Alexandra Burke, ultimathule.
Hadn’t seen the BB finale with Sauli. Thanks, cwm for the treats!
ETA: 50K euros isn’t that much as his prize. I am assuming that he also had endorsements, etc.?
New demo snippet has popped up! Adam singing new music!
Don’t know whether this made the album or not, but I just love hearing Adam’s voice again on a new song!
“Get Over It”
I love the sass in his voice for “get over it” and the breakdown during that section is cool. Again, don’t know if this is from before or after his change in artistic direction and whether or not it made the album, but it’s fun to hear it and speculate!
It’s what we do best!
Thanks cwm.
And here is youtube version.
Well it’s certainly pop which is what Adam is going for. Kinda Bon Jovi’ish a little to me. Don’t love it but I like it.
My feeling is is that this may have been a demo before he changed the direction of the album. No funk or dance in this one and his voice is not a highlight.
Exactly, luval. I was disappointed, BUT it’s just a demo and who knows of what, so I am not stressing. We have heard so many tweets and comments that say the new album is awesome.
A demo is just a demo. No worries.
Don’t love this snippet either – not near as much as the horribly produced demo of BTIKM (horrible production, great tune!).
It’s just a demo. I’m guessing that it is from before the change in direction and probably won’t even be on the album, since it was found on the Sony website. (I think Sony would not post demos of the songs that made the album on their website.) And if it is on the album, I’m guessing that it will sound quite a bit different than this, given the sound that Adam has described. But I still like it!
I just love hearing his voice!
cwm, I didn’t mean to sound unappreciative! Thanks so much for sharing that demo – I agree than any music with Adam’s voice should be considered a treat!
Have you’ll seen that incredible large head shot of Adam in that black Italian hat? On WhoSay and AQD. The eyes – unbelievable.
I sort of doubt that song is on the album. It’s on a list of BC Jean songs put out by Steve Gray as far back as early August, together with OOL and two others. Someone just went and found the demo. But would Adam put two songs by the same writers on the album? Doesn’t sound like his MO…
It’s just a demo. I’m guessing that it is from before the change in direction and probably won’t even be on the album, since it was found on the Sony website.
I agree but you piqued my curiosity so I went looking and found the website - www.sonyatv.com
It seems that the song was written by Adam, Rune Westberg and Zac Maloy. Rune wrote OOL with Adam and BC Jean. Zac Maloy has written songs with/for David Cook, Daughtry and Carrie Underwood - http://zacmaloymusic.com/#homeContent.
I don’t see Zac Maloy’s name for that song on the search list done by Steve Gray……Instead, there are 3 other songs done by Adam with Rune and BC Jean, so I kind of think this is the fourth one per the search results.
So a different site and BC Jean is a co-writer – hmmmm. Who knows which one is right?
Not sure where Steve Gray found his info.* 

Not going to lose sleep over that though!
*ETA found it – http://www.harryfox.com – you can do a public search for songs registered on that site.
Hey everyone!
How are you all tonight?! Hope everyone had a nice holiday. And what a weekend. Adam Twitter Party!!!
Ceddies, I was reading the earlier posts, so sorry to hear about your mom
My condolences go out to you and your family
So how has everyone been? It’s been awhile since I’ve been on here!
No worries TexasWannaHoldEm! I didn’t think you were being unappreciative! Sorry if my post implied that!
Here’s a very nice picture of Adam with Lt. Dan Choi at the OUT100 event:
(You guys probably already know this, but Choi is a prominent, well-respected, gay military man who was discharged due to Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, and then led the fight against DADT.)
I loved the snippet….maybe I am easily pleased but I wanted to hear even more…It stopped too soon for me.
That demo is very “overdone” as we have complained about so much in the past. I’m hoping that it will be quite different if it actually appears on the album. He did say in several interviews that he has learned to put his vocal out front.
Time will tell.
Hi glamberthaf28! I just wanna say that I think it’s very sweet how you always say hi and ask how everyone is doing when you post! I’ve got an awesome Rolling Stone article, a snippet of a demo, and more praise and excitement for Adam’s album2 keeping me company. So I’m doing great, thank you! And you??
