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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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alright I have now successfully moved my Ste. Agathe recap into the Glambert and Recap thread!
Hope everyone had a great Halloween last night!
How is everyone doing tonight? Loved the tweets from Adam and Sutan this afternoon. And the image in my mind of Tommy in jury duty, just too funny. I just cannot picture him on any kind of jury HA!
I didn’t hear about Tommy and jury duty. Funny!
luval here are Tommys tweets from this morning and afternoon:
@TommyJoeRatliff: Jury Duty is some bullshit… No one should have to be awake at this hour.
@TommyJoeRatliff: I sentenced him to a slow grim death
@TommyJoeRatliff: Just kiddin’ I was excised early and didn’t have to serve. No more jury duty
@TommyJoeRatliff: Oops… I was excused
I found this rather hilarious!
Thanks, glamberthaf28!
your welcome luval
Oooooo RL is a bitch these days but wanted to just take a minute to thank eywflyer for a wonderful wonderful choice of pic for the top of the thread! Delighted to look at this eye candy for a month!
Okay back to RL…later, peeps!
Soooo…what does this mean?
ETA: MTV EMAs (European Music Awards) in Belfast, Ireland this year.
Love the thread picture.
Watching DWTS. Biebs, you just need to shave up those sides…
Seriously, there is a guy at work who is wearing his hair shaved like Adam’s. I haven’t asked him if he’s a Glambert.
Personally, I hate the shaved sides. I prefer the style from the AI finale, but I doubt he goes back there. Hair makes a difference–if you’re old enough to remember Beatlemania, a big part of that had to do with their hairstyles. Justin Bieber might not have been as popular without the hair.
This is a new PR rep in the UK for Adam.
Oh I’m gonna blow a gasket if we don’t find some confirmation of something soon! Now I’m really excited!
Where is everyone? Get on here so we can speculate!!!!!!!
This is the tweet from earlier today.
I’m here!! So do we think that this could possibly lead into the new single being released??
Could Adam and Sauli be flying over to Belfast, Ireland to be at the show?
What does this tweet mean?
adam spoke about more than 1 single. Maybe He’ll sing something a little more European for these awards. We want him to be global.
on Twitter they have said that Queen is getting a an award or something. so maybe they asked Adam to perform some of their songs?
I’m here,nkd – just got home and ready to speculate!
Maybe Ireland? Oh, let it be – I’m Irish stock and been there so many times. If you-all haven’t been, go – it doesn’t matter who you are or where you come from – you’ll be at home.
I’m lurking on twitter trying to get some info and I see this. Sums it up for me too!
Yeah they are saying Queen is being honored and Gaga is singing with them. Would Adam be singing with them too? When they honor someone like that, don’t they usually have multiple performers singing the songs of the honoree?
That would be beyond awesome, but I want Adam to be performing some new music.
My guide is showing the MTV EMAs to be aired on Monday at 7 pm central time on MTVU. I think it will be streaming online also, but we need to find the time! Aaskdjfkuwo!
ETA: EMAs to be aired on Nov 6 at 1 pm PT according to Hollywood Reporter. I have 6 MTV channels and none of them are showing this on air until Monday. Hopefully mtv.com will have it online.
nkd they usually do have more than one person when honoring someone, but who knows. And now twitter is all over the fact that it is Adam and Sauli’s anniversary that night so who knows what’s gonna go down! And I agree we def need a ustream!
Could Adam be any more seductively cryptic? He’s probably sitting laughing at his twitter feed right now!
I’m on my way to bed here — long day, but I do want to quickly chime in. It would not be out of character for Adam to just be pimping the show because of the Queen/Gaga connection. He may have nothing to do with it. Sorry for being the Debbie Downer here, and I hope I’m wrong.
he probably is. I’ve seen some very funny tweets to him about him being such a tease!
dcglam, I hope it’s not the case either, hope he will either be attending/performing or maybe even getting an award and have had taped an acceptance speech! We can only wait, and HOPE for a USTREAM!
This tweet doesn’t seem like a pimping another artist tweet to me. He would have said, watch Gaga with Queen on the EMAs or something like that. Don’t ya think?
I know nothing! Just to qualify, in case y’all haven’t figured it out yet!
I agree nkd he would have said something like tune into the EMA’s to see my girl GAGA kill it with Queen or something like that. But like you I know nothing lol. Guess we’ll just have to wait until Sunday to find out
It’s killing me to think that we could be so close to something great! We’ve been waiting for so long. And glamberthaf28, you will learn that I am the most patient person here! HAHAHA
nkd LOL! I can see that about you!
