Another month has arrived, and we are all anxiously awaiting the lead single from Adam’s upcoming new album. Will the new single be released this month? Will Adam perform at the American Music Awards once again? I think that Adam’s recent appearance on the cover of The Advocate signals that things are about to start happening again.

Hopefully our long wait is almost over. Enjoy the chat!

UPDATE: 11/7/11 11 PM – Photos and videos still coming in from last night’s epic performance of Queen with Adam on lead vocals at the EMAs!

Set of 65 HD pics from

“The Show Must Go On” (Official MTV video – excellent audio):

Audio with still photos:


3,293 Responses to November 2011 Chat

  1. dcglam says:

    i’m glad you get the channel!

    You are very sweet, glamberthaf28. I’m just wondering if Adam will be singing in Spanish on my TV!!! 8O

  2. nkd says:

    I’m just wondering if Adam will be singing in Spanish on my TV!!!

    Hopefully, they just broadcast it as is! You know Adam won’t be singing in Spanish, so if it’s Spanish it will be dubbed, and then you lose his voice. No no no!

  3. dcglam says:

    That’s what I’m afraid of, nkd. Frown

  4. nkd says:

    dcglam, I don’t think that will happen, not with the performances anyway.

  5. Ron says:

    adamlambert Adam Lambert

    Question questions… Just tune in and see! Trust it’ll be worth it! Smile MTV EMA’s!

    This is exciting. Things are starting to heat up. An anticipated viewership of 1 billion worldwide?! Is that what I read? Exactly the kind of exposure Adam has needed for all these months. As Billy Crystal once said when hosting the Academy Awards, “The world is a big room [to play]”. Smile

  6. nkd says:

    This is exciting Ron! I think the 1 billion number is the possible viewers. I think that would be if everyone in every household that receives the broadcast were to tune in. That’s how I understood the numbers. But it will be rebroadcast many times on different MTV channels.

  7. Ron says:

    Hi nkd! I see. At any rate, it’ll be a very large audience for Adam! That momentum that I mentioned a couple of months ago and felt was all but gone is back on track. It will officially resume this Sunday.

    The channel for Toronto and surrounding areas is the Much Music station.

  8. nkd says:

    Hi sweetie! Yes, I think it will be broadcast at 8pm on Sunday on Much Music. Hopefully we all can see it, and not in Spanish! Wink

  9. Ron says:

    If anything, there might be Spanish subtitles when the English singing performers are singing. Adam’s voice isn’t going to be dubbed over by someone else singing in Spanish. That wouldn’t make any sense. I sometimes watch Hollywood musicals here in French. All of the spoken dialogue is French but once the song starts it’s the original recording in English. Kind of makes the movie lose its flow but that’s the way it works. Smile

  10. Ron says:

    8:00PM, nkd? I thought, according to jlurks chart, it was 4:00PM if we’re to see it “live”. Are you saying we’ll be seeing a taped version of the show at 8PM?

    If that’s the case, you KNOW someone will already have Adam’s performance on YouTube before the show even starts for us. Smile

  11. nkd says:

    I’m sure you’re right Ron about the subtitles. That’s how I was thinking it would be.

  12. nkd says:

    I got no clue about any of this! That’s the info I picked up from twitter. But I think most of these broadcasts are on delay.

  13. Ron says:

    We have time to figure it out. Wink We’ll all be on the same page before Sunday.

  14. Ron says:

    So, we’ll get to see one another on Sunday!! I assume we’re all going to Belfast, right? Smile

  15. nkd says:

    That’s right! See you there. But it’s Belfast! Don’t get on the wrong boat! Wink

  16. Ron says:

    I just changed it, nkd. Thanks! People have often said about me that I just missed the boat. Grin This time it would have been literally! Smile

  17. Ron says:

    If Adam was going to Belgrade, as I originally, mistakenly posted, we might be wondering if he was going to sing in Serbian! Smile

  18. nkd says:

    Singing in Serbian huh? He can barely remember the words in English!
    So will he be singing in Irish?
    Was that Brigadoon performance supposed to be a Scottish or Irish accent? Grin

  19. Ron says:

    nkd says:
    11/03/2011 at 12:54 am
    Singing in Serbian huh? He can barely remember the words in English!


