- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Finally, good picture, crappy sound normal YT vid.
Showing my ignorance! I don’t think I’ve ever heard of the RockMyTown concert.
Ron, your FanCard is just being revoked..
Oh, NO! Well, I’m still keeping the toaster oven!
Thank you, Oksana for the WWFM link! Boy, did he ever change it up!! LOVE what he did with it and, bad quality sound, but he sounded great!
That girl got a pretty picture! http://i065.radikal.ru/1105/c5/5ba2909653b1.jpg
Just tuning in, but I like the more leather – less glitter so far. Definitely a better daytime look.
I know this Tweeter didn’t mean this the way it sounds. I had to laugh:
Picture of the purple ballons:http://s56.radikal.ru/i153/1105/5d/28209bc88870.jpg
Moscow – Fever:
Music Again http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l05TE3CThsg&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL
adamlambertAdam Lambert
Moscow http://say.ly/cTwmBk
Moscow http://say.ly/elUmBi
Onstage in Moscow http://say.ly/NDEmBa
Ron, I think that this is the
picture of smeared make-up
Thanks, Oksana! Wonder if it’s tear stained make-up. Maybe cried during a song? We’ll probably find out soon enough.
Don’t you just love Twitter..hehehe
On Twitter:
@AdamLambertRUUA RussianUkrainianFans
RT @LambritsUK Continue to check for Adam Lambert Maxidrom vids currently being downloaded here: http://bit.ly/j48c9d
Ron, whenever I remember Gene Simmons’ advice to Adam to stay in the closet, cause he’s gonna lose his fans I want to laugh..
His fans don’t give a sh!t about his orientation.As Adam said, sexy is sexy..And the more unattainable he is to his female fans the hotter he seems to them… that’s the nature of the beast, people always want something that they cannot have..
Good morning from the west coast! Thanks to all who are posting vids and pics from the concert. Could he be any more gorgeous?? Love hearing and watching Adam in action again. Will be coming back throughout the day to check out the goodies!
Happy Saturday all.
Just got home and watched WWFM…holy cow was that amazing even with the crappy sound. And Fever…whoot! Oksana2000 you are so right about wanting something we can never have. I have had discussions with people about this. Of course I have to say it’s the VOICE!!!…and that tweet about looking in the mirror is so funny.
Wonder why they couldn’t have russled up a couple of coffee tables for Adam to stand on? That stage was ginormous.
I typed out a long post! it disappeared!
Oh, well. It included thanks to everyone involved in this amazing thread including my fellow posters without whom it would be just a headline. So so happy to have a concert thread again! and a concert! (Ron thanks for missing me – that was sweet of you!) Son’s prom was last night and I didn’t get to bed until 2, so I un-set my alarm and it looks like it was just as well – have really enjoyed checking in this morning to get your bits and tidbits!
Re putting aside the glitter – I’m glad. Was worried that it could become a schtick. (Like Liberace. Or not.) Love the “real-er” look and can’t wait to
seehear what the music is gonna be like! We need a taste in St. Agatha.Re above concerns about Quebec – no, Adam is the only performer on his night, that’s why you can buy tickets for him only.
I hope that Adam sends more tweets to his Russian fans. They have waited so long for him! Love the purple balloons.
Oksana, thank you for finding the first and wonderful pics!
I’d all but forgotten this but do remember it now. I’d love to know the whole story of what went on between Simmons and Adam. I would guess Adam was his charming self and the rehearsals went well and, for me, the performance was great! It was only afterwards that Simmons’s started his comments. Didn’t he also say that Adam’s voice was better suited for Broadway? I’ve never heard Adam say anything negative about Gene but, being the gentleman he is, he wouldn’t.
Trip to Finland to meet Sauli…and meet the rents? That would be a big step. Do we know if they are okay with Sauli’s orientation? would welcome a boyfriend? I assume so.
ETA: Oh, and someone at the end of the chat thread wondered about medges…I just assumed that they were man wedges. Could be wrong. Posting it here because I assume we are all here now.
Ron, after Gene voiced his opinion about Adam, our boi told him that he is a dick…and right so.
kradamour! Good morning, sleepyhead.
I read a translated newspaper article where Sauli’s father referred to Adam as “son-in-law to be”. So, it appears all is well on that front.
The article also stated that the father had only seen pictures of Adam and was very nervous to meet him. The nervousness was due to his not speaking English but he added, “I’m sure Sauli will translate”. Adam’s going to be welcomed with open arms.
Kradamour, you’re welcome..
I’m expecting more and more pictures and vids, but I’m still overwhelmed by the quality of the first ones..no wonder that Adam is twitting them now..
for you Ron….
I guess I kind of missed Adam’s comeback remark to Gene Simmons, Oksana.
I’m sure Adam said it in a gentlemanly way, though. 
luval!!! So thoughtful! You know it’s my fave!
Yay, Adam got a taste of the stage that he hasn’t had in months! I’m sure it’s addicting. I wonder if we’ll get a pic from the stage out to the audience?
OMG, Adam just changed his avi to Maxidrom picture!
He must’ve had blast over there.Singing for thousands of loving (young)fans must be like heaven for him.
Ron, no, he was quite literal..
If Adam goes to Finland, I hope that he can do it quietly.
I don’t wanna think of media circus it press gets whiff of that.
wow WLL…and he says “woman”
Hi guys…. just checking in

What no vids posted on top yet?
But I see some in the thread. WOOT WOOT. Just watched “Fever” and realized how much I miss his concerts
What a vocals!! WOW!!
And look at young male fans going crazy…
luval, you beat me to it.. hehhe
Hey all….just checked into MJ’s & looks like she gave in on having an Adam concert thread. She tried to sneak Adam under the headlines thread, but the whole thread was being spammed by everything Adam.
Twitter feed for @adamlambert is going crazy. So many internationals are twitting. We weren’t the only ones waiting for his live concert right?
Watch him ruffle Tommy’s pink hair!!!!
did I beat ya again Oksana2000?
The vocals to me are amazing. Better than ever!! Can’t wait until Quebec.
Next to his outstanding VOICE, his swagger on Fever and Strut is UNMATCHED! Adam is something special isn’t he?
Good afternoon everyone! Wow so many pics and vids. I can’t wait to get home and watch them.
The poster is beautiful mlg!
I hate working weekends when everyone is on chatting away! I’ll catch up later!
Luval, yes, you did cuz I was checking MJ’s..
I think that MJ will have separate concert threads for other Idols if they perform at concerts of Maxidrom magnitude. It’s only fair.
I don’t want stupid fanwars anymore. I hope that this year with Scotty/Lauren we will be spared that sh!t.
Talking about Swagger – DTRH – WOW – Love it!!!
Well, I might as well…..SW
Ron, here are some interviews where Adam was asked about Gene Simmons.
@ 1:34
Excerpt from the Rolling Stone interview
this one was FIERCE, wasn’t it?
Green HIppo..thanks for DTRH!…Each song gets better and better. I was picturing the purple fringe flying! I hope at some point they all will be loaded up top somehow.
Am trying to decide whether I miss the dancers. The stage looked so crowded as it is. But I’ll bet there was lots of room, just couldn’t see at at the angles of the videos.
Oh jeeeez! I just got home from a meeting and watched Fever. Awesome to see and hear him on stage again. Going back to watch the rest now…
this from twitter:
Ron, from Idolatry.
I miss the dancers
did we ever figure out who played keyboards today? If anyone? I am not seeing anyone?