- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Agree with luval – he’s rich – he’s happy – he’s busy – his reputation as a superb live performer is now a given – can live without every song’s being a #1 –
Replying to @kinkykiedis
After a misunderstanding it’s now confirmed it is Tuesday Adam Lambert will be on @GMB
in the UK between 6am and 8.30am. Adam will be interviewed live through a live video link possibly from his hometown of LA. He won’t be in London at the studios. Not yet anyway.
(GMB is Good Morning Britain)
Spotify UK are emailing their millions of subscribers #NewMusicFriday recommendations and look who they chose as their email header!
#AdamLambert #NewEyes #Velvet #Spotify
We round up the week’s best new pop songs in The Drop: (link: https://idola.to/2HoNQ0D) idola.to/2HoNQ0D
Love this @adamlambert quote from the press releases! “I wanted my first single to reflect my current state of mind and to bring listeners into a romantic, earthy vibe. New Eyes is a love letter to innocence and to finding new passions,” ❤️?
Sent New Eyes video to my drummer friend Frank for his opinion ( I was scared). He just emailed me back in all caps KILLER, OUTSTANDING!!!!!
The list of countries where #NewEyes
by @adamlambert
is charting in iTunes got a bit shorter today with sales from 24 hours ago dropping off. There are still some big countries on the list though!
It was holding on #45 in the US pretty long, but it dropped to #50 now.
(link: https://www.facebook.com/danwootton/videos/607503549727282/?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARDup35LH6pMlpDIg7YK43Bs0sUpEbrawFKe5ZBaIUu0TnwK3J5fTxCcQwxqAcN6FBnoMs_1jS5Yf7oio4Fv2OtoAFauS21Xq5N6SAO5XAE7f22KHmALj9Hn3vxZ-TIZjSAeYLH5GMgIgsdCBRejWH9OZOMOyxSfWssK-9EzCm5egl5Zs_k2V1hJEPCV5zCaRtOiudCtwykgHRFEqbfq3_2JmltfjY_DHVUDOjiMfbSLD2-au4ISLXq641rGKSi3h37U4aYq8cxgdI3sqeq0iY3HCfTLlLCGAGWHAtC5Q8l5SVjd2yVyO3iAypvDqW8c2Mb9WT6qXX5NDHhB1GA7zOMDvMLYHVXcphYmCQ&__tn__=-R) facebook.com/danwootton/vid…
Helium Karaoke with Adam Lambert
belts out Queen, Cher and his biggest solo hits in karaoke with squeaky twist
(link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFsSMgAxswo&feature=youtu.be) youtube.com/watch?v=fFsSMg…
Lino DiSalvo
I know we always talk about the song, and yes it’s freaking great… but @adamlambert
is a freaking great actor, he’s a natural. Also, has impeccable comedic timing. I couldn’t be happier with Emperor Maximus, he steals almost every scene he’s in. #AllHailMaximus #Playmobil
Rachel Webb
I think my mom found the best use for this new filter
2019-05-19 – ADAM PERFORMING
WC: (link: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=American+Idol+-+Competition+Finale+-+Adam+to+Perform&iso=20190519T20&p1=179&ah=2) timeanddate.com/worldclock/fix…
Periscope for International Fans: (link: https://www.pscp.tv/glambertparty1/) pscp.tv/glambertparty1/
Heads up!!!
Food Network (Channel 52) 5:30-6:00 CT
“Layers of Flavor” in Toronto, Canada, pork belly, …, Jamaican jerk chicken and Caribbean pork chops.
Hope it’s about cher.
It’s on right now.
OK … Sorry. This episode is not about our cher’s place.
“Single Review: Adam Lambert – New Eyes”
“These are the Fresh Videos from week 20!”
I still see many peeps on twitter hating on the song and video and leaving the fandom. I’m looking at it as the AMA’s of 2019 where people were outraged and said “not for me”. I remember being shocked and embarrassed. But I got over it. Hopefully the next single will bring them back.
