- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Cher. How did your midnight trip go? We got ours done in 4 hours. Have a few places to go later today. Then almost all my holiday shopping will be done. Now I’m off for a couple hours sleep.
I have voted for Top 16.
Can’t wait to see which songs make to the top 16, and how many I’ve got right.
Plus December will make it get closer to Adam’s new single..you know me BETTER THAN I KNOW MYSELF.
Ceddies So very sorry to hear about the loss of your mom. She was loved and will be missed. The memories will live on. You were a wonderful and caring daughter. Glad you are with family both there and here.
Happy Black Friday! That’s where you all must be..at the Black Friday sales. As for me, I’m working!!!
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!
Twilightmagic8 Nice to see you posting. Don’t be a stranger. There’s room for all to share.
Adam Lambert Gives Thanks Backstage (11/25/09)
Adam Lambert Rocks The Early Show (11/25/09)
Greatest Queen + Collaboration Poll:
How am I supposed to vote, when you cant even view Adams video?
He sure is running away with the poll.
I voted on my Top 16, grrrr, was almost done and lost the whole thing, did it a second time, and got to the end and prayed I didnt loose it again. It was hard after the Top Five or Six, then I didnt want to loose some. I cant wait to see the results altho I have a feeling the Top 3 atleast will match mine.
Hi Everyone, I am definitely not shopping. We just crossed the state line from FL to GA in a caravan of two 27 foot Haul trailers headed to our new house (new/old) in Duluth. We packed our house in a week! And see how I am passing the time? Truly over invested and loving it!
Pennyroyal is having a black weekend sale with free shipping:
Did all my Black Friday shopping online at midnight then went to bed and slept in. Cool.
As much as I like some of the other singers in the poll, their voices just don’t blend with Queen songs/performance style. You just don’t hear the power and enthusiasm in those collaborations. Adam’s stands out way above any of the other’s presented. I agree with one poster that the David Bowie/Freddie Mercury duet didn’t belong on the list–love the song and both of the artists. But Adam even outshines his own idols with that EMA performance.
I’m really struck by the facial expressions of Brian May. In some of the videos, he seems like he’s just playing the songs and that’s it. In the EMA performance, he’s on fire, playing well and enjoying himself. Roger too. I think their performances were enhanced by Adam’s. They were working with someone who brought out their best.
Hi everyone. Hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving and a nice Friday.
I’m anxious to see the results of the poll too although I don’t think many of my choices will appear. We’ll see!
Gosh Adam and Brian May. The many many many times I viewed that video, that was the top thing I noticed! Brian looking at Adam with all sorts of love and admiration. I so wish we will hear them again. Super Bowl, Olympics, Wembley, mini tour, street corner… anything and everything!!!
I went and listened to Queen + Paul Rogers, Queen + George Michael, and Queen. Only Freddie and Adam seem to have real passion in their singing – passion for what they are saying, as well as passion for the music. I think that makes a huge difference. I was always a kind of Queen fan, but the more I listen to Freddie, the more I appreciate what an incredible musician he was: pianist, songwriter, singer, actor…genius. Here’s hoping Adam’s star follows a similar trajectory.
Hi everyone, Ceddies, my sincerest condolences to you and yours in the loss of your beloved mother.
Had another “Adam” moment today. I met somebody who told me that his birthday was January 29th. I said to him, oh, so you’re an Aquarius? Are you creative, artistic, like to be in charge, giving and funny? He said, well, yeah. He asked me if I knew all the Zodiac signs, I told him, no, but that I know an Aquarian who has all these qualities. He said that a famous person has his birthday, I’m thinking ADAM, he says Oprah. Oh yeah, her too.
The only other Queen performance in that poll that does anything for me is Robert Plant’s.
Now, Under Pressure is one of my faves of all time. Just love it, but, this poll is mixing covers with co-writes.
For collaboration: Bowie
For cover: AFL.
FWIW: I just re-listened to Show Must Go On, for the umpteenth time, still is simply mind blowing. Even for Adam. He topped himself. That was his Lollapalooza Performance!!
Old interview March 2010 … Adam is so beautiful in this video.
He was in Chicago and talked about Ring of Fire. Beautiful eyes close up.