So we haven’t seen Adam for about a week. Wonder what his hair is doing now? Me shallow.
luval, it could be corn-rowed by now for all we know.
What I do know is that I searched Adam’s name today on my Uverse, and it came up. Yay. For On The Line. Dec. 9th.
I have a feeling that EW and RS is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. I think it will be a Glam Tsunami of media.
ETA. My RS came today. I just love it when Adam’s in my mailbox. ( Clearing throat )
Hi cwm. I’m doing great. Going tomorrow to get the new RS for the Adam article. Just got the 2009 Rolling Stone with Adam on the cover in the mail that I got from Ebay. Can’t wait for the new single and album!!! Even moreso looking forward to the new tour!! Hoping that there might be more meet n’ greets available this time around, because my mom and I both want to try to get them. *keeping my fingers crossed*
ENCORE! Deleted on YT but preserved on Photobucket by @GaleChester EMA Video w Xtra Footage by joaofgduarte ADAM LAMBERT Queen 11-6-11
Extra footage with entrance and bow at the end! 2011 MTV EMA Adam Lambert + Queen video shot from the audience! Watch as Adam & Queen bow at end!!! ADAM LAMBERT & Queen performing ‘The Show Must Go On’, ‘We Will Rock You’ and ‘We Are The Champions’ at the EMAs on 11-6-11 in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Original YouTube by joaofgduarte. RIP by @devenlane.
@ms0712..Thank you so much!!!
Thanks to @mmyy9 today’s @LiamMcEwan’s Adam Lambert Hour is on SoundCloud for your listening pleasure: Via The Flea FM, November 27, 2011. Complete with playlist
Liam McEwan’s Adam Lambert Hour on the Flea FM (New Zealand)
November 27, 2011
@loveroftalent You’re welcome. I found it here:
Just did my poll. Kinda surprised myself with my answers.
Thanks ms0712. Very nice video.
I’m going to save that one hour intensive for another day when I have time.
Just got off the phone with luval and I asked her about a recent interview with Adam. She doesn’t remember seeing this particular YouTube clip where I was sure, (did I dream this?) Adam stated, “It’s great. My mother and I are talking again and, actually, she’s working for me now and helping me a bit so everything’s great”. I’m paraphrasing.
Can’t believe Adam was never not talking to his mother so maybe I really have gone off the deep end.
Or, does anyone remember this interview and Adam saying words to that effect?
Ron (and luval) – I just saw that clip too. That’s a really old interview, from late 2009 or early 2010, where he was talking about how he had hired his mom to help him manage stuff. I don’t think there was anything in there about talking to his mother “again,” as though they had ever stopped talking. The emphasis was on how pleased he was that his mom was in closer proximity and working with him, so he was able to stay in touch with her so much better.
Hi cwm!
Thank you! I really thought it was a recent interview. Thought the hair was currently the way he wears it so I guess I was wrong about that too.
Thanks for clearing it up!! Can’t imagine Adam and Leila not being close.
Ron – I just assumed we were talking about the same interview!
Here’s the one I was talking about…
It’s from his Early Show appearance in Nov 2009 (around Thanksgiving), right after his album release. He was wearing his hair in that gorgeous Elvis do.
He says “And actually speaking of my mother, she’s working with me now…” (the interviewer had made previous reference to Leila being there). No worries about Adam and Leila – I think you misheard what he said!!
With an affectionate nod to Kradamour … OFHS’s, Ron!!
That’s the interview cwm I was referring to and the date is clearly shown! TWO years ago.
Let me somehow try to make this blunder relevent.
There are TWO days to go until the Grammy nominations. There!
Hi Ron and luval How have you guys been? I remember that interview. AQD had that up on their Thanksgiving day post!
LOL Ron! It’s all good.
Fingers and toes crossed for Grammy noms!
(waves to Ron) – chuckle!
I’m sort of lurking these days, life is nuts.
Where is Oksana, btw? I miss her.
Ron, I don’t remember that interview. Last time I remember seeing Adam and Leila together was when they accepted their awards at the PFLAF banquet… Where’s nkd when we need her?!
Hi Glambertha! I’m doing great – thanks for asking!
Hi TexasWannaHoldEm!! Alway so nice to see you!
Courtesy of cwm: