- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
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- AL’s Games
I see a little Boy George, but mainly I see Father Guido Sarduci!
I think it was a cell phone also that Sauli was pulling out of his pocket, as it looked like he may have been on it as they reached the car.
It sure is, cwm!
Hey wait — It’s not Boy George, it’s not MJ……… it’s totally ADAM!!!!
Thanks mils, but with which post??
I agree nkd I believe Sauli was reaching for his IPhone that was in his pocket.
How is everyone tonight? Still on an Adam high from last night???
OK. Color me cray. But, I see…..Judy Garland. When she wore all black, a hat, a black sleek jacket, heavily made up eyes.
RON, what do you think?
His lips look a little pinker and puffy, I’m thinking he got a few kisses after his strong performance on stage. You know, to congratulate him. Ahem.
Oh, and hey, thanks for teh Packers call outs, I don’t watch the games, but it is always exciting to see so many people so excited and happy. Combine that with another thing nobody I know does, but everybody else seems to, deer hunting, and Wisconsin is so happy.
Too bad I’m not yer typical cheesehead, no beer, no sausage ( no comments ), no Packers, no huntin’ fer me. Nope.
I’m waaaaay to glittery for that!!
But Kris Allen did a very good job with the national anthem at the Packers game.
Kradamour, I received my Thanksgiving package! You are so funny girl!
I’ll tell you all after Thanksgiving what was in the package. Maybe with a picture depending on how brave I am!
YES! Guido Sarducci! you nailed it, nekkid. I thought it was a fun look.
Yes!! Father Guido Sarducci!! That’s it.
CWM, the one before, you posted in the middle of my timing.
GTG. I’m off to a sleep lab. It’s not glam to be a snorer!!!
Maybe somebody could do a gal a favor and post a side by side of Sarducci with Adam?
So glad it arrived in time!!!! Yes, cherie, we will need a photo!!!
Here ya go mils
Wow. Well, Adam’s hat has more pinache (SIC)
Really, GTG now. And get studied. Very weird.
Good luck with your sleep testing, mils! My husband did that a little while ago, and it was a little weird for him. But it helped!
Good luck mils! My husband did sleep studies, too. It is amazing what they can do for snorers these days, and now that snoring is associated with sleep apnea it is taken much more seriously.
Good luck mils. Hope the sleep tests help you out! My friend’s hubby had some done a couple of months ago and she says it did wonders for him!
cwm…You are so right about the paps talking outside of the car. Never even thought of that! duh!
poll from twitter…Adam is so far ahead.
Thanks. I knew I recognized him. He’s older than he looks, but still don’t think a minor belonged on that stage for that performance.
I totally agree with you, Ellessay. Honestly I thought he was in his 20’s until I read his wiki bio.
Wonder if ABC got any complaints about that finale. Probably not. I know nkd loved it !
I also am curious to see the numbers on how the AMA’s did against other shows last night.
It’s Jessie talking about Adam’s AMA fashion! (Remember Jessie who split her pants??)
love love love the pleather pants interview!!! I rewatch that regularly; it is right up there with the Collins martini interview, two of the best!
I didn’t love the LMFAO finale last night. I like the video because it makes me laugh everytime, but that finale was a crowded mess! And the Hoff, yuck!
At least they didn’t strip down to a thong!
I love how Jessie is such a fan girl. She is so entertaining with a very fun personality.
I am looking forward to another interview session with Adam and Jessie!
Cute gif, altered by thehomeplanet peeps!
Loved this blog reaction to the finale:
ETA: Okay, hadn’t seen the finale, that reaction made me find the youtube. Watched it. Open mouthed disbelief. WTF was happening on that stage????? And why didn’t anyone stop it??? Was that actually rehearsed that way? Okay, Bieber shuffling…maybe. (shakes head) but after that? A wiggling hot mess.
Like watching a train wreck. But worse. Nobody needed to see that. Definitely not me. Need.to.pour.bleach.in.eyes.stat…………..!
Yup nkd, no thongs… Thank the universe for that.
I gotta say, Adam, Queen Latifa, Kelly Clarkson, Maroon 5 w/ Xtina and Gym Class Heros, and Katy Perry were like the highlights of the show…the rest of it wasn’t that great.
At least LMFAO’s singing wasn’t as bad as it was at the EMA’s lol
This is funny. I didn’t make it, just posting it.
Kradamour Do you have a link to the pants interview? I don’t know if I saw that one.
That gif is so funny, nkd!
Yay — No Yay
Thanks dcglam. I’m off to watch it.
rainbowgal4 …. It’s a Great interview!
Ah, I was beaten to the link for the interview!
nekkid, LOVED that youtube of the bastard album! (But I thought you were supposed to be cleaning house, cherie? Much better to hang with us here!)
Did everyone see the background of the Home Planet page, loved the Mr. Potato/adam head image!
OMG How did I miss that interview???? That was so funny, natural and so far removed from the norm. My son’s family now know I am a total fan & a little off my glitter rocker! I was laughing so hard.
