- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Dearest eywflyer, posters, and lurkers~
Although our homes may be far apart, our hearts remain very close. May all of you be surrounded with love during this Thanksgiving holiday and always.
I’m all packed and ready to roll out of town for the long weekend. I’ll leave you with a special celebratory pic….
Love and hugs,

To honour Adam and Queen I bring this wonderful version of “We will rock you”
I hope you will enjoy it during your Txgiving dinner..
Thanks Ron, that was fun. Since your our fashion expert do you have a favorite suit, hairstyle, asscesory, etc. of Adams?
. Happy Thanksgiving to all who are celebrating tomorrow. 
Ron: Thanks for the
. (This is my emoticon test. It’s like learning a whole new language.)
Oksana: genius version of “we will rock you”!
Ron, love that “reference’! So much fun to work through the appearances in chronological order! I thought he was gorgeous in 2009 but…had no idea what treats lay ahead. Thank you for this!
Oksana, just this in response to your desert island:
ETA: lost the emoticon when I edited. sigh. Clearly, this is indeed a new language! It’ll take some getting used to, but I love it!
You flatter me!
Difficult to answer. There are so many of his “looks” that I find very attractive. I’ve always been partial to Gridlock #13 but also like Grammy Awards #28, Equity Awards #33 and the recent AMA’s.
There are also a few from those photos that I have to wonder, “What was he thinking?”
You’re welcome! I don’t usually look at photos of Adam and I certainly don’t collect them. But this was very interesting to see his always changing appearance and evolving maturity in such a short time.
Hi everyone, so, I was at the CPAP store picking up my new “bed partner”, and having a grand time chatting and learning with the tech there, very cute and pretty 26 year old gal, and teh convo went like this:
Mils: So, now I’m like Regis Philbin. He calls it the hose. Kelly always poked fun at him if he was too ditzy, saying he must have been off the hose.
Tech: Really, I haven’t heard that. But, the talk of the CPAP world today is that Katy Perry uses it.
Mils: Really? Did you see her on the AMA’s? She sang an acoustic song, and actually sang well for the first time that I’ve ever seen. Maybe the hose helps.
Tech: I saw her live, I loved her show, it was so dramatic, so over the top, I just love that kind of big entertainment.
Mils: Oh really? ( raising an eyebrow ). Well. Um. Do you watch Idol?
Tech: Yes.
Mils: Do you like Gaga?
Tech: LOOOOve her.
Mils: I have met someone you might be interested in. Just a second. ( whipping them out ). Show her the Rockford pic.
Tech: Oh My Gawd!!!!! I LOOOOOOOOOVE Adam LAmbert!!! How?? What??? Squeeeeee, flail. She loves him, he is so talented so sexxxxxxxy so handsome why doesn’t he like girls OH MY GAWD!!!
Mils: whips out the second pic.
Tech: Thud.
A lengthy and lulz worthy convo ensues. Ending with yours truly telling her that she is a true Glambert. She wants to go to a concert with me!! And, wrote down a couple of performances for her. Starting with EMTV with Queen, and Cologne PH and WLL. Trust me, she can handle it.
This was the best ever spontaneous Glambert experience I have ever had. And she’s young.
mils you don’t fool around sending her right into oblivion with Cologne.
Another great story, mils! If you think she’d enjoy herself, maybe you could invite her here.
Glad you’re looking after “Pappy” so that “Pappy” will be able to look after you!
I’d like to wish my fellow American’s a very Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving! Safe journey for those travelling. Enjoy the day and … someone, please, save the wish bone for me.
Good night.
mils, I LOVE when you “whip it out”, haha
. Great story – thanks for sharing!
just wanted to stop by and wish everyone here a very happy and safe thanksgiving
what am I thankful for? I’m thankful for my family, for having a job when so many in the country don’t have one, and I’m thankful for Adam and all the wonderful glamberts I have met this past year. because of Adam I have been more myself and not just a shell of that person. and to the glamberts u guys are like my second family! u guys make me feel more accepted more than my friends here do so thank u for that! I <3 u guys
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! I have to work, but hopefully I’ll get out by 5:30pm and have some relax time. Have another hectic two days until my Sunday off.
It’s all good. Enjoy your day and don’t overeat!! 
Gobbler….Gobbler !!!
FIANLLY!!! I got pardoned.
I’m such a turkey.
I was under weather, had to work and lost the internet.
