- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
SNL opening with Queen song “Don’t Stop Me Now”.
Wish Adam is a musical guest.
Paul Rudd a Kansan and a KU alumni Is hosting tonight.

VIDEO|@ThisIsMeechi is singing “Bohemian Rhapsody” with @AdamLambert on #AmericanIdol tomorrow and talked on Instagram Live about meeting him today!
“He’s super awesome, he’s a super great guy. It was weird ’cause he’s like family.”
Love this look. Don’t know if old or new.
INTERVIEW+PHOTOS|Nine Songs: @AdamLambert – the songs that made him:http://thelineofbestfit.com/features/listomania/adam-lambert-queen-nine-favourite-songs … via @BestFitMusic
“Smiling and laughing as he talks ever more emphatically, Lambert’s passion for his craft and the music that inspires him through it is not hard to get caught up in.”
Hi sistasif!! How’s everything going with you?
New Eyes is very addictive. Can’t get it out of my head. Can’t believe the video is so popular – over 1.3 million hits already!! Great sign for Era 4!! Great job Adam!!!
I’m great. Thanks sis!
How was your trip to Ireland?
Actually it was a trip to England and Scotland and we had a great time!! Less than a week before the wedding!
Love this!
TALCvids @TALCvids
Here’s a bit of a challenge (for those interested) … now that we’ve had a few days for #NewEyes to percolate/sink in, what ONE word would YOU use to describe the song? Just curious… advance thanks if you choose to respond. ?
Nelson Aspen @NelsonAspen
Next @sunriseon7 I’ll be presenting moments from awesome Adam Lambert’s exclusive interview about all the latest developments in his life…onstage and off. What a talented guy! Are you a fan?? #adamlambert @ New… https://www.instagram.com/p/BxpNSLLA1c8/?igshid=1px3h1jcchtoz
So…. Sunrise tomorrow/Monday May 20 (airs 5:30am-9am) on Ch7/PRIME7.
Nelson Aspen’s an entertainment reporter for Sunrise.
Too Theatrical @tootheatrical
If you think @adamlambert’s video promotes drugs look at it thru “new eyes.” The ONLY one w/a drink & cigar+acid is the OLD man implying that “drugs” are passe. The others get high on confidence/compassion/creativity via sight/smell/sound in physical forms of makeup/perfume/music
This is phenomenal!
GELLY @14gelly
Next time someone is saying something about MM and Adam
show them this video/comparison
Please don’t tag me though I have no patience for fools lol, just save the video without mentioning me please
Show them and I REST MY CASE.
instagram ”
House Party vibes BTS of #NewEyes” FUN!
(link: https://www.instagram.com/p/BxqI2QOhBT5/) instagram.com/p/BxqI2QOhBT5/
Don’t miss the @AmericanIdol
Grand Finale tonight! Tune in 8p|5e on ABC, and I’ll be performing #NewEyes LIVE for the first time!!
RT @sunriseon7
: .@AdamLambert
talking about how falling in love inspired his brand new album is too cute
Important: with regard to Am I d o l
‘s #NewEyes described thru fans’ eyes.
(You might need to tap/open the photo to see all)
I D O L solo performance likely pre recorded yesterday (cap from A’s drummer)
Video Dimitrius Graham live Instagram who will be singing Bohemian Rhapsody w @adamlambert
ar the @AmericanIdol
finale : I will be singing with Adam Lambert and I met him today, he’s super awesome he’s a super great guy, it was weird cause he’s like family ”
I really like this take on the video
Hope to see Adam on Idol the first half. At 8:00 CT I want to watch GOT.
Decision, decision.
Adam and his ladies
So is he on live tonight doing New Eyes, or did he tape yesterday? Seems to be conflicting reports.
Comments on Adam’s solo & with Demitrius on MJ’s are outstanding!
He looked so hot lots of eye makeup loved his hair. Layered he reminds me of Prince. I Love his hair like this. Tons of compliments on MJs. I have to watch New Eyes again. Shortened up because the show. The Duet was great. He’s the whole show.
Adam’s outfit on BoRhap was amazing.
