- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
LOL…. I know, luval. I just happened to read it during the commercial, and that was all I had in my brain at the time. Yeah, X Factor is starting to get a little too emotional this evening. I do love Rachel!
haha rap Let It Be…Actually it isn’t as much of a train wreck as I thought.
Ron…I’m a showoff, I’m a showoff, I’m a showoff….
Well, I survived the sleep lab. It’s a very strange experience, several ladies last night arriving in the dark with pillows and overnight bags, led into separate rooms and covered with wires and electrodes and goop. No men that I saw. Anywhoo, in the morning after a sudsy shower, a light continental breakfast and off to work. Where the diagnosis phone call came: I’m going to be a snorer no more. It’s the hose for me!! I have something in common with Regis! Apnea.
Hint Hint: Anybody that wants to be my roomie on the next tour will have a much quieter night than my fellow Glam travelors did last year!!
But, bloggers and posters beware, my very warped mind will be better oxygenated. TeeHee. I can’t wait…….
mils…but did you have Adam dreams?
Alas, luval no Adam dreams.No dreaming at all. But, I did listen to the Acoustic EP on my drive there to relax. I actually parked and listened to Soaked two times before I went in. I hadn’t given that a good listen in a very long time. I’ve been listening to Adele and Amy Winehouse and Tony Bennet a lot in my car lately.
On another note, all these new articles, pictures and tidbits are fantastic. I especially liked two things. The cave story, and that Charles Busch has not only craved to meet BB, but did. Busch is a wonderfully talented and respected playwrite and actor. Maybe he has plans for our boy.
I saw his film A Very Serious Person a couple of times on HBO or Showtime a couple of years ago. It is very good, sweet and touching. Have any of you seen it?
OK. Off to X Factor, remote do your charms, and fast-forward through the crap..
Never saw Charles Busch productions but now I am interested. I love this line”
“He’s like one of those guys in Avatar. He’s so huge!”
3 inch heels, 4 inch hair….wow. He’s such a star.
Hi mils!
I’m glad you can put the sleep lab behind you. I’ve had three sleep studies. The first one confirmed my doctor’s suspicion that I have a condition known as Periodic Leg Movement Disorder (PLMD). Without four different medications every night, the moment I fall asleep, my legs shake so strongly that I’m jolted awake. Last study determined the tremors occur every 38 seconds.
It’s awful not to be in control of one’s leg movements, or any part of your body for that matter, but the meds give me, at least, some semblance of a night’s sleep.
I don’t have apnea but I know you’re going to sleep much better on the CPAP machine! All good thoughts.
BTW: You didn’t tell me Barbra has a DVD out since May called “One Night Only!!” What’s the matter with you?
Ron musta been the lack of 02!!
Sorry about your legs, that’s a true problem. Could be fun at parties though
Yup. CPAP. At least it works. The comforting thing is that it is so widely under-diagnosed ( apnea) and so easily treated, and can really change people’s lives. And now insurances cover it all.
But, on to bigger news, the single, the hair, the fashion accolades, the blogs, the pics, the musical raves, the upcoming RS article ( YAY).
That drapey silky sleeveless number in the RS article is from that era that he was in NYC right after I was ( by one damn day) and right before St Agathe. Those two shirts must have been by the same designer. And, that very very long drapey silky shirt he wore to the after party the other night too. Very androgynous.
Wow. Slow thread tonight. thanksgiving.
Hmmm.. went to watch X Factor. Josh all the way. Love him.
Went to go peruse my new Newsweek. News, news, news, blah blah blah.
Page 17. BAM.
Adam Lambert. What will you do for the Holidays? I can’t believe it’s already the holidays. I don’t know where summer went.” With a pic of him arriving to EMTV’s.
Oh Adam. We know what you did this summer. Just ask us, we’ll give you a summary.
LOLOL…. Too funny, mils, but too true!
I could be wrong, but, I don’t think Adam’s been mentioned in Newsweek since the first AMA’s.
That EMTV performance caught the attention of many. Methinks he’s about to be launched into the stratosphere of stardom.
Hold on to your seats everybody, hope it’s a smooth ride!
ETA: Oh. I see now. Joe Zee has a whole spread on page 61 about his new show and products he’s pimping for winter, boots, parkas, etc. …And Adam is on page 17. A coincidence? I don’t think so….
Off to bed but mils, ITA about Josh. Love him.
Gotta checkout newsweek tomorrow. I stopped my subscription when they re-formatted the magazine awhile back. Hated the new look.
Am working thanksgiving so I’ll be around here but I know there won’t be much going on.
Goodnight everyone. Yes, the new layout is trendy, but sometimes hard to tell the articles from the ads.
Adam sure popped out at me though.
Yeah, I’m thinking Josh could very well win the whole thing.
Goodnight, mils and luval!
Lawsuit update….. Keep in mind that I’ve never heard of this news site, so I’m not sure about the reliability. I’m not sure I completely understand all of it anyway.
This from the link dcglam posted. Interesting. Guess we should all read it.
