- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Setlist is given at the link above as follows, in order:
1.Whataya Want From Me
4.20th Century Boy
5.If I Had You
7.Whole Lotta Love
8.Sure Fire Winners
If the band watched from another stage, who played for Adam? He obviously didn’t do it acapella. Maybe he and Monte performed several acoustic songs on one stage and then went to join the others for the R&R songs – TCB, WLL, Fever, SFW etc.
Just saw the set list. So much for my theory!
This pic just popped up on MJs. It looks like two stages with a projection screen in the middle. Is that Tommy on the left hand stage?
Let’s not hate the Russberts. It sounds as though the concert was over so quickly they didn’t know what hit them. Give them a chance to get home and process some videos. We’ve been spoiled by SUZ.
Is anyone else at Adam Lambert – Upload Date on YouTube reloading every 3 minutes for the first Moscow video? Much too soon to be looking now or, is it, you never know and might be any minute? Well, I guess there’s no clear answer to that.
Ron, if the Russberts stay for the rest of the festival it will be several more hours before they get home as I believe that it doesn’t end until 10pm tonight Moscow time (2pm EDT).
Thanks eywflyer and, of course, you make perfect sense. I’ll take myself off the Lookout Tower for a while then.
It wouldn’t KILL them to tweet few pictures of Adam (pouting).
I’m pretty sure they (Russberts) took tone of them..
Here are pics that actually have Adam and the band on the same stage LOL:
and this is hilarious:
I´ll keep checking for videos all day. But I think that it will take a while for them to surface on youtube!
Renata, I put what is thought to be the setlist in order up top, and it looks like more pix are starting to filter through on twitter now. You are right, it will probably be a while before vids come in, especially with this being an all-day festival. The Russberts may want to see the other bands too
Once again, my apologies to everyone for the site going down at a crucial time this morning! I don’t know if I can find dedicated hosting (as opposed to shared hosting which we are using now) for a reasonable price, but I’m definitely going to look into it.
I’m heading to bed now, will checkin this afternoon when I get up. Thanks again to Renata for running the thread!
ETA – just had to put this pic up: http://www.maximum.ru/upload/images/IMG_0276.jpg
At some point he took off jacket.No more Brussel Sprout
Thanks for that, beautiful photo.
Hopefully we’ll get lots more, need some cheering up, feeling a wee bit sad, my eldest daughter left home today…still at least she’s in the same country this time
Also a good one:
A frikkin rakstar
Whoever was taking these proffesional pictures, did a good job.
I might be UNF-ing for the rest of the day..
A few fans
Wonder what he sang
Tommy, Isaac, Adam
We love you Adam THAT much
Sometimes it happens because of the links. But I just approved your post.
Love the photo at the top of those metal stairs. And so many fans. Wonder when we’ll know how many were there. And it looks hot, no wonder he took his leather jacket off…
Thanks, Renata. I know that these Russian sites are full of viruses, but I hope this one is OK.
I read somewhere that they were expecting 50,000 fans.
Yes, Adam looks like a total Rakstar on those stairs..
‘Morning, HK fan
Wondering earlier what kind of weather Adam was facing for the outdoor concert, I looked it up.
Sunny/partly cloudy. Temp: 68 degrees F. Kind of cool, actually.
As Adam said when he was mentoring:

Something to listen to…
Something to LOOK at..
Ron, look how fans are dressed. Looks rather warm. And Adam is moving on stage.
The poster is beautiful.He look’s amazing.I love the jacket and the hair.Can’t wait for the vidieo’s.Everyone’s having a blast with the “was it a concert or was it a soundcheck”.
Wow, what a treat to log on and see this gorgeous poster (thanks mlg!) and these gorgeous pics of Adam and the band. Guess I didn’t realize just how much I’ve missed seeing him perform – these beautiful photos really made my “soul” happy. He looks like a true rockstar – love the jacket and sunglasses. A perfect look
Yes, it does look warm. Forecast didn’t include humidex reading so must have felt warmer than actual temperature. Looked like a very nice day there.
To the ones that were dissapointed that Adam didn’t do his GN concert – Adam knows his audiences. He was dressed perfectly for the ocassion, this is rock festival, not his concert.
Seems to me that he got glitter out of his system , but he looks more and more amazing.
Now let’s speculate – is he going to Finland? It’s only 500 miles to Helsinki.And Sauli will be there. My bet is on Adam quietly going there.
not morning for me… its almost 10pm, so we got the concert at a very respectable time, although I was out so couldn’t follow along. Catching up now though..
It definitely looks warm there, although 68 is probably considered pretty warm to a Russian! Its amazing how you adjust, here in HK when its about 21c, we consider it chilly, and many people still wear jackets, but in the UK you’re likely to find people walking around in their swimmers at that temperature.
ok guys I´m off to meet my parents and then take them to lunch.Later I´m taking my niece to the movies. Family day! I´ll update the thread when I get back if there is any videos.
I can´t wait for them. I miss Adam´s singing!!!
Renata, thank you for hosting. Have a great family day..
I’ll work on bringing more pictures..
Thanks renataademelo for the concert thread today. Your great!
Did I post that one already?
I hope it’s not a shot of vodka…
duplicate photo. nvm
Let me know, when you have enuf…
I linked pictures from Russian sites, this blog put me in automatic moderation, Renata is not there to remove moderation, so I don’t know what to do..
First short vid: SFW
Anyway, there are tons of VERY GOOD pictures from the concert, if you want to see them, go on Twitterlist and look for them.
I’m saying again , whoever was taking those pictures, did terrific job. I’ll always remember the PROFESSIONAL photographer from London who managed to make Adam look bad on every single picture.It must be some inborn talent…
Thanks Ron, don’t we love these little vids with bad sound and waving hands in the front of the camera?..
The place looks huge.
I agree, the pictures have been great and were posted rather quickly. The ones I have seen so far only make me want more.
I know, right? But, at this point, any little scrap available is fine by me. Looking forward to (hopefully) the real stuff later on.
Wonder what this means? During the concert? Maybe it didn’t happen at all …
I know Ron, beggars can’t be choosers..
We should be eternally grateful to Eywflyer for creating this site. No more concert threads on MJ’s now and in the future,,
Ron, didn’t it happen during RockMyTown concert?
Same 30 second clip of Moscow SFW but now on YouTube for those who couldn’t access the previous Link.