- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Perfect picture choice, eywflyer!!
It just had to be this picture! Hands down, no contest. Thanks, eywflyer.
Thanks dcglam and Ceddies! I debated back and forth between this pic and a Halloween one, but I liked the mag cover as a hopeful leadin to big things happening this month, and I couldn’t find a Halloween pic of high enough quality to be suitable.
Nkd, I’ve added the gravatar and using smilies links to the right-hand menu, under “Important Info”. Thanks for the suggestion!
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!! We achieved a write-in candidacy for Must Follow Artist on Twitter, and ADAM WON ADAM WON ADAM WON ADAM WON!!!!!! So happy for us (all that voting!!!) and HIM (He is the most entertaining, communicative, literate on Twitter – he so deserves this!)
Btw, yes, I am happy.
eyw, I see that you did add the Gravatar and Using Smilies under Important Info. That’s gonna help a lot of folks. Thanks again. And thanks to whomever made that suggestion.
Just wanted to let everyone know I posted my recap to the Ste. Agathe concert in the Ste. Agathe thread if ya wanna read it and eywflyer love the picture choice for this month’s chat! Gorgeous! I bought the online version, how can one man be so hot pumping gas?!
Well off to bed now, have to work in the morning. Good night all…glittery Adam dreams to everyone <3
Thirty days of looking at this beautiful picture – what a wonderful gift. Thank you so much, eywflyer.
glambertthaf28, thank you for the recaps! Saw your note in the Ste Agathe thread about cross-posting those in the Glambert/Recap thread too when you have time, that will be great!
I’ll throw a couple of future site organization topics out for discussion as we start the new thread. At some point in 2012 we will transition into active tour mode once again. Of course we will have separate threads for every tour date. In addition, we will have one or more members-only thread(s) for concert planning. My questions for discussion are:
– Do you still want to have monthly chat threads running during the next tour, or will we take the active chat from one concert thread to the next like we did on MJs during Glam Nation?
– How would you like to see the members-only concert planning thread(s) organized? One big thread for all dates, or break the dates up by week or month or something? I want to keep things simple, but am not sure if the amount of concert planning chat with one thread for the entire tour might become overwhelming.
I’m very excited for us to start thinking about such things, hopefully the next tour will be here before we know it!
glamberthaf28, what a neat Halloween Treat. I’m headed there to read it when I finish this post. I never got around to posting my comments. I thought about posting them over the weekend as a Halloween treat, but again never got around to doing that. Thank you so much for getting it done for us. Gone over there to read. Good night everyone.
Adam tweets:
Thanks for letting us know about this riskylady!
Here’s the award, and Adam’s acceptance:
Some pretty stiff competition there…..
Thanks for the vid, riskylady!
Oh, forgot to mention: Bieber was a write-in too.
The King of Twitter! What a great way to start off the month. Love it.
Congrats to Adam. He has unfollowed Perez H too, so 2 good things happened to him today.
Viacom blocked it already.
Thanks eywflyer for adding those links under important

stuffinfo. I’m sure that will be useful to members of the site.Now…where’s your avi? I’m going to start calling y’all out by name!
Here’s another link to the MTV Must Follow on Twitter award acceptance by Adam
Yay, thanks Cher, that one worked!
YAY ADAM! for winning the Must Follow Artist on Twitter at MTV’s O Music Awards! It’s true – he is great on twitter. So entertaining, so honest, so real. He totally deserves this. And I’m glad we fans were able to deliver it for him.
Obviously it’s not a big-deal award, but it will probably bring him a boost in followers and some coolness and credibility points.
Summary of the awards in celebrity-gossip.net: http://celebrity-gossip.net/music/tokio-hotel-demi-lovato-adam-lambert-oma-winners-557634
eywflyer – thanks for choosing that Advocate cover for this month’s picture. I think I can stand to look at that photo for an entire month.
It’s great that you’re thinking ahead to next year when the tour starts! I’m not sure how to answer your question about keeping a chat thread in addition to a thread for each show. There is something elegant about having a chat thread for every month. But if the shows closely follow one another, we would be able to easily jump from one show thread to the next without needing a chat thread. Then again, let’s say the tour takes a week off – would you want to have a chat thread available to fill in the “downtime” between shows?
Re: members-only concert planning threads – maybe we could have one of these threads for each month, and they’re set up ahead of time as dates are announced. That is, if a few of us are planning to go to a show in July, we go to the July planning thread to talk about our plans. (I think weekly planning threads would be too much.)
My two cents. Thanks eywflyer for everything you do to make this an awesome site!
The hilarious (and “peen obsessed”) peeps at The Home Planet are at it again — with their Great Hallowpeen Special post. Warning – definitely NSFW!
Also, a smile from Neil:
Thanks eywflyer for the lovely picture for this month. Perfect…
It was great that Adam won a MTV award. Good exposure and wonderful to hear him talk and smile. Helped make his ‘do’ a little more paletable.
Email from yesterday:
eywflyer, I do love your selection for the picture for this month’s thread.
I’m excited that it’s November, because maybe we will get that long awaited single, but I really don’t want to flip my calendar!
Yes, jlurk, got my UK notice, too. Forwarded it to the AO link through AQD.