I never thought Ghosttown was the right first single. There were at least 3 others on the album that should have been released first. But he fought for it. Whatever. Maybe he did back then too but he had a different label to answer to.At this point he doesn’t care about sales, etc. so none of this matters.
(whispers…I’d bet he still cares…would love to get a song on the radio. Why would he promote it if he didn’t care?)
“Nine Songs: @adamlambert
Through self-discovery and heartache, darkness and success, the theme that connects these songs is simple: “These are the songs that made me who I am.”
Bowie’s advice to artists.
Dr Judy A (@DrJudyA)
5/17/19, 9:18 PM
Single Review: Adam Lambert – New Eyes
Paris Carney
Omg I haven’t been active on Twitter in so long but what the heck my name is in this @RollingStone
article!!!! I am so honored to have been a part in writing this song!!!!!!!
Thank you so much @_coma_berenices
Luval, You and many others may not have thought GT was the best 1st single (it took quite a while for me to like it too), but its his most watched video, by a long way, it brought his music to a much younger crowd…late teens/early 20’s loved it, my soon to be 25 yo son still sometimes plays it..it went platinum in several countries…Maybe this one will work some magic on the younger set too
Are these new photos???? if so where’s all the hair gone!!
This morning, 1,015,576 views for New Eyes, 3 full days in. Have not seen a bad review, thousands of glowing comments, more recognition from other artists than ever, this is not REMOTELY like AMAs. There really is nothing scandalous in this video, come on. Magic potions, objects, the bow on Adam’s brooch and his SOCKS are glowing green too. Old man takes a magic pill? Magic lipstick? Dream sequence?
I haven’t seen any “many” leaving, but I unfollowed the whiners ages ago, but I have seen hundreds of unfamiliar new names loving this. And HK fan is right, over 100 million views of GT and it did get radio worldwide, as did WWFM and some others. My grandkids still love it too.
It’s going to be pretty funny if this song or another also takes off in the states after the “many” have left.
I think that would please Adam but don’t think it’s his life goal anymore – he’s always saying how shitty the biz is, radio and big labels in cahoots with each other being the most shitty.
Think those fotos were taken back when they did that fotoshoot on Adam’s birthday….hope so.
Lambert_Numbers @ALambertNumbers
Exciting to see @adamlambert ‘s #NewEyes video hit 1,000,000 views! Slinky and sensual, take a look?
Cali2KC @Cali2KC
So awesome! And his tv appearances haven’t happened yet
GLAAD @glaad
Replying to @bravaavani47
Enjoy your weekend off!! We’re also bopping to Adam Lambert.
Another take –
more I see things on my tl and more I assume the real reason these ppl are leaving is that they never agreed with J in the first place, now that he literally made a song about him it’s impossible for them to ignore so they just use other excuses.
Help ! James and Kerry are making a sponsored parachute jump to raise money to feed disadvantaged children in the UK. How shocking that this situation exists in our country. Children are going to school with no food in their tummies. And it’s now known that such children are highly likely to fail in the school system. Help this great venture by sponsoring them with as many pennies as you can spare ! For details visit @kerryellis79 or @towns88 — Bri
I don’t see how someone can be a devoted fan of Adam’s for 10 years and leave the fandom because they don’t like or object to a video which, by the way, they misinterpreted. I’ve followed Adam all these years because I appreciate him as a truly good person and an extraordinary talent. (He’s not bad to look at either.) Sure, I don’t like all his music or everything he does, but so what. For every song I don’t like there are many others that I love. As for the reaction to New Eyes, it seems that for every pearl clutcher or whiner who leaves the fandom, many new fans are coming on board. And that’s great news for Adam.
Yes! +173,512 streams today! ? #NowPlaying #NewEyes ?️ by @adamlambert Now 298,902 streams on @Spotify! ? (18 May 2019) Thank you #NewMusicFriday playlists! ??