I love that interview! It’s so funny!!!! another one of my favs is this one when he talks about a certain ring that “supposedly” doesn’t fit on his finger….well that’s a lie Adam…we know it fits on your finger!!!!
rainbowgal, there are actually three little Jessi vids. Youtube Adam Lambert Jessi Cruikshank. Here they are:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7aCfeqvhFk (pleather pants)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z143t0Hh08I (boy talk)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQL4XYmtK3U (2 minutes to win it)
Adam is such a good sport in all of them! these vids are even better with the sound off, watch Adam’s facial expressions, too funny!
I’m cleaning, I’m cleaning! I needed a break, will get back to it soon!
The split pants interview is great! And like Kradamour said, that one, the Michelle Collins martini, the duck at the Much Music awards, and the ditzy blonde in NY were some of my faves. Oh, and some of the Aussie interviews. And….
I personally like the interview, where he had to pic the Swedish word and they had him sign that word on the condoms! and what word did he pick…Rainbow! ha
glambertha, was that the interview where he did the eye makeup of the interviewer? That is another wonderful one! He is totally engrossed in the makeup, and his responses are so open and natural as a result. Love it. Also he seemed to be very solicitous of her, it is just a lovely interaction.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mndGkdTRp-g (part 1)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRcC1z9rAF0&feature=related (part 2)
yes it is Kradamour! here is the link for anybody who hasn’t seen it
LOL Kradamour I just posted the link to that video, then I went back up and clicked on your links and I must have read your comment wrong because I didn’t know that it was the exact same one! LOL Must be getting tired
Rainbow really?
glambertha, the two links I posted are for the two parts of the whole interview. I think the link you posted is only for one part. Did you see both? if not, there is a treat ahead for you!
Yes, rainbowgal, really!
Up early tomorrow to fight my way through the commissary (aka grocery store) on base…ugh, WHY did I wait so long???…so off to bed now.
Sweet Adam dreams, peeps!
Night Kradamour Thanks for the whole interview! I loved it
Hope it’s not too bad at the commissary tomorrow!!
Thought you guys would enjoy reading this beautifully written review of the Queen performance. From Atop:
ATop Review
11.7.11 by Cassie
“But it’s been no bed of roses. No pleasure cruise. I consider it a challenge before the whole human race, and I ain’t gonna lose! We are the champions.”
Adam Lambert burst onto the national stage in the 2009 season of Idol. An example of how talent can be discovered, molded, and created by the program, and then, go on to a successful recording career. …… NOT!
Adam’s whole life, since the age of ten, has been focused on being a performer and artist. He studied his craft for years, he pounded the pavement, he knocked on hundreds of doors which were mostly slammed in his face. He was undaunted. He continued to build his voice, build his performance skills, build his knowledge of music of all kinds. He had the talent, he had the training, he had the experience, he had the vision, he had the determination and perseverence.
At the EMA awards show on November 6th, Adam dug down deep and called on everything in his impressive arsenal and gave us a quintessential performance. This is not an emerging artist. This is not an effemeral pop singer here today and gone tomorrow. What we witnessed, what we heard, what we saw, was Adam claiming his place as a world class performer with confidence, skill and power.
The vocals were amaaaazing. He used all his technique, all his knowledge of his body, and produced a sound that was strongly influenced by his classical training and background. It was much more than singing the right pitches, hitting the right notes. The sound evoked the power and finesse of an opera tenor, while modifying it to fit the classic rock numbers. His articulation was crystal clear. His attack, his subtle bending of notes and phrases gave the performance the emotions inherent in the songs.
He claimed the stage with his posture, his presence, his prowling. At the same time, his performance was in service to the tribute to Queen, never elevating himself above the song or the members of the band. He started his ethereal vocals in shadow, as if saying, “Who I am is not important. What I am singing, what we are creating, what we are paying homage to is key.”
He threw the focus repeatedly to Brian May, encouraging him, acknowledging him, egging him on, enticing him onto the catwalk with him, leading him out front to his fans. He at once threw himself into the performance with total abandon and fearlessness, subsuming who he was into the greater total of what was being created. Yet, by doing that, and by doing it so masterfully, he was also being quintessentially himself. I do believe that only Adam Lambert could have accomplished that performance that night.
Adam has arrived. Adam has claimed his power and his place. It is magnificent to see and hear.
Everyone went to bed early tonite. So I appreciate all the links to the interviews and the fun that they are. Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow. I will leave my son’s and head for my daughters. Mils her husband is a Vikings fan! We have great fan wars. With 3 grand boys to visit with I know I won’t be on until evening.
good luck with your cleaning nkd and Kradmour I will also be shopping. We will both need help!!! Good nite all & thanks for the fan-ship.
Thank you so much riskylady for the review. They wrote what we all know about Adam. It’s nice someone else recognizes it. I know in my heart that he is on the right path and if we are patient we will experience the ride of our lives. And we can say we were there at the beginning. Now good night again.