Here is the link to the book – even a kindle edition. Eligible for free super saver shipping, too!
I will be interested to read Adam’s answer on the first. That will present the other side of the lawsuit and shape the issues to go forward.
So I take it the lawsuit is not settled. Haven’t had the chance to follow dcglam’s link. Will do that tomorrow. Spent the night catching up on dvr episodes of Once Upon A Time with oldest grandson & my daughter. In the morning taking middle grandson to breakfast – he’s seven. Just loves spending time with him. All he could talk about tonight was what he’s going to order. LOL. have a good night all!
That is one fascinating book – read a couple of pages on Amazon – one of the blurbs (manager of Dire Straits) said he would be ten times richer and have saved a fortune in legal fees if he had read this book.
Be interesting to know if Adam has read or is reading this book – it’s extremely well written (funny, too) and is apparently essential reading for anyone trying to make it in the music biz. The author (Passman) noted – “You gotta make it happen yourself.” Believe that’s one thing Adam realized right away. Think I’ll buy it.
So Kradamour, we all need to read this book? Are we planning on starting a career in the music biz? Just wondering so I can start practicing my do wops!
Now I’ll go read the article so I know what I’m talking about!
All the news from today makes me so excited for the album. Is this the beginning of the Adam storm? I think I feel a breeze.
Interesting about the release date of BTIKM.

I’ve read that EW article numerous times and never noticed that it said the single will be dropping next month! Typo? Real? We’ll see!
Well, we haven’t really heard Sauli speaking much English yet, but here we get to hear Adam speaking a bit of Finnish. Very cute!!
And a brief bit on E News from the Rolling Stone AMA afterparty red carpet – about his Guido Sarducci hat. It’s Italian!
OMG cwm his chest looks so enticing that I had to watch a few times. Don’t think I recall him wearing that shirt by itself before. Think it is the one he wore when he met Boy George but he had a vest over it.
Here is a link to Sauli’s latest blog translated. That boy is such a sweetie.
Have safe travels everyone and a good Thanksgiving.
OMFG, how gorgeous does he look in that video clip cwm ,beautiful….
I love Sauli’s random misunderstandings about things here, like the date of Thanksgiving and its relative importance in the hierarchy of our holidays! (thanks for that link, Adamized!) I was in the commissary yesterday shopping for Thanksgiving and the store was ringing with Christmas music. In the mall…okay. In a grocery store, please let us enjoy Thanksgiving first! I do “get” that only grocery stores can sell anything for Thanksgiving, so it will never be a huge holiday, but at least in the grocery store we shouldn’t be so eager to jingle those bells!!!…IMHO. Rant over.
Love all the little bits and pieces of goodies that popped up in the last day or so! I am thankful for all who bring them here, which allows me to stay off the sites that cause angst and aggravation.
(I am thankful for my virgo sisters and rapsista asif!)
And I am truly thankful for this blog, eywflyer. I am thankful for all posters and lurkers who make it such a safe and wonderful place to enjoy and indulge our obsession.
And I am thankful for the star of our auditory/visual/creative feast, Adam F. Lambert. May he and we all have a lovely Thanksgiving – whether or not you live in a country where it is celebrated – to reflect upon all that is good in our lives. Mwah!
But the vest is familiar, adamized! Love that vest. When the rain started to come down in buckets at Ste Agathe, the first thing I thought of was “oh, no, that is going to ruin his leather vest!”. So glad to see it unscathed, he has worn it several times since.
So I’m out and about and see in my paper Kelly Clarkson, Alice Cooper and Olivia Newton John are appearing in my area in the next couple of months. So is Les Miz and Russian Nutcracker. Have to decide.
Biebs was on the Today show this AM boy,if you really want to hear a singer’s voice, step out of the room and listen. Yikes… Really awful. I do this with pretty much all the singing reality shows.
Some fans are even better than us at remembering his clothes as someone on twitter posted a picture of Adam in that shirt from 2008. I wonder sometimes how big his closet is. But then again I have lots of clothes and many are a few years old. I’d love to see his closet some time, maybe that would be a theme for a show. “Adam is out of the closet and invites us into his”. Somehow people think little old ladies still need to have Thanksgiving so I need to stop Adamising and think about cooking and cleaning (and also being thankful)
I’ve never seen this interview with Adam that was posted on YouTube August 1st. It’s “okay” but is mostly of interest to me because it was done backstage at Ste.-Agathe. Must have been before the show as I don’t see signs of having been rained on.
Oooooh, Ron, thank you for that!
…but it was well-done and I thought the juxtaposition of clips with the commentary was quite good. Love how Adam speaks slowly and clearly when interviewed by peeps whose first language isn’t English. 

Gosh, she did her homework and asked every question that had ever already been asked, didn’t she
And anything that is a memory of Ste Agathe is all good!
Cute gif from the Finnish bit.
Someone pull me away from that smile, I’ve got things to do!
My grandbaby will be here today!
Happy Thanksgiving for all celebrating this week. Safe travels everyone. Love to all!