Now back to normal! I haven’t read back posts yet.
But I want to post this real quick before I go back to cooking. Yes, I was invited to a friend’s house to celebrate Thanksgiving.
I’d like to wish everybody here a wonderful THANKSGIVING.
Enjoy lots of food, fun, football, friends, family and loved ones!!!!
Have a save trip if you travel.
I’m thankful for all of you that Adam has brought us here. My second family!!!
Thank you for letting me be a silly self.
Hi all!
new smileys! 
I got on and read the comments last night and saw the
mils, you always have the best stories. I love it!
Thank you Ron for the red carpet looks link!
I feel like I’m missing some of the emoticons when I scroll through as it seems to skip lines. Anyone else having this issue, or does anyone have a solution I can try?
I see I should use this on my post?
brings up old memories!
So I should say that any post containing these,
Happy Thanksgiving!

I must go continue cooking.
Love you all!
ETA I had to add this, obtained from thehomeplanet
Oh yeah, Gig em Aggies!!!!
11/24/10 – the Glam Nation Tour wraps up its time in continental Europe with a show in Milan, Italy:
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Good morning, all! Love clicking on and seeing all the little smileys dotting the page! Nekkid, loved your rebus post!
Do we know what Adam is doing today?
If you are far from family I send wishes for a peaceful day of thanksgiving for what is good in your life. (The paper yesterday had an article about the amazing health benefits of being grateful, suggesting that we all keep journals of what we are thankful for, noting something every day. Both mental and physical health benefits. Pollyanna was on to something!
Love to all from the land of the Virgin Queen!
I’m at work. I am wondering if Adam is going to Finland for Christmas. According to Sauli’s blog he is missing Finland and is expecting to go there for the holidays.
Happy Thanksgiving, everybody! I, too, have lots to be grateful for – like my big crazy family and that I live in the wonderful USA in the 21st century. And right on that list are this site and all the great, marvelous people here who love Adam as I do.
Off to do more cooking! Love, Lee
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! And for those among us outside of the US who do not celebrate Thanksgiving today, I wish you a wonderful, loving, grateful, good-food day nonetheless!
We were on the road all day yesterday, so I missed all of the emoticon excitement. Imagine my surprise when I checked in here to see pages full of emoticons!
With regard to the emoticons, I can only see one row at the bottom of my screen. I know there are more, however. How do I see those?
cwm, there is a scroll thing on the right side for some peeps. I don’t see that on my screen, but if I click to the right of the emoticons and use the keyboard arrows I can scroll through all of them.
Hope this helps!
Happy Thanksgiving Day to everyone here and everywhere even if you dont celebrate it. There is a lot to be thankful for, especially Adam and what he gives us, and what we all got to share with him, and what we have coming up!
Happy Pappy Turkey day everyone!!
Woke up re-invigorated and oxygenated. CPAP is what I’m thankful for today. My family too.
Already made several bowls of mashed potatoes and a sweet potato and apple thing that smells delish.
Stopped in for a peek and a listen to the Bruno Mars song Adam tweeted about the other day, from XFactor, the best thing of the night, IMHO.
Awesome job Bruno.
Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday x
It’s still Thanksgiving here for another 5 hrs on the East Coast, HKfan, 8 hrs more for West Coasters. I’m home from work and trolling the fan pages instead of trying to take a nap. Am exhausted. Turkeyed out and all that.
Please vote for Adam’s pic! Really nice!
eywflyer, I flove these emoticons and so easy to use for technodunce peeps like me!! yay!!!!!
Hah! I’ll get her to buy me something then if I go. Hmmm. Now what do I want?
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you here who celebrated today. I’ve enjoyed y’all’s enthusiam for the emoticons. Still have to go back several pages to catch up, but I haven’t been able to read them all and didn’t want to miss wishing you all a happy holiday.
This Thanksgiving was different for my family. My brother had to work, I stayed in bed all night last night and all day today. My Mom is spending the day at the Big Table on High, as we laid her to rest yesterday. I am thankful most of all for her making that trip–it was a long time in coming for her. We are all okay, we’ve given our Thanksgiving recitals over the past few days. Very thankful also for my brother, his wife, and their two sons. That is all of my little family right there.
And, I’m so, so thankful for my “Adam friends”. You are all so wonderful. I read your kind expressions back up the thread, nothing more is necessary. Don’t want to be an attention ‘ho. You’ve all made me feel so loved and appreciated.