Adam lambert Interview on Prime Time Chicago
Adam Lambert Learns Less Is More – Access Hollywood
-tacky on purpose
-control freak
-high fashion, chic
Thank you so much asif.
So articulate, so sweet. That eye-zoom is a special treat.
You’re welcome mils.
Wow!!! you’re on this late (or early.)
Yes, love the eye.
I love Under Pressure, too. The intro is epic.
See you later.
Here, the week begins. Gotta go to work.
Hi mils!
Happy to know you’re sleeping better! “Pappy”, as I’ve been told from different friends, took time to become completely comfortable using it. It’s an adjustment. But, same friends said that it took no-time-at-all to become a welcome part of their nightly routine.
Thank you asif for that video Link. What SO impresses me is Adam’s eye contact! This is something that I lack. From all the interview videos that I’ve seen, he always looks directly into the eyes of the person he’s speaking to and his gaze never wanders. I think that speaks a lot about self-confidence on Adam’s part.
AdamLambertHelp Adam Lambert Help ♥
The Perfect Adam Lambert Gift
– Glam Nation Tour Pack – Via Adam Offical Site
http://adamofficial.com/ar/news http://pic.twitter.com/ikIbzwt8
Not late here at all. Just 10 PM. Looks like everybody else is still full of turkey or traveling.
Me? I’m home, empty nesting for the weekend, and surfing You Tube. Just gave myself a Bruno Mars concert, followed by Queen. Just listened to Queen’s TSMGO, gotta say that our boy studied Freddie’s version very very well. He nailed so many of the subtle aspects of his vocal, and added his own twists. Amazing.
I’m off to catch up on American Horror Story. That show is such a cluster f*ck of themes, one minute it’s The Shining, then it’s Poltergeist, then it’s Ghost Story, then it’s X Files, then it’s Rosemary’s Baby. Creepy. Gotta go find out who’s in the rubber
gimpsuit….You’re welcome …ron.
Gotta go.
Hi Ron, thanks for your encouragement. I’m liking my new sleeping partner very well. After just two nights, I’m actually feeling better and more energized already. Who knew that oxygen was good for you?
OK, I really am off to my DVR…
One more, that eye contact you mention Ron is actually so intense that some people would find it off-putting. But, there’s something about Adam that just draws people in. How many times have we heard from people about that. I swear, if anybody but Adam ever looked at me so intently, it would make me squirm.
Well, if Adam ever looked at me so intently I would squirm, but that’s another story….
Is there a smiley for the corner?
No black Friday shopping for me either. We still have family here visiting.
Anyway, here is a pic of the item I received from Kradamour, being worn by a very special someone. The HBIC of our family! B is for baby, of course!
That item is an apron, if you can’t tell from the pic!
Thank you Kradamour for the wonderful laugh!
I saw this on twitter — it’s a Finnish fan who got her hands on a magazine from 2008 with Sauli on the cover and an interview with him. She kindly translated it for us. Gives some insight into Sauli’s life just after he won Big Brother and just how well-loved he is in Finland.
Good morning.
asif…That was a beautiful interview. What is it about Illinois? Here is my favorite Mad World from the AI tour from Rosemont, Il. Talk about eyes. To me his eyes are the most beautiful I’ve ever seen. This was taken off youtube for quite a while but then it re-appeared. Should have nominated this one (except for the screams).
cwm…Great magazine interview with Sauli…thanks!
nkd…Hope you are wearing that apron for your holiday cooking because you ARE the HBIC!
luval …. Love your Mad World from AI Tour, Rosemont. I hadn’t seen it. Adam was so beautiful in that video.
Everything was perfect …eyes, nose, lips and emo hair.
cwm… thanks for magazine interview with Sauli. Love him.
Head Baby In Charge…I love it, nekkid!
And Baby looks delighted to be in charge! 
Just watched the Rosemont Chicago video, um, several times. Try watching it without audio…no distractions from screaming fans, just his lovely emotive face. Gorgeous.