But in my mind it was.

Viviana Nagel
U know I really love seeing Adam happy & glowing with joy & love, Even if i’m not at the moment.
…& i wish him the best, and all the success with “Velvet”
…love Him to pieces, nevermind if i support “new eyes” or not .
Hey, bb, don’t be upset. You don’t have to love everything he does. Remember there will always be somthing for you. Different songs on the album. Queen + Adam. All his new solo work. Things change all the time. Just relax and wait fot that one thing that will make you happy again
Adam Lambert IG story – Best of The Week – Apple Music
(link: https://scontent-sjc3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/9aaa60d8054587098fac6414b6c1e10c/5CE2C1A1/t50.12441-16/60873043_2516036148421074_4964021493855936810_n.mp4?efg=eyJ2ZW5jb2RlX3RhZyI6InZ0c192b2RfdXJsZ2VuLjQ4MC5zdG9yeSJ9&_nc_ht=scontent-sjc3-1.cdninstagram.com&vtsbc=1) scontent-sjc3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/9aaa60d8054…
This is crazy, amazing and so special. Less than 2 hours ago @adamlambert
reached more than 1 million views on @Youtube
to #NewEyes, and now the video just reached 1.110.588 views!!!
#Velvet !!! THIS IS AMAZING!!!
AMAs: 1500 complaints to regulators, banned from ABC, morning show and NYE appearances cancelled, etc.
New Eyes: Played on all streaming services, YouTube, Idol, ABC-GMA, Ellen appearances scheduled, great reviews and comments.
Adam doesn’t even have any sexually suggestive scenes in the video.
But all through his tours and sometimes with QAL he’s done plenty of VERY suggestive stuff on stage and fans have been happy, also has played with weed-related themes.
Maybe reading a lot of negative stuff can sway one’s ideas, but if this is coming from dislike of Javi, or those diehard Sauli folks who STILL accuse Adam of betraying/abandoning Sauli 6 years ago, WOW.
I haven’t seen any articles accusing Adam of promoting drug use in this video. We know he has never advocated for ANY hard drug. So, I just don’t get it.
I do see that these same whiners have been at it for years, want FYE Adam, Trespassing Adam, no Queen Adam, Sauli Adam, black hair, the list goes on and on. IMHO they are no longer fans, just love to complain. A FAN is a person who likes. Once you don’t like, “not a fan.”
“Adam Lambert “Feel Something” (Live Session) Reaction”
Haha there are also still some TJR people out there who feel he betrayed Tommy.
Got my Spotify Email today
with Velvet Adam
I guess it’s time for me to take a break.
From Adam’s Instagram stories:
Could be a sneak peek at Part 2. Glowing brooch and socks.
Sorry, luval – no breaks for you! lol –
The video with the helium is that new? Did he cut his hair. It’s really black. I can’t keep up. I’ll guess we will see tomorrow night.
Love that Nine Songs article!
I’m loving the song, but was kind of confused by the video – at first! Then, when it was announced that this was the 1st of 4 (I think that’s right?) it made more sense to wait and see how this story line resolves itself. Like others, I’m really looking forward to hear the song sung live tomorrow night.
So good to see all the lurkers, and semi-lurkers (like me) show up to give opinions on Era 4. Many, many thanks to Luval, Ulti, and Al for all their work.
I’m excited for American Idol finale tomorrow. Adam sings BR duet and live New Eyes. I’m a GOT fan but I’ll watch it later.
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert
Over 1 million views (in 3 days) of the #NewEyes music video! Thanks for checking it out!!!!
Seriously ?
A piece of #Velvet just dropped. Listen to @adamlambert’s new track #NewEyes now ? https://spoti.fi/2WLR57A
?? TOMORROW!! MAY 19 ??
TIMES: 5-8pm PDT, 8-11pm EDT
From MJs –