Adam Lambert & Dimitrius Graham With a KILLER Finale Collab | American Idol 2019
New Eyes on Idol
RoRhap with Demitrius
Adam Lambert new eyes American idol
This is not an official video from abc so the sound is not great.
Wait for the official one soon.
Official AI video. New Eyes
As it is with all of Adam’s songs, it was better live.
Adam Lambert Performs “New Eyes” – American Idol 2019 Finale
Adam Lambert & Dimitrius Graham Perform “Bohemian Rhapsody” by Queen – American Idol 2019 Finale
Crap .. Sorry my French.
AI winner isn’t the one I like.
Dimitius can sing better than those finalists.
I think Adam channels “Prince” tonight.
First listen to “New Eyes” I thought of Prince.
New Eyes was fabulous live…so sultry, so smooth. I loved it!
Wow was he hot!!!
Prince channeling big time.
Dimitrius was really good, in his Original High tunic.
Game of Thrones….need to process this….
Had a blast debuting #NewEyes on the @AmericanIdol finale.
I couldn’t be any happier with @adamlambert new song, style, vibe, hair….all of it. This is my fave era yet, and the album hasn’t even dropped! It just feels like it fits, it’s real. Shit, imagine the tour!! ???
Bea SAW ENDGAME 4x ? ?
Its time to stop sleeping on Adam Lambert because he’s so damn amazing, talented and deserves all the recognition in the entire world. Stream New Eyes for a better life and clear skin✨ #AdamLambert #NewEyes #AmericanIdol
Review: Adam Lambert amazing on ‘American Idol’ finale, debuts new single SPECIAL
Read more: http://www.digitaljournal.com/entertainment/music/review-adam-lambert-amazing-on-american-idol-finale-debuts-new-single/article/550148#ixzz5oQuUtikH
What did everyone think of @adamlambert’s first live performance of #NewEyes on #AmericanIdol?
As I thought…the live version of New Eyes was fantastic. I found the recorded version unclear, diction mumbled and the video incomprehensible. Not Adam’s fault that I don’t get the arty in it…I’m a plain Jane. Just loved it live. I could actually understand the lyrics! It does seem to be resonating with a younger demographic so that’s perfect.
After @AdamLambert’s performance of #NewEyes ?️ on @AmericanIdol the song jumped from #176 to #88 on US @iTunes! ? Also Whataya Want From Me is popping up again and the Playlist: The Very Best of Adam Lambert. In Canada #NewEyes jumped from #455 to #166! ?
Sexy and sultry Adam realness at its finest!! The video is so clever…. Can’t wait for part two!!!!”
“This might be my fave photo of the night of @adamlambert! This is from his stunning @americanidol performance of his new single, #neweyes tonight! 19.05.19”
“While the song itself has gotten a polarizing response from his core fanbase. This whole sound suits Adam the most. Contemporary Classic Rock. Fused with a Blues, Soul Connotation. Velvet is sure to deliver @adamlambert”
“The performance we didn’t know we needed. Rock on @thisismeechi @adamlambert! #AmericanIdol
Joey Guerra
Fwded through most of the Idol finale because, ugh. But the best moment by FAR was Adam Lambert and @thisismeechi
duet on Bohemian Rhapsody. That Dimitrius Graham wasn’t in the finale further proves what a joke this show has become.
BetaSeries News
Adam Lambert Does Double Performing Duty on ‘Idol’ as New Winner is Crowned (link: https://variety.com/2019/music/news/american-idol-finale-adam-lambert-1203220644/) variety.com/2019/music/new…
“”If the show is looking to shake up the panel of mentors and coaches, it’s clear after his unofficial dominance with multiple appearances this season that the season 8 runner-up turned Queen frontman would be a no-brainer for a permanent role.” wow wow wow
A few screencaps while we’re waiting for u tubes!
. @adamlambert
Dazzles With Two Epic Performances During #Americanidol
Finale: Watch
Clad in some velvet bell bottoms and a ruffle-collar shirt, the singer delivered sheer ‘70s rock with his understated-yet-bold rendition. #NewEyes
(link: https://www.billboard.com/articles/news/television/8512163/adam-lambert-performs-american-idol-finale-videos) billboard.com/articles/news/… via @billboard
NEW PHOTO FROM @adamlambert
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