Now to watch that Ste Agathe interview. Thank you Ron!
The shirt in an old pic.
Hi Kradamour!
Yes, that’s why I said it was an “okay” interview because the host didn’t ask Adam anything that we haven’t heard before.
I do like the clips though and, of course you’re right, anything to do with Ste.-Agathe is always a good thing!
I should have paid closer attention. It’s definitely pre-show as it’s still daylight.
Very glad you enjoyed it!
Truly, would we be here if he wasn’t so adorable and lovable?!?! Nope…
Another gif of Sauli dancing outside afterparty.
Adam is looking at his phone, not noticing cute Sauli at all!
Thanks for the cute gifs, nekkid!
Here is the Finnish shout out on YouTube.
Check out the comments to the video. I got such a kick over how everyone is flailing about how he is simultaneously so gorgeous, adorable, cute, hot, delicious, sexy, etc. in this little 17 second video. Made me smile and laugh.
I’m so addicted to this happy feeling I get from stuff like this. I’m hopeless.
LOL…. Adam is probably thinking that it is just Sauli being Sauli — sees it all the time.
Ron, thanks for that Ste. Agathe interview. Never saw it and as we are saying “same old questions”, that’s ok because the more Adam the better and many of us were there!!
dcglam…ditto about the Sauli gif and Adam. I noticed on comments on other sites about these after the party videos, some people were really chastising Adam for being on his cell phone instead of interacting with the people around him. Give me a break!!! Does one have to constantly interact 24/7 with everyone around you including your loved one? We don’t know what happened before or after this brief waiting on the stair case. Maybe Adam was yakking constantly until they got outside.
I loved Sauli’s blogpost (once again). He is so adorable. I love his sense of humor and his perspective. And his writing style is very engaging.
Happy and safe travels to everyone who is headed out for Thanksgiving! I wish you all warmth, love, laughter, gratitude, and great food!
Thanks for that old shirt pic, nkd. I knew it looked familiar. You are sooooo fast in finding everything! Sometimes I have these pics in my head but don’t know where to look for them.
A few tweets to get us (even more) excited about Shady!
nilerodgers Nile Rodgers
I just got an email from @adamlambert. I’ve sent all the guitar parts to “Shady” and I await the mix. (Excited) fb.me/1hVEBCBpQ
nilerodgers Nile Rodgers
Yo @adamlambert @samsparro, I played one last crazy part right before I ran to the airport-You guys sound great! Props Lester Mendez
@lestermendez lester mendez
dear @nilerodgers i got your amazing parts! THANK YOU!!!! What an honor to have you on our song!!!! much love, (cc @adamlambert @sam_sparro)
I’ve also noticed a lot of negative comments about Adam texting too much at the afterparty. Many of the photos/vids we have do catch him on his phone. Could just be lousy timing of the cams. Or…
What struck me is that this is right after the AMA’s where he met/interacted with loads of people who are important to his career. He may be networking which is a very important part of his job.
I remember him saying ages ago that he wouldn’t want to bring a date to red carpet events cos it would be rude to his date for him to be ‘on the job’ and have to ignore his date. All the texting we’re seeing may actually be necessary and Sauli may know this.
Just one possibility…..
yup, spiffysmile!!!!!! ditto to all of the above
luval…. As Adam says, don’t judge a book by it’s cover, eh?
What a way to start the day with that Finnish Fan Shoutout.
Adorable – hot – adorable – hot. I could not make up my mind. But then again, do I have to? Let’s just say that pendant was seriously distracting.
Like kradamour, I want to thank you ewyflyer and all the lovely posters who make this blog what it is. Moi moi.
11/23/10 – the Glam Nation Tour plays the Xtra Club in Zurich, Switzerland:
rs, have been considering your comment about split voting for multiple versions of songs on the Top 16 ballot. It is likely true that songs with only one version on the ballot have an advantage over songs with multiple versions, and I am seeing some vote splitting already, particularly with ACIGC.
I think we’ll just see how the votes turn out before doing anything about it though. If a song with multiple versions gets enough total votes among all versions to appear in the final Top 16 list, but no single version makes the list because of vote splitting, I might do a quick “runoff” vote to see which version y’all like the best, then give that version all of the votes from the other versions and place it in the Top 16 accordingly. I don’t want to make this TOO complicated, but would hate to see a song like ACIGC or (gasp) WLL not make the final Top 16 list solely due to vote splitting.
Still another week to get those votes in! I know many folks are busy with Thanksgiving preparations now. I too am thankful for Adam coming into our lives, and for the wonderful commmunity that has developed here.
Lots of goodies here today! I want to wish everyone here a lovely Thanksgiving, our Canadian friends too although I know yours is celebrated in October, you may as well join in ours too.
Safe travels to those traveling and safe cooking to all that are the HBIC.
Nkd enjoy your grandbaby, I miss mine already.
and OMG so what if Adam is on his phone, some people need to lighten up.
Kradamour lovely sentiments posted above. ITA