ETA: Crap, when I edited, I lost my emoticons. They were for “love, light, peace”.
NVM they came back.
Hi Ceddies. Sorry to hear about your mom but happy she’s at rest. Hope you had a decent meal at home.
cher, my brother’s wife is at her parents’ home for their big meal as we speak. I will have a huge feast in a little while when she arrives!
Oh goody! she’s bringing you some! Happy to hear that! Great lady! Yay! Ceddies is getting turkey and fixings!
Ceddies, sorry to hear of your mother’s passing. Please accept my heartfelt condolences and I am sending
back to you and your family!
Awww, thanks, AL!
Did y’all see this satire?
So funny!
Ceddies, so sorry to hear about your mom, I’m glad you’re with family now.
Cher, that was cool, did you see the first one? Do you know where that is?
No clue mieps. I wish I had now.
The name of it is Legend vs Villain
She’ll put it up again when the heat dies down.
Ceddies, so sorry to hear about the loss of your mom. But I am sure you and you family will have a lot of wonderful memories to remember her by.
Ceddies, very sad to hear about your mom. I lost mine exactly the same way in 2003. I miss her terribly, but she is with my dad, her soulmate, now, and my sister and I imagine them having their evening cocktails together.
I loved your story about telling your mom it was OK to go, we did the same, and it seemed to give her some peace.
Cher, that video is priceless, as was the first one. You know I admire great snark!
Ceddies I am so sorry to hear about your Mom. In July I had to say good bye to my Mom. She too is reunited with her soul mate of 64 earth years. We imagine that the two of them are dancing to Glenn Miller. My father was an amazing dancer. Sadly that is becoming a lost art. Ceddies please be good to yourself. I never thought it would be this hard. It is painful to loose someone that you love so much. Your in my prayers,
I hope everyone who celebrates Thanksgiving had a beautiful. And the same for those that don’t.
Our dinner is behind us and we are ready for the next part. Shortly my daughter, grandson and myself are headed to the Mall of America which opens @ midnight. We have our stores mapped out and our lists are made. Are we crazy??? I think so. LOL. But we have such fun together. Thank heavens Starbucks is open. Caffeine is the drug of the night.
Tomorrow I’m going to catch up on all the posts and find out about all these happy faces that have appeared. Until then have a peaceful evening and good dreams.
Wow I guess I have to practice more!!!
Ceddies, I’m so sorry to hear the news of your mom. Please take care of yourself, cherish your family and friends, and know that you can come here and hopefully find some comfort, love and laughter with your “Adam friends”.
My heart and my prayers are with you at this difficult time. Love and hugs.
Ceddies: my heartfelt condolences. I am glad our parallel universe here can give you some relief in a difficult time. I am sending you
back. Take care.
Sorry to hear about your mum ceddies, its not easy. I was in your place 6 1/2 years ago, I still miss her. We’re all thinking of you, and sending positive thoughts your way x
Cher, that video definitely had me chuckling, although made me a bit sad too, thinking of their lost friendship.
Ceddies – I’m so sorry about your mom. I’m sending you warm wishes for love, peace, and comfort during this difficult time. I’m glad that your visiting here gives you some relief and enjoyment amidst the sorrow.
Ceddies: I’m very sorry to hear about your mother. Please accept my heartfelt condolences.
Take care.
Originally 8Jean8, from Mj’s…
Dear Ceddies– My heart is heavy for you, and I deeply feel for your loss. Losing a parent, or any family member is such a tragic time, in one’s life.
I will always remember your kind, and loving words, when I shared, in my Glam Nation concert experience, of my husband’s unexpected death.
Your mother raised a special daughter, who was there for her always.
I’ve only posted a few times here, because of computer problems.
I will be thinking of you, and trying to back track the posts.
From the sounds of it, you’ve had a stressful time, with all the health care issue’s & an unknown outcome. You took very special care of your mother, and it warmed my heart.
This is a wonderful, fun place to share, and so many lively people.
I know how the Adam’s communities, helped to enlighten me, but it is still hard.
Laughter is a great healer & a must in our lives. This new site, is an absolute blessing,…for sure!!!
Take Care & Hugs to You!
Me too.

cher– enjoy your new toys…much?
Oooops…I guess we can’t blockquote emoticons.
Sorry cher. I ruined your new toys.