I gotta say, I haven’t been a member here long, but I’m already loving it here! Can’t wait to get to know everyone better! It is very much a Glamily in here! I love it!!! <3
Ok, I am officially excited about this EMA thing! I have a good feeling about it, the way Adam is being so coy. He wouldn’t be so coy if he were just pimping the show in general, IMO. I think we’re going to see him perform. His new music, I hope, but I’ll take a Queen tribute anyday!
Geez, before his tweet I didn’t even know what the EMAs were, so I had to scramble around a bit to figure that out.
glamberthaf28 – It’s great to have you joining us! I’m glad you feel at home here. We are a pretty great crowd, if I do say so myself.
Stopped in just long enough to learn a new acronym.
Hoping hoping hoping that our dreams come to fruition on Sunday. Hoping hoping that the stream works! and delighted to endure the agony until then with y’all!
G’nite peeps! Sweet Adam dreams!
cwm thanks for the welcome. I do feel at home here
Kradamour It is going to be agony to have to wait until Sunday to find out what Adam is being so cryptic about!
If anyone has a link to the ustream, will you share?
Time for me to go, I have to get my rest for work tomorrow or else I will be asleep at my desk and that’s not a good thing when the bosses office is like 3 feet if that from your desk!
Goodnight glamberts <3 and as Kradamour said Hope everyone has Sweet Adam dreams
Things have calmed a little on twitter. Dang that boy! This angst better be worth it!
Good night kradamour and glamberthaf28! We have got to get you a shorter name!
LOL some of my favorite tweets in Adam’s feed at the moment:
cwm, those are hilarious! I love the feeding frenzy! That’s exactly how we were!
Oh, man, why does he do this to us? I am torn between Debbie Downer and wildly optimistic.
Kind of with dcglam: Look at this write-up about the EMA’s:
It looks like the same-old same-old performers that I am SICK OF SEEING AND HEARING! But, then, it could be possible that he would be one of Guetta’s guest performers, because Guetta has said he would love to work with Adam. Or, he could perform a Queen number (do we think Gaga would give up even a nanosecond of limelight to ANYONE????)
Well, we made him the King of Twitter, so he has every right to torture us like this. And, he piles it on top of the ongoing exploding November single torture. Ah, Adam you are a cruel but compelling master.
On another note, Ron and luval, you looked GREAT – bet you had a ball, too.
cwm, were?
ETA: Sorry, I meant: NKD, were?
Ellesay, I’m so sorry to ignore your post about the hair. We kind of got blasted with this EMA news(non-news).
Don’t like the shaved sides, and isn’t it funny that Bieber is getting all of this attention for his new do, which a lot of celebs have worn for a while now!
riskylady, I agree about the list of performers they’ve announced. If I watch this entire broadcast and there is no Adam, and he is just saying watch, I may throw a tantrum!
The Queen tribute does interest me however. I would love if Adam was a part of that! Brian May does love Adam. Gah, I just want some music!
Ok, I think I’ve filled this whole page. I should go for now.
nkd, but then, there is this (quoting from your post):
First she says she’s excited to work with Adam, then this. It’s downright soul-boggling dammit. We’ll all be bipolar by Sunday *heads for stash of leftover Halloween candy*
Hopefully this will be something special. I do think Adam is playing with fire a bit here, if this is anything other than the new single there will be a lot of disappointed fans.
I was considering the candy too, but I think I’ll wash it down with a glass or four of wine!
Candy AND wine? Now, that’s bipolar lol!
Maybe I’ll start with the wine and may not need candy!
I know who Adam was dressed as on Halloween – The Marquis de Sade. Still want to see that entire outfit. Looked dangerous.
AH! I was in the right area! A French Aristocrat!
Dear nkd, funnel down (do use a funnel) 9 glasses of wine in quick succession. You’ll feel better instantly. I guarantee it.
Haha Ron, I’ve missed you!
You looked great in the pics you posted.
Still pondering the EMA’s – it is true that Adam has won numerous awards in Europe in several countries – Int’l Record of the Year, Int’l Song of the Year, Best Int’l Artist-type awards (except for the bloody UK)……
Almost dread the day the single drops – combo of ecstasy and utter fear. Thank god I can huddle with our group here.
Well, after 9 glasses of wine, I start looking pretty good to just about anyone!
I’ve missed you too and thanks for the nice compliment.
This is a great place to huddle ultimathule. We’re all here to flail and fret together!
Well, I opted for water and berries, so Ron you still look good sober!
Thing is about the EMA’s Adam is not going to leave it alone till Sunday, and the spy crew will certainly know if he is on his way overseas, so we will be knowing more info by then.
My guess is that he is performing with Queen, he wouldnt know much about GAGA’s performance I dont think. But he needs to be over there to rehearse, so I hope our spys know if they are gone or not. How great would a mixup of some of Freddies songs, with Adam singing? Oh the ideas are endless.