Most of the threads on the two albums are “don’t buy” ones. Checked “yes” on all of these. Be interesting to know if this stops people from buying.
The third album was Sleepwalker – the two-track CD with the “October” picture on it – which was why I have it in my collection – lol. The second track was the Indianapolis “Aftermath.” Put a “buy” recommendation there as for those who don’t know Adam it has both a studio and a live track – evidence of the beauty and consistency of his performances. Curious to know why this particular CD was issued and to whom it was aimed.
Sorry so slow on the avi – have absolutely no idea what to put up. Will this follow me to MJ’s and other sites as well? I’ve screwed up things before by changing god-knows-what such as on youTube. After I did something with google, couldn’t use regular e-mail and no matter what I did or changed could never log in again. Fortunately, have a second e-mail and just started new account.
ultimathule, I’m really just kidding about the avis, or lack of one! It used to carry to MJ’s, with wordpress, but since she changed her site, I’m not sure.
This just announced from AMA’s. Can someone explain to me how these acts are any more family friendly than Adam?
I like LMFAO, but can you wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle, on the AMA stage?
Love the Advocate picture. Gorgeous man.
So happy he won the MTV must follow on Twitter. Totally deserving I might add.
Hopefully we will hear something soon on the new single. Fingers and toes are crossed.
What a time! So much fun! I have no idea what TV shows spoke to me last night but I was interviewed twice!
I think the crowd estimate of 10,000 people is a very accurate number!
So far, I found these 3 photos on Flickr.com and have no idea who took them. luval took many photos! She should be on her way home right now.
luval and (Adam tattoo) Jennifer are in the photos. Not going to tell you who’s who.
ETA: Found another one.
Ron, thanks for the pics! Y’all look amazing!
I LOVE your costume especially those socks and knickers! It sounds like you had a great time. So jellus!
Chris Brown – just pathetic – but, of course, he’s not a sexy gay man – now that’s just not acceptable – hypocrites.
hi Ron,
Everyone looks great! Do so love, love, love your outfit! Looks like it took a lot of work but such perfecton!. Would love to have seen you in person.
Will make sure the Duke sees it since he’s such a fan!!!
Great pics, Ron – love the outfit.
@ultimathule…I totally agree with your post. Chris Brown…total hypocrites having him and not Adam.
Hi nkd, little dutchess and ultimathule
Thanks for the nice comments! Big hello to the Duke!
Just to give you some idea of what it was like … we’re somewhere in all of that.
Lets see-Chris Brown beats a women, says he sorry.
Adam Lambert kissed a guy, doesnt say hes sorry? Does that about wrap it up!
I wish more that anything Adam could come back and perform on the AMA’s, the world deserves to see him again, singing like he can do. This would break the barricade the public has with him. Why wont they forgive him for one stinking (altho hot) kiss???
Of course I posted on the wrong thread!
Hi glamberthaf28…Did you say you were going to post your “how I found Adam” on the Glambert/recap thread? I didn’t see it.
eywflyer…I have no page numbers on the Glambert recap thread. Even if it’s only page one shouldn’t I have a “one of one” something like that?
Hi Ron,
Back home…what an amazing time. Much much more than I expected. You were the star last night!!! I’ll let you do a mini re-cap if you’d like and I can throw in bits and pieces.
Great picture choice! Just trying this out to see if my new avatar works. Crossing fingers X
Yay! (Oh, now I sound like Sauli) It worked!!!
Nice avi, dflowers!
Love the video and pics, Ron and luval. It looks as though a good time was had by all!!
Speaking of new singles, please bear with me…..
On the way home from work today (just a few minutes ago) I heard Katy Perry’s brand new single on the radio. Please keep in mind that I like Katy — not love, but like. In my opinion, her new single (The One That Got Away) is NOT GOOD AT ALL. The fact that this song is getting seemingly easy radio play is beyond my comprehension. Yeah, things are not fair in the music world, unfortunately.
My biggest hope right now is for Adam to have several singles from this new album that will not struggle for radio air time. I would say that every single song on FYE is better than the one I heard from KP today. JMHO
dcglam…I heard the same song from Katy Perry. Hated it!! And I like her too. Her people are trying to squeeze anything out of her album…good or not! I should say IMO…some people may like it.
hmmm..lost my page numbers again even on this thread. Maybe it’s my computer.
Hi luval! No page numbers for me either. But it’s the first page of the thread, maybe they don’t show up until page 2 starts.
I’m glad you made it home safely, and I hope you had a great time last night.
Hi nkd…Great great time last night. Like I imagine Mardi Gras to be like but more more over the top and exciting. Huge mix of people. All sizes, shapes, colors, genders and ethnicity. If you watch ron’s posted video at 4:07pm if gives you some idea of how it was but you had to be there!!!
luval – eywflyer has set up this site to have 50 posts per page, so we haven’t filled up a page yet on this thread. Once we’re past 50, then we’ll see page numbers at the bottom. Same with the Glambert thread.
Ron and luval — sounds like you guys had a blast! Thanks for sharing the pics and the video. You three looked FAHBOOLUS!
Thanks cwm. I just remembered Kradamour sometime in the past mentioned something about the number of posts on a page. I kind of thought the length of the posts on the page (like in the Glambert thread) might have something to do with it but I guess not!