    The village of Brigadoon comes alive every 100 years and is somewhere in Scotland. Wink

  20. nkd says:

    Thanks Ron. Yeah, I looked it up! Smile

  21. nkd says:

    I’m exhausted. See you here tomorrow! Good night Ron! Smile

  22. Ron says:

    Good night, nkd! Sleep well.

  23. asifclueless says:

    Good night, Guys.
    Have Sweet Adam Dreams!!!!

    It’s morning here and I’ll take the morning shift.

    Dang with RL and work.

    Stanning BB is Real!!! Grin

  24. asifclueless says:

    I was exhausted last night after squeeeing and flailing a little bit.

    Out of practice, I guess.

    Fianlly, Adam’s storm is coming. There will be more squeeeing and flailing and poop worthing news.

    I’M SOOOO EXCITED. YAY!!! \O/ Grin

  25. asifclueless says:

    Neil is playing with us!!!!! You DEVIL!!!

    negativeneil Neil Lambert
    Plus, if you think Sunday’s a big deal. Wait until 2:00PST a week from Friday!

    That will be 11-11-11. Grin

    The prime numbers we discussed before.

  26. asifclueless says:

    My speculation is that –
    Sunday 6-11-11, Adam will be with other artists performing Queen Tribute.

    Friday 11-11-11, Adam will debute his SINGLE.

    Hope so. Grin

  27. rs says:

    This is one of those rare times as an Adam Lambert fan that I have the advantage living on this side of the Pond. My DVR is already set for Sunday and I can’t wait!!!!! But if I know my resourseful Glamberts, most of you will have found a way to watch it live with me on Sunday, and on big screen TVs, too!

    So I have been thinking about all the speculation, and I think that the best bet is a Queen collab. He wouldn’t launch a new single by sneeking it in without any fanfare, even if it was on a big show. People have been waiting for this for so long, he is going to tell them that it is here. It isn’t like giving an early “treat” to the dyhard fans who trekked to Canada for a concert. Also he isn’t listed as one of the performers, which he would have been if he was singing his own song, right? And someone somewhere said that during the summer Monte leaked that Adam had been approached by Brian May who asked him to sing with Queen sometime in November. If that is true, it about clinches it, no? I just hope that he is the main singer and not just one of a whole line up, like Gaga, etc.

  28. asifclueless says:

    Hi rs, I totally agree with you.

    Brian May really loves Adam.

    If Bowie is not too sick, I wish Adam and Bowie sing “Under Pressure” together.

    Or Adam sings an unreleased song from Queen.

  29. cwm says:

    This is interesting, as well as disheartening. The story behind those all those signs posted offering $20 for a copy of the Advocate mag with Adam on the cover. Unfortunately, homophobia reared its ugly head, again:

  30. cwm says:

    And this — a rather amusing cover of FYE, for “The Kitchen Musical” TV show. LOL Don’t know what country it’s broadcast in.

  31. rs says:

    Hi asif, (waving)I knew you would be around. Long time no talk. An unreleased Queen song would be…………I have no words

  32. HK fan says:

    I agree with nkd this definitely seems poop worthy news….

    and cwm, The Kitchen Musical is currently being shown in HK, although I haven’t watched any of it, but I had seen the FYE cover before.

  33. glambotgram says:

    Still here squeeing and flailing I see. Sunday just can’t come fast enough. Hopefully there will be more news about how to see it here. We are hoping for new grandson to be born on 11-11-11. so lots of anticipation for great things to come here. WOOHOO

    Where is mils list for the occasion? There has to be one. We haven’t even touched on possible outfits, boots or medges, will Sauli be going, dare I say it HAIR!! I love love love Ste Agathe hair but I know it won’t be long enough.

  34. adamized says:

    Morning! I’m so excited for Sunday. This was going to be a hard weekend for me and now I have something happy to look forward to. YEAH~!

    glamberthaf28 thanks for your fun recap of “your first time” and sharing the way you found Adam. Thank goodness your brother has good taste!

  35. loveroftalent says:

    After all the excitement of last night, I am totally exhausted this morning, almost like a hangover feeling. Can’t wait for Sunday.