And the Chicago interview…wonderful. Love how he is always so natural, always says things to bring the interviewer into the conversation. I’d love to see Adam being the one to do interviews with others. Not as a permanent gig, I’m thinking a special where he gets to interview some of his favorite people or those he finds most interesting. Wonder who he would choose? Wasn’t there an interview where he was asked who he would most like to meet? (If there is, someone will post it here shortly…!)
mils, I am going to share your experience with the machine with my husband. He would definitely benefit from it but is afraid and has always ruled it out. Fingers crossed that he will at least consider the option.
Good video to keep.
Industry people praising Adam Lambert in 2009/10
(by terrapolision)
Good Morning
I’m kinda hoping that Adam receives a nomination … or three or four!

Yay! Thanks for the reminder, Ron. so does that mean Wednesday?
Hi luval!!
Just back from grocery shopping. Glanced over at the Delta Chelsea Inn and guess who came to mind?
Yes, Wednesday November 30th. Maybe there’s something to the #4. 4 more days, 4 categories 4 consideration and Adam 4 the win!
GORGEOUS photo of Sauli I found on twitter:
Looks like it’s from the AMAs. Holy crap. No wonder Adam is in love.
Thanks luval for that madworld video, I hadn’t seen that before (if I’m honest I haven’t seen many videos of the Idols tour, it was before I really started following him every day!), he looks beautiful, and the eyes…..he puts so much emotion into the song.
Sauli looks so incredibly much like my son’s friend it kinda freaks me out. I know if I showed them this pic, they would be freaked out too. But, seriously, if he ever needed a stand-in or a body double, I’ve got just the cutie pie for the part. Except he likes girls. A lot.
Anywho, that is a beautiful picture. It appears that the camera loves him too.
luval, that video is simply stunning. The eyes, the face, the voice, the stage presence. I’ve said it before so many times, but, whew. That is one handsome handsome gorgeous person.
HKfan, if you haven’t seen many AI videos, please watch a good Starlight. And the Gaga Teeth/Adam Lambert one. It “highlights” a lot for you.
Here’s Teeth:
Ooops. That’s not the one. Nice. But not it. I’ll look again.
Nice that everybody loves that Rosemont, Il MW video. After a while I only watched the AI tour videos intermittently. Am so glad I found that one. Just lucky I guess. Wish the video wasn’t so shaky! lol Guess ya can’t have everything. But the eyes, nose, mouth, voice, etc etc. trump the shaky!
mils I had a little bitty Adam moment today. Was at a stop light (have my Light & Love Adam Lambert sign on my car) and a couple pulled up next to me, honked, pointed to the sign and gave me a big thumbs up! This has never happened!
Heard WWFM on the top radio fm station here while in my car too about an hour ago.
Luval, love your story.
Kradamour, the CPAP is such a good thing, I should have done this years ago. It is so comfortable and easy, and I’m feeling so much better every day. Tell your hubby. The sooner the better. Apnea is no joke.
Although, keeping it on topic, Adam does leave me breathless at times.
Hey, did anybody else watch the Gaga Thanksgiving Special? I just caught up with it today, and thought it was very well done.
Mils, my husband watched the Gaga Thanksgiving special and loved it. He is not a Gaga fan, doesn’t even know much about her, but that special turned him into something of a fanboy, very amusing.
I listen to Speechless pretty much every day, can never get enough of that song…have a half dozen youtube performances downloaded of it. Unbelievable.
I would love love love to see Adam and Gaga do something together on an awards show or other performance, a guest appearance on a tour, anything at all. Husband says she performed with Tony Bennett on Thanksgiving. Adam next time? Ah, can only dream!
I saw most of the Thanksgiving Gaga special. My favorite was the duet with Tony Bennett. They were beautiful together and Gaga seemed so comfortable.
We always mention Adam and duets. I have a brain freeze. Has Adam EVER duet-ed with anyone up to this point?
eta:Just remembered one…Eden Espinoza (?) You’ve Got A Friend.
luval, Alisan Porter, yes?
Just found this when I was looking for something else, totally OTT but so much fun!
Made me think a little bit of the Do It Like a Dude that Adam tweeted (does that make it sort of OT?
Allison Iraheta and two times with The Prayer.
I guess I don’t count Eden . That was before he was “Adam F Lambert”.

Oh honey. He was always Adam F Lambert. We just didn’t know it.