    Have a great day everyone!!

  36. Kradamour says:

    asifclueless says:
    11/03/2011 at 2:19 am

    I was exhausted last night after squeeeing and flailing a little bit.

    Out of practice, I guess.

    Hey, rapsista asif! I stopped in for another of my drive-by views/posts and was chuckling over the posts of so many expressing exhaustion and even hangovers lol…you pretty much summed it up! Smile

    Ron, I agree that this appearance could be enough to get the excitement going again, especially if it is indeed a Queen collab!

    Adamized, sending good thoughts for your hard weekend. So glad you will have this to look forward to at the end of it!

    Have a great day, peeps!

  37. asifclueless says:

    Is Sunday here yet?

    Hi rs. (waving back)

    I won’t get to see BB on big screen TV.
    I’ll just watch EMA online, I guess.

    Anyway, youtube will be out soon after that.
    I’m used to being scorned living here.
    We have Orbit package but not the Star one.
    DH only wants to watch news and sports.

  38. asifclueless says:

    Hi sista krads,
    Is your son still around?
    Hope you had quality times with him.

    So guys, what is good to cure hangovers? Wink

  39. asifclueless says:

    Media started to pick up the news.

    Adam Lambert on the 2011 EMAs:
    ‘Oh I’m going to be there and more!’

    Singer-songwriter Adam Lambert has teased fans by announcing that he will have something to do with this year’s MTV EMAs.

    The vocal powerhouse and pop superstar posted a message to his 1.2 million followers on social networking site Twitter yesterday, November 2, that simply said:

    “Make sure you tune in to the EMA’s this Sunday.”

    Read more here:

  40. Kradamour says:

    Singer-songwriter…The vocal powerhouse and pop superstar

    Love love love this description!
    And not a word about Idol! Smile

    Yes, asif, older son is still here and my younger son’s birthday is today, he will be home for the weekend. Plus a sister visiting, plus building contractors here and at my mother’s house, plus some new tenants and some professional stuff! Rolls Eyes

    I am trying to clear my calender to make room for the requisite flailing and squeeing! Smile

  41. Oksana2000 says:

    Hi everybody!!
    Just to add more to confusion.
    On my cable provider TV Guide, EMA is listed as 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM EST. My DVR is already set to record this. Do you think it’s the real time broadcast?

    I’m not worrying about EMA being on spanish channel, I’m pretty sure that all the speaches and performances will be in English.

    I hope for more leaks before Sunday. Knowing our enterprising Glambert ninjas we will know EVERYTHING by Saturday.. Smile

  42. dcglam says:

    And so it begins…..

    adamlambert Adam Lambert

  43. asifclueless says:

    Oh wow, krads. You have a full house and more.

    Ooooh!!! now I love the words and more. Heh..heh.. pathetic. Wink

    I remembered only you mentioned about your son who was in the service. Didn’t realize it was the whole gang. Sorry!!!

    Is it Sunday yet? Grin

  44. asifclueless says:

    And so it begins…..

    adamlambert Adam Lambert

    dcglam … your post there gave me goosebumps and some emotions that I want to cry.

    I feel it, I sense it. Something GREAT, something GRAND is going to happen. Adam’s Era #2 is going to explode. And we are going to witness it.

    One more time….


  45. little dutchess says:

    adamlambert Adam Lambert
    1 minute ago

    this is exciting!

  46. luval says:

    Am at work trying to hold in my screams.

  47. nkd says:

    Gotta love Dadbert!
    His response to Adam’s London tweet.

    milestougeaux Miles Tougeaux
    @adamlambert Werewolves?

  48. Miss Chaos says:

    I am so excited that I have all this to get excited about. Ok so I have to wonder is Suz, or anyone else we know about going to be there???

  49. nkd says:

    We’ve pretty much come to the conclusion that Adam will be performing in the Queen tribute. I hope that he gets his own part and not doing a duet with anyone(except Bowie) because I want all of his voice, full power. When he sings with others he holds back so as not to overpower the other vocalists. I just want all ADAM! Smile

  50. nkd says:

    glambotgram…congrats on the expected arrival of your new grandson! Do let us know when the big event happens. Lots of love coming at ya!

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